The Religous Nuts in the Gop

Many oilmen in the West understood that Kuwait and others kept oil prices down by overproducing, which was one of Saddam's grievances.

Also, there is evidence that Kuwait was engaged in slant-drilling of Iraqi oil, under the border. As one oil executive put it, slant-drilling is enough to get you shot in Texas or Oklahoma.

It's Time to Think Straight About Saddam
What we did in Iraq in the 90's was in the name of humanity, and yet, M. Albright when asked if over 500,000 thousand child deaths were worth it, the witch said, "I think it was". Really.

We never attack and put sanctions on a country for inhumanity, we do it for our allies and oil and natural resources and to maintain control over the globe. If we did it for humanity why are we not taking out the Al Saud regime and the Israel Regime?
Where do you get the 500,000 figure? Not to minimize the importance of oil but why didn't we take the oil when we could have? Desert Storm happened, with the Saudis, because Saddam was on the march and invaded an ally.

Kuwait was slant drilling and the Saud's and gulf states were pricing Saddam out of business.

there is no credible evidence that 500,000 Iraqi children died as a result of
sanctions ------none whatsoever. There is certainly credible evidence that
more than a million died-------as a result of Saddam violence
Many oilmen in the West understood that Kuwait and others kept oil prices down by overproducing, which was one of Saddam's grievances.

Also, there is evidence that Kuwait was engaged in slant-drilling of Iraqi oil, under the border. As one oil executive put it, slant-drilling is enough to get you shot in Texas or Oklahoma.

It's Time to Think Straight About Saddam

since Kuwait has SO MUCH oil that it can price other countries out of the
market------why would that country engage in slant drilling?
Many oilmen in the West understood that Kuwait and others kept oil prices down by overproducing, which was one of Saddam's grievances.

Also, there is evidence that Kuwait was engaged in slant-drilling of Iraqi oil, under the border. As one oil executive put it, slant-drilling is enough to get you shot in Texas or Oklahoma.

It's Time to Think Straight About Saddam
Yeah, the sanctions were the UN's fault and Saddam wasn't building palaces and military with their resources. Your evidence of slant drilling is an op-ed piece from the Times? Was that a joke?
What we did in Iraq in the 90's was in the name of humanity, and yet, M. Albright when asked if over 500,000 thousand child deaths were worth it, the witch said, "I think it was". Really.

We never attack and put sanctions on a country for inhumanity, we do it for our allies and oil and natural resources and to maintain control over the globe. If we did it for humanity why are we not taking out the Al Saud regime and the Israel Regime?
Where do you get the 500,000 figure? Not to minimize the importance of oil but why didn't we take the oil when we could have? Desert Storm happened, with the Saudis, because Saddam was on the march and invaded an ally.

with the Saudis? I do not recall that detail

60a. Operation Desert Storm
The first major foreign crisis for the United States after the end of the Cold War presented itself in August 1990. Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, ordered his army across the border into tiny Kuwait. This was no ordinary act of aggression. Iraq's army was well equipped. The United States had provided massive military aid to Iraq during their eight-year war with Iran, giving them the fourth largest army in the world.

Kuwait was a major supplier of oil to the United States. The Iraqi takeover posed an immediate threat to neighboring Saudi Arabia, another major exporter of oil. If Saudi Arabia fell to Saddam, Iraq would control one-fifth of the world's oil supply. All eyes were on the White House, waiting for a response. President Bush, who succeeded President Reagan, stated simply: "This will not stand."

In the last months of 1990, the United States participated in the defense of Saudi Arabia in a deployment known as Operation Desert Shield. Over 500,000 American troops were placed in Saudi Arabia in case of an Iraqi attack on the Saudis. The U.S. further sought multilateral support in the United Nations Security Council. Traditionally, Iraq was an ally of the Soviet Union, who held a veto power over any potential UN military action. Looking westward for support for their dramatic internal changes, the USSR did not block the American plan. The UN condemned Iraq and helped form a coalition to fight Saddam militarily.

thanks-------I thought you meant that Saudi arabia participated in the ----INVASION of Kuwait-------the US has bases in Saudi arabia------desert storm did not start
that fact
It started the half million troops being sent there.
Many oilmen in the West understood that Kuwait and others kept oil prices down by overproducing, which was one of Saddam's grievances.

Also, there is evidence that Kuwait was engaged in slant-drilling of Iraqi oil, under the border. As one oil executive put it, slant-drilling is enough to get you shot in Texas or Oklahoma.

It's Time to Think Straight About Saddam

since Kuwait has SO MUCH oil that it can price other countries out of the
market------why would that country engage in slant drilling?

You would do well to read Kuwait's history .
Many oilmen in the West understood that Kuwait and others kept oil prices down by overproducing, which was one of Saddam's grievances.

Also, there is evidence that Kuwait was engaged in slant-drilling of Iraqi oil, under the border. As one oil executive put it, slant-drilling is enough to get you shot in Texas or Oklahoma.

It's Time to Think Straight About Saddam
Yeah, the sanctions were the UN's fault and Saddam wasn't building palaces and military with their resources. Your evidence of slant drilling is an op-ed piece from the Times? Was that a joke?

Un huh, Kuwait was on Iraq side when they fought Iran, of course the US was as well. Do you remember the stock market crash in Kuwait, coincidence. I think not.
Many oilmen in the West understood that Kuwait and others kept oil prices down by overproducing, which was one of Saddam's grievances.

Also, there is evidence that Kuwait was engaged in slant-drilling of Iraqi oil, under the border. As one oil executive put it, slant-drilling is enough to get you shot in Texas or Oklahoma.

It's Time to Think Straight About Saddam

since Kuwait has SO MUCH oil that it can price other countries out of the
market------why would that country engage in slant drilling?

You would do well to read Kuwait's history .

why not just answer the simple question? No doubt lots of people have
written about Kuwait in the past 100 years
Your off topic, if you want to discuss Kuwait, start a thread.
Your off topic, if you want to discuss Kuwait, start a thread.

try to focus YOU introduced the issue of KUWAIT and poor misunderstood Saddam You have posted your own ASSERTIONS which you cannot
support. I do recall the times-----and that SLANT DRILLING issue was not
some silly insertion in a NYT article. It was an ISSUE at the time-----I did not
personally see the "slant drills" but recall vividly lots of discussion on the topic
-----saddam used it as an excuse to invade Kuwait. In fact muslims with whom
I worked at the time were DELIGHTED with the invasion of Kuwait-----one young
surgeon-----obvious fan of Saddam, told me that saddam wanted to use
the extensive WEALTH OF KUWAIT for "the muslim cause" and invading Kuwait
was good for ISLAAAAM (????) ---(no ---when he commented thus he had
no idea that he was talking to a jew----he took me for a Christian like you)

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