The REAL Reason Folks are Fleeing Honduras....

They have a couple of days left.
Probably more...
They'll be mighty sick and hungry. Plus the gangsters are taking all their food.
I'm sure they didn't expect their lives to improve much, until they got in. These are desperate people.
Fully funded until they hit the dead end.
Yes, thank goodness people were helping them. And shame on us for acting like terrified little bitches.
Even the most benign masters get fed up at some point.

Like the Mexicans are now.
So... you want us to invade a country and do a regime change there so that people no longer want to leave the country? What's the U.S. record for success when they've done that in the past?
Pretty good actually. Iraq is much better now than under Saddam. Afghanistan is better without the Taliban running the country too.

How's Nicaragua after Iran-Contra? And no... the U.S. track record is horrible. U.S. intervention in Afghanistan is what created Bin Laden.
So... you want us to invade a country and do a regime change there so that people no longer want to leave the country? What's the U.S. record for success when they've done that in the past?
Intervention only on behalf of exploiting companies.
A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis

Yep. Add the misguided War on Drugs that shovels billions of American dollars into the coffers of cartels, enabling these monsters to buy guns by the shipload, and most of these countries' police and large parts of their legislatures on top of that.

... and keep up the good fight. Something must be done in the U.S. of Amnesia for this U.S.-inflicted cauldron of misery to come to an end.

We're being infiltrated by the narco Honduran Govt ITSELF. I've got a lot of questions that I better find answers for that are FAR MORE important than a failed biz deal in Moscow.

1) The 3 Honduran Legislators who were arrested in the US last year for marketing and distribution of drugs -- what's happened to them?

2) Who at INS/State are giving these crooked POS US permanent Visas? Including the BROTHER of the Prez just arrested. And WHY???

3) Since the impetus for the caravans was the exiling of the Commie drug lord competitor -- how MANY of these folks waving the Honduran Flag at our borders are commies? And how many commies are gonna get amnesty?

4) WhyTFuck is not the Trump Admin, the State Dept, the Homeland Security, The INS screaming bloody murder about this to the media and the American public? Why the silence as to magnitude of how the Honduran state cartel has INFILTRATED America?

If none of that CAN be answered, then there is a conspiracy afoot. I can not imagine a single reason for the media blackout and US govt silence other than some form of "collusion".. There are many who suspect that deals were made with cartels to "weed out" actual terrorists and threats coming across our border to initiate violence or bring in WMDs. In exchange for "looking the other way" to some of their drug traffic. Because after all, in Mexico, the drug lords have more control over what travels thru Mexico than the govt does..

The drug traffic (as a couple members have pointed out) is TONS a day across our borders. That does not happen without some kind of arrangement.

You're more worried about fighting the war on drugs, which has been going on since LBJ, than the fact the POTUS might be figurehead for the Russian government? Talk about not having your priorities straight.
It's one of those S-Hole countries that the left thought were some kind of racist hallucination... The FIX aint accepting their refugees. The FIX is international pressure to clean their political swamp..

News you didn't get on major media..

Honduran president's brother arrested in Miami on drug charges | Reuters

TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The brother of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez was arrested on Friday in the United States on drug trafficking charges, the Honduran government said on Friday.

Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernandez, a 40-year-old lawyer and former ruling party lawmaker, was arrested by U.S. authorities in Miami, the president’s office said in a statement.

The president’s brother is the latest in a string of prominent Hondurans, including three congressmen, who have been charged in the United States for involvement with drug trafficking.

“This is a heavy blow for the whole family,” the president told reporters in his hometown of Gracias, in western Honduras. “I hope the justice system gives him the room to defend himself, and as a family, we will do what we can to support him.”

Looks like the ruling "family business" is going to take a BIG HIT on their American market share..

For cripes sakes, dont dick around with refugee streams.. Work to FIX THE BASIC PROBLEM...

You know, I get don't want refugees coming here. But, your article isn't about refugees, it's about the brother of the president of the Honduras. And, chances are very good he didn't come here with the caravan, but rather came here on an authorized visa and passport.
It's one of those S-Hole countries that the left thought were some kind of racist hallucination... The FIX aint accepting their refugees. The FIX is international pressure to clean their political swamp..

News you didn't get on major media..

Honduran president's brother arrested in Miami on drug charges | Reuters

TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The brother of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez was arrested on Friday in the United States on drug trafficking charges, the Honduran government said on Friday.

Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernandez, a 40-year-old lawyer and former ruling party lawmaker, was arrested by U.S. authorities in Miami, the president’s office said in a statement.

The president’s brother is the latest in a string of prominent Hondurans, including three congressmen, who have been charged in the United States for involvement with drug trafficking.

“This is a heavy blow for the whole family,” the president told reporters in his hometown of Gracias, in western Honduras. “I hope the justice system gives him the room to defend himself, and as a family, we will do what we can to support him.”

Looks like the ruling "family business" is going to take a BIG HIT on their American market share..

For cripes sakes, dont dick around with refugee streams.. Work to FIX THE BASIC PROBLEM...

You know, I get don't want refugees coming here. But, your article isn't about refugees, it's about the brother of the president of the Honduras. And, chances are very good he didn't come here with the caravan, but rather came here on an authorized visa and passport.
He addressed it.

The FIX aint accepting their refugees. The FIX is international pressure to clean their political swamp.
So... you want us to invade a country and do a regime change there so that people no longer want to leave the country? What's the U.S. record for success when they've done that in the past?

No. I want us to stop being bleeding hearts and allow these corrupt shitholes to waste lives. By TAKING massive refugee streams from these ShitHoles -- we're helping the corrupt POS like this Hernandez family.

No way I would threaten them militarily. The 1st step WOULD HAVE BEEN for this news to be TOP STORY on all major American media. Because without OBVIOUS knowledge of what's going on these countries that are causing this refugee stream, NO ONE should be arguing about asylum or how many to grant. That isn't even CLOSE to producing any change. But our broken "media" didn't like the flavor of this story. Would make Americans "too smart" about what ACTUALLY needs to happen.

You can't EMBARRASS these cretins if the media doesn't COVER IT. And EMBARRASSING them right now is a potent weapon. That and working with neighboring countries to CLOSE their borders or provide temporary refugee status to some of these people.

International attention ought to be LASER FOCUSED on this complete failure of governance down there. But CNN and MSNBC and the WashPo have MORE important things to do.

Pretty much every American with 2 brain cells knows that almost all the Central American countries are crooked... That's why these refugees leave. It could be on the news 24/7, but it would be about as useful as repeating water is wet.
And to deny those s holes people who want to make change by taking them in keeps those places s holes.
The FIX aint accepting their refugees. The FIX is international pressure to clean their political swamp..
Actually, it's both, when people face an extant threat that they can't just "wait out".
They'll be doing their disease-ridden waiting in TJ, if the Mexicans don't slaughter them first.
Nah, they will be processed for asylum.
And sent home...........2% get approved...........
So... you want us to invade a country and do a regime change there so that people no longer want to leave the country? What's the U.S. record for success when they've done that in the past?

No. I want us to stop being bleeding hearts and allow these corrupt shitholes to waste lives. By TAKING massive refugee streams from these ShitHoles -- we're helping the corrupt POS like this Hernandez family.

No way I would threaten them militarily. The 1st step WOULD HAVE BEEN for this news to be TOP STORY on all major American media. Because without OBVIOUS knowledge of what's going on these countries that are causing this refugee stream, NO ONE should be arguing about asylum or how many to grant. That isn't even CLOSE to producing any change. But our broken "media" didn't like the flavor of this story. Would make Americans "too smart" about what ACTUALLY needs to happen.

You can't EMBARRASS these cretins if the media doesn't COVER IT. And EMBARRASSING them right now is a potent weapon. That and working with neighboring countries to CLOSE their borders or provide temporary refugee status to some of these people.

International attention ought to be LASER FOCUSED on this complete failure of governance down there. But CNN and MSNBC and the WashPo have MORE important things to do.

Pretty much every American with 2 brain cells knows that almost all the Central American countries are crooked... That's why these refugees leave. It could be on the news 24/7, but it would be about as useful as repeating water is wet.
And to deny those s holes people who want to make change by taking them in keeps those places s holes.

If those people stay there... they are either killed or become slaves to help them cultivate more drugs, or victims of human trafficking and sex slaves.
So... you want us to invade a country and do a regime change there so that people no longer want to leave the country? What's the U.S. record for success when they've done that in the past?

No. I want us to stop being bleeding hearts and allow these corrupt shitholes to waste lives. By TAKING massive refugee streams from these ShitHoles -- we're helping the corrupt POS like this Hernandez family.

No way I would threaten them militarily. The 1st step WOULD HAVE BEEN for this news to be TOP STORY on all major American media. Because without OBVIOUS knowledge of what's going on these countries that are causing this refugee stream, NO ONE should be arguing about asylum or how many to grant. That isn't even CLOSE to producing any change. But our broken "media" didn't like the flavor of this story. Would make Americans "too smart" about what ACTUALLY needs to happen.

You can't EMBARRASS these cretins if the media doesn't COVER IT. And EMBARRASSING them right now is a potent weapon. That and working with neighboring countries to CLOSE their borders or provide temporary refugee status to some of these people.

International attention ought to be LASER FOCUSED on this complete failure of governance down there. But CNN and MSNBC and the WashPo have MORE important things to do.

Pretty much every American with 2 brain cells knows that almost all the Central American countries are crooked... That's why these refugees leave. It could be on the news 24/7, but it would be about as useful as repeating water is wet.
And to deny those s holes people who want to make change by taking them in keeps those places s holes.

If those people stay there... they are either killed or become slaves to help them cultivate more drugs, or victims of human trafficking and sex slaves.
People with ambition need to help their nation. Imagine if all the Founding Fathers immigrated to Japan in 1750.
So... you want us to invade a country and do a regime change there so that people no longer want to leave the country? What's the U.S. record for success when they've done that in the past?

No. I want us to stop being bleeding hearts and allow these corrupt shitholes to waste lives. By TAKING massive refugee streams from these ShitHoles -- we're helping the corrupt POS like this Hernandez family.

No way I would threaten them militarily. The 1st step WOULD HAVE BEEN for this news to be TOP STORY on all major American media. Because without OBVIOUS knowledge of what's going on these countries that are causing this refugee stream, NO ONE should be arguing about asylum or how many to grant. That isn't even CLOSE to producing any change. But our broken "media" didn't like the flavor of this story. Would make Americans "too smart" about what ACTUALLY needs to happen.

You can't EMBARRASS these cretins if the media doesn't COVER IT. And EMBARRASSING them right now is a potent weapon. That and working with neighboring countries to CLOSE their borders or provide temporary refugee status to some of these people.

International attention ought to be LASER FOCUSED on this complete failure of governance down there. But CNN and MSNBC and the WashPo have MORE important things to do.

Pretty much every American with 2 brain cells knows that almost all the Central American countries are crooked... That's why these refugees leave. It could be on the news 24/7, but it would be about as useful as repeating water is wet.
And to deny those s holes people who want to make change by taking them in keeps those places s holes.

If those people stay there... they are either killed or become slaves to help them cultivate more drugs, or victims of human trafficking and sex slaves.
People with ambition need to help their nation. Imagine if all the Founding Fathers immigrated to Japan in 1750.

Big difference between ambition and a suicide mission. Most of the immigrants coming to the United States are women and children, not grown men. You really need to think before you post.
So... you want us to invade a country and do a regime change there so that people no longer want to leave the country? What's the U.S. record for success when they've done that in the past?
Pretty good actually. Iraq is much better now than under Saddam. Afghanistan is better without the Taliban running the country too.

How's Nicaragua after Iran-Contra? And no... the U.S. track record is horrible. U.S. intervention in Afghanistan is what created Bin Laden.

So we should have allowed Russia to go right on killing them.
No. I want us to stop being bleeding hearts and allow these corrupt shitholes to waste lives. By TAKING massive refugee streams from these ShitHoles -- we're helping the corrupt POS like this Hernandez family.

No way I would threaten them militarily. The 1st step WOULD HAVE BEEN for this news to be TOP STORY on all major American media. Because without OBVIOUS knowledge of what's going on these countries that are causing this refugee stream, NO ONE should be arguing about asylum or how many to grant. That isn't even CLOSE to producing any change. But our broken "media" didn't like the flavor of this story. Would make Americans "too smart" about what ACTUALLY needs to happen.

You can't EMBARRASS these cretins if the media doesn't COVER IT. And EMBARRASSING them right now is a potent weapon. That and working with neighboring countries to CLOSE their borders or provide temporary refugee status to some of these people.

International attention ought to be LASER FOCUSED on this complete failure of governance down there. But CNN and MSNBC and the WashPo have MORE important things to do.

Pretty much every American with 2 brain cells knows that almost all the Central American countries are crooked... That's why these refugees leave. It could be on the news 24/7, but it would be about as useful as repeating water is wet.
And to deny those s holes people who want to make change by taking them in keeps those places s holes.

If those people stay there... they are either killed or become slaves to help them cultivate more drugs, or victims of human trafficking and sex slaves.
People with ambition need to help their nation. Imagine if all the Founding Fathers immigrated to Japan in 1750.

Big difference between ambition and a suicide mission. Most of the immigrants coming to the United States are women and children, not grown men. You really need to think before you post.

No, you really to need to read something other than Lefty rags. It is mostly men.
No. I want us to stop being bleeding hearts and allow these corrupt shitholes to waste lives. By TAKING massive refugee streams from these ShitHoles -- we're helping the corrupt POS like this Hernandez family.

No way I would threaten them militarily. The 1st step WOULD HAVE BEEN for this news to be TOP STORY on all major American media. Because without OBVIOUS knowledge of what's going on these countries that are causing this refugee stream, NO ONE should be arguing about asylum or how many to grant. That isn't even CLOSE to producing any change. But our broken "media" didn't like the flavor of this story. Would make Americans "too smart" about what ACTUALLY needs to happen.

You can't EMBARRASS these cretins if the media doesn't COVER IT. And EMBARRASSING them right now is a potent weapon. That and working with neighboring countries to CLOSE their borders or provide temporary refugee status to some of these people.

International attention ought to be LASER FOCUSED on this complete failure of governance down there. But CNN and MSNBC and the WashPo have MORE important things to do.

Pretty much every American with 2 brain cells knows that almost all the Central American countries are crooked... That's why these refugees leave. It could be on the news 24/7, but it would be about as useful as repeating water is wet.
And to deny those s holes people who want to make change by taking them in keeps those places s holes.

If those people stay there... they are either killed or become slaves to help them cultivate more drugs, or victims of human trafficking and sex slaves.
People with ambition need to help their nation. Imagine if all the Founding Fathers immigrated to Japan in 1750.

Big difference between ambition and a suicide mission. Most of the immigrants coming to the United States are women and children, not grown men. You really need to think before you post.
Sad, but America can not fix all the "shit-holes" of the world. Also, if America allows too much migration from the "shit-holes" of the world, America will become another "shit-hole".

America already is a Shit-Hole.....we had 8 years of shit head Obama to thank.
Pretty much every American with 2 brain cells knows that almost all the Central American countries are crooked... That's why these refugees leave. It could be on the news 24/7, but it would be about as useful as repeating water is wet.
And to deny those s holes people who want to make change by taking them in keeps those places s holes.

If those people stay there... they are either killed or become slaves to help them cultivate more drugs, or victims of human trafficking and sex slaves.
People with ambition need to help their nation. Imagine if all the Founding Fathers immigrated to Japan in 1750.

Big difference between ambition and a suicide mission. Most of the immigrants coming to the United States are women and children, not grown men. You really need to think before you post.

No, you really to need to read something other than Lefty rags. It is mostly men.

No it isn't.

And as to your other question... we have no idea if they would have been killed by Russia, and in almost every single instance, when the U.S. alone has decided to intervene in other countries and chose who they want to run the country, it turns out awful. Bin Laden, Noriega, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan 2.9, just about any country in Central America...
No. I want us to stop being bleeding hearts and allow these corrupt shitholes to waste lives. By TAKING massive refugee streams from these ShitHoles -- we're helping the corrupt POS like this Hernandez family.

No way I would threaten them militarily. The 1st step WOULD HAVE BEEN for this news to be TOP STORY on all major American media. Because without OBVIOUS knowledge of what's going on these countries that are causing this refugee stream, NO ONE should be arguing about asylum or how many to grant. That isn't even CLOSE to producing any change. But our broken "media" didn't like the flavor of this story. Would make Americans "too smart" about what ACTUALLY needs to happen.

You can't EMBARRASS these cretins if the media doesn't COVER IT. And EMBARRASSING them right now is a potent weapon. That and working with neighboring countries to CLOSE their borders or provide temporary refugee status to some of these people.

International attention ought to be LASER FOCUSED on this complete failure of governance down there. But CNN and MSNBC and the WashPo have MORE important things to do.

Pretty much every American with 2 brain cells knows that almost all the Central American countries are crooked... That's why these refugees leave. It could be on the news 24/7, but it would be about as useful as repeating water is wet.
And to deny those s holes people who want to make change by taking them in keeps those places s holes.

If those people stay there... they are either killed or become slaves to help them cultivate more drugs, or victims of human trafficking and sex slaves.
People with ambition need to help their nation. Imagine if all the Founding Fathers immigrated to Japan in 1750.

Big difference between ambition and a suicide mission. Most of the immigrants coming to the United States are women and children, not grown men. You really need to think before you post.
Founding Fathers all had death sentences. You really do need to learn history and stop denying those nations of their leaders.
It's one of those S-Hole countries that the left thought were some kind of racist hallucination... The FIX aint accepting their refugees. The FIX is international pressure to clean their political swamp..

News you didn't get on major media..

Honduran president's brother arrested in Miami on drug charges | Reuters

TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - The brother of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez was arrested on Friday in the United States on drug trafficking charges, the Honduran government said on Friday.

Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernandez, a 40-year-old lawyer and former ruling party lawmaker, was arrested by U.S. authorities in Miami, the president’s office said in a statement.

The president’s brother is the latest in a string of prominent Hondurans, including three congressmen, who have been charged in the United States for involvement with drug trafficking.

“This is a heavy blow for the whole family,” the president told reporters in his hometown of Gracias, in western Honduras. “I hope the justice system gives him the room to defend himself, and as a family, we will do what we can to support him.”

Looks like the ruling "family business" is going to take a BIG HIT on their American market share..

For cripes sakes, dont dick around with refugee streams.. Work to FIX THE BASIC PROBLEM...

Legalize narcotics so that organized crime can’t corrupt weak institutions?

Because it’s American demand at the root of all this.

This is the effects of the retarded War on Drugs.
Pretty much every American with 2 brain cells knows that almost all the Central American countries are crooked... That's why these refugees leave. It could be on the news 24/7, but it would be about as useful as repeating water is wet.
And to deny those s holes people who want to make change by taking them in keeps those places s holes.

If those people stay there... they are either killed or become slaves to help them cultivate more drugs, or victims of human trafficking and sex slaves.
People with ambition need to help their nation. Imagine if all the Founding Fathers immigrated to Japan in 1750.

Big difference between ambition and a suicide mission. Most of the immigrants coming to the United States are women and children, not grown men. You really need to think before you post.
Founding Fathers all had death sentences. You really do need to learn history and stop denying those nations of their leaders.

You want to bring up the Founding Fathers? If you knew your history you would realize the Founding Fathers would want these people to be allowed into the United States... that's the fucking reason why the United States was created in the first place... to flea persecution. You don't know your history as much as you think you do, and only shot yourself in the foot.

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