The REAL ENEMY within England.... coming to America soon...Thanks Obuma!

I couldn't get further than his first line -

"If your 11yo daughter is regularly raped ... should you be concerned?"

How about you post PROOF that we should believe Obama is arranging for 11yo girls to be regularly raped by Pakistani/Muslims.

For that matter, did he arrange for it to happen in England as well?

Mods - send this to the badlands garbage can where it belongs.
lol!!! "gold" members can post anything!!! don't you know!!!???

What does that mean?

Being a "gold member". What is it that YOU believe that means?

Your earlier post shows that you have absolutely no idea of the security of our borders so I doubt you know anything more about being a whoopy shit "gold member".

Oh yeah, and welcome to the board. I can tell you're gonna fit right in with the other low info RW members and I'll bet you can figure exactly what THAT means.
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Well, Vigilante - where's you proof?

Or are you ready to admit that your video is just as whacked as you are?

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