The reason Benghazi means nothing to the press, IRS scandal,

all a person has to do to get a handle on the media's infatuation with barack Obama is to realize he appoints the head of the Federal Communications Commission. ABC's martha Raddatz - whom many of you may remember as the "moderator" of the last vice presidential debates between paul ryan and biden - a task which, in my opinion, she sucked at - ironically, was previously married to Julius Genachowski, father of their mutual son Jake and current head of the FCC under the Obama Administration. President BO was actually in attendace at their wedding. Which proves nothing, I'm aware - it's also true that republican presidents also appoint and have dominion over the FCC.

It's, in all actuality, the mentality of news journalists to be biased toward a leftist agenda. Why? I suppose we give them too much credit toward being intelligent when in all reality they're just zombies of socialism who had their brains sucked out by some professor at one of our nations increasingly liberally slanted colleges.

If you want the truth ask the average citizen - not an over educated sock puppet of the liberated school of thought.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO>

If you can't see the bias in the LSM then you must be one brainwashed dude.

Can you imagine if John McCain had had Wright as his minister or Ayers as a friend?? I'm sure the LSM would have been all over that like stink on shit.

You aren't honestly going to sit there and say the LSM isn't biased?

If you are then you don't watch the same news I watch.

Telling the conservative tendency to seek to cast blame everywhere but where it belongs, searching for scapegoats as opposed to taking personal responsibility for failure, the ‘liberal media’ being one such example.

OMG you personify the delusion!!!!

The democrats have been in power since 2006 not the Republicans. The faults with the country are ALL because of Democrats. How in the hell when democrats have controlled at least 2/3 of the government since 2006 the Republicans get any blame can only be because of media bias. Of course that and the brainwashed masses that voted for the failure in the WH regardless of what he did to this country. How the democrats can still be a viable party is the questions Republicans need to ask themselves.

This is the craziest thing of all
in 2007, the last GOP budget we had a defict of 162 billion
by 09 it was 1.4 trillion
UE 06 was 5%
over 9% 3 years laster
90 million people off of the work force today
and the GOP had NOTHING to do with any of it. The have 0 power
Moved to proper forum

This is 100% about politics
not the media
move it back please

Putting key pey people in roles of propoganda for the masses is a political tool that uis only using the media as that tool

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