The Republican Party's Problem in One Simple Question...

Thankfully, hardly anyone watches that nasty thing called a Maddcow.

That's a good thing because then fewer people know the truth about the crazy GOP base? Yeah, I guess that would be a good thing for you the batshit wing of the GOP.
Hillary 2003:

"We’ve got to do several things and I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants. I made this exception basically on humanitarian grounds because of the individual story but certainlywe’ve got to do more at our borders. And people have to stop employing illegal immigrants. Come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties, stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx – you’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work.”

Hillary 2015:

“We can’t wait any longer for a path to full and equal citizenship… Today, not a single Republican candidate, announced or potential, is clearly and consistently supporting a path to citizenship.... When they talk about ‘legal status,’ that is code for second-class status.”

She also said that it’s in our “economic interest” to fix immigration:

“For me, this is about what kind of people we all are and what kind of country we have. And I am absolutely convinced that this is in our economic interest, it’s in the interest of our values and it’s even in the interest of our long term security as a nation. So, you know where I stand and there can be no question about it because I will do everything I can as President and during this campaign to make this case. If Congress continues to refuse to act, as president, I would do everything possible under the law to go even further."

Is that supposed to be relevant to the topic? What does that have to do with an insane base?

(BTW, there are no contradictions in those two statements)

You have to understand....that's today's talking point. He had no choice but to try and squeeze it in as someone already started a thread on Sec. Clinton's immigration comments.
The people have a RIGHT to question what is going on with THIS Government. stand up and put people like Maddcow/Seawytch in the toilet and flush

This was a comment on Jake Helm:
OK, since a lot of commentators are beginning to notice Jade Helm 15, mostly calling concerned Texans unsuitable pejoratives, let me lay it all out for you.

There were at least 10 Texas counties that were going to be involved in Jade Helm 15 "exercises." (two counties have decided to not permit these "exercises") They were told they were chosen because they represented terrain that resembles places where our military deploy, like Afghanistan. Only one problem; central Texas in no way resembles Afghanistan as does the coastal counties that were selected.

We were told that the "exercises" would be conducted on private land, and when asked whose land, we were told the DOD could not reveal that information as it was private. We were told that these exercises would represent UNCONVENTIONAL warfare, and that the Special Forces troops would be blending in with the population. Contrary to that, we were told that the Special Forces troops would be wearing orange arm bands on their left arms. Excuse me? You're going to blend in by wearing orange arm bands.

When asked where these types of "exercises" had ever been conducted before now, the Lt. Col. could not answer that. He finally admitted the exercises were "unusual". He also said that arrangements for private land had been made months ago, but then said he drove over 900 miles in the last two days looking for land to use for the exercises. What?

Nothing with Jade Helm 15 makes sense. Different Texas counties are being given different reasons for the action of the DOD. The conflicting stories from the DOD are monumental. And because of that, Texans are rightfully concerned because they can't get straight answers to their questions.

Here is an example of what the DOD provided to one Texas county:

Notice that Jade Helm doesn't just involve the military. It also involves the FBI and another agency that seems to be part of the Department of Homeland Security. And we Texans shouldn't question this operation? Really?

from and all of it here:
The Feds Are Coming Jade Helm Hysteria Rising PJ Tatler
Hillary 2003:

"We’ve got to do several things and I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants. I made this exception basically on humanitarian grounds because of the individual story but certainlywe’ve got to do more at our borders. And people have to stop employing illegal immigrants. Come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties, stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx – you’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work.”

Hillary 2015:

“We can’t wait any longer for a path to full and equal citizenship… Today, not a single Republican candidate, announced or potential, is clearly and consistently supporting a path to citizenship.... When they talk about ‘legal status,’ that is code for second-class status.”

She also said that it’s in our “economic interest” to fix immigration:

“For me, this is about what kind of people we all are and what kind of country we have. And I am absolutely convinced that this is in our economic interest, it’s in the interest of our values and it’s even in the interest of our long term security as a nation. So, you know where I stand and there can be no question about it because I will do everything I can as President and during this campaign to make this case. If Congress continues to refuse to act, as president, I would do everything possible under the law to go even further."

Is that supposed to be relevant to the topic? What does that have to do with an insane base?

(BTW, there are no contradictions in those two statements)
What's crazy is Hillary said illegal immigrants pay more taxes than corporations in New York. Lol and you call us crazy.
Well, I guess we know how Stephanie would answer. She's going for the batshit crazy vote in the Primary and losing in the General. we need more Stephanies!!!!!
Hillary 2003:

"We’ve got to do several things and I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants. I made this exception basically on humanitarian grounds because of the individual story but certainlywe’ve got to do more at our borders. And people have to stop employing illegal immigrants. Come up to Westchester, go to Suffolk and Nassau counties, stand in the street corners in Brooklyn or the Bronx – you’re going to see loads of people waiting to get picked up to go do yard work and construction work and domestic work.”

Hillary 2015:

“We can’t wait any longer for a path to full and equal citizenship… Today, not a single Republican candidate, announced or potential, is clearly and consistently supporting a path to citizenship.... When they talk about ‘legal status,’ that is code for second-class status.”

She also said that it’s in our “economic interest” to fix immigration:

“For me, this is about what kind of people we all are and what kind of country we have. And I am absolutely convinced that this is in our economic interest, it’s in the interest of our values and it’s even in the interest of our long term security as a nation. So, you know where I stand and there can be no question about it because I will do everything I can as President and during this campaign to make this case. If Congress continues to refuse to act, as president, I would do everything possible under the law to go even further."

Is that supposed to be relevant to the topic? What does that have to do with an insane base?

(BTW, there are no contradictions in those two statements)
What's crazy is Hillary said illegal immigrants pay more taxes than corporations in New York. Lol and you call us crazy.

Do you have actual facts to prove her wrong? In 2012 Illegal Immigrants paid $1,093,455,000. About one of every seven companies had an effective tax rate lower than 10 percent in 2013. If Illegal immigrants, at the least, are paying an 8.25% sales doesn't seem that much of a stretch does it?
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
And it is insane to think the Rs are different from the Ds, but millions of American think so.

Why is it that all of the nutbags who claim that the R's and the D's are the most of the policies that the R's stand for?

It's so weird!
What do the Rs stand for?
Both parties play to their extremist base.
Republicans play to their slash, cut and burn idiots
Democrats play to the pc police and the whiners.
False equivalency, nothing the democrats do compares with the wide ideological swing republican candidates must perform to run for president.
Precisely! The Republicans are the same folks who said in 1972 that the McGovern nomination meant the demise of the Democrat Party because of the radical swing to the Left! Such extremism, they dutifully pointed out, meant that governing coalitions among the various factions in the Democrat party would be impossible.

And yet, here they are. Far off in the Right Wing wasteland licking their chops as if the history lessons they taught do not apply to themselves.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The better question is, "what will either Republicans or Democrats do for America as a whole, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to every single citizen?" What do we, the citizens of this once great nation, stand to gain, whether the next president is a Republican or a Democrat? Since we have NOT gained anything over the past 50 plus years of either Republican or Democrat presidencies, and administrations, that's a fair question in my opinion.

All of you people that are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, can NOT explain the obvious decline of this once great nation, without mentioning both parties as being at fault. Neither party has done anything over the past 50 plus years, that you can hang your hats on and say that it was a positive, meaningful, and beneficial step in the right direction for this nation and her citizens as a whole.

Which political party is responsible for our many unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and polices, that have been enacted over the past 50 years? Which party was responsible for the failed wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party has allowed illegal immigrants to flood this country over the past 40 years? Which party is responsible for our living wage self-supporting jobs leaving this country? Which party is responsible for our unfair and unjust tax laws and codes? Which party is responsible for our unjust corrupt judicial system? Which party is responsible for government corruption? Which party is responsible for our Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for the growing gap between the rich and the poor? Which party is responsible for our rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for the failed wars on illegal drugs and poverty? Which party is responsible for our shameful prison population? Which party is responsible for the loss of the steel, textile, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, housewares, appliance, automotive parts, and farm equipment industries?

Every single day on this forum I read posts and comments bashing and slamming either Republicans or Democrats, but those doing the bashing and slamming have absolutely nothing to stand on. They fail to understand and to realize, that both parties have had a hand in the decline of America, and both have had a hand in "The Selling of America". Neither party can wash their hands of the mess we're in. What we're seeing and experiencing, has been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. The cold hard truth is, "neither Republicans, nor Democrats, have a damn thing to brag about, absolutely nothing."
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The better question is, "what will either Republicans or Democrats do for America as a whole, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to every single citizen?" What do we, the citizens of this once great nation, stand to gain, whether the next president is a Republican or a Democrat? Since we have NOT gained anything over the past 50 plus years of either Republican or Democrat presidencies, and administrations, that's a fair question in my opinion.

All of you people that are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, can NOT explain the obvious decline of this once great nation, without mentioning both parties as being at fault. Neither party has done anything over the past 50 plus years, that you can hang your hats on and say that it was a positive, meaningful, and beneficial step in the right direction for this nation and her citizens as a whole.

Which political party is responsible for our many unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and polices, that have been enacted over the past 50 years? Which party was responsible for the failed wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party has allowed illegal immigrants to flood this country over the past 40 years? Which party is responsible for our living wage self-supporting jobs leaving this country? Which party is responsible for our unfair and unjust tax laws and codes? Which party is responsible for our unjust corrupt judicial system? Which party is responsible for government corruption? Which party is responsible for our Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for the growing gap between the rich and the poor? Which party is responsible for our rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for the failed wars on illegal drugs and poverty? Which party is responsible for our shameful prison population? Which party is responsible for the loss of the steel, textile, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, housewares, appliance, automotive parts, and farm equipment industries?

Every single day on this forum I read posts and comments bashing and slamming either Republicans or Democrats, but those doing the bashing and slamming have absolutely nothing to stand on. They fail to understand and to realize, that both parties have had a hand in the decline of America, and both have had a hand in "The Selling of America". Neither party can wash their hands of the mess we're in. What we're seeing and experiencing, has been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. The cold hard truth is, "neither Republicans, nor Democrats, have a damn thing to brag about, absolutely nothing."

Bullshit. Lots of words.....but all you said was "both sides are equally to blame". Not only is that not is not possible.

There are facts and data available. Use them.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
And it is insane to think the Rs are different from the Ds, but millions of American think so.

Why is it that all of the nutbags who claim that the R's and the D's are the most of the policies that the R's stand for?

It's so weird!
What do the Rs stand for?

You must think I'm gonna chase you down a rabbit hole.
Wow, those same people in the country kicked their (Democrats/commie) party out of control of congress just SIX months ago, but how funny they don't SEE that as one damn wrong with their nasty party.... and already they are being insulted by the like's of some hatful woman talking head called, Maddcow. I hope the people enjoys this crap coming from the Democrat/progressive party and votes them completely out of our lives come: 2016
So...if the Democrats are out of control and the Republicans are IN control...why isn't Obamacare gone? Why isn't legalized abortion gone? Heck, why aren't they even attempting to do something about those two RW bugaboos?
The people have a RIGHT to question what is going on with THIS Government. stand up and put people like Maddcow/Seawytch in the toilet and flush

This was a comment on Jake Helm:
OK, since a lot of commentators are beginning to notice Jade Helm 15, mostly calling concerned Texans unsuitable pejoratives, let me lay it all out for you.

There were at least 10 Texas counties that were going to be involved in Jade Helm 15 "exercises." (two counties have decided to not permit these "exercises") They were told they were chosen because they represented terrain that resembles places where our military deploy, like Afghanistan. Only one problem; central Texas in no way resembles Afghanistan as does the coastal counties that were selected.

We were told that the "exercises" would be conducted on private land, and when asked whose land, we were told the DOD could not reveal that information as it was private. We were told that these exercises would represent UNCONVENTIONAL warfare, and that the Special Forces troops would be blending in with the population. Contrary to that, we were told that the Special Forces troops would be wearing orange arm bands on their left arms. Excuse me? You're going to blend in by wearing orange arm bands.

When asked where these types of "exercises" had ever been conducted before now, the Lt. Col. could not answer that. He finally admitted the exercises were "unusual". He also said that arrangements for private land had been made months ago, but then said he drove over 900 miles in the last two days looking for land to use for the exercises. What?

Nothing with Jade Helm 15 makes sense. Different Texas counties are being given different reasons for the action of the DOD. The conflicting stories from the DOD are monumental. And because of that, Texans are rightfully concerned because they can't get straight answers to their questions.

Here is an example of what the DOD provided to one Texas county:

Notice that Jade Helm doesn't just involve the military. It also involves the FBI and another agency that seems to be part of the Department of Homeland Security. And we Texans shouldn't question this operation? Really?

from and all of it here:
The Feds Are Coming Jade Helm Hysteria Rising PJ Tatler
Chalk Stephanie up as crazy as Texas.....of course, she thought American Spring would bring millions to Washington D.C. too.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
A troll question. Why anyone listens to that ugly dyke is beyond me.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
Rachel defines normal people as those who like things shoved up their ass.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”

if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”

Still the same old shit,lets disparage the other guy,it detracts from my guys short comings.

Who does this bitch think she is ??who are these normal people?
Rachel Who?
Maddcow personifies a typical liberal/progressive woman:

shrill, bitter, nasty and ugly to look at.

harboring all the hate and constantly raging about something.

Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The better question is, "what will either Republicans or Democrats do for America as a whole, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to every single citizen?" What do we, the citizens of this once great nation, stand to gain, whether the next president is a Republican or a Democrat? Since we have NOT gained anything over the past 50 plus years of either Republican or Democrat presidencies, and administrations, that's a fair question in my opinion.

All of you people that are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, can NOT explain the obvious decline of this once great nation, without mentioning both parties as being at fault. Neither party has done anything over the past 50 plus years, that you can hang your hats on and say that it was a positive, meaningful, and beneficial step in the right direction for this nation and her citizens as a whole.

Which political party is responsible for our many unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and polices, that have been enacted over the past 50 years? Which party was responsible for the failed wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party has allowed illegal immigrants to flood this country over the past 40 years? Which party is responsible for our living wage self-supporting jobs leaving this country? Which party is responsible for our unfair and unjust tax laws and codes? Which party is responsible for our unjust corrupt judicial system? Which party is responsible for government corruption? Which party is responsible for our Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for the growing gap between the rich and the poor? Which party is responsible for our rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for the failed wars on illegal drugs and poverty? Which party is responsible for our shameful prison population? Which party is responsible for the loss of the steel, textile, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, housewares, appliance, automotive parts, and farm equipment industries?

Every single day on this forum I read posts and comments bashing and slamming either Republicans or Democrats, but those doing the bashing and slamming have absolutely nothing to stand on. They fail to understand and to realize, that both parties have had a hand in the decline of America, and both have had a hand in "The Selling of America". Neither party can wash their hands of the mess we're in. What we're seeing and experiencing, has been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. The cold hard truth is, "neither Republicans, nor Democrats, have a damn thing to brag about, absolutely nothing."
To solve those problems everyone's ox must be gored...none is willing to have their ox one.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The better question is, "what will either Republicans or Democrats do for America as a whole, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to every single citizen?" What do we, the citizens of this once great nation, stand to gain, whether the next president is a Republican or a Democrat? Since we have NOT gained anything over the past 50 plus years of either Republican or Democrat presidencies, and administrations, that's a fair question in my opinion.

All of you people that are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, can NOT explain the obvious decline of this once great nation, without mentioning both parties as being at fault. Neither party has done anything over the past 50 plus years, that you can hang your hats on and say that it was a positive, meaningful, and beneficial step in the right direction for this nation and her citizens as a whole.

Which political party is responsible for our many unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and polices, that have been enacted over the past 50 years? Which party was responsible for the failed wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party has allowed illegal immigrants to flood this country over the past 40 years? Which party is responsible for our living wage self-supporting jobs leaving this country? Which party is responsible for our unfair and unjust tax laws and codes? Which party is responsible for our unjust corrupt judicial system? Which party is responsible for government corruption? Which party is responsible for our Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for the growing gap between the rich and the poor? Which party is responsible for our rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for the failed wars on illegal drugs and poverty? Which party is responsible for our shameful prison population? Which party is responsible for the loss of the steel, textile, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, housewares, appliance, automotive parts, and farm equipment industries?

Every single day on this forum I read posts and comments bashing and slamming either Republicans or Democrats, but those doing the bashing and slamming have absolutely nothing to stand on. They fail to understand and to realize, that both parties have had a hand in the decline of America, and both have had a hand in "The Selling of America". Neither party can wash their hands of the mess we're in. What we're seeing and experiencing, has been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. The cold hard truth is, "neither Republicans, nor Democrats, have a damn thing to brag about, absolutely nothing."

Bullshit. Lots of words.....but all you said was "both sides are equally to blame". Not only is that not is not possible.

There are facts and data available. Use them.
Fair enough. If you can dispute anything that I have said, please do so, I welcome it. If you can show me to be wrong, then by all means do so. I'm looking forward to seeing and reading the stats, data, and facts that prove me to be wrong.

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