The real danger that no trump tweets can address....

Obama had 8 years to deal with NK why didn't Obama and the dumb ass Dem's fix this? Trump has only been president a few months you double talking dishonest liberal scumbags.

You're "right"........Let Trump send more tweets out claiming that the mediais picking on his sorry, fat ass....THAT should teach Kim-jun-Un a lesson on who is "tough" on this planet......LOL

(BTW, Bush had a bit of time to fix the economy.....but it was Obama that you fuck heads blamed for the recession.....)
If for some incomprehensible reason NK nuked the US, would we nuke them back?

As long as there isn't an Obama or Clinton in the white house, chances of NK lasting more than a week are pretty slim, although we would probably not nuke them.
What would you do about NK?

Short of military action options are limited, the half pint dictator is obviously nuts and incapable of reason.

Well, since Trump stated that he knows more than the generals....First,let's ask him.

(Seriously, what Trump should do is cut off ALL trade with China and impose more severe sanctions on Russia until both of these quasi-communist countries rein in the crazed dictator.....or, better yet, assassinate the bastard.....)
What would you do about NK?

Short of military action options are limited, the half pint dictator is obviously nuts and incapable of reason.

Well, since Trump stated that he knows more than the generals....First,let's ask him.

(Seriously, what Trump should do is cut off ALL trade with China and impose more severe sanctions on Russia until both of these quasi-communist countries rein in the crazed dictator.....or, better yet, assassinate the bastard.....)

I asked you but instead you're blabbering about Trump, which was your intent on the thread
If North Korea uses a nuke on a civilian population they will cease to be a country inside a week and they know it. You know it's funny though. We've spent years in the middle east accomplishing nothing for the sake of good, yet one well aimed bomb could end NKs entire governmental power structure and free millions of people. There's no way Kim's inside group is more than a few dozen strong. He's a paranoid maniac.

North Korean are like indocterated Democrats , they will never stray to freedom

If North Korea uses a nuke on a civilian population they will cease to be a country inside a week and they know it. You know it's funny though. We've spent years in the middle east accomplishing nothing for the sake of good, yet one well aimed bomb could end NKs entire governmental power structure and free millions of people. There's no way Kim's inside group is more than a few dozen strong. He's a paranoid maniac.

That act would also result in the destruction of South Korea, and possibly Japan. It's the very last resort.

Would it? Their military is generations out of date. I guess I could see SK taking a hit, but how loyal are slaves really? I question the accuracy of what you said based on my doubt that they'd have a will to fight with Kim dead. They are not stupid. They understand how outmatched they are.

Do you know how much ordnance is pointed at SK and Japan? I suspect nukes as well. It would not be a land war. It would be a drowning man dragging others down with him.
What would you do about NK?

Short of military action options are limited, the half pint dictator is obviously nuts and incapable of reason.

Well, since Trump stated that he knows more than the generals....First,let's ask him.

(Seriously, what Trump should do is cut off ALL trade with China and impose more severe sanctions on Russia until both of these quasi-communist countries rein in the crazed dictator.....or, better yet, assassinate the bastard.....)

Cut off ALL trade with China!? WTF
Trump inherited the NK problem from Obama, oh that's some payback right there. Sound familiar libs? Obama's first several years he blamed everything on Bush.

My sense of Obama was-------he was biding his time------looking forward
to his retirement. He really did not take on big projects------Obama care
is a bit silly--------reminds me of the time they decided to put CURBS on the
streets of my hometown. -------The asphalt had on the dirt roads had dried
------time to move on

The guy was just looking for a payday, look at his career it was a joke he hadn't accomplished anything in spite of a law degree from Harvard. Probably no real firm wanted to hire him because he's a douchebag.
Obama had 8 years to deal with NK why didn't Obama and the dumb ass Dem's fix this? Trump has only been president a few months you double talking dishonest liberal scumbags.

You're "right"........Let Trump send more tweets out claiming that the mediais picking on his sorry, fat ass....THAT should teach Kim-jun-Un a lesson on who is "tough" on this planet......LOL

(BTW, Bush had a bit of time to fix the economy.....but it was Obama that you fuck heads blamed for the recession.....)

I'm surprised you showed your face in this thread again after I obliterated your OP. :anj_stfu:
If for some incomprehensible reason NK nuked the US, would we nuke them back?


Is that yes or a no? A nuclear attack on NK would effectively blanket Japan in radiation, if I'm not mistaken.

If we don't you're open to any nuke attack and mutually assured destruction goes out the window

We killed more Japanese with incendiaries than we did with A-bombs. I'm quite sure we could obliterate NK with conventional weapons.

Your contempt for Japan is noted.
If North Korea uses a nuke on a civilian population they will cease to be a country inside a week and they know it. You know it's funny though. We've spent years in the middle east accomplishing nothing for the sake of good, yet one well aimed bomb could end NKs entire governmental power structure and free millions of people. There's no way Kim's inside group is more than a few dozen strong. He's a paranoid maniac.

Moronic........So the U.S. send a nuke to NK and the fallout ALSO kills thousands of Chinese, Russians, south Koreans and maybe even some Japanese......Now THAT is a brilliant strategy, don't you "think"?
What would you do about NK?

Short of military action options are limited, the half pint dictator is obviously nuts and incapable of reason.

Convince the DPRK generals that killing Kim would in the long run increase their paychecks significantly.

Perhaps but after seeing the results of trying regime change I'm skeptical it would work

That would be more than regime change there. It would be akin to killing a god.

There is the problem.

I've always wondered how a nation of people can live under something like that and not rise up.

Why do you wonder, especially on Independence Day?

American people had guts and courage back then, and people today who still bow to a king or some other useless human drone, have none.
Obama had 8 years to deal with NK why didn't Obama and the dumb ass Dem's fix this? Trump has only been president a few months you double talking dishonest liberal scumbags.

You're "right"........Let Trump send more tweets out claiming that the mediais picking on his sorry, fat ass....THAT should teach Kim-jun-Un a lesson on who is "tough" on this planet......LOL

(BTW, Bush had a bit of time to fix the economy.....but it was Obama that you fuck heads blamed for the recession.....)

I'm surprised you showed your face in this thread again after I obliterated your OP. :anj_stfu:

You can only "obliterate" your shit after you thoroughly flushed.........LOL

Check out what baby-Bush did about North Korea........
Obama had 8 years to deal with NK why didn't Obama and the dumb ass Dem's fix this? Trump has only been president a few months you double talking dishonest liberal scumbags.

You're "right"........Let Trump send more tweets out claiming that the mediais picking on his sorry, fat ass....THAT should teach Kim-jun-Un a lesson on who is "tough" on this planet......LOL

(BTW, Bush had a bit of time to fix the economy.....but it was Obama that you fuck heads blamed for the recession.....)

I'm surprised you showed your face in this thread again after I obliterated your OP. :anj_stfu:

I see you're hoping a lib can remember longer than 10 minutes.
If for some incomprehensible reason NK nuked the US, would we nuke them back?


Is that yes or a no? A nuclear attack on NK would effectively blanket Japan in radiation, if I'm not mistaken.

If we don't you're open to any nuke attack and mutually assured destruction goes out the window

We killed more Japanese with incendiaries than we did with A-bombs. I'm quite sure we could obliterate NK with conventional weapons.

Your contempt for Japan is noted.

Oh shut the hell up wirh your noted and concession BS ya redundant loon.

Somebody nukes the US all hell is coming down on them
North Korea: Missile soared 1,741 miles high, marking successful test of ICBM

Anchorage is well within the trajectory of such a missile.....and NK hates the U.S. with a passion.

Trump's attempts to have China put a leash on NK have miserably failed, and were NK crazed enough to launch a nuke on US soil, our retaliation would be limited given the fallout of any of our weapons on Russia and china (and SK and Japan.)

We need better leadership than what the orange clown is offering with his cute daily tweets against the media..
No retard......the missile didn't go 1,741 miles high like your fake news article claims.

Because that high and it would have left the Earth's orbit. ..... :cuckoo:
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