The real reason for face masks

Redfish is afraid of the numbers, and he should be. Sweden (with twice the population of Norway, Finland, and Denmark) has about 6,000 deaths and the others about 1,000. That means Sweden has three times per capita deaths of the other three nations.

Typical herd mentality by Redfish and the other Trumper excusers.

Use the following to run your own numbers: finland deaths covid - Google Search

twice as many human beings have died from abortion in the last two days than have died from covid since January-------------------------you libs are raving lunatics with no perception of reality. So Sweden had more deaths than Norway? so what? who is doing the counting in both countries? Are swedes who die from diabetes being coded as covid deaths as they were in NY? this is all propaganda of one form or the other, intelligent people see through the BS. Sorry Jakey boi, that does not include you.
1. "herd immunity" Sweden has death twice the amount of per capita than Norway, Finland, and Denmark combined: fact.

2. The abortion argument is a logical fallacy of false equivalency: fact.

3. You are the human equivalent of a mindlessly chattering chipmunk: fact.

Tired of posting the T cell study you moron......oh well......believe what you want......go hide and play this nonsense troll game Rightwinger........Oh well.

Order me to OBEY.....oops you ok......I don't know how the whole isle of can goods fell on you....earthquake maybe.
Wow, and the Dems have even convinced other countries to use masks too!

They're so evil!
FEAR and CHAOS is CONTROL---------the globalists seeking control and power aren't worried just about the US even though we are the world leader now and are their main target.
We're not "the world leader" any more. Trump has withdrawn us from that position. Trumpsters have said, over and over, that they don't give two shits about what other countries think of us, and they cheer when we withdraw from global initiatives. Germany is probably the world leader now, and China is gaining, unfortunately.
No if anyone did that it was that asshole Obama. That asshole hated this country and did everything he could to destroy it and was giving away the sore just as fast as he could. Trump has been busy repairing the damage that asshole did with both hands tied behind his back by the damn swamp dwellers ever since he was put into office. They've also managed to brain wash fools like you. Of course it was a light cleaning and a quick wipe up in cases like yours.
Yes, you obedient Trumpsters are just too independent and smart and informed for me.
The real reason for face masks is to protect others from you if you have covid.
The real reason for face masks is to protect others from you if you have covid.
Only pandemic in history that you have to get tested to know if you had it.........LOL

They ever fix the DNA problems giving all those False

Oh well.......labs making a killing .........Can you keep that lie afloat til the election.......the Mail In 'Virus.........
Should We All Be Wearing Face Masks? Here's Why Experts ... › this-is-why-advice-on-whether-you-should-w...

Apr 9, 2020 - Understanding the spread. To examine this, we need to first look at how coronavirus spreads and how masks might stop it. 010 mask graph ...
When and how to use masks - World Health Organization › ... › Advice for the public

WHO's guidance and advice on the use of masks to protect against and limit the spread of COVID-19.
Coronavirus Face Masks: Types & When to Use | Johns ... › conditions-and-diseases › coronavirus

Aug 20, 2020 - Should I wear a face mask or covering for coronavirus protection? ... In Maryland, face masks or coverings have been required in retail stores ...

Do face masks really reduce coronavirus spread? Experts ... › are-face-masks-effective-reducing-coronaviru...

Jun 2, 2020 - But the evidence for the efficacy of surgical or homemade masks is limited, and masks aren't the most important protection against the ...
Why Wearing A Face Mask Is Important - Universal Medical Inc. › wearing-face-mask-important

Wearing a face mask will help prevent the spread of infection and prevent the individual from contracting any airborne infectious germs. When someone coughs, ...

ok jake winger, if you want to live your life with a mask on, go for it. but those of us who actually have working minds may choose not to. Its called freedom, fool. If you choose to be a sheep to the government master, go for it. Real americans see the danger in that and will resist it to the death. Life without liberty is slavery. You are too stupid to understand that.
No, it isn't "freedom" to risk exposing others to a deadly virus. It isn't "freedom" not to wear a seatbelt. Somebody is selling you a wooden nickel and you can't buy enough. Not wearing a mask isn't freedom, its being REALLY fucking dumb for free.

If your mask protects you (why else would you wear it) then why do I need one to protect you? I don't have covid or any symptoms of it, so how would a mask protect anyone from me? and yeah, I get it, you are about to say, "you don't know if you have it" Well the CDC has said that asymptomatic people cannot transmit the virus. CDC has also recently corrected itself and said that only a small percentage of people who were included in the victim count actually died from covid, dying WITH covid is not the same as dying FROM covid.

this whole fiasco was designed by China and the NWO assholes to see how easily americans could be turned into obedient sheep. It worked on you, which is no surprise.
Seriously, how can you be so grossly misinformed when you have the internet at your fingertips? Yes, asymptomatic individuals can still spread the virus.


The remaining 89 of the 110 asymptomatic patients did not develop symptoms over the course of a 20- to 26-day follow-up timeframe, according to the researchers. However, they found that the asymptomatic patients had as large of a viral load in their noses, throats, and lungs as patients who were infected with the coronavirus and developed symptoms of Covid-19.
Further, the researchers found that asymptomatic patients carried the virus nearly as long as symptomatic patients. Almost 34% of the asymptomatic patients tested negative for the novel coronavirus after 14 days, and that percentage grew to 75% after 21 days. In comparison, 29.6% of the symptomatic patients tested negative after 14 days, and just under 70% tested negative after 21 days.

And, no, the CDC has not revised it's numbers. There are still over 180,000 Americans dead from COVID.

wrong again witchey, dying WITH covid is not dying FROM covid. so if an overweight old person with diabetes and emphysema dies and they find evidence of covid in the autopsy, what did he die of? Are you really as ignorant as you seem to be?
Yes, Fishy, they are. If not for COVID they would not be dead.

Almost 200,000 Americans are now dead due to COVID. How many are from Trump's mishandling?

Facts spank you again.

just a couple of facts for you. Trump banned travel from china and the EU earlier than any democrat recommended and in fact earlier than the CDC and WHO recommended. At that same time Pelosi was telling people to come to Chinatown to party and Biden was calling Trump xenophobic, Over half of the deaths ascribed to covid have been in nursing homes and have been people with serious underlying medical issues.

you used the word "mishandling" tell me specifically what Biden or any democrat would have done differently. Would they have built temporary hospitals faster? NO. Would they have gotten the public/private sector building ventilators and PPE faster? NO. Would they have banned travel faster? NO. Would they have created a covid task force with the best experts in the country faster? NO.

You have become nothing but a dem/lib lie repeater. your credibility on this forum is zero. Thats a shame because I think you are actually a pretty intelligent person.

Trump stopping SOME travel from China is not the be all end all of the pandemic. And it was Azar that told Trump to suspend travel from China. Inside Trump Administration, Debate Raged Over What to Tell Public

Yes, mishandling. It is the word everyone except his psychophants use to describe his response to the virus. All you have to do is type into your search engine "Trumps handling of COVID" and you will get nothing but articles about he has bungled the United State's response to the virus. We, the United States, are only 4% of the world's population, but have 20% of the world's cases.

What Biden or any other normal person would have done is NOT downplay the virus in public that he knew to be a virulent, deadly disease. Biden or any other normal person would listen to scientists who are experts in the field of epidemiology and not listen to a TV Radiologist that thinks "herd mentality" :lol: (herd immunity) is the way the U.S. should go.
Then why did you demofks like pelosi tell everyone to go out? See you just can’t get passed that to show you lie!

Pelosi traveled to Chinatown on Feb. 24 in an effort to bolster the neighborhood’s restaurants and shops. Their business had fallen sharply in the wake of the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic, which originated in Wuhan, China, late last year.
The visit came three weeks before six Bay Area counties implemented shelter-in-place restrictions. On the day of Pelosi’s visit, Trump tweeted this about the virus: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
While, as we have written, Trump announced the travel restrictions at the end of January, he also downplayed the danger of the virus in a series of remarks and tweets from Jan. 22 to March 10.
The real reason for face masks is to protect others from you if you have covid.
It's about protecting fellow Americans, period. Either you care about your fellow man or you don't. We know Donald Trump does not. It remains to see if Republicans also have no cares beyond themselves.'s pushing the lockdown narrative by Globalist and fools following...........destroying American lives who have lost their businesses because of this.............

Which is what the globalist are either a pawn or with them..........which is it...............
The real reason for face masks is to protect others from you if you have covid.
It's about protecting fellow Americans, period. Either you care about your fellow man or you don't. We know Donald Trump does not. It remains to see if Republicans also have no cares beyond themselves.'s pushing the lockdown narrative by Globalist and fools following...........destroying American lives who have lost their businesses because of this.............

Which is what the globalist are either a pawn or with them..........which is it...............
In reading your crazy post, it seems to me that either you are insane or are insane.
Should We All Be Wearing Face Masks? Here's Why Experts ... › this-is-why-advice-on-whether-you-should-w...

Apr 9, 2020 - Understanding the spread. To examine this, we need to first look at how coronavirus spreads and how masks might stop it. 010 mask graph ...
When and how to use masks - World Health Organization › ... › Advice for the public

WHO's guidance and advice on the use of masks to protect against and limit the spread of COVID-19.
Coronavirus Face Masks: Types & When to Use | Johns ... › conditions-and-diseases › coronavirus

Aug 20, 2020 - Should I wear a face mask or covering for coronavirus protection? ... In Maryland, face masks or coverings have been required in retail stores ...

Do face masks really reduce coronavirus spread? Experts ... › are-face-masks-effective-reducing-coronaviru...

Jun 2, 2020 - But the evidence for the efficacy of surgical or homemade masks is limited, and masks aren't the most important protection against the ...
Why Wearing A Face Mask Is Important - Universal Medical Inc. › wearing-face-mask-important

Wearing a face mask will help prevent the spread of infection and prevent the individual from contracting any airborne infectious germs. When someone coughs, ...

ok jake winger, if you want to live your life with a mask on, go for it. but those of us who actually have working minds may choose not to. Its called freedom, fool. If you choose to be a sheep to the government master, go for it. Real americans see the danger in that and will resist it to the death. Life without liberty is slavery. You are too stupid to understand that.
No, it isn't "freedom" to risk exposing others to a deadly virus. It isn't "freedom" not to wear a seatbelt. Somebody is selling you a wooden nickel and you can't buy enough. Not wearing a mask isn't freedom, its being REALLY fucking dumb for free.

If your mask protects you (why else would you wear it) then why do I need one to protect you? I don't have covid or any symptoms of it, so how would a mask protect anyone from me? and yeah, I get it, you are about to say, "you don't know if you have it" Well the CDC has said that asymptomatic people cannot transmit the virus. CDC has also recently corrected itself and said that only a small percentage of people who were included in the victim count actually died from covid, dying WITH covid is not the same as dying FROM covid.

this whole fiasco was designed by China and the NWO assholes to see how easily americans could be turned into obedient sheep. It worked on you, which is no surprise.
Seriously, how can you be so grossly misinformed when you have the internet at your fingertips? Yes, asymptomatic individuals can still spread the virus.


The remaining 89 of the 110 asymptomatic patients did not develop symptoms over the course of a 20- to 26-day follow-up timeframe, according to the researchers. However, they found that the asymptomatic patients had as large of a viral load in their noses, throats, and lungs as patients who were infected with the coronavirus and developed symptoms of Covid-19.
Further, the researchers found that asymptomatic patients carried the virus nearly as long as symptomatic patients. Almost 34% of the asymptomatic patients tested negative for the novel coronavirus after 14 days, and that percentage grew to 75% after 21 days. In comparison, 29.6% of the symptomatic patients tested negative after 14 days, and just under 70% tested negative after 21 days.

And, no, the CDC has not revised it's numbers. There are still over 180,000 Americans dead from COVID.

wrong again witchey, dying WITH covid is not dying FROM covid. so if an overweight old person with diabetes and emphysema dies and they find evidence of covid in the autopsy, what did he die of? Are you really as ignorant as you seem to be?
Yes, Fishy, they are. If not for COVID they would not be dead.

Almost 200,000 Americans are now dead due to COVID. How many are from Trump's mishandling?

Facts spank you again.

just a couple of facts for you. Trump banned travel from china and the EU earlier than any democrat recommended and in fact earlier than the CDC and WHO recommended. At that same time Pelosi was telling people to come to Chinatown to party and Biden was calling Trump xenophobic, Over half of the deaths ascribed to covid have been in nursing homes and have been people with serious underlying medical issues.

you used the word "mishandling" tell me specifically what Biden or any democrat would have done differently. Would they have built temporary hospitals faster? NO. Would they have gotten the public/private sector building ventilators and PPE faster? NO. Would they have banned travel faster? NO. Would they have created a covid task force with the best experts in the country faster? NO.

You have become nothing but a dem/lib lie repeater. your credibility on this forum is zero. Thats a shame because I think you are actually a pretty intelligent person.

Trump stopping SOME travel from China is not the be all end all of the pandemic. And it was Azar that told Trump to suspend travel from China. Inside Trump Administration, Debate Raged Over What to Tell Public

Yes, mishandling. It is the word everyone except his psychophants use to describe his response to the virus. All you have to do is type into your search engine "Trumps handling of COVID" and you will get nothing but articles about he has bungled the United State's response to the virus. We, the United States, are only 4% of the world's population, but have 20% of the world's cases.

What Biden or any other normal person would have done is NOT downplay the virus in public that he knew to be a virulent, deadly disease. Biden or any other normal person would listen to scientists who are experts in the field of epidemiology and not listen to a TV Radiologist that thinks "herd mentality" :lol: (herd immunity) is the way the U.S. should go.
Then why did you demofks like pelosi tell everyone to go out? See you just can’t get passed that to show you lie!

Pelosi traveled to Chinatown on Feb. 24 in an effort to bolster the neighborhood’s restaurants and shops. Their business had fallen sharply in the wake of the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic, which originated in Wuhan, China, late last year.
The visit came three weeks before six Bay Area counties implemented shelter-in-place restrictions. On the day of Pelosi’s visit, Trump tweeted this about the virus: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
While, as we have written, Trump announced the travel restrictions at the end of January, he also downplayed the danger of the virus in a series of remarks and tweets from Jan. 22 to March 10.
So she downplayed the virus? Hahahaha he set you up.

still can’t get away from it. Even post it your own self
Should We All Be Wearing Face Masks? Here's Why Experts ... › this-is-why-advice-on-whether-you-should-w...

Apr 9, 2020 - Understanding the spread. To examine this, we need to first look at how coronavirus spreads and how masks might stop it. 010 mask graph ...
When and how to use masks - World Health Organization › ... › Advice for the public

WHO's guidance and advice on the use of masks to protect against and limit the spread of COVID-19.
Coronavirus Face Masks: Types & When to Use | Johns ... › conditions-and-diseases › coronavirus

Aug 20, 2020 - Should I wear a face mask or covering for coronavirus protection? ... In Maryland, face masks or coverings have been required in retail stores ...

Do face masks really reduce coronavirus spread? Experts ... › are-face-masks-effective-reducing-coronaviru...

Jun 2, 2020 - But the evidence for the efficacy of surgical or homemade masks is limited, and masks aren't the most important protection against the ...
Why Wearing A Face Mask Is Important - Universal Medical Inc. › wearing-face-mask-important

Wearing a face mask will help prevent the spread of infection and prevent the individual from contracting any airborne infectious germs. When someone coughs, ...

ok jake winger, if you want to live your life with a mask on, go for it. but those of us who actually have working minds may choose not to. Its called freedom, fool. If you choose to be a sheep to the government master, go for it. Real americans see the danger in that and will resist it to the death. Life without liberty is slavery. You are too stupid to understand that.
No, it isn't "freedom" to risk exposing others to a deadly virus. It isn't "freedom" not to wear a seatbelt. Somebody is selling you a wooden nickel and you can't buy enough. Not wearing a mask isn't freedom, its being REALLY fucking dumb for free.

If your mask protects you (why else would you wear it) then why do I need one to protect you? I don't have covid or any symptoms of it, so how would a mask protect anyone from me? and yeah, I get it, you are about to say, "you don't know if you have it" Well the CDC has said that asymptomatic people cannot transmit the virus. CDC has also recently corrected itself and said that only a small percentage of people who were included in the victim count actually died from covid, dying WITH covid is not the same as dying FROM covid.

this whole fiasco was designed by China and the NWO assholes to see how easily americans could be turned into obedient sheep. It worked on you, which is no surprise.
Seriously, how can you be so grossly misinformed when you have the internet at your fingertips? Yes, asymptomatic individuals can still spread the virus.


The remaining 89 of the 110 asymptomatic patients did not develop symptoms over the course of a 20- to 26-day follow-up timeframe, according to the researchers. However, they found that the asymptomatic patients had as large of a viral load in their noses, throats, and lungs as patients who were infected with the coronavirus and developed symptoms of Covid-19.
Further, the researchers found that asymptomatic patients carried the virus nearly as long as symptomatic patients. Almost 34% of the asymptomatic patients tested negative for the novel coronavirus after 14 days, and that percentage grew to 75% after 21 days. In comparison, 29.6% of the symptomatic patients tested negative after 14 days, and just under 70% tested negative after 21 days.

And, no, the CDC has not revised it's numbers. There are still over 180,000 Americans dead from COVID.

wrong again witchey, dying WITH covid is not dying FROM covid. so if an overweight old person with diabetes and emphysema dies and they find evidence of covid in the autopsy, what did he die of? Are you really as ignorant as you seem to be?
Yes, Fishy, they are. If not for COVID they would not be dead.

Almost 200,000 Americans are now dead due to COVID. How many are from Trump's mishandling?

Facts spank you again.

just a couple of facts for you. Trump banned travel from china and the EU earlier than any democrat recommended and in fact earlier than the CDC and WHO recommended. At that same time Pelosi was telling people to come to Chinatown to party and Biden was calling Trump xenophobic, Over half of the deaths ascribed to covid have been in nursing homes and have been people with serious underlying medical issues.

you used the word "mishandling" tell me specifically what Biden or any democrat would have done differently. Would they have built temporary hospitals faster? NO. Would they have gotten the public/private sector building ventilators and PPE faster? NO. Would they have banned travel faster? NO. Would they have created a covid task force with the best experts in the country faster? NO.

You have become nothing but a dem/lib lie repeater. your credibility on this forum is zero. Thats a shame because I think you are actually a pretty intelligent person.

Trump stopping SOME travel from China is not the be all end all of the pandemic. And it was Azar that told Trump to suspend travel from China. Inside Trump Administration, Debate Raged Over What to Tell Public

Yes, mishandling. It is the word everyone except his psychophants use to describe his response to the virus. All you have to do is type into your search engine "Trumps handling of COVID" and you will get nothing but articles about he has bungled the United State's response to the virus. We, the United States, are only 4% of the world's population, but have 20% of the world's cases.

What Biden or any other normal person would have done is NOT downplay the virus in public that he knew to be a virulent, deadly disease. Biden or any other normal person would listen to scientists who are experts in the field of epidemiology and not listen to a TV Radiologist that thinks "herd mentality" :lol: (herd immunity) is the way the U.S. should go.
Then why did you demofks like pelosi tell everyone to go out? See you just can’t get passed that to show you lie!

Pelosi traveled to Chinatown on Feb. 24 in an effort to bolster the neighborhood’s restaurants and shops. Their business had fallen sharply in the wake of the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic, which originated in Wuhan, China, late last year.
The visit came three weeks before six Bay Area counties implemented shelter-in-place restrictions. On the day of Pelosi’s visit, Trump tweeted this about the virus: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
While, as we have written, Trump announced the travel restrictions at the end of January, he also downplayed the danger of the virus in a series of remarks and tweets from Jan. 22 to March 10.
So she downplayed the virus? Hahahaha he set you up.

still can’t get away from it. Even post it your own self

Point out exactly where she downplayed the virus. Did she continue encourage people to go out three weeks later when the Bay Area went on lockdown? Trump certainly continued (and continues) to downplay the virus.
The real reason for face masks is to protect others from you if you have covid.
It's about protecting fellow Americans, period. Either you care about your fellow man or you don't. We know Donald Trump does not. It remains to see if Republicans also have no cares beyond themselves.'s pushing the lockdown narrative by Globalist and fools following...........destroying American lives who have lost their businesses because of this.............

Which is what the globalist are either a pawn or with them..........which is it...............
In reading your crazy post, it seems to me that either you are insane or are insane.
I see flying elephants.........and shoot the closet door because the boogeyman is there.'s a song for you.
Should We All Be Wearing Face Masks? Here's Why Experts ... › this-is-why-advice-on-whether-you-should-w...

Apr 9, 2020 - Understanding the spread. To examine this, we need to first look at how coronavirus spreads and how masks might stop it. 010 mask graph ...
When and how to use masks - World Health Organization › ... › Advice for the public

WHO's guidance and advice on the use of masks to protect against and limit the spread of COVID-19.
Coronavirus Face Masks: Types & When to Use | Johns ... › conditions-and-diseases › coronavirus

Aug 20, 2020 - Should I wear a face mask or covering for coronavirus protection? ... In Maryland, face masks or coverings have been required in retail stores ...

Do face masks really reduce coronavirus spread? Experts ... › are-face-masks-effective-reducing-coronaviru...

Jun 2, 2020 - But the evidence for the efficacy of surgical or homemade masks is limited, and masks aren't the most important protection against the ...
Why Wearing A Face Mask Is Important - Universal Medical Inc. › wearing-face-mask-important

Wearing a face mask will help prevent the spread of infection and prevent the individual from contracting any airborne infectious germs. When someone coughs, ...

ok jake winger, if you want to live your life with a mask on, go for it. but those of us who actually have working minds may choose not to. Its called freedom, fool. If you choose to be a sheep to the government master, go for it. Real americans see the danger in that and will resist it to the death. Life without liberty is slavery. You are too stupid to understand that.
No, it isn't "freedom" to risk exposing others to a deadly virus. It isn't "freedom" not to wear a seatbelt. Somebody is selling you a wooden nickel and you can't buy enough. Not wearing a mask isn't freedom, its being REALLY fucking dumb for free.

If your mask protects you (why else would you wear it) then why do I need one to protect you? I don't have covid or any symptoms of it, so how would a mask protect anyone from me? and yeah, I get it, you are about to say, "you don't know if you have it" Well the CDC has said that asymptomatic people cannot transmit the virus. CDC has also recently corrected itself and said that only a small percentage of people who were included in the victim count actually died from covid, dying WITH covid is not the same as dying FROM covid.

this whole fiasco was designed by China and the NWO assholes to see how easily americans could be turned into obedient sheep. It worked on you, which is no surprise.
Seriously, how can you be so grossly misinformed when you have the internet at your fingertips? Yes, asymptomatic individuals can still spread the virus.


The remaining 89 of the 110 asymptomatic patients did not develop symptoms over the course of a 20- to 26-day follow-up timeframe, according to the researchers. However, they found that the asymptomatic patients had as large of a viral load in their noses, throats, and lungs as patients who were infected with the coronavirus and developed symptoms of Covid-19.
Further, the researchers found that asymptomatic patients carried the virus nearly as long as symptomatic patients. Almost 34% of the asymptomatic patients tested negative for the novel coronavirus after 14 days, and that percentage grew to 75% after 21 days. In comparison, 29.6% of the symptomatic patients tested negative after 14 days, and just under 70% tested negative after 21 days.

And, no, the CDC has not revised it's numbers. There are still over 180,000 Americans dead from COVID.

wrong again witchey, dying WITH covid is not dying FROM covid. so if an overweight old person with diabetes and emphysema dies and they find evidence of covid in the autopsy, what did he die of? Are you really as ignorant as you seem to be?
Yes, Fishy, they are. If not for COVID they would not be dead.

Almost 200,000 Americans are now dead due to COVID. How many are from Trump's mishandling?

Facts spank you again.

just a couple of facts for you. Trump banned travel from china and the EU earlier than any democrat recommended and in fact earlier than the CDC and WHO recommended. At that same time Pelosi was telling people to come to Chinatown to party and Biden was calling Trump xenophobic, Over half of the deaths ascribed to covid have been in nursing homes and have been people with serious underlying medical issues.

you used the word "mishandling" tell me specifically what Biden or any democrat would have done differently. Would they have built temporary hospitals faster? NO. Would they have gotten the public/private sector building ventilators and PPE faster? NO. Would they have banned travel faster? NO. Would they have created a covid task force with the best experts in the country faster? NO.

You have become nothing but a dem/lib lie repeater. your credibility on this forum is zero. Thats a shame because I think you are actually a pretty intelligent person.

Trump stopping SOME travel from China is not the be all end all of the pandemic. And it was Azar that told Trump to suspend travel from China. Inside Trump Administration, Debate Raged Over What to Tell Public

Yes, mishandling. It is the word everyone except his psychophants use to describe his response to the virus. All you have to do is type into your search engine "Trumps handling of COVID" and you will get nothing but articles about he has bungled the United State's response to the virus. We, the United States, are only 4% of the world's population, but have 20% of the world's cases.

What Biden or any other normal person would have done is NOT downplay the virus in public that he knew to be a virulent, deadly disease. Biden or any other normal person would listen to scientists who are experts in the field of epidemiology and not listen to a TV Radiologist that thinks "herd mentality" :lol: (herd immunity) is the way the U.S. should go.
Then why did you demofks like pelosi tell everyone to go out? See you just can’t get passed that to show you lie!

Pelosi traveled to Chinatown on Feb. 24 in an effort to bolster the neighborhood’s restaurants and shops. Their business had fallen sharply in the wake of the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic, which originated in Wuhan, China, late last year.
The visit came three weeks before six Bay Area counties implemented shelter-in-place restrictions. On the day of Pelosi’s visit, Trump tweeted this about the virus: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
While, as we have written, Trump announced the travel restrictions at the end of January, he also downplayed the danger of the virus in a series of remarks and tweets from Jan. 22 to March 10.
So she downplayed the virus? Hahahaha he set you up.

still can’t get away from it. Even post it your own self

Point out exactly where she downplayed the virus. Did she continue encourage people to go out three weeks later when the Bay Area went on lockdown? Trump certainly continued (and continues) to downplay the virus.

it should be downplayed, it has a 99.6% survival rate. The vast majority of people who die from it already have serious medical conditions and one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. the world has been scammed by China and the WHO, and fools like you are too brain dead to realize it.
Facemasks are also providing criminal rioters/looters assistance in hiding their actions from the people that could identify them, as Tim Pool highlighted recently. People are in some cases losing their jobs when identified as the criminals they are.

Masks can help but they are not the end all. As Trump states, people are mindlessly contaminating things with hands back and forth from mask to other objects.

The dems have royally screwed up with these lockdowns. What they intended is backfiring, as people become aware of the miniscule death rate, and realize the sabotage efforts on the Trump economy. They see the intent, and see that dems are ruining people's lives.. all to later say "happened under Trump's presidency."
Should We All Be Wearing Face Masks? Here's Why Experts ... › this-is-why-advice-on-whether-you-should-w...

Apr 9, 2020 - Understanding the spread. To examine this, we need to first look at how coronavirus spreads and how masks might stop it. 010 mask graph ...
When and how to use masks - World Health Organization › ... › Advice for the public

WHO's guidance and advice on the use of masks to protect against and limit the spread of COVID-19.
Coronavirus Face Masks: Types & When to Use | Johns ... › conditions-and-diseases › coronavirus

Aug 20, 2020 - Should I wear a face mask or covering for coronavirus protection? ... In Maryland, face masks or coverings have been required in retail stores ...

Do face masks really reduce coronavirus spread? Experts ... › are-face-masks-effective-reducing-coronaviru...

Jun 2, 2020 - But the evidence for the efficacy of surgical or homemade masks is limited, and masks aren't the most important protection against the ...
Why Wearing A Face Mask Is Important - Universal Medical Inc. › wearing-face-mask-important

Wearing a face mask will help prevent the spread of infection and prevent the individual from contracting any airborne infectious germs. When someone coughs, ...

ok jake winger, if you want to live your life with a mask on, go for it. but those of us who actually have working minds may choose not to. Its called freedom, fool. If you choose to be a sheep to the government master, go for it. Real americans see the danger in that and will resist it to the death. Life without liberty is slavery. You are too stupid to understand that.
No, it isn't "freedom" to risk exposing others to a deadly virus. It isn't "freedom" not to wear a seatbelt. Somebody is selling you a wooden nickel and you can't buy enough. Not wearing a mask isn't freedom, its being REALLY fucking dumb for free.

If your mask protects you (why else would you wear it) then why do I need one to protect you? I don't have covid or any symptoms of it, so how would a mask protect anyone from me? and yeah, I get it, you are about to say, "you don't know if you have it" Well the CDC has said that asymptomatic people cannot transmit the virus. CDC has also recently corrected itself and said that only a small percentage of people who were included in the victim count actually died from covid, dying WITH covid is not the same as dying FROM covid.

this whole fiasco was designed by China and the NWO assholes to see how easily americans could be turned into obedient sheep. It worked on you, which is no surprise.
Seriously, how can you be so grossly misinformed when you have the internet at your fingertips? Yes, asymptomatic individuals can still spread the virus.


The remaining 89 of the 110 asymptomatic patients did not develop symptoms over the course of a 20- to 26-day follow-up timeframe, according to the researchers. However, they found that the asymptomatic patients had as large of a viral load in their noses, throats, and lungs as patients who were infected with the coronavirus and developed symptoms of Covid-19.
Further, the researchers found that asymptomatic patients carried the virus nearly as long as symptomatic patients. Almost 34% of the asymptomatic patients tested negative for the novel coronavirus after 14 days, and that percentage grew to 75% after 21 days. In comparison, 29.6% of the symptomatic patients tested negative after 14 days, and just under 70% tested negative after 21 days.

And, no, the CDC has not revised it's numbers. There are still over 180,000 Americans dead from COVID.

wrong again witchey, dying WITH covid is not dying FROM covid. so if an overweight old person with diabetes and emphysema dies and they find evidence of covid in the autopsy, what did he die of? Are you really as ignorant as you seem to be?
Yes, Fishy, they are. If not for COVID they would not be dead.

Almost 200,000 Americans are now dead due to COVID. How many are from Trump's mishandling?

Facts spank you again.

just a couple of facts for you. Trump banned travel from china and the EU earlier than any democrat recommended and in fact earlier than the CDC and WHO recommended. At that same time Pelosi was telling people to come to Chinatown to party and Biden was calling Trump xenophobic, Over half of the deaths ascribed to covid have been in nursing homes and have been people with serious underlying medical issues.

you used the word "mishandling" tell me specifically what Biden or any democrat would have done differently. Would they have built temporary hospitals faster? NO. Would they have gotten the public/private sector building ventilators and PPE faster? NO. Would they have banned travel faster? NO. Would they have created a covid task force with the best experts in the country faster? NO.

You have become nothing but a dem/lib lie repeater. your credibility on this forum is zero. Thats a shame because I think you are actually a pretty intelligent person.

Trump stopping SOME travel from China is not the be all end all of the pandemic. And it was Azar that told Trump to suspend travel from China. Inside Trump Administration, Debate Raged Over What to Tell Public

Yes, mishandling. It is the word everyone except his psychophants use to describe his response to the virus. All you have to do is type into your search engine "Trumps handling of COVID" and you will get nothing but articles about he has bungled the United State's response to the virus. We, the United States, are only 4% of the world's population, but have 20% of the world's cases.

What Biden or any other normal person would have done is NOT downplay the virus in public that he knew to be a virulent, deadly disease. Biden or any other normal person would listen to scientists who are experts in the field of epidemiology and not listen to a TV Radiologist that thinks "herd mentality" :lol: (herd immunity) is the way the U.S. should go.
Then why did you demofks like pelosi tell everyone to go out? See you just can’t get passed that to show you lie!

Pelosi traveled to Chinatown on Feb. 24 in an effort to bolster the neighborhood’s restaurants and shops. Their business had fallen sharply in the wake of the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic, which originated in Wuhan, China, late last year.
The visit came three weeks before six Bay Area counties implemented shelter-in-place restrictions. On the day of Pelosi’s visit, Trump tweeted this about the virus: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
While, as we have written, Trump announced the travel restrictions at the end of January, he also downplayed the danger of the virus in a series of remarks and tweets from Jan. 22 to March 10.
So she downplayed the virus? Hahahaha he set you up.

still can’t get away from it. Even post it your own self

Point out exactly where she downplayed the virus. Did she continue encourage people to go out three weeks later when the Bay Area went on lockdown? Trump certainly continued (and continues) to downplay the virus.

it should be downplayed, it has a 99.6% survival rate. The vast majority of people who die from it already have serious medical conditions and one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. the world has been scammed by China and the WHO, and fools like you are too brain dead to realize it.
1,000 people are dying per day and you think it's no big deal. You are a disgusting excuse for a human being.
The real reason for face masks is to protect others from you if you have covid.

and if you don't have it? Most people don't have it. The masking is to remove your identity and make you a government sheep. Baaaa, Baaa Jakey boi
Most people don't know if they have it. Unless you are getting tested every day, you don't know. The mask is to protect fellow citizens from dying of a virulent, deadly virus that has killed 200,000 Americans in a matter of months.
People refusing to wear face masks in public should be pepper-sprayed and or assaulted when and if they come within a certain distance of other people and arrested.
Should We All Be Wearing Face Masks? Here's Why Experts ... › this-is-why-advice-on-whether-you-should-w...

Apr 9, 2020 - Understanding the spread. To examine this, we need to first look at how coronavirus spreads and how masks might stop it. 010 mask graph ...
When and how to use masks - World Health Organization › ... › Advice for the public

WHO's guidance and advice on the use of masks to protect against and limit the spread of COVID-19.
Coronavirus Face Masks: Types & When to Use | Johns ... › conditions-and-diseases › coronavirus

Aug 20, 2020 - Should I wear a face mask or covering for coronavirus protection? ... In Maryland, face masks or coverings have been required in retail stores ...

Do face masks really reduce coronavirus spread? Experts ... › are-face-masks-effective-reducing-coronaviru...

Jun 2, 2020 - But the evidence for the efficacy of surgical or homemade masks is limited, and masks aren't the most important protection against the ...
Why Wearing A Face Mask Is Important - Universal Medical Inc. › wearing-face-mask-important

Wearing a face mask will help prevent the spread of infection and prevent the individual from contracting any airborne infectious germs. When someone coughs, ...

ok jake winger, if you want to live your life with a mask on, go for it. but those of us who actually have working minds may choose not to. Its called freedom, fool. If you choose to be a sheep to the government master, go for it. Real americans see the danger in that and will resist it to the death. Life without liberty is slavery. You are too stupid to understand that.
No, it isn't "freedom" to risk exposing others to a deadly virus. It isn't "freedom" not to wear a seatbelt. Somebody is selling you a wooden nickel and you can't buy enough. Not wearing a mask isn't freedom, its being REALLY fucking dumb for free.

If your mask protects you (why else would you wear it) then why do I need one to protect you? I don't have covid or any symptoms of it, so how would a mask protect anyone from me? and yeah, I get it, you are about to say, "you don't know if you have it" Well the CDC has said that asymptomatic people cannot transmit the virus. CDC has also recently corrected itself and said that only a small percentage of people who were included in the victim count actually died from covid, dying WITH covid is not the same as dying FROM covid.

this whole fiasco was designed by China and the NWO assholes to see how easily americans could be turned into obedient sheep. It worked on you, which is no surprise.
Seriously, how can you be so grossly misinformed when you have the internet at your fingertips? Yes, asymptomatic individuals can still spread the virus.


The remaining 89 of the 110 asymptomatic patients did not develop symptoms over the course of a 20- to 26-day follow-up timeframe, according to the researchers. However, they found that the asymptomatic patients had as large of a viral load in their noses, throats, and lungs as patients who were infected with the coronavirus and developed symptoms of Covid-19.
Further, the researchers found that asymptomatic patients carried the virus nearly as long as symptomatic patients. Almost 34% of the asymptomatic patients tested negative for the novel coronavirus after 14 days, and that percentage grew to 75% after 21 days. In comparison, 29.6% of the symptomatic patients tested negative after 14 days, and just under 70% tested negative after 21 days.

And, no, the CDC has not revised it's numbers. There are still over 180,000 Americans dead from COVID.

wrong again witchey, dying WITH covid is not dying FROM covid. so if an overweight old person with diabetes and emphysema dies and they find evidence of covid in the autopsy, what did he die of? Are you really as ignorant as you seem to be?
Yes, Fishy, they are. If not for COVID they would not be dead.

Almost 200,000 Americans are now dead due to COVID. How many are from Trump's mishandling?

Facts spank you again.

just a couple of facts for you. Trump banned travel from china and the EU earlier than any democrat recommended and in fact earlier than the CDC and WHO recommended. At that same time Pelosi was telling people to come to Chinatown to party and Biden was calling Trump xenophobic, Over half of the deaths ascribed to covid have been in nursing homes and have been people with serious underlying medical issues.

you used the word "mishandling" tell me specifically what Biden or any democrat would have done differently. Would they have built temporary hospitals faster? NO. Would they have gotten the public/private sector building ventilators and PPE faster? NO. Would they have banned travel faster? NO. Would they have created a covid task force with the best experts in the country faster? NO.

You have become nothing but a dem/lib lie repeater. your credibility on this forum is zero. Thats a shame because I think you are actually a pretty intelligent person.

Trump stopping SOME travel from China is not the be all end all of the pandemic. And it was Azar that told Trump to suspend travel from China. Inside Trump Administration, Debate Raged Over What to Tell Public

Yes, mishandling. It is the word everyone except his psychophants use to describe his response to the virus. All you have to do is type into your search engine "Trumps handling of COVID" and you will get nothing but articles about he has bungled the United State's response to the virus. We, the United States, are only 4% of the world's population, but have 20% of the world's cases.

What Biden or any other normal person would have done is NOT downplay the virus in public that he knew to be a virulent, deadly disease. Biden or any other normal person would listen to scientists who are experts in the field of epidemiology and not listen to a TV Radiologist that thinks "herd mentality" :lol: (herd immunity) is the way the U.S. should go.
Then why did you demofks like pelosi tell everyone to go out? See you just can’t get passed that to show you lie!

Pelosi traveled to Chinatown on Feb. 24 in an effort to bolster the neighborhood’s restaurants and shops. Their business had fallen sharply in the wake of the onset of the novel coronavirus pandemic, which originated in Wuhan, China, late last year.
The visit came three weeks before six Bay Area counties implemented shelter-in-place restrictions. On the day of Pelosi’s visit, Trump tweeted this about the virus: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
While, as we have written, Trump announced the travel restrictions at the end of January, he also downplayed the danger of the virus in a series of remarks and tweets from Jan. 22 to March 10.
So she downplayed the virus? Hahahaha he set you up.

still can’t get away from it. Even post it your own self

Point out exactly where she downplayed the virus. Did she continue encourage people to go out three weeks later when the Bay Area went on lockdown? Trump certainly continued (and continues) to downplay the virus.

it should be downplayed, it has a 99.6% survival rate. The vast majority of people who die from it already have serious medical conditions and one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. the world has been scammed by China and the WHO, and fools like you are too brain dead to realize it.
1,000 people are dying per day and you think it's no big deal. You are a disgusting excuse for a human being.

How many people were dying each day before the chinese virus arrived? Death is part of life, we cannot prevent death, but we can make life miserable trying to avoid death and that is exactly what sheep like you are being led into doing. You are pathetically stupid.

and you stats are wrong, 1000 people are not dying every day from covid.
Dying WITH covid does not equate to dying FROM covid and we know that many hospitals have been lying about cause of death in order to get more federal money. the whole thing is a scam.
We all know that Trump is the real culprit in the spread of CV19 in America

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