The Right To Bear Arms

LMAO A LEFTIST Zombie asking if the Bill of Rights is now obsolete??!!! Wow.. the dumbed-down Zombie frenzy continues on the left.. You bozos won't be happy until every single freedom in this country has been stripped away from us.. What we eat, what we drink, where our kids go to school, if we can own certain land, if the government can take it, take our guns, tell us we can't smoke--


Your Second Amendment rights are not unlimited — never have been and never will be – Applesauce - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

Your first, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth amendment rights are not unlimited...either. However, I'm sure, if you find that any revision to any right you're in favor of which has a negative impact on you and you are in disagreement with, you'll certainly conveniently change your tune as to what's limited and "unlimited" at your discretion.
I am also a gun lover, but the 2nd Amendment will be changed. It's just a matter of time...

No, the Second Amendment will not be changed. There will be a war, before the Second Amendment is changed...count on it.

^^^QFT! CG is correct. Americans will NEVER tolerate losing their freedom to own weapons.. This whole Dog N Pony show you liberals have created is nothing more than propaganda and won't go anywhere.. You don't have the votes or the power to abolish gun rights in America and NEVER will. Dream on.
A well armed popalance is respected by government
A disarmed popalance is dictated to by government

Oh please. What do you think, congresspeople sit around and say, "ooo we'd better not pass that law... Matthew will get his gun and shoot us!!" Give me a frickin' break. Go ahead and try to form a militia group or whatever. See how far you get before you're all squashed like bugs.

It's populace btw, not populance.

So we know that at least you'll be one of the first ones sucking the brown-shirts' toes.
Has human nature changed?

Have people stopped doing evil things and threatening innocent people?

Have politicians learned to respect the sovereignty of the people and stop trying to micromanage their existence?

If not, then of course it isn't obsolete. You'd have to be an idiot to think that or completely ignorant of the purpose of the Second amendment which is to protect our right to self defense and prevent tyranny and oppression.

When the people fear the government, we have tyranny. When the government fears it's people, then we have freedom.

Your NaziCon rant doesn't address the OP. Do you belong to a militia? Why isn't the 2nd Amendment obsolete?

Why isn't the Second Amendment obsolete? Well, that's easy. Because it's still in the United States Constitution...last time I checked.
From the 2008 DC v. Heller ruling, written by Scalia, and one of the very few Supreme Court cases to touch on the Second Amendment at all:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."

Remember: Written by Scalia, i.e., not one of those liberal judicial activists you hear so much about.

More: And Now a Thought From Justice Scalia
It is confusing to intelligent people.
Intelligent people always understand the 2nd Amendment.

You shouldn't out yourself like that.

Here is a good lesson on how to read the Second Amendment.

A Primer on the Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms <<---Link

Here is the opening excerpt.....

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. - The Second Amendment

The Second Amendment is among the most misunderstood provisions of the U.S. Constitution. That is not because it is particularly difficult to understand. On the contrary, for more than a hundred years after it was adopted, hardly anyone seemed the least bit confused about what it meant. The confusion, and some serious mistakes, only became widespread in the twentieth century, when influential people began to think it was a good idea to disarm the civilian population. Because the plain meaning of the Second Amendment rather obviously creates an obstacle to these disarmament schemes, the temptation to misinterpret this provision of the Constitution became very strong.
Read the rest of it and learn something. Perhaps your confusion will go away and you can actually say you are starting to gain some intelligence.
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There are two problems with the Second Amendment. First, under any circumstance, it is confusing; something that an English teacher would mark up in red ink and tell the author to redo and clarify. Secondly, there are actually two versions of the Amendment; The first passed by two-thirds of the members of each house of Congress (the first step for ratifying a constitutional amendment). A different version passed by three-fourths of the states (the second step for ratifying a constitution amendment). The primary difference between the two versions are a capitalization and a simple comma.

DETAILS: Confusion -- the wording of the Second Amendment | Occasional Planet
You're usually confused, but thanks for reminding folks. :thup:
It is confusing to intelligent people.

granted, the wording and punctuation approaches inscrutability...

but when you read about how the final version came to be, with all the various rewrites and edits done in a hurried manner, you can sorta understand how it happened...

There are two problems with the Second Amendment. First, under any circumstance, it is confusing; something that an English teacher would mark up in red ink and tell the author to redo and clarify. Secondly, there are actually two versions of the Amendment; The first passed by two-thirds of the members of each house of Congress (the first step for ratifying a constitutional amendment). A different version passed by three-fourths of the states (the second step for ratifying a constitution amendment). The primary difference between the two versions are a capitalization and a simple comma.

DETAILS: Confusion -- the wording of the Second Amendment | Occasional Planet
You're usually confused, but thanks for reminding folks. :thup:

Lakhota night be wrong-headed on some issues, but I've always found him to be clear-headed... never confused...
It is confusing to intelligent people.

granted, the wording and punctuation approaches inscrutability...

but when you read about how the final version came to be, with all the various rewrites and edits done in a hurried manner, you can sorta understand how it happened...

Ignorance is no excuse. What took place behind the scenes is irrelevant. Only the final product matters - and they fucked it up.
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If the government were to say that the only private gun that is legal is a single shot musket that would be in opposition of the meaning of the constitution. The point of any militia is to be effective in mounting a defense against foreign and domestic invaders.

The only reason we're even talking about this now is Obama wanted to invent another "important issue" he could use to divide us with.

Who was it that said "A house divided against itself cannot stand". - Abraham Lincoln

Enemies of this nation believe in division. Pitting one against another. Obama refuses to adhere to the number one goal of a good leader, to foster unity of purpose. He can only divide and marginalize.

Actually, Lincoln was quoting Jesus Christ when he said that.

Christ never existed.

So..Lincoln might as well as quoted Hercules.

Really? Explain the following photograph.

This is a picture my great grandmother's sister took in about 1974 or 1975, of a cloud formation she found interesting while she was attending a funeral of a family member in Idaho. This is a copy of the original photo, of which several copies are scattered throughout my family. This picture was taken LONG before Photoshop and other image manipulation software came along and, the copy was made long before Photoshop and other image manipulation software came along. And, I would challenge you to prove in any way, shape or form that the photo has been manipulated in any way, other than being copied from the original. She didn't see what came out in the picture with her own eyes but, this is the image which was produced when the photo was developed. Now, you can believe it or not but, I challenge you to debunk it.

It is confusing to intelligent people.

granted, the wording and punctuation approaches inscrutability...

but when you read about how the final version came to be, with all the various rewrites and edits done in a hurried manner, you can sorta understand how it happened...

Ignorance is no excuse. What took place behind the scenes is irrelevant. Only the final product matters - and they fucked it up.
You did not read it, did you?

It is confusing to intelligent people.

granted, the wording and punctuation approaches inscrutability...

but when you read about how the final version came to be, with all the various rewrites and edits done in a hurried manner, you can sorta understand how it happened...

Ignorance is no excuse. What took place behind the scenes is irrelevant. Only the final product matters - and they fucked it up.

ah... well... they were, after all, a bunch of old white guys preoccupied with fucking their enslaved darky mistresses...

it's a wonder they ever got this nation off the ground...

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