The Real American Political Leaning

Lets just divide the nation and let the libs go live their socialist dream, the fools will come begging us for money and food in short order.

Only 2% of Americans still live on farms and raise their own cattle, grow their own food, Blues. I am one of the 2% out there but more and more big corporations are in control of food production. At best there is a 2 - 3 day food supply at your local Walmart / grocery stores for the population in that area. If something catastrophic were to happen it would effect most everyone across the board. Not just the liberals.
Lets just divide the nation and let the libs go live their socialist dream, the fools will come begging us for money and food in short order.

Only 2% of Americans still live on farms and raise their own cattle, grow their own food, Blues. I am one of the 2% out there but more and more big corporations are in control of food production. At best there is a 2 - 3 day food supply at your local Walmart / grocery stores for the population in that area. If something catastrophic were to happen it would effect most everyone across the board. Not just the liberals.
and a catastrophe becomes more and more of a threat thanks to the traitor-in-chief.....
Lets just divide the nation and let the libs go live their socialist dream, the fools will come begging us for money and food in short order.

Really? Even though it's a proven fact the economy runs better under the Democrats than it does the Republicans?

Not since Clinton.
Clinton started the H1-Bs craze that blossomed under GW.
Obama has not improved the situation; he just says once in a while that he cares.
I live In Mass. We have a republican governor . 5 of our last 6 have been republicans. How can this be ?!? We are a liberal Capitol !!!!?

It's simple . Shits all relative . Our GOP governor would be considered a loony liberal in a super red state .
I live In Mass. We have a republican governor . 5 of our last 6 have been republicans. How can this be ?!? We are a liberal Capitol !!!!?

It's simple . Shits all relative . Our GOP governor would be considered a loony liberal in a super red state .
There are few super red states. Stop posting like a du/huffpost weirdo
I like Charlie, now Governor Baker. I would have campaigned for him I have friends that did and are in his administration. They are Democrats.

I was active in politics in MA. You are an embarrassment to those still active there. Massachusetts is a liberal state. Massachusetts Democrats are not all liberals. Liberal and moderate Republicans have historically been elected at the state level.

Nothing is relative about the latest gerrymandering

Take a good look at the above map What does it tell you?

While Yglesias notes that the presidency is “extremely important,” he says: “But there are also thousands of critically important offices all the way down the ballot. And the vast majority — 70 percent of state legislatures, more than 60 percent of governors, 55 percent of attorneys general and secretaries of state — are in Republicans hands. And, of course, Republicans control both chambers of Congress.”

My home state, Nevada, is now in the red zone in spite of (or perhaps due to) Dingy Harry. We have the Left Coast and a few holdouts in the northeast. Otherwise, the PEOPLE have chosen the GOP to run things. Perhaps the inaction of Congress is what they want while their state and local legislatures/councils crank out conservative measures.

Read more @ These 2 Images Should Terrify Every Democrat And Give Hope To Every Republican
It tells me that Republicans like to live in states where there isn't anybody else living with them
The thing is yesterday's liberals become tomorrow's conservatives. Conservatives 50 years from now will not hate gay people, oppose all birth control, hate brown people (they probably will have a few new minorities to hate though), etc. Just like today's conservatives don't believe in a lot of the crap conservatives from 50 years ago believed and are more in line with what liberals from 50 years ago believed.

Progress always wins.

Gawd damn you are stupid. Just silly amounts of full fucking stupid.

The most racist fucking people on earth are Democrats, the harder left you lean the more you care about skin color and gender.

People become fiscally conservative because they learn through the economic lessons of life that high taxes and endless social programs always fall light years short of what they were sold to be. Hell, look at Obamacare, it's been falling apart since the day it was made and lets be blunt, it's not even fully implemented yet lol. For the hard lefties out there that's ok, because it was all about an even bigger Government take over of HC, thus making it's epic failures on Obamacare's take over of HC magically *good*... Yes *GOOD*.

People don't become "conservative" over a life time because they found Jesus, it's because they learn fiscal responsibility or some degree of that. The less actual education in life that you have, the less actual experience you have in life the higher the likelihood you are for social programs meant to take care of you.
If I were a well-funded special interest, I would not want power diffused throughout the 50 states. Oh hell no!

I would want power concentrated at the federal level as much as possible, so it would be easier for me to capture it. I would only have to capture one federal agency instead of 50 state agencies. I would only have to capture one legislature instead of fifty. A few free dinners here, a few golf excursions there. Some hookers and blow. A bunch of campaign donations later, and I'd totally own the federal government. I'd be writing regulations which make it harder for competition to break into my industry, while deregulating shit that makes it easier for me.

So go ahead, liberals. Keep moving that power on up to the top. And then stand back and whine how much special interest cash is flowing into the coffers of those who have the power.


Take a good look at the above map What does it tell you?

While Yglesias notes that the presidency is “extremely important,” he says: “But there are also thousands of critically important offices all the way down the ballot. And the vast majority — 70 percent of state legislatures, more than 60 percent of governors, 55 percent of attorneys general and secretaries of state — are in Republicans hands. And, of course, Republicans control both chambers of Congress.”

My home state, Nevada, is now in the red zone in spite of (or perhaps due to) Dingy Harry. We have the Left Coast and a few holdouts in the northeast. Otherwise, the PEOPLE have chosen the GOP to run things. Perhaps the inaction of Congress is what they want while their state and local legislatures/councils crank out conservative measures.

Read more @ These 2 Images Should Terrify Every Democrat And Give Hope To Every Republican
It tells me that Republicans like to live in states where there isn't anybody else living with them

Yes... Because all the blue states have 38 million people like California... 2 states make up almost 60 million of your 120....


Fucking progressives...
The thing is yesterday's liberals become tomorrow's conservatives. Conservatives 50 years from now will not hate gay people, oppose all birth control, hate brown people (they probably will have a few new minorities to hate though), etc. Just like today's conservatives don't believe in a lot of the crap conservatives from 50 years ago believed and are more in line with what liberals from 50 years ago believed.

Progress always wins.

Gawd damn you are stupid. Just silly amounts of full fucking stupid.

The most racist fucking people on earth are Democrats, the harder left you lean the more you care about skin color and gender.

People become fiscally conservative because they learn through the economic lessons of life that high taxes and endless social programs always fall light years short of what they were sold to be. Hell, look at Obamacare, it's been falling apart since the day it was made and lets be blunt, it's not even fully implemented yet lol. For the hard lefties out there that's ok, because it was all about an even bigger Government take over of HC, thus making it's epic failures on Obamacare's take over of HC magically *good*... Yes *GOOD*.

People don't become "conservative" over a life time because they found Jesus, it's because they learn fiscal responsibility or some degree of that. The less actual education in life that you have, the less actual experience you have in life the higher the likelihood you are for social programs meant to take care of you.
I was referring far moreso to social conservatives than fiscal ones.
Lets just divide the nation and let the libs go live their socialist dream, the fools will come begging us for money and food in short order.

Really? Even though it's a proven fact the economy runs better under the Democrats than it does the Republicans?


Its not a proven fact that's your meds talking. Tune in next week when libs claim something else that's not true.


Ya democrats always ride the republican wave and then take credit for it.
The thing is yesterday's liberals become tomorrow's conservatives. Conservatives 50 years from now will not hate gay people, oppose all birth control, hate brown people (they probably will have a few new minorities to hate though), etc. Just like today's conservatives don't believe in a lot of the crap conservatives from 50 years ago believed and are more in line with what liberals from 50 years ago believed.

Progress always wins.

True. Conservatives no longer believe creeping socialism or "compromise" is acceptable.

Big improvement.
Okay. Using Google, I added up all the blue parts of the map in the OP. Total population: 128.5465 million.

The split states have a total population of 17.173 million.

This leaves 173.18 million for the red states.

The blue states have 201 electoral votes, out of 538.
That is why we need to bring back the 10th amendment to real enforcement, and live in the state you want to live in...

Plenty of states to choose from.

The way to put teeth back in that amendment is to repeal the 17th Amendment.
I live In Mass. We have a republican governor . 5 of our last 6 have been republicans. How can this be ?!? We are a liberal Capitol !!!!?

It's simple . Shits all relative . Our GOP governor would be considered a loony liberal in a super red state .
There are few super red states. Stop posting like a du/huffpost weirdo
I like Charlie, now Governor Baker. I would have campaigned for him I have friends that did and are in his administration. They are Democrats.

I was active in politics in MA. You are an embarrassment to those still active there. Massachusetts is a liberal state. Massachusetts Democrats are not all liberals. Liberal and moderate Republicans have historically been elected at the state level.

Nothing is relative about the latest gerrymandering

What gerrymandering ? The new lines actually make sense for once .

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