The Religous Nuts in the Gop

when cheap ass Orange skinned alcoholic politicians start claiming God's mandate that is when its time to head for "an undisclosed secure location"
It is curious how someone who claims to be moral and righteous because they determined on their own what is truth is considered trustworthy while someone who looks for guidance from God and seeks to follow His truth is not.

What is more nuts? Believing there is a supreme being who is wiser and more powerful than you, or believing you are the equivalent of a supreme being?

I guess what Isis is doing in Iran and Syria, in the name of their God, is ok then. Do you honestly find us that much differene than ISIS, they have rifles and we have tanks and planes. (We are both trying to take over the country, along with the FSA, which is funded and supplied by the US)
You didn't answer my question.

Um, because they are thinking they are the supreme being, they are talking to themselves and trying to rationalize their actions to everyone else. Or they are plan nuts.
hmm. A half assed cliche' and an insult must be the best you can manage. Well. Thanks for the response. It actually does explain where you are coming from.
George Bush has claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, according to a senior Palestinian politician in an interview to be broadcast by the BBC later this month.

Mr Bush revealed the extent of his religious fervour when he met a Palestinian delegation during the Israeli-Palestinian summit at the Egpytian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, four months after the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.

One of the delegates, Nabil Shaath, who was Palestinian foreign minister at the time, said: "President Bush said to all of us: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me 'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did."

Mr Bush went on: "And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'. And, by God, I'm gonna do it."

George Bush: 'God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq'

Bible-Quoting Defense Memos and Holy War

Steven Waldman
Updated May 18, 2009 11:59 p.m. ET
Did those Bible verses at the top of the intelligence briefings make us less safe?

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld put Bible verses on the top of the "Worldwide Intelligence Update" presented to President George W. Bush, Robert Draper reports in GQ. Flip through this gallery of these extraordinary memos.

Each cover page features inspiring color photographs -- soldiers praying, a young man preparing for battle, Saddam's statue falling. With them are biblical quotes, some related to providing strength to the soldiers but some about the godliness of the cause.

Next to a picture of an American tank is the quote: "Open the gates that the righteous nations may enter, The nation that keeps faith. Isaiah 26.2"

A photo of two soldiers in prayer is accompanied by the quote, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us. Here I am Lord, send me! Isaiah 6:8"

A photo of an American tank at sunset has superimposed on it, "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:13"

Mr. Draper writes that these were the brainchild of Major General Glen Shaffer, a director for intelligence serving the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the secretary of defense.

"At least one Muslim analyst in the building had been greatly offended; others privately worried that if these covers were leaked during a war conducted in an Islamic nation, the fallout--as one Pentagon staffer would later say--'would be as bad as Abu Ghraib.'

But the Pentagon's top officials were apparently unconcerned about the effect such a disclosure might have on the conduct of the war or on Bush's public standing. When colleagues complained to Shaffer that including a religious message with an intelligence briefing seemed inappropriate, Shaffer politely informed them that the practice would continue, because "my seniors"--JCS chairman Richard Myers, Rumsfeld, and the commander in chief himself--appreciated the cover pages." [...]

Bible-Quoting Defense Memos and Holy War

I remember when GQ published the article & had the 'slideshow' contained in the article. The original GQ article is still available on the web, but not the memo/photos... unless you 'google the images' which I linked within my post.

the writings in the bible are classical literature----quotations from that book
are -------to any intelligent secular person, as valuable as quotations from
any other scriptural writing-----idiot snobs deride them but have no objection
to quotations from Shakespeare or the Bhagavad Gita----or the "wisdom"
of Confucius
It is curious how someone who claims to be moral and righteous because they determined on their own what is truth is considered trustworthy while someone who looks for guidance from God and seeks to follow His truth is not.

What is more nuts? Believing there is a supreme being who is wiser and more powerful than you, or believing you are the equivalent of a supreme being?

I guess what Isis is doing in Iran and Syria, in the name of their God, is ok then. Do you honestly find us that much differene than ISIS, they have rifles and we have tanks and planes. (We are both trying to take over the country, along with the FSA, which is funded and supplied by the US)
You didn't answer my question.

Um, because they are thinking they are the supreme being, they are talking to themselves and trying to rationalize their actions to everyone else. Or they are plan nuts.
hmm. A half assed cliche' and an insult must be the best you can manage. Well. Thanks for the response. It actually does explain where you are coming from.

she did not invent it-----the stupidity along with the misspellings are lifted
from the islamo Nazi literature
Global warming doomsday cultists are a bunch of religious nutjobs.
It is curious how someone who claims to be moral and righteous because they determined on their own what is truth is considered trustworthy while someone who looks for guidance from God and seeks to follow His truth is not.

What is more nuts? Believing there is a supreme being who is wiser and more powerful than you, or believing you are the equivalent of a supreme being?

I guess what Isis is doing in Iran and Syria, in the name of their God, is ok then. Do you honestly find us that much differene than ISIS, they have rifles and we have tanks and planes. (We are both trying to take over the country, along with the FSA, which is funded and supplied by the US)
The above is the perfect fallacy of false equivalency, and I have sent an unattributed copy to several of my university professor buddies, two of whom are atheists. I am looking forward to their replies.
God talks to IsiL as well. I guess 'god' has varying messages and requests depending on who he is 'speaking' to.

Like he'll ignore 6 million human beings being gassed to death and screaming for mercy, but he'll help a wide receiver catch a touchdown.

Which leaves one wondering, what would he do if there were 6 million wide receivers screaming for help? I mean someone has to lose.
Same false equivalency fallacy as Penelope's above.
Liberals are far more religious than the right. Liberalism IS a religion. It is not based on reality but on hope, wishful thinking, feelings, an omnipresent government to right all wrongs. And anyone that dares to disagree essentially blasphemes and isn't just wrong, they're evil.

a religious cult is more like it. and intolerance is one of it's traits, though they'll beat you over the head, of how they are the More tolerant than those evil people in the Gop
no offense to you Penny

It is curious how someone who claims to be moral and righteous because they determined on their own what is truth is considered trustworthy while someone who looks for guidance from God and seeks to follow His truth is not.

What is more nuts? Believing there is a supreme being who is wiser and more powerful than you, or believing you are the equivalent of a supreme being?

I guess what Isis is doing in Iran and Syria, in the name of their God, is ok then. Do you honestly find us that much differene than ISIS, they have rifles and we have tanks and planes. (We are both trying to take over the country, along with the FSA, which is funded and supplied by the US)
You didn't answer my question.

Um, because they are thinking they are the supreme being, they are talking to themselves and trying to rationalize their actions to everyone else. Or they are plan nuts.
hmm. A half assed cliche' and an insult must be the best you can manage. Well. Thanks for the response. It actually does explain where you are coming from.

What we did in Iraq in the 90's was in the name of humanity, and yet, M. Albright when asked if over 500,000 thousand child deaths were worth it, the witch said, "I think it was". Really.

We never attack and put sanctions on a country for inhumanity, we do it for our allies and oil and natural resources and to maintain control over the globe. If we did it for humanity why are we not taking out the Al Saud regime and the Israel Regime?
God talks to IsiL as well. I guess 'god' has varying messages and requests depending on who he is 'speaking' to.

Like he'll ignore 6 million human beings being gassed to death and screaming for mercy, but he'll help a wide receiver catch a touchdown.

Which leaves one wondering, what would he do if there were 6 million wide receivers screaming for help? I mean someone has to lose.
Same false equivalency fallacy as Penelope's above.

sir isaac newton is, simply, presenting the "absurd" -----for heuristic purpose, jake dear---------(for the record---TO WHOM HE IS SPEAKING ----not 'who he is speaking to"
God talks to IsiL as well. I guess 'god' has varying messages and requests depending on who he is 'speaking' to.

Like he'll ignore 6 million human beings being gassed to death and screaming for mercy, but he'll help a wide receiver catch a touchdown.

Which leaves one wondering, what would he do if there were 6 million wide receivers screaming for help? I mean someone has to lose.

Yes God watches football and who ever prays the most to him , makes the best plays.:)
It is curious how someone who claims to be moral and righteous because they determined on their own what is truth is considered trustworthy while someone who looks for guidance from God and seeks to follow His truth is not.

What is more nuts? Believing there is a supreme being who is wiser and more powerful than you, or believing you are the equivalent of a supreme being?

I guess what Isis is doing in Iran and Syria, in the name of their God, is ok then. Do you honestly find us that much differene than ISIS, they have rifles and we have tanks and planes. (We are both trying to take over the country, along with the FSA, which is funded and supplied by the US)
Yeah cuz Christians are just as bad as the sick Islamic fucks.

Get out of here.
It is curious how someone who claims to be moral and righteous because they determined on their own what is truth is considered trustworthy while someone who looks for guidance from God and seeks to follow His truth is not.

What is more nuts? Believing there is a supreme being who is wiser and more powerful than you, or believing you are the equivalent of a supreme being?

I guess what Isis is doing in Iran and Syria, in the name of their God, is ok then. Do you honestly find us that much differene than ISIS, they have rifles and we have tanks and planes. (We are both trying to take over the country, along with the FSA, which is funded and supplied by the US)
The above is the perfect fallacy of false equivalency, and I have sent an unattributed copy to several of my university professor buddies, two of whom are atheists. I am looking forward to their replies.

Then tell me what are we doing in Syria? Then tell me the difference of what we and Isis is doing, also I'd like to know how Isis got so powerful, did Allah drop Toyotas out of the sky along with money?
It is curious how someone who claims to be moral and righteous because they determined on their own what is truth is considered trustworthy while someone who looks for guidance from God and seeks to follow His truth is not.

What is more nuts? Believing there is a supreme being who is wiser and more powerful than you, or believing you are the equivalent of a supreme being?

I guess what Isis is doing in Iran and Syria, in the name of their God, is ok then. Do you honestly find us that much differene than ISIS, they have rifles and we have tanks and planes. (We are both trying to take over the country, along with the FSA, which is funded and supplied by the US)
Yeah cuz Christians are just as bad as the sick Islamic fucks.

Get out of here.

Kgirl-----be not dismayed. she just expectorates that which she swallows
from the islamo Nazi literature
It is curious how someone who claims to be moral and righteous because they determined on their own what is truth is considered trustworthy while someone who looks for guidance from God and seeks to follow His truth is not.

What is more nuts? Believing there is a supreme being who is wiser and more powerful than you, or believing you are the equivalent of a supreme being?

I guess what Isis is doing in Iran and Syria, in the name of their God, is ok then. Do you honestly find us that much differene than ISIS, they have rifles and we have tanks and planes. (We are both trying to take over the country, along with the FSA, which is funded and supplied by the US)
Yeah cuz Christians are just as bad as the sick Islamic fucks.

Get out of here.

Kgirl-----be not dismayed. she just expectorates that which she swallows
from the islamo Nazi literature
It is curious how someone who claims to be moral and righteous because they determined on their own what is truth is considered trustworthy while someone who looks for guidance from God and seeks to follow His truth is not.

What is more nuts? Believing there is a supreme being who is wiser and more powerful than you, or believing you are the equivalent of a supreme being?

I guess what Isis is doing in Iran and Syria, in the name of their God, is ok then. Do you honestly find us that much differene than ISIS, they have rifles and we have tanks and planes. (We are both trying to take over the country, along with the FSA, which is funded and supplied by the US)
The above is the perfect fallacy of false equivalency, and I have sent an unattributed copy to several of my university professor buddies, two of whom are atheists. I am looking forward to their replies.

Then tell me what are we doing in Syria? Then tell me the difference of what we and Isis is doing, also I'd like to know how Isis got so powerful, did Allah drop Toyotas out of the sky along with money?

The UMMAH is not lacking in funds------especially when the issue is HOLY JIHAD

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