The Real ‘Bombshells’ Are About to Hit Their Targets

The Real ‘Bombshells’ Are About to Hit Their Targets

for awhile now there has been a contention that the FBI abused FISA to get the warrants illegally. of course the left laughed and countered with a "nu unh!" and continued to insist trump was guilty and there was strong evidence to warrant the "looksie".

maybe; but it didn't unfold that way. instead there was 0 to follow up on and no more indictments are coming. at least today. on this. maybe. hard to tell cause we tend to appease the crying these days in some fashion. so if we had evidence of trumps wrongdoing fine - we followed up on that and while the core debate still rages among those who won't take "answer" for an answer if it's not what they wanted to hear, we're still at this.

but the activity is shifting to those who got the warrants now and we're looking into that. *if* there were abuses then they need to be spelled out clearly (or as clearly as we can anymore) and show which laws were violated and then follow through to the punishment phase *if* violations occurred.

never seems to be enough popcorn out there.

No popcorn needed...nothing will come of it just like nothing ever comes from this stuff.

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maybe not. in the end it's more likely more waste of time and continued divide.

but that's who we are these days. may as well finish it off.

It seems to me you cannot bring down a few individuals without bringing down the whole system...and I do not think either side is willing to do that.

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that would be the key, wouldn't it? those who may be "brought down" are going to fight like hell in the process. we all would i imagine. we need to stop the attacks on each other and yes that will mean NO ONE gets everything they ever wanted out of this.

So you would give the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, the FBI cabal, and the Obama administration a pass on their failed coup d' etat, and other seditious acts?

Where is the "failed coup d' etat"? You currently have a criminal President who is refusing to allow the American people to see the report which brands him a criminal and corrupt President, and an Attorney General who have pledge his loyalty to the criminal President. It's how he got the job.

The Constitution REQUIRES oversight of the President by Congress. The People's House is required to provide oversight and the people elected a Democratic Congress to do that BECAUSE the Republicans failed to do so. They allowed the President to separate families at the border and did NOTHING to stop it. The passed tax cuts for the rich, and nothing else.

Congress has passed 12 bills, including a Bill to protect the rights of American voters, and secure elections from foreign intrusion, the Violence Against Women Act, and bills to protect the rights of working Americans to fair pay, health care, and safe and secure drinking water, and basic infrastructure and utilities. 12 Bills in all, none of which Mitch McConnell will bring to the floor of the Senate, as he rams through judicial appointments, qualified or not, and unflinchingly supports a President who continues to obstruct justice, and refuse to cooperate with any sort of oversight of his Administration.

Trump is doing everything possible to force the Democrats to start impeachment proceedings, believing he can play the victim, and come out more popular than ever like Bill Clinton. The difference is that Bill Clinton was the victim of a 6 1/2 year investigation by Ken Starr which came up with a lie about a blow job. This is the very definition of a "witch hunt". Donald Trump is still pursuing Hillary Clinton over her emails. 35 years of Clinton Investigations and still nothing.

Donald Trump really did pursue relationships with Russian individuals who contacted him and the ONLY reason he isn't being charged is there's no paper trail that he did it. Furthermore, he really did, and continues to obstruct all of the investigations of his actions since he became President. He is refusing to submit to oversight, just like he fired everyone who refused to break the law when he order them to do so.

William Barr has just lied to Congress, and refused to release the unredacted Mueller Report. Mueller will do that for him. Donald Trump is NOT Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was an excellent President who was popular with the American people and who raised the minimum wage, tried to pass health care for all, and admitted his mistakes. Republicans have spent 35 years vilifying him and trying to destroy his legacy.

Donald Trump is a much hated misogynistic asshole, who has done nothing but lie to the American people since before he took office. He has cozied up to every dictator on the planet while spitting in the eye of your allies and trading partners. Since he took office, the deficit is the highest in history, revenues are the lowest in years, and your trade deficit has substantially increased, while job creation has slowed. The President who promised to build infrastructure and bring back jobs from overseas, has done neither.

Trump is making his dictator ploy and forcing a Constitutional crisis, so he can play "victim". He certainly can't run on his record.
maybe not. in the end it's more likely more waste of time and continued divide.

but that's who we are these days. may as well finish it off.

It seems to me you cannot bring down a few individuals without bringing down the whole system...and I do not think either side is willing to do that.

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that would be the key, wouldn't it? those who may be "brought down" are going to fight like hell in the process. we all would i imagine. we need to stop the attacks on each other and yes that will mean NO ONE gets everything they ever wanted out of this.

So you would give the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, the FBI cabal, and the Obama administration a pass on their failed coup d' etat, and other seditious acts?
i've already said many times (easy to miss i know) that we need to follow up on the FISA warrants and how the RUSSIA narrative got started. while we may have been divided before this, many actions, including these, have contributed to widening this divide to almost the point of no safe return.

but my fundamental question remains - as long as we have a "group" shouting FOUL KILLING OUR COUNTRY (and both sides scream this rather loudly), who's right?

How did the “Russia narrative” start? When they fucking interfered in our election. Glad I could clear that up for you.

Actually, you would be wrong.

Want to know when it started?

The election of 2008! The Left claimed John Mcain was a Russian puppet, and if you don't believe me, look it up. The only difference was--------->GW was the President, and Mcain got wind of what was going on.

All this is----------->is a recycled version of what they tried in 08, and since GW was not the President, nobody knew a thing until Admiral Rogers went to see President elect Trump. Even AFTER that, Comey LIED to the President, and told him that he was NOT under investigation, as we now know he was by the Peter Strozk and Lisa Paige texts.

Now then, here is where you LEFTIES have a HUGE problem----------------->By the lead investigators own texts, (Strozk) there was no there, there; and yet the Left had Sessions recuse himself, then went and got a special counsel by using the Comey leaks to his professor friend, who was instructed to give them to the media.

HELLO! All of that is ILLEGAL!

And where did the media get the leak of the dossier? Well, it appears Clapper or Brennan, and NOT Comey. Comey was just a useful idiot!


And who/whom was listening in on Paige when he was overseas? Was it MI6? Better not be, because that too is ILLEGAL!

Did Stephan Halper tip off the CIA? Better NOT HAVE because he is a CIA operative, and yes, it is ILLEGAL for the CIA to SPY on American citizens, or didn't you people know all of that-) Only the FBI can do this, but wait--------------------->when EXACTLY was that FISA warrant issued?

You see, LEGALLY...…… matter how it goes, the people in the Obama Administration are screwed; and I didn't even touch on the unmasking from the database, which 3 private contractors were given access to by the Obama Whitehouse. Was one of the Fusion GPS?

Nope, do get popcorn, AND an adult beverage. I concur that all of them are NOT going down, but enough of them will to prove the point of who/whom, actually signed off on doing this.

Shhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone because it is a huuuuuuuuge secret, but if you promise not to tell...… was President OBAMA! Even Mz Paige told Strozk in her texts------------>this is all being run from the WHITEHOUSE! So either Obama knew and signed off, or he is the dumbest, most uninformed President this country has ever seen.

Take your pick of which, cause we don't care-)
This is the only Russian Bombshell I am interested in.

It seems to me you cannot bring down a few individuals without bringing down the whole system...and I do not think either side is willing to do that.

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that would be the key, wouldn't it? those who may be "brought down" are going to fight like hell in the process. we all would i imagine. we need to stop the attacks on each other and yes that will mean NO ONE gets everything they ever wanted out of this.

So you would give the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, the FBI cabal, and the Obama administration a pass on their failed coup d' etat, and other seditious acts?
i've already said many times (easy to miss i know) that we need to follow up on the FISA warrants and how the RUSSIA narrative got started. while we may have been divided before this, many actions, including these, have contributed to widening this divide to almost the point of no safe return.

but my fundamental question remains - as long as we have a "group" shouting FOUL KILLING OUR COUNTRY (and both sides scream this rather loudly), who's right?

How did the “Russia narrative” start? When they fucking interfered in our election. Glad I could clear that up for you.

Actually, you would be wrong.

Want to know when it started?

The election of 2008! The Left claimed John Mcain was a Russian puppet, and if you don't believe me, look it up. The only difference was--------->GW was the President, and Mcain got wind of what was going on.

All this is----------->is a recycled version of what they tried in 08, and since GW was not the President, nobody knew a thing until Admiral Rogers went to see President elect Trump. Even AFTER that, Comey LIED to the President, and told him that he was NOT under investigation, as we now know he was by the Peter Strozk and Lisa Paige texts.

Now then, here is where you LEFTIES have a HUGE problem----------------->By the lead investigators own texts, (Strozk) there was no there, there; and yet the Left had Sessions recuse himself, then went and got a special counsel by using the Comey leaks to his professor friend, who was instructed to give them to the media.

HELLO! All of that is ILLEGAL!

And where did the media get the leak of the dossier? Well, it appears Clapper or Brennan, and NOT Comey. Comey was just a useful idiot!


And who/whom was listening in on Paige when he was overseas? Was it MI6? Better not be, because that too is ILLEGAL!

Did Stephan Halper tip off the CIA? Better NOT HAVE because he is a CIA operative, and yes, it is ILLEGAL for the CIA to SPY on American citizens, or didn't you people know all of that-) Only the FBI can do this, but wait--------------------->when EXACTLY was that FISA warrant issued?

You see, LEGALLY...…… matter how it goes, the people in the Obama Administration are screwed; and I didn't even touch on the unmasking from the database, which 3 private contractors were given access to by the Obama Whitehouse. Was one of the Fusion GPS?

Nope, do get popcorn, AND an adult beverage. I concur that all of them are NOT going down, but enough of them will to prove the point of who/whom, actually signed off on doing this.

Shhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone because it is a huuuuuuuuge secret, but if you promise not to tell...… was President OBAMA! Even Mz Paige told Strozk in her texts------------>this is all being run from the WHITEHOUSE! So either Obama knew and signed off, or he is the dumbest, most uninformed President this country has ever seen.

Take your pick of which, cause we don't care-)
It seems to me you cannot bring down a few individuals without bringing down the whole system...and I do not think either side is willing to do that.

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that would be the key, wouldn't it? those who may be "brought down" are going to fight like hell in the process. we all would i imagine. we need to stop the attacks on each other and yes that will mean NO ONE gets everything they ever wanted out of this.

So you would give the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, the FBI cabal, and the Obama administration a pass on their failed coup d' etat, and other seditious acts?
i've already said many times (easy to miss i know) that we need to follow up on the FISA warrants and how the RUSSIA narrative got started. while we may have been divided before this, many actions, including these, have contributed to widening this divide to almost the point of no safe return.

but my fundamental question remains - as long as we have a "group" shouting FOUL KILLING OUR COUNTRY (and both sides scream this rather loudly), who's right?

How did the “Russia narrative” start? When they fucking interfered in our election. Glad I could clear that up for you.

Actually, you would be wrong.

Want to know when it started?

The election of 2008! The Left claimed John Mcain was a Russian puppet, and if you don't believe me, look it up. The only difference was--------->GW was the President, and Mcain got wind of what was going on.

All this is----------->is a recycled version of what they tried in 08, and since GW was not the President, nobody knew a thing until Admiral Rogers went to see President elect Trump. Even AFTER that, Comey LIED to the President, and told him that he was NOT under investigation, as we now know he was by the Peter Strozk and Lisa Paige texts.

Now then, here is where you LEFTIES have a HUGE problem----------------->By the lead investigators own texts, (Strozk) there was no there, there; and yet the Left had Sessions recuse himself, then went and got a special counsel by using the Comey leaks to his professor friend, who was instructed to give them to the media.

HELLO! All of that is ILLEGAL!

And where did the media get the leak of the dossier? Well, it appears Clapper or Brennan, and NOT Comey. Comey was just a useful idiot!


And who/whom was listening in on Paige when he was overseas? Was it MI6? Better not be, because that too is ILLEGAL!

Did Stephan Halper tip off the CIA? Better NOT HAVE because he is a CIA operative, and yes, it is ILLEGAL for the CIA to SPY on American citizens, or didn't you people know all of that-) Only the FBI can do this, but wait--------------------->when EXACTLY was that FISA warrant issued?

You see, LEGALLY...…… matter how it goes, the people in the Obama Administration are screwed; and I didn't even touch on the unmasking from the database, which 3 private contractors were given access to by the Obama Whitehouse. Was one of the Fusion GPS?

Nope, do get popcorn, AND an adult beverage. I concur that all of them are NOT going down, but enough of them will to prove the point of who/whom, actually signed off on doing this.

Shhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone because it is a huuuuuuuuge secret, but if you promise not to tell...… was President OBAMA! Even Mz Paige told Strozk in her texts------------>this is all being run from the WHITEHOUSE! So either Obama knew and signed off, or he is the dumbest, most uninformed President this country has ever seen.

Take your pick of which, cause we don't care-)
He heard about Hillary Clinton's Secret Illegal Server in "The News," right after He Emailed her some Illegal Directive from his Illegal Alias to her Illegal Server.
It seems to me you cannot bring down a few individuals without bringing down the whole system...and I do not think either side is willing to do that.

Sent from my iPhone using
that would be the key, wouldn't it? those who may be "brought down" are going to fight like hell in the process. we all would i imagine. we need to stop the attacks on each other and yes that will mean NO ONE gets everything they ever wanted out of this.

So you would give the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, the FBI cabal, and the Obama administration a pass on their failed coup d' etat, and other seditious acts?
i've already said many times (easy to miss i know) that we need to follow up on the FISA warrants and how the RUSSIA narrative got started. while we may have been divided before this, many actions, including these, have contributed to widening this divide to almost the point of no safe return.

but my fundamental question remains - as long as we have a "group" shouting FOUL KILLING OUR COUNTRY (and both sides scream this rather loudly), who's right?

How did the “Russia narrative” start? When they fucking interfered in our election. Glad I could clear that up for you.

Actually, you would be wrong.

Want to know when it started?

The election of 2008! The Left claimed John Mcain was a Russian puppet, and if you don't believe me, look it up. The only difference was--------->GW was the President, and Mcain got wind of what was going on.

All this is----------->is a recycled version of what they tried in 08, and since GW was not the President, nobody knew a thing until Admiral Rogers went to see President elect Trump. Even AFTER that, Comey LIED to the President, and told him that he was NOT under investigation, as we now know he was by the Peter Strozk and Lisa Paige texts.

Now then, here is where you LEFTIES have a HUGE problem----------------->By the lead investigators own texts, (Strozk) there was no there, there; and yet the Left had Sessions recuse himself, then went and got a special counsel by using the Comey leaks to his professor friend, who was instructed to give them to the media.

HELLO! All of that is ILLEGAL!

And where did the media get the leak of the dossier? Well, it appears Clapper or Brennan, and NOT Comey. Comey was just a useful idiot!


And who/whom was listening in on Paige when he was overseas? Was it MI6? Better not be, because that too is ILLEGAL!

Did Stephan Halper tip off the CIA? Better NOT HAVE because he is a CIA operative, and yes, it is ILLEGAL for the CIA to SPY on American citizens, or didn't you people know all of that-) Only the FBI can do this, but wait--------------------->when EXACTLY was that FISA warrant issued?

You see, LEGALLY...…… matter how it goes, the people in the Obama Administration are screwed; and I didn't even touch on the unmasking from the database, which 3 private contractors were given access to by the Obama Whitehouse. Was one of the Fusion GPS?

Nope, do get popcorn, AND an adult beverage. I concur that all of them are NOT going down, but enough of them will to prove the point of who/whom, actually signed off on doing this.

Shhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone because it is a huuuuuuuuge secret, but if you promise not to tell...… was President OBAMA! Even Mz Paige told Strozk in her texts------------>this is all being run from the WHITEHOUSE! So either Obama knew and signed off, or he is the dumbest, most uninformed President this country has ever seen.

Take your pick of which, cause we don't care-)

And oh by the way, one more thing--------------------> enjoy your rantings while you can Leftists, because the whole narrative is going to quickly shift once one of your peeps is indicted, and I am suspecting it will be before June-)

And why such a hate on for Barr?

Because Washington knows...………..he is the person who is going to do it! Why do you think all the threads about him resigning, lol. Every Democrat in congress knows EXACTLY what is coming. I believe that some of you are either to dumb, or can't read between the lines well enough to realize it! The Left is grasping for ANYTHING they can. Soon, it will be to late!

You don't have to believe, you really don't. Very shortly, you will watch it play out before your own eyes in real time, and if you are not so blinded by partisanship, maybe a lightbulb will finally go off in your heads. Do you actually believe the FBI, CIA, DNI, and all the rest of the alphabet organizations want you to know how far they can stick their nose up your a**es by cheating the system?

Hate Trump all you want, but this is also about YOU! Strange Bedfellows I know, but if/when this all falls, it will show YOU how badly the system has been abused, and it already probably has been abused against YOU, if you comment on politics at all!
that would be the key, wouldn't it? those who may be "brought down" are going to fight like hell in the process. we all would i imagine. we need to stop the attacks on each other and yes that will mean NO ONE gets everything they ever wanted out of this.

So you would give the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats, the FBI cabal, and the Obama administration a pass on their failed coup d' etat, and other seditious acts?
i've already said many times (easy to miss i know) that we need to follow up on the FISA warrants and how the RUSSIA narrative got started. while we may have been divided before this, many actions, including these, have contributed to widening this divide to almost the point of no safe return.

but my fundamental question remains - as long as we have a "group" shouting FOUL KILLING OUR COUNTRY (and both sides scream this rather loudly), who's right?

How did the “Russia narrative” start? When they fucking interfered in our election. Glad I could clear that up for you.

Let's start a list. Who will be the first to be indicted? Will it be James Comey, Nellie Ohr, or Andrew McCabe?

Actually, you would be wrong.

Want to know when it started?

The election of 2008! The Left claimed John Mcain was a Russian puppet, and if you don't believe me, look it up. The only difference was--------->GW was the President, and Mcain got wind of what was going on.

All this is----------->is a recycled version of what they tried in 08, and since GW was not the President, nobody knew a thing until Admiral Rogers went to see President elect Trump. Even AFTER that, Comey LIED to the President, and told him that he was NOT under investigation, as we now know he was by the Peter Strozk and Lisa Paige texts.

Now then, here is where you LEFTIES have a HUGE problem----------------->By the lead investigators own texts, (Strozk) there was no there, there; and yet the Left had Sessions recuse himself, then went and got a special counsel by using the Comey leaks to his professor friend, who was instructed to give them to the media.

HELLO! All of that is ILLEGAL!

And where did the media get the leak of the dossier? Well, it appears Clapper or Brennan, and NOT Comey. Comey was just a useful idiot!


And who/whom was listening in on Paige when he was overseas? Was it MI6? Better not be, because that too is ILLEGAL!

Did Stephan Halper tip off the CIA? Better NOT HAVE because he is a CIA operative, and yes, it is ILLEGAL for the CIA to SPY on American citizens, or didn't you people know all of that-) Only the FBI can do this, but wait--------------------->when EXACTLY was that FISA warrant issued?

You see, LEGALLY...…… matter how it goes, the people in the Obama Administration are screwed; and I didn't even touch on the unmasking from the database, which 3 private contractors were given access to by the Obama Whitehouse. Was one of the Fusion GPS?

Nope, do get popcorn, AND an adult beverage. I concur that all of them are NOT going down, but enough of them will to prove the point of who/whom, actually signed off on doing this.

Shhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone because it is a huuuuuuuuge secret, but if you promise not to tell...… was President OBAMA! Even Mz Paige told Strozk in her texts------------>this is all being run from the WHITEHOUSE! So either Obama knew and signed off, or he is the dumbest, most uninformed President this country has ever seen.

Take your pick of which, cause we don't care-)

And oh by the way, one more thing--------------------> enjoy your rantings while you can Leftists, because the whole narrative is going to quickly shift once one of your peeps is indicted, and I am suspecting it will be before June-)

And why such a hate on for Barr?

Because Washington knows...………..he is the person who is going to do it! Why do you think all the threads about him resigning, lol. Every Democrat in congress knows EXACTLY what is coming. I believe that some of you are either to dumb, or can't read between the lines well enough to realize it! The Left is grasping for ANYTHING they can. Soon, it will be to late!

You don't have to believe, you really don't. Very shortly, you will watch it play out before your own eyes in real time, and if you are not so blinded by partisanship, maybe a lightbulb will finally go off in your heads. Do you actually believe the FBI, CIA, DNI, and all the rest of the alphabet organizations want you to know how far they can stick their nose up your a**es by cheating the system?

Hate Trump all you want, but this is also about YOU! Strange Bedfellows I know, but if/when this all falls, it will show YOU how badly the system has been abused, and it already probably has been abused against YOU, if you comment on politics at all!

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