The Reason Why Media Treat Democrats As Stupid


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Because they are.

The bottom line is that Putin wanted the candidate he had already bribed....Bill's wife...not Trump.

1. Here, the glaring and obvious facts:
"Trump to repeal Obama fracking rule
The Trump administration is planning to repeal former President Barack Obama’s landmark 2015 rule setting standards for hydraulic fracturing on federal land."

2. Selling natural gas is priority for Putin.....and which party has been at the forefront of blocking fracking and energy production by the US?

And the Left, as is always the case, blames the other side for what they have been doing: colluding with Russia.
"Lawmakers Cite Evidence Russia ‘Colludes’ With US Green Groups to Block Fracking

...the Russian government has been colluding with environmental groups to circulate “disinformation” and “propaganda” aimed at undermining hydraulic fracturing. Commonly called fracking, the process makes it possible to access natural gas deposits."
Lawmakers Cite Evidence Russia ‘Colludes’ With US Green Groups to Block Fracking

3. And the Kremlin authored the fake dossier designed to sink candidate Trump...

From Forbes:
"The report gives a fly-on-the-wall account of just about every conceivable event associated with Donald Trump’s Russian connections. It claims to know more than is knowable as it recounts sordid tales of prostitutes, “golden showers,” bribes, squabbles in Putin’s inner circle, and who controls the dossiers of kompromat (compromising information).

As someone who has worked for more than a decade with the microfilm collection of Soviet documents in the Hoover Institution Archives, I can say that the dossier itself was compiled by a Russian, whose command of English is far from perfect and who follows the KGB (now FSB) practice of writing intelligence reports, in particular the practice of capitalizing all names for easy reference. The report includes Putin’s inner circle – Peskov, Ivanov, Sechin, Lavrov. The anonymous author claims to have “trusted compatriots” who knew the roles that each Kremlin insider, including Putin himself, played in the Trump election saga and were prepared to tell him."
The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why

Hillary was the Kremlin's choice....but the media treats the Democrat/Liberals as stupid.....

....because they prove it on a daily basis.

Sooo.....the new Democrat symbol:


It seems odd and contrary to logic that Putin would prefer Trump over Hillary, who had already been bribed and put on the FSB payroll for uranium deposits.

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