The reason Democrats are targeting "assault" rifles

There's a lot of misunderstanding about Nazi gun laws.

No...there is no confusion...

The German government began registering guns in the 1920s.....the national socialists used those registration lists to take guns away from Jews and their political enemies, who they then murdered, while allowing their supporters to own guns...

That is what happened...they armed their supporters...with guns, and took guns away from the 6 million Jews they murdered.
Firearms are just another subject the duopoly can use to divide and continue to conquer. No problem, from "guns" to "gender i.d." is being solved as root cures would also lead to ousting the powers that maintain them.
There are measures that could be taken, certainly, but reasonableness left the building long ago.
You still don't get it. In the US, the mass murder records all go to one weapon and one weapon alone. Since the security of the schools started, the handguns and normal weapons no longer can go for the record. It takes the AR. While we may not have much control over the lower body counts, we do have control over the higher body counts. There is an old Military saying. You fight the Battles you have a chance to win. We can completely stop the school shootings through common sense actions. I won't cover them since they have been covered to death but we need to do it.

Wrong........there is only one mass public shooting where the AR-15 made a difference....the Las Vegas shooting where the killer was shooting at 22,000 people in a tightly packed concert, from an elevated, fortified and hidden was 400 yards away from him........

And with 22,000 people he only managed to kill 65 people.....while a muslim terrorist in a rental Truck in France murdered 86 people...more people murdered with that truck than the total number of people murdered in the U.S. mass public shootings except for 2 years.......

All the other mass public shooting attacks could have been done with pump action shotguns or pistols...

Virginia tech...32 killed, two pistols

Luby's cafe....26 killed, two pistols

Russian polytechnic shooting....20 killed 70 wounded, 5 shot pump action shotgun

The factor that actually makes the difference? Time.

The time it takes for someone with a gun to confront the killer...forcing him to stop murdering unarmed people, and commit suicide, run away or surrender....
No one is arguing that point except for you. Are you aware that the AR-15 is the father of the M-16? The Original AR was produced so that a scared 18 year old in a firefight could throw more firepower than his enemy. Nothing has changed. It's still the fastest, most powerful and deadly firearm that is portable that is made today. What's worse, there is a Cult AR going on and it's the preferred weapon for mass shootings. We need to break that cult.

Wrong...dumb ass....

The FOIA request itself was prompted from a Nov. 2017 article in The Atlantic in which the magazine, unsurprisingly to anyone familiar with its anti-gun bent, attempted to bolster a claim that “these rifles were meant for the military, not civilians.”

“Colt sent a pilot model rifle (serial no. GX4968) to the BATF for civilian sale approval on Oct. 23, 1963. It was approved on Dec. 10, 1963, and sales of the ‘Model R6000 Colt AR-15 SP1 Sporter Rifle’ began on Jan 2, 1964,”

one critic of the article contended. “The M16 wasn’t issued to infantry units until 1965 (as the XM16E1), wasn’t standardized as the M16A1 until 1967, and didn’t officially replace the M14 until 1969.”

Original ATF AR-15 Classification Refutes Claim that Rifle ‘Not Meant’ for Civilians
No one is arguing that point except for you. Are you aware that the AR-15 is the father of the M-16? The Original AR was produced so that a scared 18 year old in a firefight could throw more firepower than his enemy. Nothing has changed. It's still the fastest, most powerful and deadly firearm that is portable that is made today. What's worse, there is a Cult AR going on and it's the preferred weapon for mass shootings. We need to break that cult.

The AR-15 is not the preferred gun.....handguns dumb ass.....and the only reason the AR-15 is popular among these nuts is idiots like you keep telling these idiots that the AR-15 is cool......if you idiots would stop giving the AR-15 a bad reputation, they wouldn't be drawn to it........

BTW, Hitler eased up on gun laws.

Why do you idiots keep saying hitler eased up on gun laws? You have been shown over and over again that hitler let his own people have guns.....and used the gun registration lists created in the 1920s to take guns away from Jews and his political enemies....who he later murdered in the millions.......

That you continue to lie about this shows that you can't be trusted in any way, shape or form...
They were 2% of the population. He eased up on gun laws for the average German.

Yes.....he took guns away from the people he planned to murder and who he actually did the number of 6 million....then another 9 million people from the rest of Europe.

But we should give up our guns and trust government....just like the Germans did, and the rest of Europe did...before the governments of Europe handed their citizens over to the national socialists for murder....
I didn't say that. What's wrong with you? Conservatives often say Hitler and Nazis took away gun rights, but they didn't. Quite the opposite.

No....he did....he took guns away from the people he planned to murder....Jews and his political idiot.......
Firearms are just another subject the duopoly can use to divide and continue to conquer. No problem, from "guns" to "gender i.d." is being solved as root cures would also lead to ousting the powers that maintain them.
There are measures that could be taken, certainly, but reasonableness left the building long ago.
With gun nuts, it was never allowed in their building to start with.
In case you haven't noticed, mass shootings, especially when they involve children, are much more heinous than the murders that happen throughout the country every day. It's easy to tell yourself "I'll never be in a position to become a part of the crime that causes so many deaths" For the vast majority of people that will be true. However, it's not so easy to watch innocent children die in piles. Most school shootings are done with military style rifles. that has to stop.

Moron........the weapon doesn't matter when they are used at the distance of a classroom against young children.....the only reason they used the AR-15 is because assholes like you have given the rifle a reputation that draws them to the gun.........these killers could have done just as much killing with shotguns or actual mass public shootings have shown....

It isn't the gun, you is Time. The time the killer has unmolested to shoot unarmed people.......the sooner someone is shooting back at the killer, the sooner the killer stops murdering innocent people and commits suicide, runs away or surrenders....

Actual police doctrine is supposed to be entering immediately, shouting that they are police....this pushes the killer into committing suicide, surrendering or running away.....again, stopping them from shooting unarmed people....

Virginia Tech shooting....32 killed..... 2 pistols

Luby's Cafe shooting.....26 killed....2 pistols

Russian polytechnic shooting....20 killed, 70 wounded, 5 shot, pump action shotgun....

You are an idiot.
I never said he wasn't a bad guy. I said he revoked the German gun laws. He knew how to appeal to the mob.

He took guns away from Jews and his political enemies....using the gun registration lists created in the 1920s......then he murdered them.....

You lie by omission....
You think somebody is planning to murder you? You have been paranoid for a long time, haven't you. I guess that's why you are such a coward.

Throughout human history governments have gone rogue, and murdered their own citizens in the 10s of millions...not once, not twice...all through history.....that you can know this, and then still demand taking guns away from people shows you don't understand human history or human nature....

You prevent mass murder by having armed citizens........
You think somebody is planning to murder you? You have been paranoid for a long time, haven't you. I guess that's why you are such a coward.

I thought it was hysterically funny watching the Australian police beat citizens and throw them in concentration camps just a few months ago....but keep telling us that the 15 million people the Germans murdered, the 25 million the Russians murdered, the 70 million the Chinese murdered....were just the Chinese....right now, as we speak....are murdering 2 million muslim Chinese.......after using them as slave labor.....
Those weren't M-16s. Those were what the AF were using, the AR-15 Model 601. It wasn't until the Army adopted the AR-15 that it was redesignated the M-16. In fact, the "M-16" I qualified in the AF on was stamped "AR-15 Model 601 (M-16). The M-16 stamp was added later sometime in 1968. The Army had not totally adopted the M-16 until early 1968. Until then, they were called AR-15 Model 601. When they were adopted, there were some changes where rails were added and some of the chromium plating was removed making the Model 602 an inferior weapon to the 601. Later on, the Chromium was readded. Between the poor powder, removing of some of the chromium plating and the removal of the cleaning kits, you Army types were screwed.

Yes....the AR-15 is a civilian rifle, and has never been used by the U.S. military.....

The FOIA request itself was prompted from a Nov. 2017 article in The Atlantic in which the magazine, unsurprisingly to anyone familiar with its anti-gun bent, attempted to bolster a claim that “these rifles were meant for the military, not civilians.”

“Colt sent a pilot model rifle (serial no. GX4968) to the BATF for civilian sale approval on Oct. 23, 1963. It was approved on Dec. 10, 1963, and sales of the ‘Model R6000 Colt AR-15 SP1 Sporter Rifle’ began on Jan 2, 1964,” one critic of the article contended. “The M16 wasn’t issued to infantry units until 1965 (as the XM16E1), wasn’t standardized as the M16A1 until 1967, and didn’t officially replace the M14 until 1969.”

Original ATF AR-15 Classification Refutes Claim that Rifle ‘Not Meant’ for Civilians

You idiots continue to use that....after being shown that hitler used the gun registration lists created in the 1920s to take guns away from Jews and his political enemies.....that is the freaking important part........

The part where he allowed his brownshirts to own, carry and use guns against the Jews and his political enemies is another point that seems to go over your fucking heads.....
The vast majority of firearm crimes involve handguns, not anything like an AR-15. So why are Democrats targeting so called assault rifles?

Simple! Because the vast majority of firearm crimes involve handguns, not anything like an AR-15. It's all about strategy.

After they outlaw AR-15s, they'll wait until the next headline catching crime that involves a handgun, and point to the statistics to insist that now we have to outlaw handguns, too. They'll start talking about the "handgun loophole" and saying that they need to close it. They'll tell everyone that of course we have to outlaw handguns, saying that if the relatively small percentage of crime that involves a long gun was worthy of action, then the remaining 90% certainly warrants action.

Democrats aren't coming for your guns. Until they are.
Gun grabbers have been using the same tactic for years. The easiest firearm to ban and confiscate is the AR-15 and other so called “assault weapons.”

I was just talking to a gun owning lady today who said she couldn’t see why anyone need an AR-15. She has a .30-06 rifle and carries a handgun in her purse.

Now if the gun banners wanted to take her bolt action rifle or her purse pistol away she would be opposed.

I explained to her that the AR-15 is a highly adaptable rifle that can do many different tasks with modifications that can be done by the owner not a gunsmith. I also told her that if a tyrant ever took over the country we could fight to take the nation back.

I don’t believe I changed her mind. She didn’t even buy my argument that we could rebel against a tyrant And the AR-15s would win the day.

Perhaps if I owned an AR-15 and allowed her to shoot it she would change her mind. Unfortunately I am more of a wheel gunner or as some would say a dinosaur. I like revolvers. I even own a 9mm revolver. They work fine and last a long time. I only own one rifle, a Swedish Mauser and one shotgun, a 12 gauge double barreled coach gun.

So a significant percentage of gun owners don’t see a reason to own an AR-15. That makes it a logical target for the first gun to be banned and if that ever happens then the gun grabbers will try to ban all semi-auto pistols.

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