The Real Problem in U.S. Politics

The biggest problem in U.S. politics is the entire media willingly becoming the propaganda arm of a political party, namely democrats.
This didn’t happen. You have been lied to by your media to live in an alternate universe.

An alternate universe where Michael Flynn didn’t lie to the FBI.

An alternate universe where Clinesmith wasn’t prosecuted for lying on the FISA warrant.

An alternate universe where Russia didn’t hack the DNC and never wanted Trump to win the presidency.

An alternate universe where Manafort is being persecuted by the DoJ instead of having committed numerous acts of fraud.

That's odd because the FBI agents who interviewed him did not believe he lied!
Non-partisan primaries? WTF would be the purpose in that? If you want to vote for a libtard, vote for a libtard! If you don't, then don't!

The purpose would be to empower the interest of all citizens over that of political parties. I'd prefer our general election choice being between the two topmost candidates selected by all the people as opposed to some left-wing extreme versus right-wing extreme. Of course this would tax the mental capabilities of those that can't get past voting (D) or (R) and force folks to think for themselves.
The purpose would be to empower the interest of all citizens over that of political parties. I'd prefer our general election choice being between the two topmost candidates selected by all the people as opposed to some left-wing extreme versus right-wing extreme. Of course this would tax the mental capabilities of those that can't get past voting (D) or (R) and force folks to think for themselves.
How would doing a non-partisan primary do anything towards any of what you are blabbering about? Your post is a mumbo jumbo ward salad of meaning less comments.
I'm sitting here thinking about how divided we are along political lines and nobody is going to give the minority party a break when they are the majority party, so how does anything change? Getting rid of the filibuster would only make things worse IMHO, as it is now, we have had bipartisan bills make it through Congress but that ain't going to happen if the filibuster is gone and the majority party can do whatever they want with no votes from the minority party. You can do whatever you want to make the filibuster harder to do, but once that happens the majority party only has to bide their time to get what they want. Where's the incentive for the majority to do anything if the filibuster is weakened to the point where it's just a matter of time?

As far as I can see, the only thing that could change the current status quo is a 3rd political party in Congress that can muster enough votes to pass legislation. But it has to be a truly independent party that isn't going to vote with one side most of the time. If that 3rd party is going to last, they're going to have to plainly state their principles and positions and stick to them, hopefully limited govt and fiscal responsibility. Cuz without that, IMHO eventually we're going down the drain.
Really! Wondering how you arrived at the knowledge of how Everyone THOUGHT or FELT who chose immunization?? Something we have been using for quite a long time to eradicate or cut down the number of deaths or illnesses. Something that worked pretty well, Until it became POLITICAL Then everything went nuts, both sides of the political stance.
I gained knowledge of how people like you thought or felt by talking to them and observing their behavior. YOU wanted to FORCE everyone to comply with YOUR erroneous beliefs about not fully tested vaccinations and ridiculous paper masks. I don't care what you do, but you couldn't stand letting me make my own judgements. Now you are trying to wriggle your way out of the draconian measures you once wanted to force everyone to comply with by glossing over them as being a petty POLITICAL disagreement. The two sides of this issue are NOT morally equivalent.
It must be very difficult to keep your "facts" straight. Best not to think too much.

Actually its very easy, because facts are real. You on the hand rely entirely on a house of lies, with new ones coming practically every day in order to maintain your world of illusions. You're so isolated in your maga fantasy world you don't even realize over one million americans died from covid.

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