The rest of the modern world thinks GOP voters are nuts

I understand the real reason why.

It is because Conservatives want to keep their money

Right, greed is when someone who earned their own money by working doesn't want to give it to you. The bastards. That's why you need guns to take it from them. There's a word for that. Have you noticed that taking other people's money always requires guns? Why do you suppose that is?

And if they are led to believe that conservatives will keep their money at the expense of the "social safety net" then what about the "diplomatic Gravy train" they are recieving? You think that is going to continue, or will the conservatives cut those leeches loose?

This is where your avatar is bull crap. Libertarians believe in free markets, not large corporations. Our emphasis is on ... consumer ... choice. It's funny how you actually choose to display your ignorance so grandly.

What the hell are you talking about??

Thanks for making our point.
The modern world i.e. Europe has already put their various countries into an economic catastrophe, why we would follow that model is utterly stupid. It's like taking everything that doesn't work, doing that, and thinking it will get better.

You mean like George Bush and Dick Cheney did here?
And the melt down is gearing up at a faster pace. :D

There is a reason we are not like the rest of the world, and that's the reason the rest of the world comes to us for (a liberal) education, humanitarian aid and financial infusion. I think I prefer it stay that way. :thup:

The liberal colleges are considered the best.
The rest of the modern world thinks GOP voters are nuts

True, conservatives in other Western industrialized nations find American conservatism a bizarre and embarrassing relic from the past.
Maybe we got this thing backwards? Just maybe, it is "us", who the world thinks is nuts? I mean, if the reps are so bad, completely beyond anything that is good for the country (or the world), so obviously bad, that the rest of the world may think were the ones who are nuts for not removing these fuckers from government. Even though they're lying pricks who don't give a shit about American's, they're still our responsibility. And that being the case, we have a duty to this country (and to the world), to vote these basturds out of office and completely remove them from any political power at all.
And the melt down is gearing up at a faster pace. :D

There is a reason we are not like the rest of the world, and that's the reason the rest of the world comes to us for education, humanitarian aid and financial infusion. I think I prefer it stay that way. :thup:

Less and less all the time as voodoo ruins us...see sig pp1....

Lately the Pubs gave the world a DEPRESSION.
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#134- Pretty convoluted lol. Nope, it's their damn fault..."We're white and we win!!" or some dupe foolishness...
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And the melt down is gearing up at a faster pace. :D

There is a reason we are not like the rest of the world, and that's the reason the rest of the world comes to us for (a liberal) education, humanitarian aid and financial infusion. I think I prefer it stay that way. :thup:

The liberal colleges are considered the best.

By liberals....

It's fun watching you spit and run.
Because we're not stupid or ignorant?

BTW, pointing out racists doesn't make you one...
Because we're not stupid or ignorant?

BTW, pointing out racists doesn't make you one...

You are asking ?

I know you are both stupid and ignorant.

And a racist.

Pull your head of our Joe Biden's ass and get some fresh air.
I don't give a crap what other countries think. What a stupid topic.

Two words....fuck them.
What modern world do refer to? The one the American people built?

We built it. We control it and come November it will be ours!! :tongue:

And then the poor American looks in the mirror and cries, Why do they hate us so much?

I thought about this the other day when I saw that poll. It only took a minute or so to come to the conclusion that it is very good that the U.S.A. thinks and acts differently then many other nations. That is why we have been able to render more aid world wide then most other nations combined.
Categorically false. (unless you count shooting Iraqis as "aid."

Of course foreign countries want Obama. A poorer American economy makes them look better.
What patent nonsense. Do you know what world markets need? Stability. Each market runs independantly, and it isn't a popularity contest. America's economy in the shitter does NOTHING to help other nations, it HURTS it. Instability is a death sentance to world trade.

Newsflash: Russia won the war in Europe.

Because we're not stupid or ignorant?

BTW, pointing out racists doesn't make you one...
Ah, the old you're a bigot becuase you don't like bigots" argument. It's very amusing.
And then the poor American looks in the mirror and cries, Why do they hate us so much?

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.

We could care less that they "hate" us. They have that right. What they should care about is that if they try to act on that hate.....we will crush them.

And we would if we had a president who had any balls.
And then the poor American looks in the mirror and cries, Why do they hate us so much?

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.

We could care less that they "hate" us. They have that right. What they should care about is that if they try to act on that hate.....we will crush them.

And we would if we had a president who had any balls.

Not all Ameicans feel that way.

Just the braindead gunhumping hicks.
And then the poor American looks in the mirror and cries, Why do they hate us so much?

You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.

We could care less that they "hate" us. They have that right. What they should care about is that if they try to act on that hate.....we will crush them.

And we would if we had a president who had any balls.

Not all Ameicans feel that way.

Just the braindead gunhumping hicks.

That's true.

You and the president have something in common...besides both being asswipes.
You seem to have a reading comprehension problem.

We could care less that they "hate" us. They have that right. What they should care about is that if they try to act on that hate.....we will crush them.

And we would if we had a president who had any balls.
We have all this military power and still can't get our way in the ME. We have the capability to wipe out the entire population of the earth 37 times; so powerful, no other military can stand up to us in a direct confrontation of armys, yet, after 10 years and a trillion dollars, were losing to a bunch of teenage jihadists with RPG's and IED's.

Things are so bad in Afghanistan, we actually have to pay the Taliban to guard our convoys out to remote outposts. It seems, the only way our bad ass military can win a war, is by paying our enemies not to shoot at us. I guess its all good, as long as the check clears, but if it doesn't...
. WESTERN EUROPE, JAPAN AND BRAZIL ARE MOST SUPPORTIVE OF OBAMA’S REELECTION Would you like U.S. President Barack Obama to be reelected or not? France 92% Germany 89% Britain 73% Brazil 72% Spain 71% Italy 69% Czech Republic 67% Japan 66% United States 49%

Public Opinion Landscape - Foreign Policy - October 22

Too bad they don't get the gigantic Pub Propaganda Machine to brainwash them with BS (see sig PP 3)...Romney was favored by 2 % in Germany...

Damn Commies!

That's some hard times when an adherent of one of the two trenchant American political parties must refer to offshore polling numbers for reassurance. Best of luck. :eusa_shifty:

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