The Real Benghazi Scandal

The real truth about the scandal no one talks about: The failed Obama-Clinton Libyan disaster.

The Real Benghazi Scandal Is Clinton and Obama's Failed Libya Intervention

Benghazi was a cabinet level failure; for which Hillary Clinton has accepted responsibility.

Cabinets are so the President does not have to micromanage .

No outside support & no quick reaction force for the team at Benghazi.

Embassy standards as I have read , have changed as a result of Benghazi.

Hillary's solely at fault . Maybe the State Dept Security Manager

Shadow 355
Did Bush exaggerate the threat from Saddam? Probably. That's what you do when you go to demonize those you are about to engage. Obabble did that very effectively against the GOP. Remember Paul Ryan pushing grandma over the cliff? GFY.
That is what they were initially told. That was dropped soon after.

She sent emails to her family and two Middle East leaders claiming that she knew it was a terror attack before she went in front of the cameras. Give it up. They knew and yet they perpetuated this fraud upon the American public.
Link it, or it didn't happen?

And I can think of a lot of good reasons for not calling it a terrorist attack right away, among them so you had more time to find the killers before they hit the road. There is no requirement for them to tell the public all that they know as soon as they know it. That is not in the job description.

There is certainly nothing in their job descriptions about lying to the American people either. You have seen the links you keep asking folks for in countless posts on this same topic. At least be a little honest for a change.

Let's do a for sake of argument:

Let's for sake of argument say the the Obama administration initially lied about the causes, or the nature of, FOUR Americans being killed in the Libyan attack,


Let's compare that to the Bush administration lying us into 4500 Americans getting killed in Iraq...lying BEFORE THE FACT.

Now let's decide which was the worse 'crime'.
Same old, same old.......lies.

No lies. It is now inarguable that we were lied into the Iraq war, you denialists notwithstanding.
Did Bush exaggerate the threat from Saddam? Probably. That's what you do when you go to demonize those you are about to engage. Obabble did that very effectively against the GOP. Remember Paul Ryan pushing grandma over the cliff? GFY.


So now exaggeration is justifiable to take your country into an unnecessary war?


Of course, Bush didn't plan and execute any of those attacks, neither did he blame those attacks on a video he advertised all over the Middle East... which he used to schedule a protest that failed to materialize.

Bush got 4500 Americans needlessly killed in Iraq and that to you is of no consequence.
No lies. It is now inarguable that we were lied into the Iraq war...


What is inarguable is that Clinton undermined the means of US Intelligence services to get real time intelligence anywhere in the world, through their policy that precluded the means of those services to hire effective low-level resources.

It is inarguable that these policies made it impossible for the Intelligence services to know who was doing what where... which had always been the mainstay of US Intelligence.

Therefore, that leaves those depending on that information to take whatever information is available to them... and post 9-11... there was no reasonable means to provide the benefit of any doubt, to those with decades of history using Islamic terrorists as proxy warriors to attack the US, our interests and allies.
Bush got 4500 Americans needlessly killed in Iraq and that to you is of no consequence.


Islam and it's nature required the US to take Islam on where it lives, costing the lives of 4500 American Heros in an multi-front war that culled 250,000 Mass-murderin' Islamic cultists from the face of the Earth.

Where GW went wrong, was in not declaring martial law int he US and culling from the US, the Ideological Leftists that voted for, worked for and who otherwise promoted the interests of the Clinton Cult, who intentionally set US Policy that made the attack on 9-11-01 possible.

Had he done so, the US would not presently be another 10 trillion dollars further in debt... watching the Left's elected subversive, increasing the fortunes of Islam... returning nearly every nation in the Middle East to control by Islamists... who are presently at war with the US, even as it promotes the interests of Russia, governed by elements of the Soviet KGB.
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To me the real Ben Ghazi scandal is how Obama and Hillary gave a press conference and lied to the American people about the video. Then they sent Susan Rice and other foot soldiers to continue to lie for weeks, including to the relatives of the victims. How is it that they aren't behind bars for perpetuating this fraud?

To what ends?
Let's not forget that the mainstream Republican/conservative line back in 2011/2012 was that we were not entangled ENOUGH in Libya.

Remember all that 'leading from behind' baloney from the Republicans? They wanted us in Libya even more than we were.

They wanted a Beirut Marine barracks event in Libya.

Libyan bombing 'unconstitutional', Republicans warn Obama

How Obama Ignored Congress, and Misled America, on War in Libya

US domestic reactions to the 2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
To me the real Ben Ghazi scandal is how Obama and Hillary gave a press conference and lied to the American people about the video. Then they sent Susan Rice and other foot soldiers to continue to lie for weeks, including to the relatives of the victims. How is it that they aren't behind bars for perpetuating this fraud?

To what ends?
50 days left to the election and Obama's tag line being "Al Queda is in the run". It isn't on the run if they just succeeded in killing an American ambassador for the first time in 50 years, now is it?
She sent emails to her family and two Middle East leaders claiming that she knew it was a terror attack before she went in front of the cameras. Give it up. They knew and yet they perpetuated this fraud upon the American public.
Link it, or it didn't happen?

And I can think of a lot of good reasons for not calling it a terrorist attack right away, among them so you had more time to find the killers before they hit the road. There is no requirement for them to tell the public all that they know as soon as they know it. That is not in the job description.

There is certainly nothing in their job descriptions about lying to the American people either. You have seen the links you keep asking folks for in countless posts on this same topic. At least be a little honest for a change.

Let's do a for sake of argument:

Let's for sake of argument say the the Obama administration initially lied about the causes, or the nature of, FOUR Americans being killed in the Libyan attack,


Let's compare that to the Bush administration lying us into 4500 Americans getting killed in Iraq...lying BEFORE THE FACT.

Now let's decide which was the worse 'crime'.
Same old, same old.......lies.

No lies. It is now inarguable that we were lied into the Iraq war, you denialists notwithstanding.

And you of course you Obamabots don't think we were lied to about Libya, and why our ambassador was killed?
To me the real Ben Ghazi scandal is how Obama and Hillary gave a press conference and lied to the American people about the video. Then they sent Susan Rice and other foot soldiers to continue to lie for weeks, including to the relatives of the victims. How is it that they aren't behind bars for perpetuating this fraud?

To what ends?
50 days left to the election and Obama's tag line being "Al Queda is in the run". It isn't on the run if they just succeeded in killing an American ambassador for the first time in 50 years, now is it?
What part makes you believe that couldn't have been true? Stevens wasn't that hard to kill, obviously...
Link it, or it didn't happen?

And I can think of a lot of good reasons for not calling it a terrorist attack right away, among them so you had more time to find the killers before they hit the road. There is no requirement for them to tell the public all that they know as soon as they know it. That is not in the job description.

There is certainly nothing in their job descriptions about lying to the American people either. You have seen the links you keep asking folks for in countless posts on this same topic. At least be a little honest for a change.

Let's do a for sake of argument:

Let's for sake of argument say the the Obama administration initially lied about the causes, or the nature of, FOUR Americans being killed in the Libyan attack,


Let's compare that to the Bush administration lying us into 4500 Americans getting killed in Iraq...lying BEFORE THE FACT.

Now let's decide which was the worse 'crime'.
Same old, same old.......lies.

No lies. It is now inarguable that we were lied into the Iraq war, you denialists notwithstanding.

And you of course you Obamabots don't think we were lied to about Libya, and why our ambassador was killed?
He was killed for being a soft target in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The real scandal? Government is incompetent, people get killed, they lie about it, and once again there's no accountability. Nobody gets fired. Nobody accepts responsibility. The all point fingers at each other and pretend they are innocent. Then they move on to the next incident.
The real scandal? Government is incompetent, people get killed, they lie about it, and once again there's no accountability. Nobody gets fired. Nobody accepts responsibility. The all point fingers at each other and pretend they are innocent. Then they move on to the next incident.
Shit happens, as in this case. Who got fired over 9/11? Oh right, no one...
"The Real Benghazi Scandal Is Clinton and Obama's Failed Libya Intervention"

The real Benghazi scandal is how the ridiculous partisan right refuses to accept the facts and continues to throw more mud against the wall in the hope something sticks.
The real scandal? Government is incompetent, people get killed, they lie about it, and once again there's no accountability. Nobody gets fired. Nobody accepts responsibility. The all point fingers at each other and pretend they are innocent. Then they move on to the next incident.
Shit happens, as in this case. Who got fired over 9/11? Oh right, no one...

In the real world if you fuck up that big you get fired, at a minimum.

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