The real danger that no trump tweets can address....

Obama had 8 years to deal with NK why didn't Obama and the dumb ass Dem's fix this? Trump has only been president a few months you double talking dishonest liberal scumbags.

You're "right"........Let Trump send more tweets out claiming that the mediais picking on his sorry, fat ass....THAT should teach Kim-jun-Un a lesson on who is "tough" on this planet......LOL

(BTW, Bush had a bit of time to fix the economy.....but it was Obama that you fuck heads blamed for the recession.....)
Actually I blamed the liberal policy that everyone deserved to own a home crap. I also blame Bush for not having the balls to stop it.
No retard......the missile didn't go 1,741 like your fake news article claims.

Because that high and it would have left the Earth's orbit.

Stick to reading Potter books.....
If North Korea uses a nuke on a civilian population they will cease to be a country inside a week and they know it. You know it's funny though. We've spent years in the middle east accomplishing nothing for the sake of good, yet one well aimed bomb could end NKs entire governmental power structure and free millions of people. There's no way Kim's inside group is more than a few dozen strong. He's a paranoid maniac.

Moronic........So the U.S. send a nuke to NK and the fallout ALSO kills thousands of Chinese, Russians, south Koreans and maybe even some Japanese......Now THAT is a brilliant strategy, don't you "think"?
Maybe Trump should ask Obama for his red crayon?
If North Korea uses a nuke on a civilian population they will cease to be a country inside a week and they know it. You know it's funny though. We've spent years in the middle east accomplishing nothing for the sake of good, yet one well aimed bomb could end NKs entire governmental power structure and free millions of people. There's no way Kim's inside group is more than a few dozen strong. He's a paranoid maniac.

Moronic........So the U.S. send a nuke to NK and the fallout ALSO kills thousands of Chinese, Russians, south Koreans and maybe even some Japanese......Now THAT is a brilliant strategy, don't you "think"?
Maybe Trump should ask Obama for his red crayon?

Putin took it from Obama
When the real NK problems began....

September 27, 1991: President George Bush announces the unilateral withdrawal of all naval and land-based tactical nuclear weapons deployed abroad. Approximately 100 U.S. nuclear weapons had been based in South Korea. Eight days later, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev reciprocates.

November 8, 1991: In response to President Bush’s unilateral move, President Roh Tae Woo of South Korea announces the Declaration on the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, under which South Korea promises not to produce, possess, store, deploy, or use nuclear weapons. In addition, the declaration unilaterally prohibits South Korea from possessing nuclear reprocessing or uranium enrichment facilities.
Obama had 8 years to deal with NK why didn't Obama and the dumb ass Dem's fix this? Trump has only been president a few months you double talking dishonest liberal scumbags.
Bush had a full eight years too you ignorant bastard! Neither Bush nor Obama nor Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, nor Truman found the solution to that lingering problem from the early days of the Cold War, you PUTZ! That fucking Orange Clown POS is the 7th Republican POTUS to be in position to tackle the problem, but that fucking dipstick is more interested in tweets and time off in his hotels playing with himself that even attempting to do anything rational, the bloody creature!

What was his first STUPID gambit out of the bag re: the Asian 'problems' after he took office? He tried to play Taiwan off against China rather than even attempting to influence China to tighten sanctions on North Korea! I'm sure that played really well with China!! Obama had his shot and it didn't work out so well, but it's that Idiot-in-Chief's turn to be the 13th POTUS in a row to fail with N. Korea, fool! Try refocusing, DUMMY!
obama went to Korea to worm his way into a meeting wtth NK! He knows,because he engineered it, that democrats woudl never permit a republican president, Trump in particular, to respond to ANY attack by an enemy country. Bomb Alaska, Bomb Hawaii. If it can be used to finally end the Trump presidency it will be worth it, and then, of course, there will be public acclaim to put obama back in the white house to "restore" sanity.
If it can be used to finally end the Trump presidency it will be worth it, and then, of course, there will be public acclaim to put obama back in the white house to "restore" sanity.

Obviously, you nap and diaper changes are way overdue
Trump inherited the NK problem from Obama, oh that's some payback right there. Sound familiar libs? Obama's first several years he blamed everything on Bush.

My sense of Obama was-------he was biding his time------looking forward
to his retirement. He really did not take on big projects------Obama care
is a bit silly--------reminds me of the time they decided to put CURBS on the
streets of my hometown. -------The asphalt had on the dirt roads had dried
------time to move on

The guy was just looking for a payday, look at his career it was a joke he hadn't accomplished anything in spite of a law degree from Harvard. Probably no real firm wanted to hire him because he's a douchebag.

Professor in Harvard
North Korea: Missile soared 1,741 miles high, marking successful test of ICBM

Anchorage is well within the trajectory of such a missile.....and NK hates the U.S. with a passion.

Trump's attempts to have China put a leash on NK have miserably failed, and were NK crazed enough to launch a nuke on US soil, our retaliation would be limited given the fallout of any of our weapons on Russia and china (and SK and Japan.)

We need better leadership than what the orange clown is offering with his cute daily tweets against the media..
Unfortunately, we’re stuck with the Orange Idiot for the foreseeable future.

Which brings up an important point: the people are solely responsible for the bad government they get; we may need better leadership, but we may not deserve better leadership, since the people have only themselves to blame for the disaster that is Trump.
Unfortunately, we’re stuck with the Orange Idiot for the foreseeable future.

Which brings up an important point: the people are solely responsible for the bad government they get; we may need better leadership, but we may not deserve better leadership, since the people have only themselves to blame for the disaster that is Trump.

You may be right.......Our own arrogance and false sense of "exceptionalism" has made us like a modern-day Icarus, and our wings melted when a buffoon took the oath of office.......We'll survive, but the cost will be steep.
Democrats will gladly trade a couple of states if it gets rid of Trump, if it gets rid of republicans and secures single party communist rule, so much the better. Democrats can accept 48 states. They will never accept a republican president.
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Even if Trump were impeached, found guilty in the Senate, and forced to resign from office, Pence isn’t any better – indeed, he’d be worse than Trump.

And with Trump gone this would still be a Republican administration, following the same failed, wrongheaded agenda, making the same bad decisions concerning foreign policy as any other Republican administration.
Moronic........So the U.S. send a nuke to NK and the fallout ALSO kills thousands of Chinese, Russians, south Koreans and maybe even some Japanese......Now THAT is a brilliant strategy, don't you "think"?

I didn't say a nuke; I said a bomb. You could probably drop a bomb on Kim's vacation home and free an oppressed people.
If NK is the real danger why do libs. resist doing anything effective about it. Nukes not really needed to reduce NK to rubble.
I didn't say a nuke; I said a bomb. You could probably drop a bomb on Kim's vacation home and free an oppressed people.

Sure, maybe Federal Express can deliver that bomb overnight.....

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