The Real Problem in U.S. Politics

You made a false claim and then attacked me for pointing out it was false.


No, lil' troll, you are still trying to convince everyone Hillary was not behind initiating the largest political criminal scandal in US history, that she was not in control of every detail in her own Presidential campaign, that she had no clue her own expensive personal lawyer was taking the information to the FBI, when tbe articles state she approved it and the FBI say they knew immediately it came from her.

When are you going to drop the act / embrace reality and admit Hillary initiated the 'Russian Collusion' scandal?

Continue to deny facts / reality and you can start talking to yourself / try to reassure yourself your lies are true. I've wasted enough time with a reality-denying snowflake.
The real problem in U.S. politics is that people have become so personally invested in their own versions of reality that they cannot even consider a dissenting viewpoint, no matter how factually accurate or logical it may be. For example, people who self-isolated for two years during the Covid panic have a psychological need to justify that sacrifice by clinging to a belief that it was necessary and good for society. To even consider, in retrospect, that it might not have been necessary or good for society would cause them feelings of insecurity and self-loathing that would be harmful to their identities and self-worth. As a result they must not only shut out such questions from their own cognitive awareness, but prevent them from even entering the realm of public debate.

This stifling of ideas harken back to dismal times when the sword was indeed mightier than the pen. Are we returning to another Dark Age of Unenlightenment?

You're wrong and that's all there is to it!

No, lil' troll, you are still trying to convince everyone Hillary was not behind initiating the largest political criminal scandal in US history, that she was not in control of every detail in her own Presidential campaign, that she had no clue her own expensive personal lawyer was taking the information to the FBI, when tbe articles state she approved it and the FBI say they knew immediately it came from her.

When are you going to drop the act / embrace reality and admit Hillary initiated the 'Russian Collusion' scandal?

Continue to deny facts / reality and you can start talking to yourself / try to reassure yourself your lies are true. I've wasted enough time with a reality-denying snowflake.
You stated that Robby Mook testified that Hillary approved releasing the info to the FBI. Do you stick to this claim despite the fact your own sources prove you wrong?
It must be very difficult to keep your "facts" straight. Best not to think too much.
Here's some reality:


You stated that Robby Mook testified that Hillary approved releasing the info to the FBI. Do you stick to this claim despite the fact your own sources prove you wrong?
Absutely. The articles privided report Hillary approved the release of bogus Russian Collusion information.

The FBI said it was from Hillary.

Are you sticking to the false reality that Hillary was not in control of her own campaign, that Sussmann took ut upon himself to attempt to alter the results of an election by taking Hillary"s bogus Russian Collusion information?

Lil' snowflake troll,you're wasting your time and my time tying to sell me on your reality-denial-based alternate reality.

Go back to your Hillary ass-kissing snowflake circle-jerk and impress them with your 'crazy'.

From now on you will be talking to yourself if you try talking to me.

The real problem in U.S. politics is that people have become so personally invested in their own versions of reality that they cannot even consider a dissenting viewpoint, no matter how factually accurate or logical it may be. For example, people who self-isolated for two years during the Covid panic have a psychological need to justify that sacrifice by clinging to a belief that it was necessary and good for society. To even consider, in retrospect, that it might not have been necessary or good for society would cause them feelings of insecurity and self-loathing that would be harmful to their identities and self-worth. As a result they must not only shut out such questions from their own cognitive awareness, but prevent them from even entering the realm of public debate.

This stifling of ideas harken back to dismal times when the sword was indeed mightier than the pen. Are we returning to another Dark Age of Unenlightenment?

Definitely, yes.
The line between right and wrong has become blurred!!
Do you extend this same "benefit of the doubt" to President Trump?
Yes. I have adjusted myself to the Republican reality that presidents answer to no authority when it comes to classification... unfortunately for Trump, the classification level of the documents he had at Mar lago is irrelevant to the potential charges listed on the affidavite.
The real problem in U.S. politics is that people have become so personally invested in their own versions of reality that they cannot even consider a dissenting viewpoint, no matter how factually accurate or logical it may be. For example, people who self-isolated for two years during the Covid panic have a psychological need to justify that sacrifice by clinging to a belief that it was necessary and good for society. To even consider, in retrospect, that it might not have been necessary or good for society would cause them feelings of insecurity and self-loathing that would be harmful to their identities and self-worth. As a result they must not only shut out such questions from their own cognitive awareness, but prevent them from even entering the realm of public debate.

This stifling of ideas harken back to dismal times when the sword was indeed mightier than the pen. Are we returning to another Dark Age of Unenlightenment?

The biggest problem in US politics right now are the effects of the voting system.
Because the US has FPTP it has led to a two party system. Money has seeped into the two party system to the point that third parties are almost totally incapable of winning seats.

If you have a party that needs to attract more than 50% of the voters, then they're not going to say "hey, this is what I do" they're going to say "hey, look at the other guy, he's worse than me". You get a lot of negative attacks from both sides.

You have negative voting. We can see this in Germany where they vote PR and FPTP on the same day, FPTP leads to people voting for the larger parties because they want their vote to count, but they'll vote smaller parties with PR because they know their vote will count for smaller parties with PR.
Because you don't need to have policies, people just pick up policies they think will win them a race because the Dems and Reps have been pushing these policies for a long time, you end up with politicians who are in it for themselves, they brand themselves, they're sales people, they don't stand for anything.
Some do, and they're the ones on the extremes of the parties.
Definitely, yes.
The line between right and wrong has become blurred!!

The line between Democrat and 'Traitor' / 'Criminal' no longer exists:

Violations of Constitution

Violations of Law

Violations of Patriot Act

FISA Court Fraud (12)

Illegally spying on citizens

Illegally spying on a President

Participation in a failed coup

Failed criminal Impeachments

Dem/Govt collusion to violate the 1st Amendment

Spreading disinformation / propaganda,which they have declared to be a threat to democracy

manufacturing false evidence

Altering Documents


Obstruction / Hiding evidence to protect proven Criminal Hunter / Joe Biden

And more...
The real problem in U.S. politics is that people have become so personally invested in their own versions of reality that they cannot even consider a dissenting viewpoint, no matter how factually accurate or logical it may be. For example, people who self-isolated for two years during the Covid panic have a psychological need to justify that sacrifice by clinging to a belief that it was necessary and good for society. To even consider, in retrospect, that it might not have been necessary or good for society would cause them feelings of insecurity and self-loathing that would be harmful to their identities and self-worth. As a result they must not only shut out such questions from their own cognitive awareness, but prevent them from even entering the realm of public debate.

This stifling of ideas harken back to dismal times when the sword was indeed mightier than the pen. Are we returning to another Dark Age of Unenlightenment?
Really! Wondering how you arrived at the knowledge of how Everyone THOUGHT or FELT who chose immunization?? Something we have been using for quite a long time to eradicate or cut down the number of deaths or illnesses. Something that worked pretty well, Until it became POLITICAL Then everything went nuts, both sides of the political stance.
The articles privided report Hillary approved the release of bogus Russian Collusion information.
They say she approved the release to media. You claimed it was to the FBI, which is objectively false.

I’ll repeat. You made an objectively false claim.

You refuse to acknowledge this but accuse others of living in a fantasy.

This proves you are the one living the fantasy.
They say she approved the release to media. You claimed it was to the FBI, which is objectively false.

I’ll repeat. You made an objectively false claim.

You refuse to acknowledge this but accuse others of living in a fantasy.

This proves you are the one living the fantasy.
You refuse to acknowledge Hillary approved Sussmann's release of her FALSE information / disinformation to the media and FBI, as she was in charge of every detail of her Presidential campaign, thus initiating the largest criminal political scandal in US history.

You can repeat your alternate reality disinformation all you want yet will continue to come across as a delusional imbecile and continue to waste everyone's time.

You're not convincing anyone of anything. You are just continuing to be a reality-denying, gaslighting troll.

Again, rejoin your fellow snowflakes in your nightly circle-jerk and impress them with your nonsense.

Go away, lil' troll.
You refuse to acknowledge Hillary approved Sussmann's release of her FALSE information / disinformation to the media and FBI
I acknowledge that she authorized the release to the media and stated so repeatedly.

The testimony you referred to specifically stated they did not authorize it to be released to the FBI.

Your claim is objectively false and you still refuse to acknowledge it.

You are living in a fantasy world.
The law firm (Sussmann) representing Hillary Clinton billed Clinton for the exact time Sussmann met with the FBI, bringing them Hillary's Russian Collusion false crap.

If Hillary had no idea Sussman was taking the disinformation to the FBI, IF Sussmann was not working for / representing Hillary Clinton by doing so the law firm would not have charged Clinton.

Hillary paid them for a service, the law firm / Sussmann provided a service that day for Hillary.



"The stunning revelation that lawyers for the Hillary Clinton campaign paid a computer technology company to surveil a sitting president, Donald Trump, shows that more than half a dozen crimes may have been committed to advance the false accusation that he colluded with Russia.

Some background is in order. After a 22-month probe, Special Counsel Robert Mueller found no evidence of a criminal collusion conspirac"y because none ever existed.
How did Comey initiate the Obama administration's failed coup attempt against Trump?

He leaked classified info to a professor friend knowing he would give it to the media.

How did Hillary initiate the largest criminal political scandal in US history (behind the Obama administration's failed coup atempt)?

She had Sussmann leak her disinformation to the media and then deliver it to the FBI.

- Sussmann and his law firm billing Hillary for the time during which he met with the FBI proves it.

Sussmann even billed Hillary for the cost of the thumb drives the information he gave the FBI was on! Talk about stupid...

And die-hard, Hillary apologist, reality-denying snowflakes still want to claim Hillary knew nothing about it / had nothing to do with it.

Definitely, yes.
The line between right and wrong has become blurred!!

So has the line between what is true and what isn't. You can't trust the gov't, the media, academia, scientists, Hollywood, to be honest; everything is slanted and biased with half-truths where the other half isn't mentioned or is outright lies. Honor and integrity are hard to find, and quickly squashed by the powers that be. And trust is gone.
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