The Right Needs to Stop Defending Boebert & MTG

Boebert and Greene are polestars for the Republican Party…
They're at the heart of the party now. I think the Dems have been making a mistake in not seeing that. What's the point of demanding insincere apologies and empty censures when they speak for the heart of the party?

It is what it is. They are who they are.
The GOP has long been the party of fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate – there’s nothing ‘new’ about Boebert and MTG; this is what conservativism has always been about: racist and reactionary, authoritarian and violent.
Was Ralph Byrd a Republican? Was George Wallace a Republican?
They're at the heart of the party now. I think the Dems have been making a mistake in not seeing that. What's the point of demanding insincere apologies and empty censures when they speak for the heart of the party?

It is what it is. They are who they are.
Yep. They don't actually have a platform, and they have no interest in governance.
Like Biden? Is it that bad?
Clearly these women are airheads without even the rudimentary political acumen to know when to shut the fuck up. You like them because they make liberals angry. Any retarded simpleton can do that.
Clearly these women are airheads without even the rudimentary political acumen to know when to shut the fuck up. You like them because they make liberals angry. Any retarded simpleton can do that.
What's not to love about making leftist butt monkeys angry? I love it!
and in less than 15 minutes after the first post an idiot brings up Trump !
Trump is NOT off limits.
He interjects himself into most every event.
trump in fact is NOT POTUS, and he should keep his mouth shut if he doesn't want to be mentioned.
but trump does want to be mentioned,

so why are you so offended or surprised when people continue to bitch about trump.
That’s why there is no ‘extreme’ right or ‘far’ right – the racism and hate, the fearmongering, the Trump-worshiping are all mainstream conservatism.
True, though that's a misnomer. None of it has anything to do with conservatism. Their orange lard and master ran on universal healthcare, for example. Then he instituted gun control by executive action.

Remember in 2020, when economists were predicting higher gas prices and inflation? Do you remember the GOP platform for combatting these things, that they now blame on Biden?

Me neither. Because it did not exist. They had no platform. They (correctly) assumed they did not need a platform, to secure the votes of their base.
I'm sure it's just coincidence that every time a leftist says, "What the GOP needs to do...", it's something that will benefit leftists.
I'm in the awkward position of defending that chicken shit petty faggot DTMB, but he isn't a total bed wetting fucking moonbat. He certainly ain't an anti-authoritarian anarcho-capitalist either.

Of course he is wrong here. GWB allowed the left to exploit every chance to ridicule or demonize him along with every other GOP political whore and policy. He never counter-attacked or even defended what should have been common sense. Indeed the only reason the GOP prevailed in 2002 and 2004 was because the libturds went just as batshit insane as they did in 2016, but they couldn't possibly impeach the globalist endorsed GWB now could they?

If GWB and the GOP was worth a fruit fly's fuck, they would have snuffed out the MMGW agenda like Trump wanted to do, he could have emasculated the media apparatchiks like Trump did do, and he could have rolled back regressive policies like Trump did do. Instead he allowed the bed wetters to continue to advance their agenda incrementally.

What Bobert said about Omar being a brother fucker was correct, and she should not have apologized for it. We should be supporting her even more so for using leftist tactics against them, and doing a better job of it.


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