The reason Benghazi means nothing to the press, IRS scandal,

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO>

If you can't see the bias in the LSM then you must be one brainwashed dude.

Can you imagine if John McCain had had Wright as his minister or Ayers as a friend?? I'm sure the LSM would have been all over that like stink on shit.

You aren't honestly going to sit there and say the LSM isn't biased?

If you are then you don't watch the same news I watch.

Here's the thing: Many of them may really, sincerely not see it.

Look at it this way: When you're sitting on your own 5 yard line, someone who is also sitting on your side of the 50 but on the 30 yard line may appear to you to be at mid field.

I'm serious -- they really may not see it.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO>

If you can't see the bias in the LSM then you must be one brainwashed dude.

Can you imagine if John McCain had had Wright as his minister or Ayers as a friend?? I'm sure the LSM would have been all over that like stink on shit.

You aren't honestly going to sit there and say the LSM isn't biased?

If you are then you don't watch the same news I watch.

Here's the thing: Many of them may really, sincerely not see it.

Look at it this way: When you're sitting on your own 5 yard line, someone who is also sitting on your side of the 50 but on the 30 yard line may appear to you to be at mid field.

I'm serious -- they really may not see it.


We don't see it, huh?

What is the motivator of this failure to grasp reality on our part?

Are we stupid.....and thus fell victim to the liberal media bias. the liberal media bias so pervasive that, even though we are highly intelligent, we fell victim to it?

If I never watched MSNBC or read the NYT.......and only watched FOX and read Drudge....would I be convinced that Obama is a terrible President and would I have voted for Romney?

I would LOVE for you to be able to demonstrate that I am gullible and unable to discern fact from fiction when it comes to news coverage. I know you can make such claims....but can you actually demonstrate it?

What obvious.....irrefutable falsehood have I been led to believe by media bias?

Also...please show me some evidence that the media heavily favored Obama over Romney. You know.....a non-partisan study done by someone like PEW. One that measures the tone of news coverage for negative nd positive reporting. That would be really interesting. And.....I would be able to see it.

Thanks. I hope you can show me the light. I want to see!
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It genuinely astounds me that most people see the news as biased liberal. It demonstrates a lack of experience and I think analysis. Even the so called liberal New York Times supported and helped set the stage for the war in Iraq. Ask yourself how that could happen given the fact protests in this country and throughout the world were against this senseless, illegal invasion? And today it is a killing field that rarely is mentioned.

But the righties need a scapegoat so bad news must be biased news. The trouble is, I wish the media were liberal and brought to the attention of the working class and the diminishing middle class the rip offs in wages, benefits, and fairness in our society. When only 4% of our tax dollar goes to supporting the so called socialism of entitlements you soon realize corporate American has the fools tethered to nonsense.

Another piece of proof MSM is not left is how often do you see a genuine left wing writer or thinker on MSM? Chomsky, Singer, Jensen? Never but Buchanan, Beck, Hannity and more are on every day.

Media cannot be liberal as they are owned by corporations and they are supported by corporations and corporations' goal is profit not justice. Complex issues are hard to present and most people need an easy explanation, someone to blame. Sorry folks, MSM is conservative by nature and form, believe otherwise if you must, but the truth is obvious.

"The corporate grip on opinion in the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all objectivity - much less dissent." Gore Vidal
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Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO>

If you can't see the bias in the LSM then you must be one brainwashed dude.

Can you imagine if John McCain had had Wright as his minister or Ayers as a friend?? I'm sure the LSM would have been all over that like stink on shit.

You aren't honestly going to sit there and say the LSM isn't biased?

If you are then you don't watch the same news I watch.

Here's the thing: Many of them may really, sincerely not see it.

Look at it this way: When you're sitting on your own 5 yard line, someone who is also sitting on your side of the 50 but on the 30 yard line may appear to you to be at mid field.

I'm serious -- they really may not see it.


One cannot ‘see’ something that is not there, thus your quaint analogy fails.

That the media disseminate facts and objective information which conflict with subjective conservative dogma does not constitute a ‘liberal media.’

That the media do not find evidence of a ‘cover up’ concerning Benghazi or any of the other contrived controversies, and consequently and correctly refrain from reporting the baseless speculation and lies of the right does not constitute a ‘liberal media.’

And studies analyzing the issue have found no evidence of a ‘liberal bias media.’ During the 2012 campaign, for example, research not only determined no ‘liberal bias’ by the media concerning election coverage, but found in fact that the media often portrayed Romney and republican candidates in a positive light:

Our data does not support the thesis of a liberal media bias as it relates to Election 2012 coverage. If anything, our analysis suggests a media bias towards both Mitt Romney and Republicans.

Liberal Media Bias: Fact or Fiction | Special Reports

As with the myths of ‘voter fraud’ and ‘welfare dependency,’ the myth of the ‘liberal bias media’ is a fundamental touchstone of conservative political dogma, a delusional refuge the right retreats to after an election loss or similar rightist policy failure.

...proving my point...


Yes. By disagreeing with your analysis, we are proving your point.

If only you had some test that you could administer to determine....definitively...that a person was unable to discern fact from fiction due to falling victim to media bias.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO>

If you can't see the bias in the LSM then you must be one brainwashed dude.

Can you imagine if John McCain had had Wright as his minister or Ayers as a friend?? I'm sure the LSM would have been all over that like stink on shit.

You aren't honestly going to sit there and say the LSM isn't biased?

If you are then you don't watch the same news I watch.

Telling the conservative tendency to seek to cast blame everywhere but where it belongs, searching for scapegoats as opposed to taking personal responsibility for failure, the ‘liberal media’ being one such example.
Our right winging neighbors cling to the MSM anti-right wing bias story because it is so damned comforting.

Meanwhile our left winging neighbors cling to a similar, but not exactly, the same complaint about the MSM --they believe that the MSM has a SELF POLICING system of censorship in place.

Basically, they believe that the MSM is incapable of seeing the truth because the TRUTH is so frightening that they simply REFUSE to believe any news that challenges their overall world view.

While the right wing speaks of the Bengazi incident as their proof of MSM bias, the left responds by noting that real spokeman with a leftist POV seldom are covered by the MSM.

Personally I suspect botht right wingers AND the left wingers are right.

I think the MSM is prejudiced and is not reporting the real news and is incapable of doing so due to its presupposed POVs (blinders, really) about how the world works.
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...proving my point...


Yes. By disagreeing with your analysis, we are proving your point.

If only you had some test that you could administer to determine....definitively...that a person was unable to discern fact from fiction due to falling victim to media bias.


Another idiotic facet of the myth of the ‘liberal media.’

That citizens are so dull-witted and intellectually disabled as to be unable to discern when they are being lied to by the ‘liberal media.’

It truly exhibits the disdain and contempt conservatives have for the general voting public.

...proving my point...


Yes. By disagreeing with your analysis, we are proving your point.

If only you had some test that you could administer to determine....definitively...that a person was unable to discern fact from fiction due to falling victim to media bias.


Another idiotic facet of the myth of the ‘liberal media.’

That citizens are so dull-witted and intellectually disabled as to be unable to discern when they are being lied to by the ‘liberal media.’

It truly exhibits the disdain and contempt conservatives have for the general voting public.

Holy crap.

LL's posts have not appeared on my screen (except when quoted) for some time now.

And he knows that.

Yet he continues to post directly to me anyway.

Creepy, huh?


Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO>

If you can't see the bias in the LSM then you must be one brainwashed dude.

Can you imagine if John McCain had had Wright as his minister or Ayers as a friend?? I'm sure the LSM would have been all over that like stink on shit.

You aren't honestly going to sit there and say the LSM isn't biased?

If you are then you don't watch the same news I watch.

Telling the conservative tendency to seek to cast blame everywhere but where it belongs, searching for scapegoats as opposed to taking personal responsibility for failure, the ‘liberal media’ being one such example.

OMG you personify the delusion!!!!

The democrats have been in power since 2006 not the Republicans. The faults with the country are ALL because of Democrats. How in the hell when democrats have controlled at least 2/3 of the government since 2006 the Republicans get any blame can only be because of media bias. Of course that and the brainwashed masses that voted for the failure in the WH regardless of what he did to this country. How the democrats can still be a viable party is the questions Republicans need to ask themselves.
Our right winging neighbors cling to the MSM anti-right wing bias story because it is so damned comforting.

Meanwhile our left winging neighbors cling to a similar, but not exactly, the same complaint about the MSM --they believe that the MSM has a SELF POLICING system of censorship in place.

Basically, they believe that the MSM is incapable of seeing the truth because the TRUTH is so frightening that they simply REFUSE to believe any news that challenges their overall world view.

While the right wing speaks of the Bengazi incident as their proof of MSM bias, the left responds by noting that real spokeman with a leftist POV seldom are covered by the MSM.

Personally I suspect botht right wingers AND the left wingers are right.

I think the MSM is prejudiced and is not reporting the real news and is incapable of doing so due to its presupposed POVs (blinders, really) about how the world works.

Such clarity safely perched atop one’s fence.
Let's see now. It's all in the family as well.

Jay Carney's wife has a stellar career at ABC.

Presidents of both CNN and CBS have siblings working directly with the WH. Naaaaah nothing to see here.....

"CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Sherwood, both of them have siblings that not only work at the White House, that not only work for President Obama, but they work at the NSC on foreign policy issues directly related to Benghazi."

BUT WAIT! there's more :lol:

RICHARD GRENELL: I think the media's becoming the story, let's face it. CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Sherwood, both of them have siblings that not only work at the White House, that not only work for President Obama, but they work at the NSC on foreign policy issues directly related to Benghazi. Let's call a spade a spade.

Let's also show you why CNN did not go very far in covering these hearings because the CNN deputy bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is married to Hillary Clinton’s deputy, Tom Nides. It is time for the media to start asking questions why are they not covering this. It's a family matter for some of them.

JON SCOTT, HOST: So they don't want to bring embarrassment upon folks who, who they're close to?

GRENELL: Who directly are related to this story. Absolutely. They're covering for them. There's no question about it.

For the record, Ben Sherwood's sister, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, is the Special Assistant to Barack Obama.

Virginia Moseley's husband, Tom Nides, is the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources.
As for David Rhodes' brother Ben, he is Obama's Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication.

As reported Friday, Rhodes was a key player in revising the White House's Benghazi talking points last September:

In an email dated 9/14/12 at 9:34 p.m. — three days after the attack and two days before Ambassador Rice appeared on the Sunday shows – Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes wrote an email saying the State Department’s concerns needed to be addressed.

“We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don’t want to undermine the FBI investigation. We thus will work through the talking points tomorrow morning at the Deputies Committee meeting.”

After that meeting, which took place Saturday morning at the White House, the CIA drafted the final version of the talking points – deleting all references to al Qaeda and to the security warnings in Benghazi prior to the attack.

Presidents of ABC and CBS News Have Siblings Working at White House With Ties to Benghazi | NewsBusters
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Another idiotic facet of the myth of the ‘liberal media.’

That citizens are so dull-witted and intellectually disabled as to be unable to discern when they are being lied to by the ‘liberal media.’

Since at the moment I'm in Paperwork Avoidance Mode™, I'm going to take the time to tell you what is going on in (what remains of my little) brain re: this little back and forth of ours.

I could tell you the truth, that I was in the business for +/- 18 years (and still a little bit on its periphery), and that I can tell you precisely what the environments of newsrooms are like and how the game is played in terms of how stories are skewed. I could describe precisely why you could fire every "journalist" and end up having to replace them with another with the same political leanings. I could even tell you how a vast majority of journalists probably don't even realize how and why they confuse fact and opinion. Holy shit, I could just go on and on.

But why in the world would I bother? When I was done spewing my little diatribe, you'd just deny the whole thing, call me me a liar, divert, deflect, distort, whatever. And, of course, you'd be doing it based on abject ignorance.

Why? Because that's what people like you, on both intellectually dishonest ends of the political spectrum, do.

So I think that's as far as I'll take this. But it was fun venting for a moment!

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Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO>

If you can't see the bias in the LSM then you must be one brainwashed dude.

Can you imagine if John McCain had had Wright as his minister or Ayers as a friend?? I'm sure the LSM would have been all over that like stink on shit.

You aren't honestly going to sit there and say the LSM isn't biased?

If you are then you don't watch the same news I watch.

Telling the conservative tendency to seek to cast blame everywhere but where it belongs, searching for scapegoats as opposed to taking personal responsibility for failure, the ‘liberal media’ being one such example.

Who's casting blame?

I just put up that two Presidents of major networks have direct ties with family members working at the WH who are directly involved in Benghazi.

This isn't a figment of anyone's imagination.
The partisan right is at liberty to post their contrivances, lies, and delusional paranoia concerning Benghazi.

But until such time as tangible, documented evidence is provided, their claims will remain nothing more than contrivances, lies, and delusional paranoia.
Another idiotic facet of the myth of the ‘liberal media.’

That citizens are so dull-witted and intellectually disabled as to be unable to discern when they are being lied to by the ‘liberal media.’

Since at the moment I'm in Paperwork Avoidance Mode™, I'm going to take the time to tell you what is going on in (what remains of my little) brain re: this little back and forth of ours.

I could tell you the truth, that I was in the business for +/- 18 years (and still a little bit on its periphery), and that I can tell you precisely what the environments of newsrooms are like and how the game is played in terms of how stories are skewed. I could describe precisely why you could fire every "journalist" and end up having to replace them with another with the same political leanings. I could even tell you how a vast majority of journalists probably don't even realize how and why they confuse fact and opinion. Holy shit, I could just go on and on.

But why in the world would I bother? When I was done spewing my little diatribe, you'd just deny the whole thing, call me me a liar, divert, deflect, distort, whatever. And, of course, you'd be doing it based on abject ignorance.

Why? Because that's what people like you, on both intellectually dishonest ends of the political spectrum, do.

So I think that's as far as I'll take this. But it was fun venting for a moment!


This dude ought to patent that response.
Yes. By disagreeing with your analysis, we are proving your point.

If only you had some test that you could administer to determine....definitively...that a person was unable to discern fact from fiction due to falling victim to media bias.


Another idiotic facet of the myth of the ‘liberal media.’

That citizens are so dull-witted and intellectually disabled as to be unable to discern when they are being lied to by the ‘liberal media.’

It truly exhibits the disdain and contempt conservatives have for the general voting public.

Holy crap.

LL's posts have not appeared on my screen (except when quoted) for some time now.

And he knows that.

Yet he continues to post directly to me anyway.

Creepy, huh?



It is not creepy.

Creepy is having someone on ignore....and then starting a thread about said person in the Flame Zone in a lame attempt to get others to insult him.

Epic fail, by the way.

You ignore me so can't help yourself. I get it.

I am here....reading the shit you post. I will respond.

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