The Republican Party's Problem in One Simple Question...

Maddcow personifies a typical liberal/progressive woman:

shrill, bitter, nasty and ugly to look at.

harboring all the hate and constantly raging about something.


You've obviously never watched...but she did nail the GOP's problem. What should they do Steph? If they marginalize the crazies like you, they might not get the nomination, but if they don't, they won't win the National Election. Whatever will they do?
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The problem with her question, and progressives in general, is that they assume they are the normal and sane people.

I can assure you, they are not.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The problem with her question, and progressives in general, is that they assume they are the normal and sane people.

I can assure you, they are not.

bingo!!!! they act like their shit doesn't stink like the rest of the people in this country. that's why I can't STAND people like her. she makes my skin crawl actually...icky

Is this REALLY who you want running the country again after 8 miserable years of Obama?
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The better question is, "what will either Republicans or Democrats do for America as a whole, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to every single citizen?" What do we, the citizens of this once great nation, stand to gain, whether the next president is a Republican or a Democrat? Since we have NOT gained anything over the past 50 plus years of either Republican or Democrat presidencies, and administrations, that's a fair question in my opinion.

All of you people that are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, can NOT explain the obvious decline of this once great nation, without mentioning both parties as being at fault. Neither party has done anything over the past 50 plus years, that you can hang your hats on and say that it was a positive, meaningful, and beneficial step in the right direction for this nation and her citizens as a whole.

Which political party is responsible for our many unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and polices, that have been enacted over the past 50 years? Which party was responsible for the failed wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party has allowed illegal immigrants to flood this country over the past 40 years? Which party is responsible for our living wage self-supporting jobs leaving this country? Which party is responsible for our unfair and unjust tax laws and codes? Which party is responsible for our unjust corrupt judicial system? Which party is responsible for government corruption? Which party is responsible for our Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for the growing gap between the rich and the poor? Which party is responsible for our rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for the failed wars on illegal drugs and poverty? Which party is responsible for our shameful prison population? Which party is responsible for the loss of the steel, textile, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, housewares, appliance, automotive parts, and farm equipment industries?

Every single day on this forum I read posts and comments bashing and slamming either Republicans or Democrats, but those doing the bashing and slamming have absolutely nothing to stand on. They fail to understand and to realize, that both parties have had a hand in the decline of America, and both have had a hand in "The Selling of America". Neither party can wash their hands of the mess we're in. What we're seeing and experiencing, has been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. The cold hard truth is, "neither Republicans, nor Democrats, have a damn thing to brag about, absolutely nothing."

Bullshit. Lots of words.....but all you said was "both sides are equally to blame". Not only is that not is not possible.

There are facts and data available. Use them.
Fair enough. If you can dispute anything that I have said, please do so, I welcome it. If you can show me to be wrong, then by all means do so. I'm looking forward to seeing and reading the stats, data, and facts that prove me to be wrong.

We will start with an easy one...what Democratic candidate for President ever entertained a conspiracy theory like the Jade 15 silliness?
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The problem with her question, and progressives in general, is that they assume they are the normal and sane people.

I can assure you, they are not.
This is the way crazy people generally feel. They are fine. It's everyone else.

Democrats would not appear so nutty if they didn't follow a madman and feel compelled to agree with him.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The problem with her question, and progressives in general, is that they assume they are the normal and sane people.

I can assure you, they are not.

Even if you assumed that "progressives" and Rachel Maddow are completely bonkers, how does it change the validity of her question?
It's not a new problem but it does get worse every time. They have to act all tea baggy for the primaries and then swing to the center for the general. Makes them seem sort of schizo. They absolutely hate populism but they need it, what's a plutocratic toady to do? get worse every time. Candidates for President of the United States giving these nutjobs legitimacy.
Coming from the party that still supports HILLARY.....I just can't see where you get off.

Rachel Maddow will support anyone who tells her what she wants to hear. Doesn't matter how corrupt they are. As long as they say they support same-sex marriage now (yet didn't before) and have a (D) behind their name....she could care less if they're taking bribes from foreign powers undermining our national security.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
I'm going to pick the one that will lower my taxes. Period.

Maybe Rachel should ask herself if she's going to vote for a lying criminal or a decent human being.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The better question is, "what will either Republicans or Democrats do for America as a whole, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to every single citizen?" What do we, the citizens of this once great nation, stand to gain, whether the next president is a Republican or a Democrat? Since we have NOT gained anything over the past 50 plus years of either Republican or Democrat presidencies, and administrations, that's a fair question in my opinion.

All of you people that are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, can NOT explain the obvious decline of this once great nation, without mentioning both parties as being at fault. Neither party has done anything over the past 50 plus years, that you can hang your hats on and say that it was a positive, meaningful, and beneficial step in the right direction for this nation and her citizens as a whole.

Which political party is responsible for our many unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and polices, that have been enacted over the past 50 years? Which party was responsible for the failed wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party has allowed illegal immigrants to flood this country over the past 40 years? Which party is responsible for our living wage self-supporting jobs leaving this country? Which party is responsible for our unfair and unjust tax laws and codes? Which party is responsible for our unjust corrupt judicial system? Which party is responsible for government corruption? Which party is responsible for our Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for the growing gap between the rich and the poor? Which party is responsible for our rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for the failed wars on illegal drugs and poverty? Which party is responsible for our shameful prison population? Which party is responsible for the loss of the steel, textile, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, housewares, appliance, automotive parts, and farm equipment industries?

Every single day on this forum I read posts and comments bashing and slamming either Republicans or Democrats, but those doing the bashing and slamming have absolutely nothing to stand on. They fail to understand and to realize, that both parties have had a hand in the decline of America, and both have had a hand in "The Selling of America". Neither party can wash their hands of the mess we're in. What we're seeing and experiencing, has been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. The cold hard truth is, "neither Republicans, nor Democrats, have a damn thing to brag about, absolutely nothing."

Bullshit. Lots of words.....but all you said was "both sides are equally to blame". Not only is that not is not possible.

There are facts and data available. Use them.
Fair enough. If you can dispute anything that I have said, please do so, I welcome it. If you can show me to be wrong, then by all means do so. I'm looking forward to seeing and reading the stats, data, and facts that prove me to be wrong.

We will start with an easy one...what Democratic candidate for President ever entertained a conspiracy theory like the Jade 15 silliness?
How does that question relate to what I have said? What part of what I have said are you attempting to answer?
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The problem with her question, and progressives in general, is that they assume they are the normal and sane people.

I can assure you, they are not.

Even if you assumed that "progressives" and Rachel Maddow are completely bonkers, how does it change the validity of her question?
There is no assumption. The progressives are not normal.

BTW....both parties rely upon the base to determine who gets to run in the general.

So her question is not only based upon an invalid assumption, it ignores the reality of both parties.
Maddcow personifies a typical liberal/progressive woman:

shrill, bitter, nasty and ugly to look at.

harboring all the hate and constantly raging about something.


You've obviously never watched...but she did nail the GOP's problem. What should they do Steph? If they marginalize the crazies like you, they might not get the nomination, but if they don't, they won't win the National Election. Whatever will they do?
Rachel Maddow feels having morals and principles is a problem.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The better question is, "what will either Republicans or Democrats do for America as a whole, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to every single citizen?" What do we, the citizens of this once great nation, stand to gain, whether the next president is a Republican or a Democrat? Since we have NOT gained anything over the past 50 plus years of either Republican or Democrat presidencies, and administrations, that's a fair question in my opinion.

All of you people that are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, can NOT explain the obvious decline of this once great nation, without mentioning both parties as being at fault. Neither party has done anything over the past 50 plus years, that you can hang your hats on and say that it was a positive, meaningful, and beneficial step in the right direction for this nation and her citizens as a whole.

Which political party is responsible for our many unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and polices, that have been enacted over the past 50 years? Which party was responsible for the failed wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party has allowed illegal immigrants to flood this country over the past 40 years? Which party is responsible for our living wage self-supporting jobs leaving this country? Which party is responsible for our unfair and unjust tax laws and codes? Which party is responsible for our unjust corrupt judicial system? Which party is responsible for government corruption? Which party is responsible for our Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for the growing gap between the rich and the poor? Which party is responsible for our rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for the failed wars on illegal drugs and poverty? Which party is responsible for our shameful prison population? Which party is responsible for the loss of the steel, textile, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, housewares, appliance, automotive parts, and farm equipment industries?

Every single day on this forum I read posts and comments bashing and slamming either Republicans or Democrats, but those doing the bashing and slamming have absolutely nothing to stand on. They fail to understand and to realize, that both parties have had a hand in the decline of America, and both have had a hand in "The Selling of America". Neither party can wash their hands of the mess we're in. What we're seeing and experiencing, has been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. The cold hard truth is, "neither Republicans, nor Democrats, have a damn thing to brag about, absolutely nothing."

Bullshit. Lots of words.....but all you said was "both sides are equally to blame". Not only is that not is not possible.

There are facts and data available. Use them.
Fair enough. If you can dispute anything that I have said, please do so, I welcome it. If you can show me to be wrong, then by all means do so. I'm looking forward to seeing and reading the stats, data, and facts that prove me to be wrong.

We will start with an easy one...what Democratic candidate for President ever entertained a conspiracy theory like the Jade 15 silliness?
How does that question relate to what I have said? What part of what I have said are you attempting to answer?
Yeah...where's your links? And why do they not understand what you meant to post?
The better question is, "what will either Republicans or Democrats do for America as a whole, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to every single citizen?" What do we, the citizens of this once great nation, stand to gain, whether the next president is a Republican or a Democrat? Since we have NOT gained anything over the past 50 plus years of either Republican or Democrat presidencies, and administrations, that's a fair question in my opinion.

All of you people that are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, can NOT explain the obvious decline of this once great nation, without mentioning both parties as being at fault. Neither party has done anything over the past 50 plus years, that you can hang your hats on and say that it was a positive, meaningful, and beneficial step in the right direction for this nation and her citizens as a whole.

Which political party is responsible for our many unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and polices, that have been enacted over the past 50 years? Which party was responsible for the failed wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party has allowed illegal immigrants to flood this country over the past 40 years? Which party is responsible for our living wage self-supporting jobs leaving this country? Which party is responsible for our unfair and unjust tax laws and codes? Which party is responsible for our unjust corrupt judicial system? Which party is responsible for government corruption? Which party is responsible for our Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for the growing gap between the rich and the poor? Which party is responsible for our rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for the failed wars on illegal drugs and poverty? Which party is responsible for our shameful prison population? Which party is responsible for the loss of the steel, textile, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, housewares, appliance, automotive parts, and farm equipment industries?

Every single day on this forum I read posts and comments bashing and slamming either Republicans or Democrats, but those doing the bashing and slamming have absolutely nothing to stand on. They fail to understand and to realize, that both parties have had a hand in the decline of America, and both have had a hand in "The Selling of America". Neither party can wash their hands of the mess we're in. What we're seeing and experiencing, has been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. The cold hard truth is, "neither Republicans, nor Democrats, have a damn thing to brag about, absolutely nothing."

Bullshit. Lots of words.....but all you said was "both sides are equally to blame". Not only is that not is not possible.

There are facts and data available. Use them.
Fair enough. If you can dispute anything that I have said, please do so, I welcome it. If you can show me to be wrong, then by all means do so. I'm looking forward to seeing and reading the stats, data, and facts that prove me to be wrong.

We will start with an easy one...what Democratic candidate for President ever entertained a conspiracy theory like the Jade 15 silliness?
How does that question relate to what I have said? What part of what I have said are you attempting to answer?
Yeah...where's your links? And why do they not understand what you meant to post?
Links to what? I have absolutely no idea as to why they don't understand what I have said, and what I meant. I wrote it in plain English.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The better question is, "what will either Republicans or Democrats do for America as a whole, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to every single citizen?" What do we, the citizens of this once great nation, stand to gain, whether the next president is a Republican or a Democrat? Since we have NOT gained anything over the past 50 plus years of either Republican or Democrat presidencies, and administrations, that's a fair question in my opinion.

All of you people that are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, can NOT explain the obvious decline of this once great nation, without mentioning both parties as being at fault. Neither party has done anything over the past 50 plus years, that you can hang your hats on and say that it was a positive, meaningful, and beneficial step in the right direction for this nation and her citizens as a whole.

Which political party is responsible for our many unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and polices, that have been enacted over the past 50 years? Which party was responsible for the failed wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party has allowed illegal immigrants to flood this country over the past 40 years? Which party is responsible for our living wage self-supporting jobs leaving this country? Which party is responsible for our unfair and unjust tax laws and codes? Which party is responsible for our unjust corrupt judicial system? Which party is responsible for government corruption? Which party is responsible for our Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for the growing gap between the rich and the poor? Which party is responsible for our rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for the failed wars on illegal drugs and poverty? Which party is responsible for our shameful prison population? Which party is responsible for the loss of the steel, textile, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, housewares, appliance, automotive parts, and farm equipment industries?

Every single day on this forum I read posts and comments bashing and slamming either Republicans or Democrats, but those doing the bashing and slamming have absolutely nothing to stand on. They fail to understand and to realize, that both parties have had a hand in the decline of America, and both have had a hand in "The Selling of America". Neither party can wash their hands of the mess we're in. What we're seeing and experiencing, has been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. The cold hard truth is, "neither Republicans, nor Democrats, have a damn thing to brag about, absolutely nothing."

Bullshit. Lots of words.....but all you said was "both sides are equally to blame". Not only is that not is not possible.

There are facts and data available. Use them.
Fair enough. If you can dispute anything that I have said, please do so, I welcome it. If you can show me to be wrong, then by all means do so. I'm looking forward to seeing and reading the stats, data, and facts that prove me to be wrong.

We will start with an easy one...what Democratic candidate for President ever entertained a conspiracy theory like the Jade 15 silliness?
How does that question relate to what I have said? What part of what I have said are you attempting to answer?

You played the "both sides do it" card. You should be able to provide examples of "both sides" doing it, right?
Thankfully, hardly anyone watches that nasty thing called a Maddcow.

That's a good thing because then fewer people know the truth about the crazy GOP base? Yeah, I guess that would be a good thing for you the batshit wing of the GOP.

To me, this is the most fascinating part of this question:

People DO know.

How many years now have we been asking why people vote against their best interests, the best interested of their children and the best interests of the country?

Every time proof of Fox's lies is posted, posters here say they don't care. They know they're being lied to and yet, they keep watching. They know they're being lied to by Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, Brietbart, Dredge and yet they keep going back for more.

The Repub candidates - gawd, we thought the last crop were the bottom of the barrel but this bunch may be worse. They're crazy, reactionary, fascist to the core and yet there are people who would vote for them.

Its not whether or not they watch Maddow or anyone else. They have the internet. But the fact is, most of us tune in to whatever it is that reinforces what we already believe.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
The better question is, "what will either Republicans or Democrats do for America as a whole, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to every single citizen?" What do we, the citizens of this once great nation, stand to gain, whether the next president is a Republican or a Democrat? Since we have NOT gained anything over the past 50 plus years of either Republican or Democrat presidencies, and administrations, that's a fair question in my opinion.

All of you people that are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, can NOT explain the obvious decline of this once great nation, without mentioning both parties as being at fault. Neither party has done anything over the past 50 plus years, that you can hang your hats on and say that it was a positive, meaningful, and beneficial step in the right direction for this nation and her citizens as a whole.

Which political party is responsible for our many unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and polices, that have been enacted over the past 50 years? Which party was responsible for the failed wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party has allowed illegal immigrants to flood this country over the past 40 years? Which party is responsible for our living wage self-supporting jobs leaving this country? Which party is responsible for our unfair and unjust tax laws and codes? Which party is responsible for our unjust corrupt judicial system? Which party is responsible for government corruption? Which party is responsible for our Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for the growing gap between the rich and the poor? Which party is responsible for our rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for the failed wars on illegal drugs and poverty? Which party is responsible for our shameful prison population? Which party is responsible for the loss of the steel, textile, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, housewares, appliance, automotive parts, and farm equipment industries?

Every single day on this forum I read posts and comments bashing and slamming either Republicans or Democrats, but those doing the bashing and slamming have absolutely nothing to stand on. They fail to understand and to realize, that both parties have had a hand in the decline of America, and both have had a hand in "The Selling of America". Neither party can wash their hands of the mess we're in. What we're seeing and experiencing, has been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. The cold hard truth is, "neither Republicans, nor Democrats, have a damn thing to brag about, absolutely nothing."

Bullshit. Lots of words.....but all you said was "both sides are equally to blame". Not only is that not is not possible.

There are facts and data available. Use them.
Fair enough. If you can dispute anything that I have said, please do so, I welcome it. If you can show me to be wrong, then by all means do so. I'm looking forward to seeing and reading the stats, data, and facts that prove me to be wrong.

We will start with an easy one...what Democratic candidate for President ever entertained a conspiracy theory like the Jade 15 silliness?

The list of nonsense that RWs swallow whole is darned near endless. Its easy to laugh at their belief that the United States is going to invade the United States but they were serious and some still are.

Its funny as well as frightening to look at the Conspiracy forum. Even after proof of the idiocy of those beliefs is pointed out, the real nutters double down on it and go right back to reading nutter sources to reinforce that craziness.
...they jumped on the crazy train?

speaking of "crazy train"....., anyone jumping on the Hitlery train is 100% crazy, you people need to find a different train to hitch your caboose to. :up:

........................... :up_yours:
The better question is, "what will either Republicans or Democrats do for America as a whole, that'll be positive, meaningful, and beneficial to every single citizen?" What do we, the citizens of this once great nation, stand to gain, whether the next president is a Republican or a Democrat? Since we have NOT gained anything over the past 50 plus years of either Republican or Democrat presidencies, and administrations, that's a fair question in my opinion.

All of you people that are either die hard Republicans, or die hard Democrats, can NOT explain the obvious decline of this once great nation, without mentioning both parties as being at fault. Neither party has done anything over the past 50 plus years, that you can hang your hats on and say that it was a positive, meaningful, and beneficial step in the right direction for this nation and her citizens as a whole.

Which political party is responsible for our many unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and polices, that have been enacted over the past 50 years? Which party was responsible for the failed wars in Viet Nam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? Which party has allowed illegal immigrants to flood this country over the past 40 years? Which party is responsible for our living wage self-supporting jobs leaving this country? Which party is responsible for our unfair and unjust tax laws and codes? Which party is responsible for our unjust corrupt judicial system? Which party is responsible for government corruption? Which party is responsible for our Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress? Which party is responsible for our astronomical and rising national debt? Which party is responsible for the growing gap between the rich and the poor? Which party is responsible for our rundown infrastructure? Which party is responsible for the failed wars on illegal drugs and poverty? Which party is responsible for our shameful prison population? Which party is responsible for the loss of the steel, textile, electronics, furniture, tool, toy, housewares, appliance, automotive parts, and farm equipment industries?

Every single day on this forum I read posts and comments bashing and slamming either Republicans or Democrats, but those doing the bashing and slamming have absolutely nothing to stand on. They fail to understand and to realize, that both parties have had a hand in the decline of America, and both have had a hand in "The Selling of America". Neither party can wash their hands of the mess we're in. What we're seeing and experiencing, has been a work in progress for many decades now, through many administrations, both Republican and Democrat. The cold hard truth is, "neither Republicans, nor Democrats, have a damn thing to brag about, absolutely nothing."

Bullshit. Lots of words.....but all you said was "both sides are equally to blame". Not only is that not is not possible.

There are facts and data available. Use them.
Fair enough. If you can dispute anything that I have said, please do so, I welcome it. If you can show me to be wrong, then by all means do so. I'm looking forward to seeing and reading the stats, data, and facts that prove me to be wrong.

We will start with an easy one...what Democratic candidate for President ever entertained a conspiracy theory like the Jade 15 silliness?
How does that question relate to what I have said? What part of what I have said are you attempting to answer?

You played the "both sides do it" card. You should be able to provide examples of "both sides" doing it, right?
Please re-read the comment that I made. The examples are there. They are mentioned in plain English.
Thanks to Rachel Maddow for coming up with the question, but here it is: (Referencing Jade 15)

“To most Republican politicians, particularly those competing for the Republican presidential nomination, where only Republican base voters will decide who’s allowed to run, if you have a choice between seeming insane to normal people and seeming righteous to the base, which are you going to pick?”
Rachael Madcow comes up with a retarded dishonest question and you approve? Color me surprised.
Funny watching the lefties rush in to defend this hateful witch, Maddcow.

It's like being at a circus. and not even a fun one.

cracks me up. Maddcow can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. go join Teddy Kennedy:banana:

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