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Trump rips China on Twitter: 'They do NOTHING for us with North Korea'

Y'know, this is one of those times where I'm hoping/assuming that there's a lot of back-channel conversations going on with countries like China and South Korea over this.

Secret stuff. Stuff we don't know about, like in the movies, but stuff that will ultimately help us avert a catastrophe.

Having our Commander in Chief bitching about China on Twitter is not a good sign.
I heard on the news this a.m. that Japan was considering pre-emptive strikes. I thought they weren't allowed much of a military?
I was stationed there once.............and for them to gear up for War is virtually unbelievable...............

N. Korea has REALLY PISSED THEM OFF..........for them to do this.

I'd be pissed too, since two missiles, one an ICBM, has landed in their waters in the past what--6 weeks?

Make no mistake...........Japan is preparing for War.


I'd sure like to know what South Korea is doing. I can't imagine that the fat kid wouldn't be able to get some missiles through.

Yes it is very dangerous.
Trump is right, and I hope he keeps his focus based on his campaign promises, it's what the American people and all lovers of liberty anywhere on this planet want.

China, Mexico and Canada, in particular the Canadian security apparatus interference in American corporations, n that order of vital importance of who to deal with in regards to exploitation of America and the American worker.

Seems Trump is probably getting more granular details from his intelligence agencies and he is realizing the Commies; especially China, are using nations like North Korea and others to fight America by proxy, while they steal American industries and jobs. No more!

Get 'er done Trump. I am betting that if you play hard ball with those who have been taking advantage of America for so long that the Democrats would need a prayer answered or a drastic change in their global policies in order to have any shot at all in 2020...slim indeed. Just don't lose sight of what America needs.

Trump rips China on Twitter: 'They do NOTHING for us with North Korea'

President Trump lashed out at the Chinese government in a pair of tweets Saturday evening over Beijing's failure to slow down North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

"They do NOTHING for us with North Korea, just talk." Trump posted on the social network, before vowing, "We will no longer allow this to continue. China could easily solve this problem!"

There was no immediate response from the Chinese government.

Trump posted the message hours after North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un said his country had developed an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of striking the mainland U.S. North Korea's official propaganda outlet said the Hwasong-14 missile reached a maximum height of 2,314 miles and traveled 620 miles Friday night before accurately landing in waters off Japan.

The launch has led analysts to conclude that a wide swath of the United States, including Los Angeles and Chicago, is now in range of North Korean weapons. Observers had estimated that the North's first ICBM on July 4 could have reached Alaska.

So, China doesn't do what the US wants it to do. Boo the fucking hoo. Trump is like "hey there girl, you're looking pretty" "I'm not interested" "I have lots of money" "I'm still not interested" "I'm going to get my heavies to hold you down while I rape you"

Considering how much China is dependent on US for their massive trade surplus, they would be well advised to start thinking about what they can do to make US happier with them.
China can live without us, and without as much wealth, if they must. I think you are misled if you believe the trade thing is all that motivates nations, especially one like China which is still busy scraping communism off its shoe.

The Communist Party that runs China has abandoned it's ideological claim to legitimacy.

All it has now is naked power and good economic growth.

Their stability rests on keeping the money coming in.

China CANNOT live without US.
War is the natural state of human existence, when the majority allow criminals to rule us. All of human history proves it.
North Korea is reckless, but not suicidal: Opinionline

William J. Perry,Politico Magazine: “The danger is not, as some believe, that North Korea will make good on its bluster and actually launch a surprise nuclear attack. The North Korean leadership, while it is evil and sometimes reckless, is not crazy or suicidal. Their primary goal is to sustain the Kim dynasty and, against all odds, they have shrewdly succeeded in that for many decades. They know that if they launch a nuclear attack, the American response would bring death to them and devastation to their country. The primary danger instead is that North Korea might overplay its hand and provoke a military response from South Korea. This could quickly expand into a larger conventional war, inevitably involving the United States, which has almost 30,000 troops in South Korea.”
He's absolutely right. I am amazed at how many generals and "experts" are talking as if North Korea will actually carry out a suicidal nuclear strike against the U.S. as soon as it has the technology. NK's leader may be reckless, but they are not suicidal. Perry is right about all of it, including the danger that NK will overplay its hand and either SK or Japan will do what it feels it must do.
North Korea is reckless, but not suicidal: Opinionline

William J. Perry,Politico Magazine: “The danger is not, as some believe, that North Korea will make good on its bluster and actually launch a surprise nuclear attack. The North Korean leadership, while it is evil and sometimes reckless, is not crazy or suicidal. Their primary goal is to sustain the Kim dynasty and, against all odds, they have shrewdly succeeded in that for many decades. They know that if they launch a nuclear attack, the American response would bring death to them and devastation to their country. The primary danger instead is that North Korea might overplay its hand and provoke a military response from South Korea. This could quickly expand into a larger conventional war, inevitably involving the United States, which has almost 30,000 troops in South Korea.”
He's absolutely right. I am amazed at how many generals and "experts" are talking as if North Korea will actually carry out a suicidal nuclear strike against the U.S. as soon as it has the technology. NK's leader may be reckless, but they are not suicidal. Perry is right about all of it, including the danger that NK will overplay its hand and either SK or Japan will do what it feels it must do.
Ping Pong Jong is overplaying his hand now.
North Korea is reckless, but not suicidal: Opinionline

William J. Perry,Politico Magazine: “The danger is not, as some believe, that North Korea will make good on its bluster and actually launch a surprise nuclear attack. The North Korean leadership, while it is evil and sometimes reckless, is not crazy or suicidal. Their primary goal is to sustain the Kim dynasty and, against all odds, they have shrewdly succeeded in that for many decades. They know that if they launch a nuclear attack, the American response would bring death to them and devastation to their country. The primary danger instead is that North Korea might overplay its hand and provoke a military response from South Korea. This could quickly expand into a larger conventional war, inevitably involving the United States, which has almost 30,000 troops in South Korea.”
He's absolutely right. I am amazed at how many generals and "experts" are talking as if North Korea will actually carry out a suicidal nuclear strike against the U.S. as soon as it has the technology. NK's leader may be reckless, but they are not suicidal. Perry is right about all of it, including the danger that NK will overplay its hand and either SK or Japan will do what it feels it must do.
Ping Pong Jong is overplaying his hand now.
Yes, indeed he is. I heard on the news this a.m. that the President of South Korea has called for the US to put ready that anti missile defense system that he called us to stop a month or so ago. He's panicking.
North Korea is reckless, but not suicidal: Opinionline

William J. Perry,Politico Magazine: “The danger is not, as some believe, that North Korea will make good on its bluster and actually launch a surprise nuclear attack. The North Korean leadership, while it is evil and sometimes reckless, is not crazy or suicidal. Their primary goal is to sustain the Kim dynasty and, against all odds, they have shrewdly succeeded in that for many decades. They know that if they launch a nuclear attack, the American response would bring death to them and devastation to their country. The primary danger instead is that North Korea might overplay its hand and provoke a military response from South Korea. This could quickly expand into a larger conventional war, inevitably involving the United States, which has almost 30,000 troops in South Korea.”
He's absolutely right. I am amazed at how many generals and "experts" are talking as if North Korea will actually carry out a suicidal nuclear strike against the U.S. as soon as it has the technology. NK's leader may be reckless, but they are not suicidal. Perry is right about all of it, including the danger that NK will overplay its hand and either SK or Japan will do what it feels it must do.
Yeah, look out over history. As psychotic as some monsters have been, their top priority is always their ASS.
It's pretty sad that a little nobody country like North Korea with nothing going for it except a nutso dictatorship that has spent decades getting the Big Bomb is going to start a war that will likely blow us all back into the dark ages.
Some causes for alarm over the situation of Kim Jon Un's saber rattling. The NorK's have pulled out of the Korean War Armistice signed July 27, 1953.

On 30 March 2013, North Korea stated that it entered a "state of war" with South Korea and declared that "The long-standing situation of the Korean peninsula being neither at peace nor at war is finally over".[38] Speaking on 4 April 2013, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, informed the press that Pyongyang "formally informed" the Pentagon that it "ratified" the potential use of a nuclear weapon against South Korea, Japan and the United States of America, including Guam and Hawaii.

Korean War - Wikipedia

With that being said

On 20 August 1950, Premier Zhou Enlai informed the UN that "Korea is China's neighbor ... The Chinese people cannot but be concerned about a solution of the Korean question". Thus, through neutral-country diplomats, China warned that in safeguarding Chinese national security, they would intervene against the UN Command in Korea.[179] President Truman interpreted the communication as "a bald attempt to blackmail the UN", and dismissed it


...on 18 October 1950, Zhou met with Mao Zedong, Peng Dehuai, and Gao Gang, and the group ordered two hundred thousand Chinese troops to enter North Korea, which they did on 25 October.


China justified its entry into the war as a response to "American aggression in the guise of the UN".

Korean War - Wikipedia

Why doesn’t China rein in North Korea?

Yet even though China fears unilateral American action, it seems unlikely to make radical policy changes to forestall it. Two old reasons for backing the regime in the North have as much force as ever: China does not want the reunification of the Korean peninsula if it creates a single, larger American ally on its border. And millions of North Koreans might flee from the collapse of their country into China, exporting instability into China’s three north-eastern provinces, which are among the most economically depressed in the country. There are also three newer reasons. First, the North’s missiles are not, for the moment, pointed at China. But they could be if China turns on its protégé. Second, China does not perceive a North Korean ICBM as a profound threat in the way that the Americans do. Lastly, China is worried about South Korea’s plans to deploy an American anti-missile system, called Terminal High-Altitude Area Defence, or THAAD, which it claims is really aimed at its own missiles. So it continues to align itself with the North against the South. China, it seems, cares more about other countries’ reaction to North Korea’s belligerence than the belligerence itself.


With all of the above, even if China does come to the aid of North Korea, war with NK might be inevitable. If they launch even one small, low yield nuke at the U.S., or one of our allies, all bets are off. Hopefully the world would come to bare on them, if not, we WILL unilaterally deal with the problem, even though history shows that China may enter into the conflict. If an attack on us happens, at the minimum Un and the Communist Committee would have to be liquidated. At the maximum, we would turn North Korea into a radioactive glass parking lot. If we should chose conventional warfare, it would be a high casualty bloody mess.

There's a lot to fear here, but we can't allow a rogue, insane despot to begin to sling nuclear missiles around the planet willy nilly. They would be like a naughty child. If they get away with it once, they will continue to do it until they get their ass paddled. It would be better to put a stop to it by paddling their asses hard and taking their "toys" away the fist time. Leave them no doubt that if they continue their behavior, they would be "hospitalize" permanently (all the way up to, and including, dead).
Some causes for alarm over the situation of Kim Jon Un's saber rattling. The NorK's have pulled out of the Korean War Armistice signed July 27, 1953.

On 30 March 2013, North Korea stated that it entered a "state of war" with South Korea and declared that "The long-standing situation of the Korean peninsula being neither at peace nor at war is finally over".[38] Speaking on 4 April 2013, the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, informed the press that Pyongyang "formally informed" the Pentagon that it "ratified" the potential use of a nuclear weapon against South Korea, Japan and the United States of America, including Guam and Hawaii.

Korean War - Wikipedia

With that being said

On 20 August 1950, Premier Zhou Enlai informed the UN that "Korea is China's neighbor ... The Chinese people cannot but be concerned about a solution of the Korean question". Thus, through neutral-country diplomats, China warned that in safeguarding Chinese national security, they would intervene against the UN Command in Korea.[179] President Truman interpreted the communication as "a bald attempt to blackmail the UN", and dismissed it


...on 18 October 1950, Zhou met with Mao Zedong, Peng Dehuai, and Gao Gang, and the group ordered two hundred thousand Chinese troops to enter North Korea, which they did on 25 October.


China justified its entry into the war as a response to "American aggression in the guise of the UN".

Korean War - Wikipedia

Why doesn’t China rein in North Korea?

Yet even though China fears unilateral American action, it seems unlikely to make radical policy changes to forestall it. Two old reasons for backing the regime in the North have as much force as ever: China does not want the reunification of the Korean peninsula if it creates a single, larger American ally on its border. And millions of North Koreans might flee from the collapse of their country into China, exporting instability into China’s three north-eastern provinces, which are among the most economically depressed in the country. There are also three newer reasons. First, the North’s missiles are not, for the moment, pointed at China. But they could be if China turns on its protégé. Second, China does not perceive a North Korean ICBM as a profound threat in the way that the Americans do. Lastly, China is worried about South Korea’s plans to deploy an American anti-missile system, called Terminal High-Altitude Area Defence, or THAAD, which it claims is really aimed at its own missiles. So it continues to align itself with the North against the South. China, it seems, cares more about other countries’ reaction to North Korea’s belligerence than the belligerence itself.


With all of the above, even if China does come to the aid of North Korea, war with NK might be inevitable. If they launch even one small, low yield nuke at the U.S., or one of our allies, all bets are off. Hopefully the world would come to bare on them, if not, we WILL unilaterally deal with the problem, even though history shows that China may enter into the conflict. If an attack on us happens, at the minimum Un and the Communist Committee would have to be liquidated. At the maximum, we would turn North Korea into a radioactive glass parking lot. If we should chose conventional warfare, it would be a high casualty bloody mess.

There's a lot to fear here, but we can't allow a rogue, insane despot to begin to sling nuclear missiles around the planet willy nilly. They would be like a naughty child. If they get away with it once, they will continue to do it until they get their ass paddled. It would be better to put a stop to it by paddling their asses hard and taking their "toys" away the fist time. Leave them no doubt that if they continue their behavior, they would be "hospitalize" permanently (all the way up to, and including, dead).
I agree with you about China's role, but I do not believe North Korea is suicidal. They will not fling around a "small low yield nuke" (what the hell even IS that?) at anyone unless they are attacked first. Which is exactly what a number of parties are discussing on the world stage. Attack and flatten sounds really, really, tempting but it won't end there.
Well, then he should do something and not just bitch over social media about it. The man is a clown. He should thank his lucky stars for Kim Jung Un or he'd be leading for biggest clown in the world.
Geeze. Lefties seem to love war. War with Russia they demand. Now NK too. What? China too?
I don't see anyone talking war, but you.
What do you suggest he do, since tweeting is not good enough?
Trump's the one with all the experts. He needs to mature a bit and listen to them. It's weird that you think there are only two choices, tweet or war! In the olden days before Twitter there used to be a thing called diplomacy. Perhaps, you and Trump should read up on it.
You think we should pay N. Korea to be nice? Then whenever they need money all they have to do is threaten nuclear war until they get their next welfare payment. Hey how about America pays all the poor countries to be nice. Wouldn't that be nice of us.
North Korea is reckless, but not suicidal: Opinionline

William J. Perry,Politico Magazine: “The danger is not, as some believe, that North Korea will make good on its bluster and actually launch a surprise nuclear attack. The North Korean leadership, while it is evil and sometimes reckless, is not crazy or suicidal. Their primary goal is to sustain the Kim dynasty and, against all odds, they have shrewdly succeeded in that for many decades. They know that if they launch a nuclear attack, the American response would bring death to them and devastation to their country. The primary danger instead is that North Korea might overplay its hand and provoke a military response from South Korea. This could quickly expand into a larger conventional war, inevitably involving the United States, which has almost 30,000 troops in South Korea.”
He's absolutely right. I am amazed at how many generals and "experts" are talking as if North Korea will actually carry out a suicidal nuclear strike against the U.S. as soon as it has the technology. NK's leader may be reckless, but they are not suicidal. Perry is right about all of it, including the danger that NK will overplay its hand and either SK or Japan will do what it feels it must do.
You're talking about the guy who fed his uncle to the dogs for fun.

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