The real political spectrum


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
For us fiscal and constitutional conservatives, I think this describes the political spectrum pretty well

Progressives...Liberals...Trump & supporters.........Moderate Dems....CENTER.... Moderate Repubs......Conservatives.

Trump supporters don't even realize how far left Trump has taken them.
For us fiscal and constitutional conservatives, I think this describes the political spectrum pretty well

Progressives...Liberals...Trump & supporters.........Moderate Dems....CENTER.... Moderate Repubs......Conservatives.

Trump supporters don't even realize how far left Trump has taken them.
well since you said it it must be true,,,,
For us fiscal and constitutional conservatives, I think this describes the political spectrum pretty well

Progressives...Liberals...Trump & supporters.........Moderate Dems....CENTER.... Moderate Repubs......Conservatives.

Trump supporters don't even realize how far left Trump has taken them.

Ok, please detail for us all of the things that Trump has done to bring his supporters "far left."
Ok, please detail for us all of the things that Trump has done to bring his supporters "far left."

Assaulted the 2A
Funded Planned Parenthood and Gender studies (in appropriations bills that he signed into law)
Spent $8 trillion in 4 years. About $5 trillion if you don't include covid money to every mega rich person and corporation)
Trump holds the record of spending more than all other presidents (but one) in just 4 years.
Which helped to created in inflation increases in Biden first year
Stuck his nose in the free market when in April of 2020, got Saudi, Mexico and US oil companies to LOWER oil production (which drives fuel prices up)
He didn't even try to "lock her up."
The Platinum Plan ($500 BILLION to black communities, just because they were black communities)
Tax cuts, but at the same time eliminated tax deductions (which made the tax cuts revenue neutral to the government)
His trade wars with China and Mexico, without addressing the USD value as the major contributor to jobs leaving the country and so many Americans having to buy Chinese goods)

Do you need more?
Assaulted the 2A
Funded Planned Parenthood and Gender studies (in appropriations bills that he signed into law)
Spent $8 trillion in 4 years. About $5 trillion if you don't include covid money to every mega rich person and corporation)
Trump holds the record of spending more than all other presidents (but one) in just 4 years.
Which helped to created in inflation increases in Biden first year
Stuck his nose in the free market when in April of 2020, got Saudi, Mexico and US oil companies to LOWER oil production (which drives fuel prices up)
He didn't even try to "lock her up."

The Platinum Plan ($500 BILLION to black communities, just because they were black communities)
Tax cuts, but at the same time eliminated tax deductions (which made the tax cuts revenue neutral to the government)
His trade wars with China and Mexico, without addressing the USD value as the major contributor to jobs leaving the country and so many Americans having to buy Chinese goods)

Do you need more?

COVID lockdowns by BLUE DEM states and DC caused the extra spending. All a man-made problem designed to "take him out".
Everything else is just noise. yawning......PPP....uh 2nd term if enough screamed about it......perhaps? I wanted PBS PPP all of it gone. BUT, see below.

The big thing was 2017 TAX reform. STD deduction fix was sheer genius. Regular man was freed up from the painful TAX filing process!! Finally!!!!!!!!!
MT. Rushmore for that alone. He is the only one who could do it. He actually got DO-NOTHING Congress to go along and actually do work to benefit Americans.
Prior to that, I was hunched over a dining room table knee deep in receipts, papers, forms for months (state and federal). Trips to Kinkos....pages of copies...envelopes...stamp(s)+++.
Don't say use was no help. The hard part was finding it all. Finding old forms to see the flow. Praying you don't miss something.
LONG LIVE THE GREAT DJT. **Start carving that ROCK!
COVID lockdowns by BLUE DEM states and DC caused the extra spending. All a man-made problem designed to "take him out".
Everything else is just noise. yawning......PPP....uh 2nd term if enough screamed about it......perhaps? I wanted PBS PPP all of it gone. BUT, see below.

The big thing was 2017 TAX reform. STD deduction fix was sheer genius. Regular man was freed up from the painful TAX filing process!! Finally!!!!!!!!!
MT. Rushmore for that alone. He is the only one who could do it. He actually got DO-NOTHING Congress to go along and actually do work to benefit Americans.
Prior to that, I was hunched over a dining room table knee deep in receipts, papers, forms for months (state and federal). Trips to Kinkos....pages of copies...envelopes...stamp(s)+++.
Don't say use was no help. The hard part was finding it all. Finding old forms to see the flow. Praying you don't miss something.
LONG LIVE THE GREAT DJT. **Start carving that ROCK!

LMAO.. The STD thing didn't change. Only the amount. If you had receipts, you still had to add them all up. Plus, if you wait til the end of the year to log all your receipts, you're just begging for a mountain.

The lock downs were coming even with Trump. Remember, he was the one who forced Operation Warp speed down our throats, sealed off our borders and most of our ports. Which is one thing that started the chaos at the ports and the slowing of our imports.
LMAO.. The STD thing didn't change. Only the amount. If you had receipts, you still had to add them all up. Plus, if you wait til the end of the year to log all your receipts, you're just begging for a mountain.

The lock downs were coming even with Trump. Remember, he was the one who forced Operation Warp speed down our throats, sealed off our borders and most of our ports. Which is one thing that started the chaos at the ports and the slowing of our imports.

BULL crap. The new number made it so AVG joe did not have to itemize. Saving millions of man-hours labor filing taxes. Hope that helps.
Again, only Trump got it done. He is a fixer, a doer. AVG man had to battle that TAX BS for 50 years. Now most of America could just click a new sensible number for all.
no more comment on virus BS. We all lived it. We know what happened. You expected Martial law and start taking over Blue states? locking up GOVs?
file you under "another one with rabid TDS poisoning". Such a waste of energy to trash the only good we Americans have had in decades.
LMAO.. The STD thing didn't change. Only the amount. If you had receipts, you still had to add them all up. Plus, if you wait til the end of the year to log all your receipts, you're just begging for a mountain.

The lock downs were coming even with Trump. Remember, he was the one who forced Operation Warp speed down our throats, sealed off our borders and most of our ports. Which is one thing that started the chaos at the ports and the slowing of our imports.

Plus, if you wait til the end of the year to log all your receipts, you're just begging for a mountain.
No one has to do that anymore. We know Mortgage interest early on (the big one *12 duh). They set STD DED just right for AVG joe in CA with a $750K home could now use it.
You know you can go STANDARD early on and it is a feeling of freedom unlike ever before. No more work for hundreds of millions of Regular Americans.
Where I fall, and it ain’t on anybody’s spectrum
Forgot to add: 2017 a free fillable calculating form was available. All thanks to my main man, DJT. Good for honest decent American Citizens top to bottom.
I include that and more when I say debt,, he spent far to much money,,

It wasn't so much the debt I was talking about. It was funding crap like a huge ass border fence in some middle eastern country. Gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan. And a boat load of other things that have nothing to do with Americans.

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