The real Glenn Beck

Jun 21, 2013
North Carolina
[ame=]Glenn Beck is Rat Poison ["Operation Paul Revere Contest"] - YouTube[/ame]

What a tool.
Get a life!

You Beck/Limbaugh haters are gonna end up in the ER with ulcers from your hate of those guys!
The more you see the hysterics the more you start to understand the radical left's war against the 1st Amendment. Maybe lefties were asleep during civics 101 or maybe they took one too many classes from that pony tailed commie professor who hates America. Government has the power over life and death and taxes. Voices on the radio have no power. When Harry Reid tries to impact the morale of the Troops by saying "the war is lost" it's a critical statement that should be analyzed. Glenn Beck doesn't even pretend to be a news reporter. He'd be the first one to admit that he is a right wing commentator. Let it go lefties, when Glenn beck calls you ignorant its merely his opinion.
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Lol..Glenn Beck is funny in a crazy uncle kind of way...I used to watch his show religiously but haven't in several years...his whole "libertarian" thing is quite comical as well.
Where would the left be if they didn't have Media Matters and News Hounds "we watch Fox so you don't have to, to serve them up a daily dose of hatred?
ROFL...numbnuts you do realize his wife is jewish? I thought not...such a tool.

Hey dipshit I could care less about his wife. Marx was a Jew and wanted them all killed. Deal with the fact that Jones is a nutbag 911 truther and is nothing more then food for the retarded. He is as bad as the progressives.
LOOL so you are one of those that thinks this building [ame=]9/11 Truth: What Happened to Building 7 - YouTube[/ame]
was brought down by fire/plane eh? He tells the truth and yes is a bit eccentric at times but still MUCH better than the lame stream media.They just want to lie to us and not show the truth.
LOL...I live with my wife and kids kiddo. In our own place actually. You proved my point...proved my assumption right. Critical thinking the other national debt.

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