The rest of the modern world thinks GOP voters are nuts

. WESTERN EUROPE, JAPAN AND BRAZIL ARE MOST SUPPORTIVE OF OBAMA’S REELECTION Would you like U.S. President Barack Obama to be reelected or not? France 92% Germany 89% Britain 73% Brazil 72% Spain 71% Italy 69% Czech Republic 67% Japan 66% United States 49%

Public Opinion Landscape - Foreign Policy - October 22

Too bad they don't get the gigantic Pub Propaganda Machine to brainwash them with BS (see sig PP 3)...Romney was favored by 2 % in Germany...

Damn Commies!

Ha Ha!! What a fool you are. We haven't had a real conservative in Number 10 since Margaret Thatcher. So what would we know?.
Since, over the last week, the "momentum" as you have put it, has stopped, or even regressed (you can go ahead and check Gallup and Rasmussen, should you desire, both national polling numbers on those two have been cut in half recently) I believe the need to be commited to asylum is premature.
In your case commitment is obviously overdue. What's another 10 days after all?
I mean, if you can't even win when you cheat... you should likely do something else for a living.
Voter ID is designed specifically to prevent cheating, which is why the Democrats are so hell-bent against it.

Now, about your "doing something for a living". It seems a very anti-Obama phrase for one such as yourself.
. WESTERN EUROPE, JAPAN AND BRAZIL ARE MOST SUPPORTIVE OF OBAMA’S REELECTION Would you like U.S. President Barack Obama to be reelected or not? France 92% Germany 89% Britain 73% Brazil 72% Spain 71% Italy 69% Czech Republic 67% Japan 66% United States 49%

Public Opinion Landscape - Foreign Policy - October 22

Too bad they don't get the gigantic Pub Propaganda Machine to brainwash them with BS (see sig PP 3)...Romney was favored by 2 % in Germany...

Damn Commies!

Seeing as most of them are surrounding the toilet they can suck my big GOP dick.
. WESTERN EUROPE, JAPAN AND BRAZIL ARE MOST SUPPORTIVE OF OBAMA’S REELECTION Would you like U.S. President Barack Obama to be reelected or not? France 92% Germany 89% Britain 73% Brazil 72% Spain 71% Italy 69% Czech Republic 67% Japan 66% United States 49%

Public Opinion Landscape - Foreign Policy - October 22

Too bad they don't get the gigantic Pub Propaganda Machine to brainwash them with BS (see sig PP 3)...Romney was favored by 2 % in Germany...

Damn Commies!

Seeing as most of them are surrounding the toilet they can suck my big GOP dick.

And you're clinging to the rim along with the rest of us. So what's your point?
As usual, republicans think the rest of the world does not matter

My way.....or the highway diplomacy

To our elections? They don't.

But you can'r walk and chew gum simultaneously. So i suppose we should give you a break.

Well, believe it or not righties

Whoever gets elected President has to function with the rest of the world. Has to actually reach agreements and gain global consensus

can you name one time when there was global consensus?
. WESTERN EUROPE, JAPAN AND BRAZIL ARE MOST SUPPORTIVE OF OBAMA’S REELECTION Would you like U.S. President Barack Obama to be reelected or not? France 92% Germany 89% Britain 73% Brazil 72% Spain 71% Italy 69% Czech Republic 67% Japan 66% United States 49%

Public Opinion Landscape - Foreign Policy - October 22

Too bad they don't get the gigantic Pub Propaganda Machine to brainwash them with BS (see sig PP 3)...Romney was favored by 2 % in Germany...

Damn Commies!

Seeing as most of them are surrounding the toilet they can suck my big GOP dick.

And you're clinging to the rim along with the rest of us. So what's your point?

Yet the GOP wont continue doing the same stupid shit that got you there.......
The best Obama exposure site on the net:
The Obama File ...
The Obama File -- Obama Personal
The United States Library of Congress has for inclusion in its historic collectionof Internet materials
The Obama File -- Library of Congress
Just a few of the pages:
The Obama File -- Obama's Evolution
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Obama --
Barack Obama's Education
Barack Obama -- Psychology
Barack Obama -- Religion
Barack Obama -- Michelle Obama
Barack Obama -- Associates
Barack Obama Iconography
Nuts is thinking you can spend your way out of debt. Crazy is believing you can take more out of a system than you put in and it will be sustainable. Reckless is listening to others on the path to failure.
And you're clinging to the rim along with the rest of us. So what's your point?

Yet the GOP wont continue doing the same stupid shit that got you there.......

Got us where? The UK still has a triple A credit rating. You haven't.

I think he meant, the entitlement feeling so strong that the uk had people rioting when they benefits were cut.

You right our credit rating sucks ass, and ibama doesnt want to do shit about it....which is on reason we dont agree with MOST europeans
In your case commitment is obviously overdue. What's another 10 days after all?
I mean, if you can't even win when you cheat... you should likely do something else for a living.
Voter ID is designed specifically to prevent cheating, which is why the Democrats are so hell-bent against it.

Now, about your "doing something for a living". It seems a very anti-Obama phrase for one such as yourself.

I however, actually look at numbers to support facts.

the "preventing cheating" laws, worked on in 33 of 34 states (excluding Rhode Island) by Republican state governements.

All to protect the electoral process from the horrible voter fraud cases. Which, in 5 years, amounted to a grand total of 86 cases. Out of 190 Million votes. (Which, expressed as a percentage is around 4 ten thousandths of a percentage.) In other words, statistically meaningless.

The Republican answer? Leglislation that disenfranchises upwards of 20 million of the poorest of the country. And seeing as the impoversished are about 10 times to 1 more likely to vote democrat.... You'd have to think that the motivation behind the "voter fraud" laws were actually something very different.

Although they did use "voter fraud" as an excuse to do it.
. WESTERN EUROPE, JAPAN AND BRAZIL ARE MOST SUPPORTIVE OF OBAMA’S REELECTION Would you like U.S. President Barack Obama to be reelected or not? France 92% Germany 89% Britain 73% Brazil 72% Spain 71% Italy 69% Czech Republic 67% Japan 66% United States 49%

Public Opinion Landscape - Foreign Policy - October 22

Too bad they don't get the gigantic Pub Propaganda Machine to brainwash them with BS (see sig PP 3)...Romney was favored by 2 % in Germany...

Damn Commies!

don't see anything where "the rest of the modern world thinks GOP voters are nuts"

Could you please ponit that part out, I must have missed it?
You know with computers, you don't really have to have an actual voter...

...the democrats have moved on to this level.

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