The reason Democrats are targeting "assault" rifles

Throughout human history governments have gone rogue, and murdered their own citizens in the 10s of millions...not once, not twice...all through history.....that you can know this, and then still demand taking guns away from people shows you don't understand human history or human nature....

You prevent mass murder by having armed citizens........
Like I said. You are an idiot coward.
I thought it was hysterically funny watching the Australian police beat citizens and throw them in concentration camps just a few months ago....but keep telling us that the 15 million people the Germans murdered, the 25 million the Russians murdered, the 70 million the Chinese murdered....were just the Chinese....right now, as we speak....are murdering 2 million muslim Chinese.......after using them as slave labor.....
This isn't China dumb ass.
You idiots continue to use that....after being shown that hitler used the gun registration lists created in the 1920s to take guns away from Jews and his political enemies.....that is the freaking important part........
What seems to fly over Trumptards heads is the armed population of Germany in the 1930's was 1% of the total population.

So, disarming them led to...........................nothing, that wouldn't have happened anyway.
The part where he allowed his brownshirts to own, carry and use guns against the Jews and his political enemies is another point that seems to go over your fucking heads.....
Guess what?
Every country Hitler invaded, he disarmed their people too.

It's what dictators do.
What seems to fly over Trumptards heads is the armed population of Germany in the 1930's was 1% of the total population.

So, disarming them led to...........................nothing, that wouldn't have happened anyway.

Guess what?
Every country Hitler invaded, he disarmed their people too.

It's what dictators do.

No.......they disarmed their people before the 1920s......

Except for one country......that hitler did not invade.....because they had lots and lots of guns in civilian hands...


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot. This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million. Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms. Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

While neutral, Switzerland was prepared to fight a Nazi invasion to the end. The celebrated Swiss Gen. Henri Guisan developed the strategy known as defense du reduit--an initial opposition followed by a retreat into the Alps, where a relentless war to the death would be waged. Most Swiss strongly opposed Nazism. Death sentences were issued for fifth-column activities, and proclamations against anti-Semitism were passed at various official levels. There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.
It cut down on criminal use of machine guns drastically. didn't......what cut down on criminals was the creation of the FBI.....before the FBI it was only locals facing criminal particular bank robbers like Dillinger, Bonnie and Clyde...........they would rob banks and go across state lines...where the local police couldn't follow them...the FBI had more money, more resources and could track them across the country.......and organized crime realized that murdering each other drew too much police attention....

Right now, our gangs don't fear the police because the democrat party has handicapped the police, and the democrats won't prosecute them and. release the most dangerous and violent criminals back into the very neighborhoods where they commit their violence...intimidating witnesses into silence...

You dumb ass...
Hey...dumb fuck....did banning the "Tommy Gun," stop the mob from using those guns? You really are stupid....
Eventually it did, moron, they couldn't get parts to fix them and by the mid 40's they were rarely used.

You really are a dumbass, Q NUT.
No.......they disarmed their people before the 1920s......
Disarmed 1% of the people, wow, that's like whole country.
Most Germans had no desire for guns except for hunting and they were never taken away.
Except for one country......that hitler did not invade.....because they had lots and lots of guns in civilian hands...


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed, and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot. This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million. Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms. Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

While neutral, Switzerland was prepared to fight a Nazi invasion to the end. The celebrated Swiss Gen. Henri Guisan developed the strategy known as defense du reduit--an initial opposition followed by a retreat into the Alps, where a relentless war to the death would be waged. Most Swiss strongly opposed Nazism. Death sentences were issued for fifth-column activities, and proclamations against anti-Semitism were passed at various official levels. There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.

No shit.

Did you ignore the part about TRAINED to shoot?

They don't need 500 rounds to wound a sloth.

To this day, they are mass shootings in Switzerland.
Disarmed 1% of the people, wow, that's like whole country.
Most Germans had no desire for guns except for hunting and they were never taken away.

No shit.

Did you ignore the part about TRAINED to shoot?

They don't need 500 rounds to wound a sloth.

To this day, they are mass shootings in Switzerland.

They murdered 6 million people, you idiot.......

Yet the socialists still took them away from the Jews and their political enemies.....
Eventually it did, moron, they couldn't get parts to fix them and by the mid 40's they were rarely used.

You really are a dumbass, Q NUT.

I know you are an idiot.......the only people who know what qanon is is democrats...right? The ones who watch rachel maddow and the other fascists on cable news......the Republicans have no idea what you are talking about....
Disarmed 1% of the people, wow, that's like whole country.
Most Germans had no desire for guns except for hunting and they were never taken away.

No shit.

Did you ignore the part about TRAINED to shoot?

They don't need 500 rounds to wound a sloth.

To this day, they are mass shootings in Switzerland.

You ignored the part that hitler was told not to invade the country with armed civilians.......while he invaded every other country that took guns away from their dumb ass...
I know you are an idiot.......the only people who know what qanon is is democrats...right? The ones who watch rachel maddow and the other fascists on cable news......the Republicans have no idea what you are talking about....


You ignored the part that hitler was told not to invade the country with armed civilians.......while he invaded every other country that took guns away from their dumb ass...
Hitler was told?

By who?

So, how many would have been murdered if they had guns?


Fucking moron.

That's what dictators do, moron.

Or they poison them, put them in jail, etc.

Moron.......had the German people had access to guns, the socialist brown shirts....blm/antifa.....I mean the brownshirts of the national socialists.....would not have been able to beat and murder anyone who got in their way to the police did nothing....

This is why a disarmed population is dangerous......a tiny group willing to burn, loot and kill like blm/antifa.........I mean the nazi brown shirts, can intimidate and destroy their political opponents....

When your neighbor is dragged out of his house, beaten and killed......while the police watch, and he doesn't have a gun and you don't have a learn to keep your head idiot.....

The democrats understand this because they did this in New York....the gun control laws in New York city were created to protect democrat party thugs....

This means that moderate, rational political groups are destroyed by the blm/antifa.....I mean the national socialists....

The strange birth of NY’s gun laws

Problem was the gangs worked for Tammany. The Democratic machine used them asshtarkers (sluggers), enforcing discipline at the polls and intimidating the opposition. Gang leaders like Monk Eastman were even employed as informal “sheriffs,” keeping their turf under Tammany control.

The Tammany Tiger needed to rein in the gangs without completely crippling them. Enter Big Tim with the perfect solution: Ostensibly disarm the gangs — and ordinary citizens, too — while still keeping them on the streets.

In fact, he gave the game away during the debate on the bill, which flew through Albany: “I want to make it so the young thugs in my district will get three years for carrying dangerous weapons instead of getting a sentence in the electric chair a year from now.”

Sullivan knew the gangs would flout the law, but appearances were more important than results. Young toughs took to sewing the pockets of their coats shut, so that cops couldn’t plant firearms on them, and many gangsters stashed their weapons inside their girlfriends’ “bird cages” — wire-mesh fashion contraptions around which women would wind their hair.

----Ordinary citizens, on the other hand, were disarmed, which solved another problem: Gangsters had been bitterly complaining to Tammany that their victims sometimes shot back at them.

So gang violence didn’t drop under the Sullivan Act — and really took off after the passage of Prohibition in 1920. Spectacular gangland rubouts — like the 1932 machine-gunning of “Mad Dog” Coll in a drugstore phone booth on 23rd Street — became the norm.

There is a reason that the democrat party brown shirts, blm/antifa were unleashed in black neighborhoods....the democrat party controlled cities have extreme gun blm/antifa doesn't have to worry as much about their victims, black Americans, fighting back....

Notice they kept walking when that couple in Missouri came out with guns........this is why the leftists disarm their victims first.
Hitler was told?

By who?


By his military idiot.


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed,
and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot. This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million. Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms. Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

While neutral, Switzerland was prepared to fight a Nazi invasion to the end. The celebrated Swiss Gen. Henri Guisan developed the strategy known as defense du reduit--an initial opposition followed by a retreat into the Alps, where a relentless war to the death would be waged. Most Swiss strongly opposed Nazism. Death sentences were issued for fifth-column activities, and proclamations against anti-Semitism were passed at various official levels. There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.
Moron.......had the German people had access to guns, the socialist brown shirts....blm/antifa.....I mean the brownshirts of the national socialists.....would not have been able to beat and murder anyone who got in their way to the police did nothing....
That's because the cult of Trump, I mean Hitler were on board with whatever the lunatic did.

So relevant today.
This is why a disarmed population is dangerous......a tiny group willing to burn, loot and kill like blm/antifa.........I mean the nazi brown shirts, can intimidate and destroy their political opponents....
Who is going to do that Q NUT?
The lizard people?
When your neighbor is dragged out of his house, beaten and killed......while the police watch, and he doesn't have a gun and you don't have a learn to keep your head idiot.....
You watch too much TV.
The democrats understand this because they did this in New York....the gun control laws in New York city were created to protect democrat party thugs....

This means that moderate, rational political groups are destroyed by the blm/antifa.....I mean the national socialists....

The strange birth of NY’s gun laws

Problem was the gangs worked for Tammany. The Democratic machine used them asshtarkers (sluggers), enforcing discipline at the polls and intimidating the opposition. Gang leaders like Monk Eastman were even employed as informal “sheriffs,” keeping their turf under Tammany control.

The Tammany Tiger needed to rein in the gangs without completely crippling them. Enter Big Tim with the perfect solution: Ostensibly disarm the gangs — and ordinary citizens, too — while still keeping them on the streets.

In fact, he gave the game away during the debate on the bill, which flew through Albany: “I want to make it so the young thugs in my district will get three years for carrying dangerous weapons instead of getting a sentence in the electric chair a year from now.”

Sullivan knew the gangs would flout the law, but appearances were more important than results. Young toughs took to sewing the pockets of their coats shut, so that cops couldn’t plant firearms on them, and many gangsters stashed their weapons inside their girlfriends’ “bird cages” — wire-mesh fashion contraptions around which women would wind their hair.

----Ordinary citizens, on the other hand, were disarmed, which solved another problem: Gangsters had been bitterly complaining to Tammany that their victims sometimes shot back at them.

So gang violence didn’t drop under the Sullivan Act — and really took off after the passage of Prohibition in 1920. Spectacular gangland rubouts — like the 1932 machine-gunning of “Mad Dog” Coll in a drugstore phone booth on 23rd Street — became the norm.

There is a reason that the democrat party brown shirts, blm/antifa were unleashed in black neighborhoods....the democrat party controlled cities have extreme gun blm/antifa doesn't have to worry as much about their victims, black Americans, fighting back....

Notice they kept walking when that couple in Missouri came out with guns........this is why the leftists disarm their victims first.
Sure, a total ban on guns, Q NUT.

A 40 year-old lie, gullible, teabaggers believe.

So, when is this going to happen?
By his military idiot.


That is why the Nazis despised Switzerland. Joseph Goebbels called Switzerland "this stinking little state" where "sentiment has turned very much against us." Adolf Hitler decided that "all the rubbish of small nations still existing in Europe must be liquidated," even if it meant he would later "be attacked as the 'Butcher of the Swiss.'"

The 1940 Nazi invasion plan, Operation Tannenbaum, was not executed,
and SS Oberst Hermann Bohme's 1943 memorandum warned that an invasion of Switzerland would be too costly because every man was armed and trained to shoot. This did not stop the Gestapo from preparing lists of Swiss to be liquidated once the Nazis overran the country.

The other European nations were easily toppled and had little means to wage a partisan war against the occupation. Once their standing armies were defeated, the governments capitulated and the populaces were defenseless.

Only in Switzerland was the entire populace armed and prepared to wage a relentless guerrilla war against an invader. When the war began in 1939, Switzerland mobilized 435,000 citizen soldiers out of a population of 4.2 million. Production figures for Swiss service rifles, which had firepower equal to those of the Germans, demonstrate an ample supply of small arms. Swiss militiamen were instructed to disregard any alleged "official" surrender as enemy propaganda and, if necessary, to fight individually. This meant that a nation of sharpshooters would be sniping at German soldiers at long ranges from every mountain.

While neutral, Switzerland was prepared to fight a Nazi invasion to the end. The celebrated Swiss Gen. Henri Guisan developed the strategy known as defense du reduit--an initial opposition followed by a retreat into the Alps, where a relentless war to the death would be waged. Most Swiss strongly opposed Nazism. Death sentences were issued for fifth-column activities, and proclamations against anti-Semitism were passed at various official levels. There was no Holocaust on Swiss soil, something that can not be said for France, the Netherlands, Poland or most of Europe.
You're FOS....................As usual.

Switzerland was Germany's banker.

Switzerland also sold Hitler some weapons.

Switzerland also turned away 60 to 70,000 German refugees.

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