The religion of peace strikes again !!

I didn't make claims as you did.
I don't say it wasn't Muslims but I don't claim it was anyone else.
My wish is two fold.
The bastards are arrested quickly
Forum idiots shut up until we know who it was

If it was Muslims, I'll condemn them without reservation; just as I will condemn anyone else who murders innocents for their ideals.
as will I !!and we shall see that this is an Islamic attack.

So it's just a guess based on hate.
That's really useful.
nah it's based on recent history ................I learn from the past ! and when I tell you something take it to the bank boy.
I didn't make claims as you did.
I don't say it wasn't Muslims but I don't claim it was anyone else.
My wish is two fold.
The bastards are arrested quickly
Forum idiots shut up until we know who it was

If it was Muslims, I'll condemn them without reservation; just as I will condemn anyone else who murders innocents for their ideals.

Well, two weeks have passed and there is little doubt that the Muslims who perpetrated the Boston Bombing did so for their "ideals." And your comdemnation?
I didn't make claims as you did.
I don't say it wasn't Muslims but I don't claim it was anyone else.
My wish is two fold.
The bastards are arrested quickly
Forum idiots shut up until we know who it was

If it was Muslims, I'll condemn them without reservation; just as I will condemn anyone else who murders innocents for their ideals.

Well, two weeks have passed and there is little doubt that the Muslims who perpetrated the Boston Bombing did so for their "ideals." And your comdemnation?
he is still to stupid to learn from it .
I didn't make claims as you did.
I don't say it wasn't Muslims but I don't claim it was anyone else.
My wish is two fold.
The bastards are arrested quickly
Forum idiots shut up until we know who it was

If it was Muslims, I'll condemn them without reservation; just as I will condemn anyone else who murders innocents for their ideals.

Well, two weeks have passed and there is little doubt that the Muslims who perpetrated the Boston Bombing did so for their "ideals." And your comdemnation?
he is still to stupid to learn from it .

I don't believe he's stupid and he is honest enough to admit to being an "Extremist Muslim."
He just failed to be a man of his word on this thread:

"If it was Muslims, I'll condemn them without reservation; just as I will condemn anyone else who murders innocents for their ideals." - Indofred
The Muslim faith and the Christian faith act exactly the same . . .

It all depends upon whom "God" talks to, and how loudly he talks to them. Christians and Muslims, if they believe "devoutly" enough, will do unspeakable things to "nonbelievers."

They are the antithesis of one another.

It's the same religion.

Dont be ridiculous. Christians and Muslims are VERY different. You dont see Christians blowing up innocent people across the globe. You dont see them subjugate women, and they are far more tolerant of other religions. Christians arent extremists and they arent dangerous.

This is coming from an atheist; dont let my name fool you.
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They are the antithesis of one another.

It's the same religion.

Dont be ridiculous. Christians and Muslims are VERY different. You dont see Christians blowing up innocent people across the globe. You dont see them subjugate women, and they are far more tolerant of other religions. Christians arent extremists and they arent dangerous.

This is coming from an atheist; dont let my name fool you.
islam is a cult of hate !!
America reacted differently after 9/11 then they have to this terrorist attack. Do you think it is because George Bush Jr. isn't our president? That was a time when patriotism was something Americans considered a good thing. They were proud of the American flag, our military, our nation. Not so much these days it seems. Wonder what is wrong...
That's because we are tired of of the false flag attacks and being lied to about it by our government. This has the smell of an Israeli Mossad op all the way. Many Americans are wising up after what happened on 9-11 and all the BS 'disrupted" terror attacks staged by the FBI/CIA.
Think about it. Terrorism is big business. If there were no terrorism, the budget
for "anti terrorism" and "homeland defense" and the associated industry, would take a severe hit. Chertoff made out big time with the airport scanners after 9-11.

ah! yes! The old blame Israel and the Mossad story. Total nonsense.
America reacted differently after 9/11 then they have to this terrorist attack. Do you think it is because George Bush Jr. isn't our president? That was a time when patriotism was something Americans considered a good thing. They were proud of the American flag, our military, our nation. Not so much these days it seems. Wonder what is wrong...
That's because we are tired of of the false flag attacks and being lied to about it by our government. This has the smell of an Israeli Mossad op all the way. Many Americans are wising up after what happened on 9-11 and all the BS 'disrupted" terror attacks staged by the FBI/CIA.
Think about it. Terrorism is big business. If there were no terrorism, the budget
for "anti terrorism" and "homeland defense" and the associated industry, would take a severe hit. Chertoff made out big time with the airport scanners after 9-11.

ah! yes! The old blame Israel and the Mossad story. Total nonsense.
it is amazing at the crazy shit some people want to believe in order to justify their hatred and ignore the truth .

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