The religion of peace strikes again !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
thats right i said it !! a lot of people on the left are saying it could have been an extreme right wing hate group !! bull shit !! this has all the trappings of a home grown Islamic terror group !! Al queda sympathizers !! you know the religion of peace that leftists love to defend !! so all you lefties can scream and hope it was a right wing white guy that clings to his religions and guns all you want !! the truth is it was Muslims that committed this attack !! and i got something else that the left is going to hate !! the majority of the mass school shooters were godless loons with a victim mentality more in line with leftist anarchist views !!
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America reacted differently after 9/11 then they have to this terrorist attack. Do you think it is because George Bush Jr. isn't our president? That was a time when patriotism was something Americans considered a good thing. They were proud of the American flag, our military, our nation. Not so much these days it seems. Wonder what is wrong...
Yes, it is interesting that the police officer in California - mass shooter - was a registered democrat & voted for Obama - none of the mass shooters in school shootings -theatre shooting or any other were registered republicans, none of them were tea party members, none of them were christians. They were all liberals or from liberal families. Yet we are the ones Obama claims HLS needs to put on terror list. Go figure.
thats right i said it !! a lot of people on the left are saying it could have been an extreme right wing hate group !! bull shit !! this has all the trappings of a home grown Islamic terror group !! Al queda sympathizers !! you know the religion of peace that leftists love to defend !! so all you lefties can scream and hope it was a right wing white guy that clings to his religions and guns all you want !! the truth is it was Muslims that committed this attack !! and i got something else that the left is going to hate !! the majority of the mass school shooters were godless loons with a victim mentality more in line with leftist anarchist views !!

The Muslim faith and the Christian faith act exactly the same . . .

It all depends upon whom "God" talks to, and how loudly he talks to them. Christians and Muslims, if they believe "devoutly" enough, will do unspeakable things to "nonbelievers."
America reacted differently after 9/11 then they have to this terrorist attack. Do you think it is because George Bush Jr. isn't our president? That was a time when patriotism was something Americans considered a good thing. They were proud of the American flag, our military, our nation. Not so much these days it seems. Wonder what is wrong...

"Patriotic societies seem to think that the way to educate school children in a democracy is to stage bigger and better flag-saluting."

S.I. Hayakawa
thats right i said it !! a lot of people on the left are saying it could have been an extreme right wing hate group !! bull shit !! this has all the trappings of a home grown Islamic terror group !! Al queda sympathizers !! you know the religion of peace that leftists love to defend !! so all you lefties can scream and hope it was a right wing white guy that clings to his religions and guns all you want !! the truth is it was Muslims that committed this attack !! and i got something else that the left is going to hate !! the majority of the mass school shooters were godless loons with a victim mentality more in line with leftist anarchist views !!

The Muslim faith and the Christian faith act exactly the same . . .

It all depends upon whom "God" talks to, and how loudly he talks to them. Christians and Muslims, if they believe "devoutly" enough, will do unspeakable things to "nonbelievers."

They are the antithesis of one another.
America reacted differently after 9/11 then they have to this terrorist attack. Do you think it is because George Bush Jr. isn't our president? That was a time when patriotism was something Americans considered a good thing. They were proud of the American flag, our military, our nation. Not so much these days it seems. Wonder what is wrong...
That's because we are tired of of the false flag attacks and being lied to about it by our government. This has the smell of an Israeli Mossad op all the way. Many Americans are wising up after what happened on 9-11 and all the BS 'disrupted" terror attacks staged by the FBI/CIA.
Think about it. Terrorism is big business. If there were no terrorism, the budget
for "anti terrorism" and "homeland defense" and the associated industry, would take a severe hit. Chertoff made out big time with the airport scanners after 9-11.
America reacted differently after 9/11 then they have to this terrorist attack. Do you think it is because George Bush Jr. isn't our president? That was a time when patriotism was something Americans considered a good thing. They were proud of the American flag, our military, our nation. Not so much these days it seems. Wonder what is wrong...
That's because we are tired of of the false flag attacks and being lied to about it by our government. This has the smell of an Israeli Mossad op all the way. Many Americans are wising up after what happened on 9-11 and all the BS 'disrupted" terror attacks staged by the FBI/CIA.
Think about it. Terrorism is big business. If there were no terrorism, the budget
for "anti terrorism" and "homeland defense" and the associated industry, would take a severe hit. Chertoff made out big time with the airport scanners after 9-11.
.........shut up.........idiot.:doubt:
thats right i said it !! a lot of people on the left are saying it could have been an extreme right wing hate group !! bull shit !! this has all the trappings of a home grown Islamic terror group !! Al queda sympathizers !! you know the religion of peace that leftists love to defend !! so all you lefties can scream and hope it was a right wing white guy that clings to his religions and guns all you want !! the truth is it was Muslims that committed this attack !! and i got something else that the left is going to hate !! the majority of the mass school shooters were godless loons with a victim mentality more in line with leftist anarchist views !!

Dear Yidnar:
The religion such people belong to is acting out of
Unforgiveness, Division or Rejection and/or Retribution.
Every tribe has some people of this "denomination" in their ranks.

Likewise, every tribe has members who believe in
Forgiveness, Compassion for others and Restorative Justice.

so you don't judge people by appearance or label but
content of their character and spirit of their intent.

That is how you tell the difference, it is not by tribal affiliation
but how members act within any given nation or tribe.
America reacted differently after 9/11 then they have to this terrorist attack. Do you think it is because George Bush Jr. isn't our president? That was a time when patriotism was something Americans considered a good thing. They were proud of the American flag, our military, our nation. Not so much these days it seems. Wonder what is wrong...

One thing, since they can see and name specific people and victims,
people can focus on the actual help needed and not generalize as much.
it is more humanizing to see the actual stories of the people and relate
to what is being done to help them. maybe we are used to it now,
where we can focus more productively on support for the wounded which
are mostly identified, and let the authorities handle the investigation.
America reacted differently after 9/11 then they have to this terrorist attack. Do you think it is because George Bush Jr. isn't our president? That was a time when patriotism was something Americans considered a good thing. They were proud of the American flag, our military, our nation. Not so much these days it seems. Wonder what is wrong...
That's because we are tired of of the false flag attacks and being lied to about it by our government. This has the smell of an Israeli Mossad op all the way. Many Americans are wising up after what happened on 9-11 and all the BS 'disrupted" terror attacks staged by the FBI/CIA.
Think about it. Terrorism is big business. If there were no terrorism, the budget
for "anti terrorism" and "homeland defense" and the associated industry, would take a severe hit. Chertoff made out big time with the airport scanners after 9-11.

I don't agree with your theory, but it's as viable as Yidnar's. At least you list the reasons why you believe it.
America reacted differently after 9/11 then they have to this terrorist attack. Do you think it is because George Bush Jr. isn't our president? That was a time when patriotism was something Americans considered a good thing. They were proud of the American flag, our military, our nation. Not so much these days it seems. Wonder what is wrong...

The right wing sure reacted:

[ame=]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

And Bush used the act to invade and conquer on a country that did not attack us...

He called it a "crusade".
America reacted differently after 9/11 then they have to this terrorist attack. Do you think it is because George Bush Jr. isn't our president? That was a time when patriotism was something Americans considered a good thing. They were proud of the American flag, our military, our nation. Not so much these days it seems. Wonder what is wrong...
That's because we are tired of of the false flag attacks and being lied to about it by our government. This has the smell of an Israeli Mossad op all the way. Many Americans are wising up after what happened on 9-11 and all the BS 'disrupted" terror attacks staged by the FBI/CIA.
Think about it. Terrorism is big business. If there were no terrorism, the budget
for "anti terrorism" and "homeland defense" and the associated industry, would take a severe hit. Chertoff made out big time with the airport scanners after 9-11.

The mossad?

thats right i said it !! a lot of people on the left are saying it could have been an extreme right wing hate group !! bull shit !! this has all the trappings of a home grown Islamic terror group !! Al queda sympathizers !! you know the religion of peace that leftists love to defend !! so all you lefties can scream and hope it was a right wing white guy that clings to his religions and guns all you want !! the truth is it was Muslims that committed this attack !! and i got something else that the left is going to hate !! the majority of the mass school shooters were godless loons with a victim mentality more in line with leftist anarchist views !!

The Muslim faith and the Christian faith act exactly the same . . .

It all depends upon whom "God" talks to, and how loudly he talks to them. Christians and Muslims, if they believe "devoutly" enough, will do unspeakable things to "nonbelievers."

They are the antithesis of one another.

It's the same religion.
thats right i said it !! a lot of people on the left are saying it could have been an extreme right wing hate group !! bull shit !! this has all the trappings of a home grown Islamic terror group !! Al queda sympathizers !! you know the religion of peace that leftists love to defend !! so all you lefties can scream and hope it was a right wing white guy that clings to his religions and guns all you want !! the truth is it was Muslims that committed this attack !! and i got something else that the left is going to hate !! the majority of the mass school shooters were godless loons with a victim mentality more in line with leftist anarchist views !!

Post your evidence.
If you can't, I think we can assume you have absolutely no idea but are using the deaths and injuries to push your political ideals.

Get real; people have died and others have been seriously injured.
Children will never be able to have a full life and families are having to bury loved ones but you try to profit from all of this misery.

You are evil.
thats right i said it !! a lot of people on the left are saying it could have been an extreme right wing hate group !! bull shit !! this has all the trappings of a home grown Islamic terror group !! Al queda sympathizers !! you know the religion of peace that leftists love to defend !! so all you lefties can scream and hope it was a right wing white guy that clings to his religions and guns all you want !! the truth is it was Muslims that committed this attack !! and i got something else that the left is going to hate !! the majority of the mass school shooters were godless loons with a victim mentality more in line with leftist anarchist views !!

Post your evidence.
If you can't, I think we can assume you have absolutely no idea but are using the deaths and injuries to push your political ideals.

Get real; people have died and others have been seriously injured.
Children will never be able to have a full life and families are having to bury loved ones but you try to profit from all of this misery.

You are evil.
do not imply that I don't care about innocent people !! I am someone that is not to arrogant to learn from history !! I will make a wager if muslim terrorist did not commit the Bombings in Boston I will leave this board for 1 month ! if however muslim radicals did commit said attack you leave the board for 1 month.!
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I didn't make claims as you did.
I don't say it wasn't Muslims but I don't claim it was anyone else.
My wish is two fold.
The bastards are arrested quickly
Forum idiots shut up until we know who it was

If it was Muslims, I'll condemn them without reservation; just as I will condemn anyone else who murders innocents for their ideals.
I didn't make claims as you did.
I don't say it wasn't Muslims but I don't claim it was anyone else.
My wish is two fold.
The bastards are arrested quickly
Forum idiots shut up until we know who it was

If it was Muslims, I'll condemn them without reservation; just as I will condemn anyone else who murders innocents for their ideals.
as will I !!and we shall see that this is an Islamic attack.
I didn't make claims as you did.
I don't say it wasn't Muslims but I don't claim it was anyone else.
My wish is two fold.
The bastards are arrested quickly
Forum idiots shut up until we know who it was

If it was Muslims, I'll condemn them without reservation; just as I will condemn anyone else who murders innocents for their ideals.
as will I !!and we shall see that this is an Islamic attack.

So it's just a guess based on hate.
That's really useful.

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