The reality of the DC theater

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Schiff and Nadler are likely to step down from their chairmanships rather than risk being a prosecutor of impeachment because they would have to present exculpatory evidence involving, Trump. That will helpfully be presented by the DOJ. The appointed Special counsel for the crimes of Obama, Lynch and Hillary et al should be in action by the time impeachment comes along. both sides know this. With any luck the roll overs will be coming fast and furious.
They will spend the recess desperately looking for another scandal to add and then quietly move away from this one. They are on very thin ice factually given the Biden video.
Schiff and Nadler are likely to step down from their chairmanships rather than risk being a prosecutor of impeachment because they would have to present exculpatory evidence involving, Trump. That will helpfully be presented by the DOJ. The appointed Special counsel for the crimes of Obama, Lynch and Hillary et al should be in action by the time impeachment comes along. both sides know this. With any luck the roll overs will be coming fast and furious.

The problem you Trumpists have is that there is no "exculapatory evidence" involving Trump. We have the transcript, we have Trump's public confession. It's a slam dunk. Trump says there is nothing wrong with that phone call. It was "perfect".

It was an extortion attempt. A request to manufacture evidence to smear the Bidens. Based on some conspiracy theory Guliani fed Trump, that security advisors have tried to dissaude Trump from pursuing, because these rumours have been investigated before, and there is no evidence of any wrong doing on the part of either of the Bidens.

Furthermore, it is the fact that Trump, in defiance of the laws against soliciting aid from a foreign government in an election campaign, was in fact, askiing the Ukrainian government to meddle in the 2020 election, to help Donald Trump retain his Presidency.

Bill Barr's grand tour of Europe and Australia searching for evidence to discredit the CIA, FBI and NSA in the Russia Investigation, to prove that the Mueller Report was a "hoax", is similarly illegal and improper. The Department of Justice is not supposed to be investigating the intelligence agencies of the US government to aid the President's election campaign. This is also abuse of power.

There will be no special prosecutor for Clinton, Obama or Lynch, because there were no crimes. We're getting up past 20 investigations of the Clintons with no wrong doing, no charges, and no crimes. Trump's Inspector General at the Justice Department looked at the FBI investigations into the Clintons and did not take issue with the conclusions that there was nothing prosecute, and they would never get an indictment, much less a conviction.

Ken Starr investigated the Clintons for 6 1/2 years. He spent $100 million and got Bill for a lie about a blow job. When you make up shit about people, and then try to prove they did the shit you made up about them, you're unlikely to find any evidence unless you plant it yourself.

Get used to the fact that Trump will be impeached. Republicans will throw him under the bus. They're flipping faster than the pollsters can keep up.
Schiff and Nadler are likely to step down from their chairmanships rather than risk being a prosecutor of impeachment because they would have to present exculpatory evidence involving, Trump. That will helpfully be presented by the DOJ. The appointed Special counsel for the crimes of Obama, Lynch and Hillary et al should be in action by the time impeachment comes along. both sides know this. With any luck the roll overs will be coming fast and furious.
If the Democrats hold a vote that gives the GOP a chance to defend the president and gives them powers that at this time only the lying Democrats have.

There's another thread on the board. The DOJ has already cleared Trump of any wrong doing.

The Op on that thread should send a copy to Pelousy so she can save her own ass. LOL

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