The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Seriously, as a lying Christian, just go to hell.
Keep spreading your conspiracy theories.

Oh, no, no, no, no. You are NOT a judeophobe, antisemitic, Jew hater.


You pass lies about Jews and their history for fun, because you are as empty as all the others who want to destroy Israel and see all Jews gone.

Cannot figure out that that is what will happen if Israel is ever destroyed with all the lies against it.

The FINAL solution on the Jews and rewriting of ALL Jewish history where Jews NEVER, EVER existed and Christianity and Islam came to be all by themselves.

It's stupid to pitch your all or nothing scenario. The Zionists were given land .

Why don't you all do the right thing?

When you forced 700,000 Arabs out of Israel in 1948 what the hell do you think would happen?

It's stupid to pitch your all or nothing scenario. The Zionists were given land .

Why don't you all do the right thing?

When you forced 700,000 Arabs out of Israel in 1948 what the hell do you think would happen?

When you forced 700,000 Arabs out of Israel in 1948 what the hell do you think would happen?

The Arabs would learn they can't win and would agree to peace for land.
Stupid barbarians never learn.
When you forced 700,000 Arabs out of Israel in 1948 what the hell do you think would happen?

The Arabs would learn they can't win and would agree to peace for land.
Stupid barbarians never learn.
Sorry but you all are looking like the barbarians. Consider Israel's history of false flags.
Stupid barbarians never learn.
The only stupid barbarians that apply here are the Israelis and I do not mean “all” Israelis but the ones who are listed below:

[1] Those who condoned the IDF sniper teams who murdered Palestinian children.

[2] those who destroyed the Palestinian fishing fleet

[3] Those who contaminated the Palestinian water source.

[4] Those who stopped the Palestinian electric source.

These Israelis are hate filled psychopaths and they are going to bring about a full fledge WAR in the Middle East.

They brought it upon themselves proving the phrase “what goes around comes around” and around and around they go to their own doooom.

Israel’s true history

Palestinian territory
– encompassing the Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem – has been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967. Since then, the Israeli government has established a two-tiered legal and political system that provides comprehensive rights for Jewish Israeli settlers while imposing military rule and control on Palestinians without any basic protections or rights under international law. The Israeli government has also engaged in a regular practice of inhumane acts, as well as extrajudicial killings, torture, denial of fundamental human rights, arbitrary detention and collective punishment. The UN

According to a March 2022 report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the OPT, Israel’s political system of entrenched rule in the OPT satisfies the prevailing evidentiary standard for the crime of apartheid. The Special Rapporteur determined in July 2021 that Israel’s occupation since 1967 has been characterized by settlement expansion that aims to permanently alter the ethnic demographics of East Jerusalem and amounts to a war crime. The UN Security Council (UNSC) previously adopted a resolution in December 2016 reaffirming that Israeli settlements in the OPT violate international law. The CoI reached similar conclusions in September 2022, reporting that the Israeli government’s policies and actions have led to the permanent occupation and de facto annexation of Palestinian territory, likely constituting crimes under international law, including war crimes. Both the CoI and Special Rapporteur have reported that this ongoing coercive environment has prevented Palestinians from fulfilling their right to self-determination and other fundamental human rights. In December 2022 the UN General Assembly requested the International Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s ongoing occupation.

Palestinians are regularly subjected to violence by Israeli settlers, including physical attacks, shooting with live ammunition, torching of fields and livestock, theft and vandalization of property. Israeli security forces also perpetrate widespread attacks against Palestinians, particularly in occupied territory, which often lead to deadly escalations, including regular aerial bombardments of the Gaza Strip. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), 2022 was the deadliest year for Palestinians residing in the Occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since 2005, with over 150 Palestinians, including 26 children, killed by Israeli security forces.

Meanwhile, Israel’s air, sea and land blockade of Gaza has been in place since 2007

The CoI concluded that the Israeli government has restricted civic space through a strategy of delegitimizing and silencing civil society, which is linked to its goal of maintaining permanent occupation at the expense of the rights of the Palestinian people.

Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory - Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

The Truth Will Set You Free

Sorry but you all are looking like the barbarians. Consider Israel's history of false flags.
Surada is on a crusade this year after 10/7 to attack, attack, attack.

Ignore, Ignore, Ignore.

She cannot prove ONE thing she has ever said or will be saying. Does nothing but repeat Arab, Muslim, and Christian lies.

Go check the Palestine Museum in Ramallah, Surada. Have fun. We have all the History of Palestine and the Palestinian People there.

Am Israel Chai !

The People Of Israel Live !
The People Of Israel Live !
But for how long~~~~?

Jewish population at lowest percentage since founding of Israel
Close to the establishment of the state, the Jewish percentage of the population stood at 82.1%, while today it stands at only 73.9%.

Jewish population at lowest percentage since founding of Israel

Europe’s Jewish population down 60% since 1970, as low as it was 1,000 years ago
Europe’s Jewish population down 60% since 1970, as low as it was 1,000 years ago
Jewish Population on the Decline in America
Jewish Population on the Decline in America
World Jewish population drops by 300,000 to 12.9 million
Europe’s Jewish population down 60% since 1970, as low as it was 1,000 years ago
Bombshell study finds 1.3 million people who describe themselves as Jewish in continental Europe, UK, Turkey and Russia, compared to 3.2 million 50 years ago; number still falling
Europe’s Jewish population down 60% since 1970, as low as it was 1,000 years ago
World Jewish population drops by 300,000 to 12.9 millionThe number of Jews in the world is declining with a net loss of 300,000 American Jews in the last decade, according to a new study following a preliminary examination of the recent census of American Jewry, according to the Jewish Agency’s Institute for Jewish People Policy Planning.
World Jewish population drops by 300,000 to 12.9 million (
European Jewish population at lowest share for a millennium and decliningThe study published Wednesday by the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research found 1.3 million people who describe themselves as Jewish in continental Europe.

Going, Going, Gone, never to be remembered just as the Biblical verse states

25 And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end,
27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.

29 Whiles they see vanity unto thee, whiles they divine a lie unto thee, to bring thee upon the necks of them that are slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity shall have an end.

30 Shall I cause it to return into his sheath? I will judge thee in the place where thou wast created, in the land of thy nativity.

31 And I will pour out mine indignation upon thee, I will blow against thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliver thee into the hand of brutish men, and skilful to destroy.

32 Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it.
:)- 1945 to 2018, the German government paid approximately $86.8 billion in restitution and compensation to Holocaust victims and their heirs.
Surada is on a crusade this year after 10/7 to attack, attack, attack.

Ignore, Ignore, Ignore.

She cannot prove ONE thing she has ever said or will be saying. Does nothing but repeat Arab, Muslim, and Christian lies.

Go check the Palestine Museum in Ramallah, Surada. Have fun. We have all the History of Palestine and the Palestinian People there.

Am Israel Chai !

The People Of Israel Live !

If you keep doing the same thing why would you expect a different outcome? 1945 to 2018, the German government paid approximately $86.8 billion in restitution and compensation to Holocaust victims and their heirs.

If you keep doing the same thing why would you expect a different outcome?
Wrong thread, but here it goes.

If Muslims continue to kill Jews and think they can ever destroy Israel because they are so many more than the number of Jews, they are beyond living in the world of supremacy over Jews they have inhabited since Mohammad unfortunately took it upon himself to get upset that Christians were trying to convert Arabs to Christianity.

Jews are NOT causing a genocide or a Holocaust on the people of Gaza. You come from the same putrid world where all of these lies come from.

These lies influence only ignorant idiots like yourself.

Change from Palestinians are the indigenous people with a 10,000 history LIE, to Israel is causing the Holocaust of the Palestinians LIE.

You are a loser. The Palestinians are losers. All of those protesting ONLY against Israel and not against actual genocides in the world are ALL losers.

Remain a loser Surada.

Palestinian History = Zero in this world.

Post 1964 use of the word Palestinian only to try to destroy Israel, so far it is going on Zero and Minus Zero.

Keep it up Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, any and all LOSERS.

Jews and Israel are going nowhere and WILL still be standing when the terrorists and Iran and all others are gone.

Am Israel Chai :):):)
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Wrong thread, but here it goes.

If Muslims continue to kill Jews and think they can ever destroy Israel because they are so many more than the number of Jews they are beyond living in the world of supremacy over Jews they have inhabited since Mohammad unfortunately took it upon himself to get upset that Christians were trying to convert Arabs to Christianity.

Jews are NOT causing a genocide or a Holocaust on the people of Gaza. You come from the same putrid world where all of these lies come from.

These lies influence only ignorant idiots like yourself.

Change from Palestinians are the indigenous people with a 10,000 history LIE, to Israel is causing the Holocaust of the Palestinians LIE.

You are a loser. The Palestinians are losers. All of those protesting ONLY against Israel and not against actual genocides in the world are ALL losers.

Remain a loser Surada.

Palestinian History = Zero in this world.

Post 1964 use of the word Palestinian only to try to destroy Israel, so far it is going on Zero and Minus Zero.

Keep it up Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, any and all LOSERS.

Jews and Israel are going nowhere and WILL still be standing when the terrorists and Iran and all others are gone.

Am Israel Chai :):):)

How sad.

How sad.

Sad is the amount of money from Iran, Qatar and all Jew hating people and governments on the planet given to those who are neighbors of Israel with the intent of destroying the Jewish Nation ON its ancient Jewish Homeland and murder all Jews.

Gaza and areas A and B would have been an Oasis of tourism and progress by now had it not been the death cult the Arabs created in order to destroy Israel because of the learned hatred they are fed every second of their lives about Jews and Israel.

Crow all you like. Look at what hatred has brought to Gaza for their inability to stop the endless education and feeding of hatred for Jews.

Stop the hatred towards Jews and Israel.
Stop the lies towards Jews and Israel.
Stop the stealing of Jewish history.
Stop rewriting Jewish History for a history Arabs do not have, never had.

Choose living in Peace with Israel as many already have.

That is what intelligent people do.
Sad is the amount of money from Iran, Qatar and all Jew hating people and governments on the planet given to those who are neighbors of Israel with the intent of destroying the Jewish Nation ON its ancient Jewish Homeland and murder all Jews.

Gaza and areas A and B would have been an Oasis of tourism and progress by now had it not been the death cult the Arabs created in order to destroy Israel because of the learned hatred they are fed every second of their lives about Jews and Israel.

Crow all you like. Look at what hatred has brought to Gaza for their inability to stop the endless education and feeding of hatred for Jews.

Stop the hatred towards Jews and Israel.
Stop the lies towards Jews and Israel.
Stop the stealing of Jewish history.
Stop rewriting Jewish History for a history Arabs do not have, never had.

Choose living in Peace with Israel as many already have.

That is what intelligent people do.

The Israelis should give up the Golan heights and the West Bank. They were given land. What they have done is criminal.

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