The Real Benghazi Scandal

Right, using lawyerly fudge words to lie about a lie. Of course there was an "attack" dumbass. But the message those two criminals were sending was that it was because of a video.
That is what they were initially told. That was dropped soon after.

She sent emails to her family and two Middle East leaders claiming that she knew it was a terror attack before she went in front of the cameras. Give it up. They knew and yet they perpetuated this fraud upon the American public.
Link it, or it didn't happen?

And I can think of a lot of good reasons for not calling it a terrorist attack right away, among them so you had more time to find the killers before they hit the road. There is no requirement for them to tell the public all that they know as soon as they know it. That is not in the job description.

What are you blaberring now? Cat is out of the bag. They showed three emails in the hearings, one to her family, one to the Egyptian leader, and another to the Libyan tell everyone that "we know this was an Al Queda terror attack", the. She went in front of the cameras and lied to the people, and yet again to the parents of the victims "we're gonna get the guy who made that video".

She should be in jail. The republicans should hold off exposing her unto she's the nominee, and then pummel her with videos showing her lies.
This information and exchange is going to take Hillary down and possibly get her indicted:

To me the real Ben Ghazi scandal is how Obama and Hillary gave a press conference and lied to the American people about the video. Then they sent Susan Rice and other foot soldiers to continue to lie for weeks, including to the relatives of the victims. How is it that they aren't behind bars for perpetuating this fraud?

Who is this "Ben Ghazi" person you keep mentioning?

The real scandal is that you don't even know that the subject is Benghazi. Wonder if you could find it on a map?
Ha ha ha. You know iPads and iPhones have their own minds, they keep making their own spelling corrections.
the White House was initially told the cause of the attack was a riot,

Remember how many times the Bush team reported false information about WMDs, or Hussein's connection to Bin Laden, only to be walked back after it was revealed that the initial story was false. And remember the details they reported about Pat Tillman, also false. The people now complaining about Clinton/Obama didn't make a peep when this kind of stuff happened under Bush. This is so clearly a partisan attack. Also, why should we trust any government account of the incident, including the first story and all subsequent revisions. Republicans only need to look at their own party to realize that government almost always describes things strategically rather than truthfully.
the White House was initially told the cause of the attack was a riot,

Remember how many times the Bush team reported false information about WMDs, or Hussein's connection to Bin Laden, only to be walked back after it was revealed that the initial story was false. And remember the details they reported about Pat Tillman, also false. The people now complaining about Clinton/Obama didn't make a peep when this kind of stuff happened under Bush. This is so clearly a partisan attack. Also, why should we trust any government account of the incident, including the first story and all subsequent revisions. Republicans only need to look at their own party to realize that government almost always describes things strategically rather than truthfully.

yeah must be nice to be a politician where you get to lie and commit murder all the time and several other crimes and not be accountable for them.:thup:
the White House was initially told the cause of the attack was a riot,

Remember how many times the Bush team reported false information about WMDs, or Hussein's connection to Bin Laden, only to be walked back after it was revealed that the initial story was false. And remember the details they reported about Pat Tillman, also false. The people now complaining about Clinton/Obama didn't make a peep when this kind of stuff happened under Bush. This is so clearly a partisan attack. Also, why should we trust any government account of the incident, including the first story and all subsequent revisions. Republicans only need to look at their own party to realize that government almost always describes things strategically rather than truthfully.

When all else fails, bring up Iraq. So tell us, how did Obama and Hillary's "humanitarian" war efforts in Libya work out?
The real truth about the scandal no one talks about: The failed Obama-Clinton Libyan disaster.

The Real Benghazi Scandal Is Clinton and Obama's Failed Libya Intervention
Didn't know the Muslim world was ours to fix? Interesting...

Perhaps you need ask Obama and Hillary.
They are trying to keep the peace, not invade the place. And we have no business being there.

In all fairness to Obama, he was not the one who wanted to create a crisis there. He was against interfering in Libya. That was all Hillary's regime change and gun running operation. That also might explain why Obama was hard to find during the embassy massacre.
To me the real Ben Ghazi scandal is how Obama and Hillary gave a press conference and lied to the American people about the video. Then they sent Susan Rice and other foot soldiers to continue to lie for weeks, including to the relatives of the victims. How is it that they aren't behind bars for perpetuating this fraud?
1. Didn't happen.
2. Didn't happen.
3. See 1.

Of course it did. Americans know what they saw and heard.
No, you "know" what you believe happened, which didn't. While the White House was initially told the cause of the attack was a riot, it was very quickly changed to a terrorist attack. That took only until the smoke cleared and they found out Stevens and his small team were dead.

September 12, 2012 - In an address from the Rose Garden, President Barack Obama says "The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. ... no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation." Later that day he says, "No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America."
Benghazi Mission Attack Fast Facts -

Just who exactly told either Obama or Hillary that there was a riot?

Right, using lawyerly fudge words to lie about a lie. Of course there was an "attack" dumbass. But the message those two criminals were sending was that it was because of a video.
That is what they were initially told. That was dropped soon after.

She sent emails to her family and two Middle East leaders claiming that she knew it was a terror attack before she went in front of the cameras. Give it up. They knew and yet they perpetuated this fraud upon the American public.
Link it, or it didn't happen?

And I can think of a lot of good reasons for not calling it a terrorist attack right away, among them so you had more time to find the killers before they hit the road. There is no requirement for them to tell the public all that they know as soon as they know it. That is not in the job description.

There is certainly nothing in their job descriptions about lying to the American people either. You have seen the links you keep asking folks for in countless posts on this same topic. At least be a little honest for a change.
To me the real Ben Ghazi scandal is how Obama and Hillary gave a press conference and lied to the American people about the video. Then they sent Susan Rice and other foot soldiers to continue to lie for weeks, including to the relatives of the victims. How is it that they aren't behind bars for perpetuating this fraud?
1. Didn't happen.
2. Didn't happen.
3. See 1.

Of course it did. Americans know what they saw and heard.
No, you "know" what you believe happened, which didn't. While the White House was initially told the cause of the attack was a riot, it was very quickly changed to a terrorist attack. That took only until the smoke cleared and they found out Stevens and his small team were dead.

September 12, 2012 - In an address from the Rose Garden, President Barack Obama says "The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. ... no acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation." Later that day he says, "No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America."
Benghazi Mission Attack Fast Facts -

Right, using lawyerly fudge words to lie about a lie. Of course there was an "attack" dumbass. But the message those two criminals were sending was that it was because of a video.
That is what they were initially told. That was dropped soon after.

Four days after is soon after? LOL!!
Let's not forget that the mainstream Republican/conservative line back in 2011/2012 was that we were not entangled ENOUGH in Libya.

Remember all that 'leading from behind' baloney from the Republicans? They wanted us in Libya even more than we were.

They wanted a Beirut Marine barracks event in Libya.
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When all else fails, bring up Iraq. So tell us, how did Obama and Hillary's "humanitarian" war efforts in Libya work out?

Please pay attention. This has nothing to do with Iraq, which was a failed intervention conducted under a cloud of dubious information. Both Republicans and Democrats, going back through the years, are fallible in this area.

What we're talking about is your failure to hold your party accountable, and how that failure helps prove that this is a witch hunt. If you cared about the American lives lost because of Clinton's incompetence, negligence or lies, than you would have shown some concern over the issues that happened with Iraq/Bush/Chaney. Even your leading presidential nominee has mentioned Bush's failures - yet people like you did not call for any investigation. So it's very clear that your desire to investigate Clinton doesn't stem from any lofty concern over American lives, but, instead, it has to do with a desire to injure Clinton.

I know you believe Clinton is lying - and you might be right (we agree here more than you think), but we need you to stand up for innocent American lives when your party controls the White House, otherwise it's hard for us to take you seriously, especially if you have never spoken out against a sitting Republican president in a time of war (which Republicans never do because they are far more obedient to their sitting presidents. Whereas the Left has a history of standing up to their leaders, like when the student Left marched on Washington and screamed "Hey, Hey LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?" This kind of protest would never happen in your party. You only protest when a Democrat is in office - so we can't take you seriously.)

Right, using lawyerly fudge words to lie about a lie. Of course there was an "attack" dumbass. But the message those two criminals were sending was that it was because of a video.
That is what they were initially told. That was dropped soon after.

She sent emails to her family and two Middle East leaders claiming that she knew it was a terror attack before she went in front of the cameras. Give it up. They knew and yet they perpetuated this fraud upon the American public.
Link it, or it didn't happen?

And I can think of a lot of good reasons for not calling it a terrorist attack right away, among them so you had more time to find the killers before they hit the road. There is no requirement for them to tell the public all that they know as soon as they know it. That is not in the job description.

There is certainly nothing in their job descriptions about lying to the American people either. You have seen the links you keep asking folks for in countless posts on this same topic. At least be a little honest for a change.

Let's do a for sake of argument:

Let's for sake of argument say the the Obama administration initially lied about the causes, or the nature of, FOUR Americans being killed in the Libyan attack,


Let's compare that to the Bush administration lying us into 4500 Americans getting killed in Iraq...lying BEFORE THE FACT.

Now let's decide which was the worse 'crime'.
Right, using lawyerly fudge words to lie about a lie. Of course there was an "attack" dumbass. But the message those two criminals were sending was that it was because of a video.
That is what they were initially told. That was dropped soon after.

She sent emails to her family and two Middle East leaders claiming that she knew it was a terror attack before she went in front of the cameras. Give it up. They knew and yet they perpetuated this fraud upon the American public.
Link it, or it didn't happen?

And I can think of a lot of good reasons for not calling it a terrorist attack right away, among them so you had more time to find the killers before they hit the road. There is no requirement for them to tell the public all that they know as soon as they know it. That is not in the job description.

There is certainly nothing in their job descriptions about lying to the American people either. You have seen the links you keep asking folks for in countless posts on this same topic. At least be a little honest for a change.

Let's do a for sake of argument:

Let's for sake of argument say the the Obama administration initially lied about the causes, or the nature of, FOUR Americans being killed in the Libyan attack,


Let's compare that to the Bush administration lying us into 4500 Americans getting killed in Iraq...lying BEFORE THE FACT.

Now let's decide which was the worse 'crime'.
Same old, same old.......lies.
Right, using lawyerly fudge words to lie about a lie. Of course there was an "attack" dumbass. But the message those two criminals were sending was that it was because of a video.
That is what they were initially told. That was dropped soon after.

She sent emails to her family and two Middle East leaders claiming that she knew it was a terror attack before she went in front of the cameras. Give it up. They knew and yet they perpetuated this fraud upon the American public.
Link it, or it didn't happen?

And I can think of a lot of good reasons for not calling it a terrorist attack right away, among them so you had more time to find the killers before they hit the road. There is no requirement for them to tell the public all that they know as soon as they know it. That is not in the job description.

There is certainly nothing in their job descriptions about lying to the American people either. You have seen the links you keep asking folks for in countless posts on this same topic. At least be a little honest for a change.

Let's do a for sake of argument:

Let's for sake of argument say the the Obama administration initially lied about the causes, or the nature of, FOUR Americans being killed in the Libyan attack,


Let's compare that to the Bush administration lying us into 4500 Americans getting killed in Iraq...lying BEFORE THE FACT.

Now let's decide which was the worse 'crime'.

Bush lied about what? Are you still claiming he lied about wmd? Do Reports of WMD Found in Iraq Vindicate George W. Bush?

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