The Republican Party and The Tea Party Congress Polls PLUMMET'S To Historical Low


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Most revealing in the Wall Street Journal assessment:
Even Republicans are pretty unhappy with how their party is handling the situation. A whopping 70 percent of respondents said the GOP was “putting their political agenda ahead of what's good for the country” in the current budget battle. The poll showed that a plurality of Republicans, or 40 percent, believe this is the case, while more than a third disapproved of the job Republicans in Congress are doing.

The Democrats had wanted a debt ceiling increase through 2014. Maybe a new every few weeks or so would work better(?), as long as the Republicans "Compromise" every few weeks, or so(?)

Apparently the shutdown, of course, is not affecting the federal holiday weekend(?)! Even anarchists can likely agree. Park Rangers are probably kind of enthused about this one.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Your federal dollars will be working this weekend, like never before(?)!)
For those under 30, the GOP brand is like sludge. It's the party of angry old people, who hate minorities and gays. None of them want to vote like their grumpy grampa, who spews out hatred during the holidays against people who haven't done any harm to him, but just aren't like him.

The GOP's future is negligible and it's the fault of their failed conservative policies, both domestic and foreign.

They will need to liberalize or moderate their views. It will have to happen in fifteen to twenty years for them to have a chance.
The GOP and the Tea Party Congress poll numbers have been dropping like hot dookie in recent weeks and months and have more recently PLUMMETED to historical lows post the government shutdown.

NBC/WSJ poll: 60 percent say fire every member of Congress - First Read
Government Shutdown 2013: Republican Party Hits Record Low Approval, Poll Finds

Anyone care to guess why?

Hint: They're the ones being blamed for it.

And rightfully so.

When will the rabid RWers in their midst stop the madness?

so are you rejoicing Marc that your vaunted Democrats poll in at around 33%?.....if any Democrat and Republican in this Country still vote for these incompetent assholes in the next election then you guys deserve what you get.....and im told i waste my votes by not voting for these wonderful Party Spock would say...."Fascinating"....
For those under 30, the GOP brand is like sludge. It's the party of angry old people, who hate minorities and gays. None of them want to vote like their grumpy grampa, who spews out hatred during the holidays against people who haven't done any harm to him, but just aren't like him.

The GOP's future is negligible and it's the fault of their failed conservative policies, both domestic and foreign.

They will need to liberalize or moderate their views. It will have to happen in fifteen to twenty years for them to have a chance.

hey Cheese answer me a question....your buddy Dean has avoided this twice and you did it is again....if Republicans hate Minorities like you say they do, how come they have lived amongst them here in S.Cal for Decades and have even married them and have kids?.....doesnt sound like ALL of them hate like you and Dean and others say they it BULLSHIT....or are you just one of the misinformed people on the left?....
oh dear gawd, these repetitive liberals wet dreams THREADS is taking OVER this board

this has been posted 5 times already


same crap different day
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The GOP and the Tea Party Congress poll numbers have been dropping like hot dookie in recent weeks and months and have more recently PLUMMETED to historical lows post the government shutdown.

NBC/WSJ poll: 60 percent say fire every member of Congress - First Read
Government Shutdown 2013: Republican Party Hits Record Low Approval, Poll Finds

Anyone care to guess why?

Hint: They're the ones being blamed for it.

And rightfully so.

When will the rabid RWers in their midst stop the madness?

Even Republicans are pretty unhappy with how their party is handling the situation. A whopping 70 percent of respondents said the GOP was “putting their political agenda ahead of what's good for the country” in the current budget battle. The poll showed that a plurality of Republicans, or 40 percent, believe this is the case, while more than a third disapproved of the job Republicans in Congress are doing.
And yet there still remains a delusional hard-core of partisan rightwing extremists who refuse to accept the facts.

Senate republicans have gone so far as to issue an ultimatum to the House.
The GOP and the Tea Party Congress poll numbers have been dropping like hot dookie in recent weeks and months and have more recently PLUMMETED to historical lows post the government shutdown.

NBC/WSJ poll: 60 percent say fire every member of Congress - First Read
Government Shutdown 2013: Republican Party Hits Record Low Approval, Poll Finds

Anyone care to guess why?

Hint: They're the ones being blamed for it.

And rightfully so.

When will the rabid RWers in their midst stop the madness?

so are you rejoicing Marc that your vaunted Democrats poll in at around 33%?.....if any Democrat and Republican in this Country still vote for these incompetent assholes in the next election then you guys deserve what you get.....and im told i waste my votes by not voting for these wonderful Party Spock would say...."Fascinating"....

The Republicans are getting DESTROYED. The American People are angry at them...mostly. You know it, I know it, even the damned Republican Party knows it.

Stop deflecting and face it like a man.

Notice how they are suddenly changing their tactics and talking points.

You see how Ted Cruz is about to get thrown under the bus right?
MarcATL you really should ask for a merge with kidrocks thread on this. I beleive there were a couple of others as well.
Oh and by the way this polling firm that was used is a solid Democrat pollster.

Seriously ask for the merge.
The GOP and the Tea Party Congress poll numbers have been dropping like hot dookie in recent weeks and months and have more recently PLUMMETED to historical lows post the government shutdown.

NBC/WSJ poll: 60 percent say fire every member of Congress - First Read
Government Shutdown 2013: Republican Party Hits Record Low Approval, Poll Finds

Anyone care to guess why?

Hint: They're the ones being blamed for it.

And rightfully so.

When will the rabid RWers in their midst stop the madness?

Even Republicans are pretty unhappy with how their party is handling the situation. A whopping 70 percent of respondents said the GOP was “putting their political agenda ahead of what's good for the country” in the current budget battle. The poll showed that a plurality of Republicans, or 40 percent, believe this is the case, while more than a third disapproved of the job Republicans in Congress are doing.
And yet there still remains a delusional hard-core of partisan rightwing extremists who refuse to accept the facts.

Senate republicans have gone so far as to issue an ultimatum to the House.
It's the Right Wing Bubble at it's finest and lowest once again..


These bastards just can't help's Party first every. single. time. No matter what.

Unless it's far RW pablum...they don't wanna hear it.

The GOP and the Tea Party Congress poll numbers have been dropping like hot dookie in recent weeks and months and have more recently PLUMMETED to historical lows post the government shutdown.

Anyone care to guess why?

In Praise of Partisan Media

Fake impartiality by the media is the real problem, not bias.

David Harsanyi | October 11, 2013

Take last week's much-talked-about testy exchange between anchorman Thomas Roberts and Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus. It can be uncomfortable watching a head-on collision of hackery, but the truth is that the exchange between Roberts and Priebus was weirdly honest, entertaining and informative. It's not often a TV anchorman admits to viewers that he's reading "directly from what the president just gave us." At least he's honest. And it's not as if Priebus was on MSNBC to offer his dispassionate impression of the situation, either. He should be challenged"
Oh and by the way this polling firm that was used is a solid Democrat pollster.

Seriously ask for the merge.

The Wall Street Journal is not a polling firm. It is a newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch.
The GOP and the Tea Party Congress poll numbers have been dropping like hot dookie in recent weeks and months and have more recently PLUMMETED to historical lows post the government shutdown.

NBC/WSJ poll: 60 percent say fire every member of Congress - First Read
Government Shutdown 2013: Republican Party Hits Record Low Approval, Poll Finds

Anyone care to guess why?

Hint: They're the ones being blamed for it.

And rightfully so.

When will the rabid RWers in their midst stop the madness?

So has Obama's poll numbers dropped to 37%. Any comment on that? Didn't think so!
Anyone seen polling on specific GOP representatives?
No, I thought not.

GOP In Danger Of Losing House As Popularity Plummets: Poll

Polling in the districts, conducted by the liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling and paid for by, follows similar polling that found voters hostile to lawmakers supporting the shutdown.

Democrats need a net increase of 17 seats to retake control of the lower chamber, and the prior polling found 17 Republicans trailing generic Democratic opponents before voters were told they had supported the shutdown. After they were told -- which a Democratic challenger would waste no time doing while campaigning -- another four Republicans fell behind.

In the latest survey, based on a dozen Republicans, five trail Democrats and another is tied. Once voters were told the Republican supported the shutdown, another three fell behind the Democrat.

Of the 36 Republican-controlled districts where voters were surveyed by PPP, 29 of them could flip -- more than enough to give control of the chamber to Democrats.

I know, I know, you guys are just waiting for the unskewed polls:lol::lol::lol:
The GOP and the Tea Party Congress poll numbers have been dropping like hot dookie in recent weeks and months and have more recently PLUMMETED to historical lows post the government shutdown.

NBC/WSJ poll: 60 percent say fire every member of Congress - First Read
Government Shutdown 2013: Republican Party Hits Record Low Approval, Poll Finds

Anyone care to guess why?

Hint: They're the ones being blamed for it.

And rightfully so.

When will the rabid RWers in their midst stop the madness?

So has Obama's poll numbers dropped to 37%. Any comment on that? Didn't think so!

Which poll are you talking about sir? What does that 37% number represent?
The GOP and the Tea Party Congress poll numbers have been dropping like hot dookie in recent weeks and months and have more recently PLUMMETED to historical lows post the government shutdown.

NBC/WSJ poll: 60 percent say fire every member of Congress - First Read
Government Shutdown 2013: Republican Party Hits Record Low Approval, Poll Finds

Anyone care to guess why?

Hint: They're the ones being blamed for it.

And rightfully so.

When will the rabid RWers in their midst stop the madness?

So has Obama's poll numbers dropped to 37%. Any comment on that? Didn't think so!

Which poll are you talking about sir? What does that 37% number represent?
These RW bastards NEVER posts links.

They just spew shat and consider it gospel.

The GOP and the Tea Party Congress poll numbers have been dropping like hot dookie in recent weeks and months and have more recently PLUMMETED to historical lows post the government shutdown.

NBC/WSJ poll: 60 percent say fire every member of Congress - First Read
Government Shutdown 2013: Republican Party Hits Record Low Approval, Poll Finds

Anyone care to guess why?

Hint: They're the ones being blamed for it.

And rightfully so.

When will the rabid RWers in their midst stop the madness?

Even Republicans are pretty unhappy with how their party is handling the situation. A whopping 70 percent of respondents said the GOP was “putting their political agenda ahead of what's good for the country” in the current budget battle. The poll showed that a plurality of Republicans, or 40 percent, believe this is the case, while more than a third disapproved of the job Republicans in Congress are doing.
And yet there still remains a delusional hard-core of partisan rightwing extremists who refuse to accept the facts.

Senate republicans have gone so far as to issue an ultimatum to the House.

its always funny when a delusional hard core partisan calls someone else that.....

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