The REAL History of Slavery

SO..., nothing about how race was thrown into mix and we're still suffering from its effects to this day? The notion that skin color had nothing to with slavery in the New World is ludicrous. My comments stand.

sure it was about race.

The only slaves being sold were black africans by black africans.Africa was one huge slave market

Another racist comment by Squeezeberry, becuase the first paragraph of his link to the African slave trade pointed out the Portuguese were up to their hips in the slave trade in the 15th century.

Your types of comments by reactionaries like you and Ernie S. and Yurt and so on are why you are becoming increasingly irrelevant in American life and politics.


the africans did the selling and only the africans were doing the selling.

How is that racist?
Haven't had two+ hours to devote to watching the video, but if he doesn't highlight that in the past slavery was usually the result of war, debt, criminality or religion and that in the Americas race was added into the equation, a problem we're still dealing with today, then his analysis is just so much BS.

Race was added because of Bacon's Rebellion. Look it up. It was to keep black and white slaves from forming an alliance against the Crown.
sure it was about race.

The only slaves being sold were black africans by black africans.Africa was one huge slave market

Another racist comment by Squeezeberry, becuase the first paragraph of his link to the African slave trade pointed out the Portuguese were up to their hips in the slave trade in the 15th century.

Your types of comments by reactionaries like you and Ernie S. and Yurt and so on are why you are becoming increasingly irrelevant in American life and politics.


the africans did the selling and only the africans were doing the selling.

How is that racist?

Some people just enjoy wearing hair shirts and self flagellating.
SO..., nothing about how race was thrown into mix and we're still suffering from its effects to this day? The notion that skin color had nothing to with slavery in the New World is ludicrous. My comments stand.

sure it was about race.

The only slaves being sold were black africans by black africans.Africa was one huge slave market

Another racist comment by Squeezeberry, becuase the first paragraph of his link to the African slave trade pointed out the Portuguese were up to their hips in the slave trade in the 15th century.

Your types of comments by reactionaries like you and Ernie S. and Yurt and so on are why you are becoming increasingly irrelevant in American life and politics.

Yup. Now the shoe is on the other foot and we never seem to hear the end of it.
sure it was about race.

The only slaves being sold were black africans by black africans.Africa was one huge slave market

Another racist comment by Squeezeberry, becuase the first paragraph of his link to the African slave trade pointed out the Portuguese were up to their hips in the slave trade in the 15th century.

Your types of comments by reactionaries like you and Ernie S. and Yurt and so on are why you are becoming increasingly irrelevant in American life and politics.

Yup. Now the shoe is on the other foot and we never seem to hear the end of it.

he seems to forget..........
Portuguese / = Americans
So the whites didn't own blacks here in America?

Change that to "Democrats" didn't own blacks here in America?

Yes they did.

So did Federalists, Democratic Republicans Whigs, Know Nothings, Republicans, but probably not Free Soilers or Liberty Party folks.

The point is that the great majority of owners were conservative reactionaries of their day.
Another racist comment by Squeezeberry, becuase the first paragraph of his link to the African slave trade pointed out the Portuguese were up to their hips in the slave trade in the 15th century.

Your types of comments by reactionaries like you and Ernie S. and Yurt and so on are why you are becoming increasingly irrelevant in American life and politics.

Yup. Now the shoe is on the other foot and we never seem to hear the end of it.

he seems to forget..........
Portuguese / = Americans

You can't even dodge well, loser. You were talking about whites and blacks.

Portuguese = whites
in addition, the trans-Saharan slave trade existed long before the coming of the Europeans

Trans-Saharan trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the individuals that protest the truth about slavery likely have not listened to the OP.

Their minds are already closed.

In part, your link up from notes "Trans-Saharan trade requires travel across the Sahara to reach sub-Saharan Africa from the North African coast, Europe, or the Levant. While existing from prehistoric times, the peak of trade extended from the 8th century until the late 16th century."

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