The Republican Party's Problem in One Simple Question...


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
Peaking out from the redwoods
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
It's not a new problem but it does get worse every time. They have to act all tea baggy for the primaries and then swing to the center for the general. Makes them seem sort of schizo. They absolutely hate populism but they need it, what's a plutocratic toady to do?
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”

Joe Biden, no contest. That's who I'd pick
It's not a new problem but it does get worse every time. They have to act all tea baggy for the primaries and then swing to the center for the general. Makes them seem sort of schizo. They absolutely hate populism but they need it, what's a plutocratic toady to do? get worse every time. Candidates for President of the United States giving these nutjobs legitimacy.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”

Joe Biden, no contest. That's who I'd pick

Frank, we know you want them to play to you, their crazy base, but you can't win elections that way.
If Maddow were correct, she'd have an audience.

The last Presidential Candidate who campaigned as a fiscal Conservative and political moderate was Obama in 08. Before him Boooooooooooooooooooooosh said the same and won.

That wins all the time
It's not a new problem but it does get worse every time. They have to act all tea baggy for the primaries and then swing to the center for the general. Makes them seem sort of schizo. They absolutely hate populism but they need it, what's a plutocratic toady to do? get worse every time. Candidates for President of the United States giving these nutjobs legitimacy.
Like telling people that if they are pissed-off, the 2nd amendment allows them to shoot the gubbermint.

Good times....

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Wow, those same people in the country kicked their (Democrats/commie) party out of control of congress just SIX months ago, but how funny they don't SEE that as one damn wrong with their nasty party.... and already they are being insulted by the like's of some hatful woman talking head called, Maddcow. I hope the people enjoys this crap coming from the Democrat/progressive party and votes them completely out of our lives come: 2016
Wow, those same people in the country kicked their (Democrats/commie) party out of control of congress just SIX months ago and already they are being insulted by the like's of some hatful woman talking head called, Maddcow. I hope the people enjoys this crap coming from the Democrat/progressive party and votes them completely out of our lives come: 2016

Wishing, and hoping and praying, Staph? What's your party to do, Staph? Should they marginalize the crazies that believe this exercise is a means of taking over Texas or should they play to the base to win the Primary just to lose because they jumped on the crazy train?

It's quite a conundrum.

(So you don't have to look it up, Staph)

  1. a confusing and difficult problem or question.
Both parties play to their extremist base.
Republicans play to their slash, cut and burn idiots
Democrats play to the pc police and the whiners.
False equivalency, nothing the democrats do compares with the wide ideological swing republican candidates must perform to run for president.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
And it is insane to think the Rs are different from the Ds, but millions of American think so.
Wow, those same people in the country kicked their (Democrats/commie) party out of control of congress just SIX months ago and already they are being insulted by the like's of some hatful woman talking head called, Maddcow. I hope the people enjoys this crap coming from the Democrat/progressive party and votes them completely out of our lives come: 2016

Wishing, and hoping and praying, Staph? What's your party to do, Staph? Should they marginalize the crazies that believe this exercise is a means of taking over Texas or should they play to the base to win the Primary just to lose because they jumped on the crazy train?

It's quite a conundrum.

(So you don't have to look it up, Staph)

  1. a confusing and difficult problem or question.

If anyone has staph you might want to check with a doctor. I think it's traveled into your brain. You've become nothing but a nasty troll yourself. I won't waste my time

You don't' have an answer, obviously. Oh're one of the crazies that will be marginalized if the GOP candidate doesn't go full batshit. Oops, so sorry. :lol:
Hillary 2003:

"We’ve got to do several things and I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants. I made this exception basically on humanitarian grounds because of the individual story but certainlywe’ve got to do more at our borders. And people have to stop employing illegal immigrants. Come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties, stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx – you’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work.”

Hillary 2015:

“We can’t wait any longer for a path to full and equal citizenship… Today, not a single Republican candidate, announced or potential, is clearly and consistently supporting a path to citizenship.... When they talk about ‘legal status,’ that is code for second-class status.”

She also said that it’s in our “economic interest” to fix immigration:

“For me, this is about what kind of people we all are and what kind of country we have. And I am absolutely convinced that this is in our economic interest, it’s in the interest of our values and it’s even in the interest of our long term security as a nation. So, you know where I stand and there can be no question about it because I will do everything I can as President and during this campaign to make this case. If Congress continues to refuse to act, as president, I would do everything possible under the law to go even further."
Thankfully, hardly anyone watches that nasty thing called a Maddcow.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
And it is insane to think the Rs are different from the Ds, but millions of American think so.

Why is it that all of the nutbags who claim that the R's and the D's are the most of the policies that the R's stand for?

It's so weird!
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
And it is insane to think the Rs are different from the Ds, but millions of American think so.
They are different, they despise and reject populism and yet must run for office. The scared white people vote is shrinking so what do they do?
Hillary 2003:

"We’ve got to do several things and I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants. I made this exception basically on humanitarian grounds because of the individual story but certainlywe’ve got to do more at our borders. And people have to stop employing illegal immigrants. Come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties, stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx – you’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work.”

Hillary 2015:

“We can’t wait any longer for a path to full and equal citizenship… Today, not a single Republican candidate, announced or potential, is clearly and consistently supporting a path to citizenship.... When they talk about ‘legal status,’ that is code for second-class status.”

She also said that it’s in our “economic interest” to fix immigration:

“For me, this is about what kind of people we all are and what kind of country we have. And I am absolutely convinced that this is in our economic interest, it’s in the interest of our values and it’s even in the interest of our long term security as a nation. So, you know where I stand and there can be no question about it because I will do everything I can as President and during this campaign to make this case. If Congress continues to refuse to act, as president, I would do everything possible under the law to go even further."

Is that supposed to be relevant to the topic? What does that have to do with an insane base?

(BTW, there are no contradictions in those two statements)

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