The real reason the left hates the NRA

Pure garbage. This narrative that liberals want a government run socialist society is so lazy and weak. I’m pretty liberal. I own guns like many other liberals do. The NRA has waged war against the Left. Look at the propaganda they pump out! Yes, there is an anti gun and anti NRA faction on the Left that exist but that is not comprised of all liberals or all democrats. The NRA and other dimwits lump this wing in with all on the left. It is dishonest and partisan and is the root cause of why most on the left hates the NRA... Even those in the left that own and love guns.

it may not be 100 percent accurate concerning all liberals. the article was going after national liberal attacks more than anything else.
If that’s the case then the author doesn’t know what the word liberal means. It sounds like he is complaining about socialist or communist goals and packing liberals and all on the “left” into that category. It’s a lazy and inauthentic argument
The kids are so kicking the asses of the NRA and Trump but it will take you morons 9 months to find out for yourselves.
For starters, the left do not like the power and independence of the individual. They seek as many ways as possible to regulate and restrict the power of the individual, and taking away, or restricting an individuals right to own a firearm is paramount in the fight to weaken an individuals freedom or power.
The NRA is not an individual...

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