The Right To Destroy Jewish History

Remarks made by PA President Mahmoud Abbas at the 11th session of Fatah's Revolutionary Council, on August 24, 2023, sparked outrage across the world. Abbas said that Hitler fought the European Jews because they engaged in usury and not out of antisemitism, adding that European Jews are not Semites but descendants of the Khazars. These statements – which garnered attention after they were published by MEMRI[1] – drew condemnations from many Western counties and governments, who called on Abbas to recant them and apologize. For example, the U.S. special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism, Deborah Lipstadt, referred to the statements "hateful" and "antisemitic" and urged an immediate apology.[2] The European Union's diplomatic service likewise denounced Abbas' "false and grossly misleading" statements and "historical distortions."[3] Condemnations were also issued by the leaders of Britain, France, Germany and many other countries. The municipality of Paris even stripped Abbas of a medal it had awarded him in 2015 because his comments were "contrary to our universal values and the historical truth of the Shoah."[4]

In response, many Palestinian officials rushed to defend Abbas and to justify his statements about antisemitism and the Jews. They asserted that his claims were "historical facts" documented in books by Jewish, Israeli and American writers and researchers. At the same time they claimed that his comments had been deliberately taken out of context or distorted in order to undermine Abbas' efforts to promote the Palestinian cause. They also asserted that his statements could not be characterized as antisemitism or Holocaust denial because Abbas himself has condemned the Holocaust on more than one occasion. The Palestinian officials slammed the international criticism directed at Abbas, calling it an "insane campaign" and a "conspiracy" aimed at "diverting attention away from the crimes of the occupation," and demanded that the West apologize for its "political and ideological terror" against the Palestinian people and its leadership.

Articles in the Palestinian press took a similar line. Their authors, including former ministers, a former ambassador and various columnists, likewise wrote that Abbas' comments were historical truths backed by research, and that the West's "insane attack" on him, and its false accusations of antisemitism and Holocaust denial, reflected the West's own hypocrisy, its "allegiance to world Jewry" and its desire to cover up its past crimes against the Jews.

Some of the articles repeated claims and allegations made by Abbas in the past about Jews and the Holocaust, for instance his claim about collaboration between the Zionist Movement and the Nazis, which was the topic of his 1982 doctoral dissertation, or his assertion that Israel is perpetrating a holocaust against the Palestinians.[5]

(full article online)

  • PA Minister of Religious Affairs asks Allah to “purify” Muslim holy sites “from the defilement of the criminal infidels” - on eve of Jewish New Year
  • PA: Jews at the Temple Mount are “infidels” who invade the Al-Aqsa Mosque
  • Abbas’ spokesman: The Western Wall and the Temple Mount are “a pure right of the Muslims only”
  • PA minister repeats libel: Israel wants to “eliminate the Al-Aqsa Mosque”
  • Fatah: Jews are openly planning to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque

(full article online)


Yom Kippur brings out the antisemitism in Arab media and officials

The Arabic language media has been obsessively reporting about Yom Kippur since before the holiday.

The most insane claim came from the Jerusalem Waqf. After claiming that Jews were dancing on the graves of Muslims at the ancient cemetery on the south side of the Temple Mount, it announced that there was no relationship between Yom Kippur and the Temple:

The Council stressed in its statement that it is not possible to accept such arbitrary measures under the pretext of Jewish holidays, which have no relation, even remotely, to the history, reality and message of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. Merely linking these occasions to an authentic Islamic mosque represents for us in itself an assault and a blatant violation of its right as a mosque. Islamic, with all its squares, facilities, prayer halls, roads, entrances, and its entire area of 144 dunums.
The Yom Kippur ceremonies were the emotional and religious apex of the year at the Jewish Temples in Jerusalem on the very spot that the Dome of the rock was deliberately placed.

Of course, Jews visited the Temple Mount on Yom Kippur - as they do every weekday. But because it was Yom Kippur, Egypt's Foreign Ministry condemned them:
Egypt called on the Israeli authorities to fulfill their obligations and stop such escalatory practices because they represent a clear violation of the existing legal and historical status of the city of Jerusalem and its honorable sanctities,
What did the storming look like? Here it is:

Al Jazeera decided to highlight that some of the visiting Jews on Yom Kippur eve were barefoot. The PA's Jerusalem Governorate said, "Some settlers deliberately storm Al-Aqsa Mosque barefoot, because they see it as the alleged temple - according to their laws - and therefore it is not permissible to enter it with leather shoes , so they enter it barefoot or with slippers of other materials....This is one of the most prominent manifestations of consecrating the moral foundation of the alleged Temple."

Again, that happens every day. Religious Jews who visit the Mount don't wear leather shoes, same as on Yom Kippur.

It is deeply ironic that Muslims are complaining about Jews going barefoot on their holy site when they remove their own shoes for prayer.

The Secretary-General of the Jordanian Royal Commission for Jerusalem Affairs, Abdullah Kanaan, complained that Israel's closure of Jerusalem on Yom Kippur was an example of an "apartheid policy," and "this holiday is accompanied by religious rituals and strict measures that include preventing the movement of transportation, closing roads, and comprehensive restrictions on the Palestinians. Mercy, tolerance, respect for beliefs, and freedom of worship are deliberately absent from Jewish holidays, including Yom Kippur, which is accompanied by the occupation authorities and settlers adopting all forms and methods of racism and the policy of killing, captivity, detention, and protection of Israeli incursions and attacks carried out by settlers."

Temple denial, and denial of Jewish history, is no less antisemitic than Holocaust denial, which is something else Palestinians and other antisemitic Arabs excel at. And it happens every day.

(video video online)

The Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), located in downtown Toronto, is a world-renowned collection of millions ofnatural artifacts, artwork and cultural antiquities, and boasts among the highest attendance of any museum in North America.

In addition to permanent offerings, the museum also displays a temporary gallery. Currently, it’s showcasing an exhibition entitled: “Being and Belonging: Contemporary Women Artists from the Islamic World and Beyond,” featuring 25 female artists with a connection to the Islamic world, covering such themes as “identity, power, sexuality, and home.” The exhibit opened in July 2023, and runs until January 2024.

However, one of the exhibits on display veers well beyond those topics, and into outright disinformation.

Created by artist Sama Alshaibi, an Iraqi-American whose mother’s family lived in Jaffa during the British Mandate period, and who currently teaches art at the University of Arizona, the two pieces of art portray a one-sided and extremely misleading history of what took place during Israel’s independence in 1948.

One of the artworks, “An Act of Possession,” portrays a hollowed-out suitcase made of aluminum, plywood and paper, and which according to its description accompanying the art, is a “symbol of forced migration.” Alshaibi is quoted on the wall as saying that the trunk “was made in 1948, the year my mother went from simply being a young girl to becoming a Palestinian refugee without the right to return to her homeland.”

While art is certainly an intensely subjective endeavour, history is another matter, and Alshaibi’s description of her family’s history, as well as the ROM’s official description of what took place in 1948, is at best highly misleading, and at worst outright disinformation.

It is true that following Israel’s independence in 1948, large numbers of Arabs living under the British Mandate for Palestine left the land, but referring to it as “forced migration,” “dispossession,” and “displacement,” provides shockingly little context, and serves only to tacitly blame Israel.

In 1947, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved Resolution 181, or the UN Partition Plan for Palestine. According to the resolution, the land which had been administered by the United Kingdom would be split into three parts: an international zone for Jerusalem, as well as an Arab country, and a Jewish country alongside it.

The plan was rejected, both by the Arab population inside the British Mandate, as well as neighbouring Arab states, while Jewish representatives accepted it, although it represented a significant concession from the Jewish rights to the land under international law.

In 1948, when Israel declared its independence, war was immediately declared upon it by its Arab neighbours, seeking to destroy Israel in its infancy. But the newly independent Jewish state was also home to a large Arab population, and local Arab leaders “ordered the complete evacuation of specific villages in certain areas, lest their inhabitants ‘treacherously’ acquiesce in Israeli rule or hamper Arab military deployments,” according tohistorian Benny Morris.

In 1948, the American Consul General in the city of Haifa recorded that Arab leaders were actively encouraging“all Arabs to leave the city, and large numbers did so.” These steps were taken by Arab leaders who expected the nascent Jewish State to be quickly and easily defeated, thus allowing Arab citizens & residents to return.

The threat was real; Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha, the secretary general of the Arab League, envisioned that a “momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongol massacres and the Crusades” would soon take place.

Despite the explicit nature of the attempts by Arab leaders to annihilate the young Jewish State, Israel is often falsely blamed by detractors for the displacement of Arabs from pre-state Israel.

Around the time of Israel’s independence, hundreds of thousands of Jews living in Arab lands, including Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Iraq and Yemen, were forcibly exiled from their land and ethnically cleansed, and whose travails remain widely unknown.

Despite the complexity of the history faced by Arabs inside Israel in 1948, the artwork displayed by the ROM, along with its accompanying descriptions, provide a simplistic and very misleading narrative.

The ROM, which receives tens of millions of dollars annually from the Government of Ontario, “in the form of grants from the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries,” which according to the museum’s financial statement prepared by Deloitte from March 31, 2022, makes it “significantly dependent on the Province of Ontario.”

In the case of this art exhibit, the museum is effectively misleading attendees by portraying Palestinians in 1948 as being dispossessed, when in reality, much of it was internally-driven and externally influenced by Arabs leaders.

The Royal Ontario Museum, both as a recipient of a significant amount of tax dollars, but also as a leading institution of cultural artifacts, has the ability to share personal stories in powerful ways, but this does not exempt it of its responsibility to adhere to the facts, requiring the institution to curate content objectively. For its part, the Canadian news media has a duty to hold all institutions to account, particularly those receiving large sums of taxpayer dollars and which are hosting exhibitions that are one-sided and that provide an extremely misleading history of the displacement of Palestinian-Arabs in 1948.


Palestinians make it clear: Jews should have no religious rights at all

This is from the official Palestinian Authority Wafa news agency. Not Hamas or Islamic Jihad, but the "moderate peace partners:"

Settlers desecrate the Ibrahimi Mosque and hold a concert inside it

Hundreds of settlers desecrated the Ibrahimi Mosque (Tomb of the Patriarchs) tonight and held a concert in its courtyards, under heavy protection by the Israeli occupation forces .

Our correspondent reported that hundreds of settlers organized a singing party, including Talmudic dances, inside the Ibrahimi Mosque, to celebrate the Jewish holidays, while the occupation forces imposed strict military measures in the vicinity of the Mosque and the Old Town of the city to secure these celebrations .

Our correspondent stated that the settlers stormed the sanctuary, accompanied by the occupation forces, brought in musical instruments and loudspeakers, and organized a singing concert in a flagrant violation of places of worship.

The director of the Hebron Waqf, Nidal Al-Jaabari, noted to Wafa that the occupation forces allowed their settlers to bring in musical instruments and loudspeakers in the context of imposing their complete control over the Ibrahimi Mosque and its surroundings, at a time when the Palestinians are not allowed to enter the sanctuary’s necessary supplies for maintenance and restoration....

Al-Jaabari considered that what the occupation is doing is a blatant violation of places of worship and the privacy of Muslims, which must be curbed with all force by arriving at the Sanctuary, and placing ambassadors, consuls, and all human rights and humanitarian associations in the world with a view to what is taking place inside and around it of blatant violations and attacks by force of arms .

Al-Jabari saw that the occupation wants, through continuous Judaization operations, including broadcasting images of settlers dancing inside and outside it with all comfort and reassurance...
As we've mentioned many times, there are ten days a year that the Tomb of the Patriarchs is exclusively Muslim and ten days when it is exclusively Jewish. Those days are published well in advance. Yet every time the site is under Jewish control, the Palestinian Authority reports this as if it is a brand new violation.

What about this concert?

If the Jews of Hebron wanted to hold a concert in the site it wouldn't be any different from concerts in any synagogue worldwide. They would have every right to do so. But in this case, the concert that is called a "flagrant violation of places of worship" was held outside, in a tent!

You can watch the entire 5 hour concert here:

The Palestinians want to send international human rights groups to be witness to Jews celebrating the holiday known as "the season of our rejoicing" by singing and dancing. The sight of happy Jews would presumably enrage them as much as it does Palestinians.

The Palestinian Authority officially says that not only do Jews have no rights to their second holiest spot - but they also have no rights to play music and dance outside that building!

In short, they don't want Jews to have any religious rights at all. It might be barely acceptable for Jews to pray quietly in small, dark synagogues away from where any Muslims might be irritated, but Jewish worshipers must not be seen, and Jewish celebrants must not be heard.

I tis the same energy as a Palestinian media outlet this morning saying that Jews praying at the Western Wall are "Hundreds of Israeli settlers break[ing] into the Al-Buraq wall." Jews have no rights, period.

That is the "freedom of religion" that the Palestinians would allow the Jews in their State of Palestine. Not that any Jews would be allowed to live in Hebron or the Old City of Jerusalem to begin with, of course.

The Guardian’s Bethan McKernan, the most blatantly biased Jerusalem correspondent at the outlet since Chris McGreal, recently decided not only to elide Israel’s 2005 disengagement from Gaza, but to erase it entirely.

In a Guardian article on Sept. 27th, she wrote this:

Palestinians are wary that any such deal would not result in meaningful concessions towards peace or ending the 56-year-old occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
In another Guardian article published a few days later, she wrote:

Grey rubble dust has settled on almost everything around a destroyed house in Deir al-Balah, a town in the centre of the occupied Gaza Strip, but on some shrapnel-pocked walls, the paint is still fresh and vibrant.

The [Israeli] restrictions caused by the occupation may limit artistic expression but it remains a lifeline for many.
To be clear, the lie that Gaza is still “occupied” seems to represent something new for McKernan. Earlier in the year, she was still accurately describing Israel’s withdrawal, as in this sentence from a January 1st article.

The militant group Hamas took over just four months after it was finished, however, leading the Israelis – who occupied Gaza from 1967 to 2005 before withdrawing their forces – to seal the frontier.
Though some NGOs (and other egregiously biased parties) still claim that – due to Israel’s Gaza-related security measures – the territory is “effectively” still occupied, other legal experts and bodies, such as the European Court of Human Rights, disagree. Further, our CAMERA colleagues have prompted many corrections to variations of the claim that Gaza is “occupied” – including at Bloomberg, CBS News, NBC News, The Washington Post the Los Angeles Times and other publications.

Similarly, we prompted a correction to the same false claim at some British outlets, including the Telegraph and the Evening Standard.

Some background:

In the summer of 2005, Israel withdrew all of its military forces, and over 9000 Israeli citizens living in 25 settlements, from Gaza, a territory they captured from Egypt during a defensive war they fought thirty-seven years earlier, leaving it under the control of the Palestinian Authority.

However, rather than improving the security, political and economic situation in the territory, and reduce friction with the growing Palestinian population there, as Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon understandably hoped for, the opposite occurred.

In the 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections, a plurality of Palestiniansvoted for Hamas, the Sunni Islamist antisemitic extremist group supported by Iran, dedicated to the Jewish state’s annihilation and responsible for scores of deadly terror attacks inside pre-67 Israel. Shortly thereafter, Hamas violently expelled Fatah, their main political rival, and assumed sole control of Gaza, which they’ve rule with an iron fist even since.

Multiple rounds of war, and thousands upon thousands of rocket attacks against Israeli civilian communities, traumatizing, injuring and killing scores of Israelis followed, followed.

Since Hamas came to power, Israel – like any nation faced with a heavily armed extremist militia on its border – enacted a series of security measures to protect its civilians – including a naval blockade deemed legal by a UN commission, as well as various restrictions on travel and on the territory’s import of military and dual-use items.

The Gaza withdrawal was, in the mind of most Israelis, one of the three times since the early 90s that the logic of ‘land for peace’ was proven to be far more complicated than the conventional wisdom suggested. The first such occurrence was the bloody 2nd Intifada, which occurred not only after Oslo-mandated Israeli withdrawals from large chunks of the West Bank, but, also, after Israel offered a peace proposal that, if Yasser Arafat would have accepted it, would have created a Palestinian state.

The third example relates to Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from southern Lebanon, with resulted in Hezbollah, the Iranian proxy militia, strengthening its grip on Lebanon and increasing its threat to Israel’s security.

None of this is an argument against territorial withdrawal. It’s merely a reminder of the recent real-world consequences of its implementation to the lives of millions of Israelis, and why the series of events in Gaza – as well as in the West Bank and Lebanon – are so crucial in order to properly understand the failure to reach to peaceful solution to the conflict.

Further, by erasing Israel’s contentious and painful withdrawal, and the consequences of that policy, the Guardian is obfuscating the role of decisions made by the leadership of Hamas (as well as Palestinians who voted for the terrorist group after the disengagement) for Gaza’s misery and for the periodic rounds of conflict.

As we’ve enunciated previously on these pages, the media’s failure to assign Palestinians agency, and to acknowledge how their bad decisions have led to bad outcomes, arguably represents the most serious pattern of bias in their coverage of the region. The story of Gaza reminds us that there are multiple players in the region, that decisions sometimes have unintended consequences and that not everything is in Israel’s control.

[ Surada just posted this article on "Attack on Jews" thread. It alleges that Jews lived a good life, or better life under their Muslim hosts. Lets just talk about King Abdullah who wrote this article before going into war once Israel became a State]

King Abdullah chose to whitewash Muslim treatment of Jews for the 1300 years before Jews gained legally the right to rebuild their Nation after WWI.


1) The Hashemite Clan did not live in TransJordan for ages but were kicked out of Arabia by the Saudi Clan around WWI.

2) There were no Jews left in Arabia since Mohammad destroyed one Jewish tribe and kicked out the other two in the 7th century.

So, the question really would King Abdullah know of Jews being treated well in Arab conquered lands if he and his ancestors never had to deal with Jews on those lands, as there were none?

3) As soon as King Abdullah was gifted TransJordan in 1925, his clan attacked and expelled all the Jews from TransJordan which was going to be part of the Jewish National Home, per the Mandate for Palestine.

Jews lived on that land for thousands of years and was part of their homeland. All of a sudden TransJordan was as empty of Jews as Arabia.

4) It is very clear that from before Israel's independence that Muslim leaders had decided on treating the Jews as outside invaders, instead of rightful indigenous owners of the land.

5)Islam has this idea, which no other ideology does, that Once the land is conquered by Muslims, it is forever Muslim.

Which explains why King Abdullah and all others did nothing but attack the Jews who had a legal Mandate to rebuild their Nation on their Ancient Homeland.

Which explains why some Die Hard Arabists believe the fantasy created by the Muslims that - Jews are European colonizers and have taken Palestinian land.
So read the article and notice all the points Palestinians and Pro - Palestinian people around the world have been using, especially for the past 50 years since the Arabs lost the 1973 war.

Islam cannot have Jews be sovereign over once conquered "Muslim Land". Which is why Arabs in the Mandate never complained about the Hashemites getting TransJordan in 1925, or conquering Judea, Samaria and part of Jerusalem in 1948. Or the Egyptians taking Gaza in 1948.

They were all ready to take all of Israel, again, in 1967, and that is when the "Occupation" accusations began, when Muslims never seem to occupy other Muslim's stolen land. Like the Saudis stealing Hashemite land.

Jews have stolen "Palestinian Land" ? No. Jews rightfully earned the right to rebuild on their land and live in peace with the inhabitants, which of course had many Jews on the land, as it always had.

So, BDS, rewriting history, infiltrating organizations and Universities and teaching a totally revised history of the land for the past 100 years, is the best Muslims can do as some continue to BATTLE and attempt to destroy Israel and totally give the Jews their "final solution" as the Nazis and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem had hoped for.

Rewriting history will never give any Arabs, who conquered outside indigenous land all the way to North Africa from the Assyrians, Copts, Berbers, Kurds, and others, the final rights to those lands.

Just like the Land of Israel belongs to the Jews, those lands will always belong to the indigenous Kurds, Berbers, Copts, and all others.

And that is something that no article by King Abdullah or any other Muslim can ever take from them.

Jordan publishes new edition of book claiming Jews forged Jerusalem archaeology

Jordan's Al Ghad news site discusses the book, “Jerusalem: Hijacked History and Forged Antiquities,” written by Professor Dr. Issam Sakhnin. It looks like the book was actually published in 2020.

It is a publication of the Jordanian Royal Commission for Jerusalem Affairs.

The book goes through a history of how Jews have fabricated their history of the land, Jerusalem, and the Temple. Finally it purports to show how every major archaeological find that proves Jewish control of Jerusalem is a modern forgery.

Unfortunately, the reviews show no photos of these supposed forgeries.

Sakhnini concludes the book saying that no history has ever been subjected to Jewish theft that the ancient history of Palestine was subjected to, and thus Zionism actively sought to silence it, considering that a necessary condition for owning it, and thus owning the present and the future, and for monopolizing the land that is the geographical framework of that history. In these robberies, Zionism reaped a valuable spoil by granting it a right to present Palestine, based on an alleged history, and in recognition of its possession of the place on which a state was created.
Apparently, the entire Temple Mount itself must be a forgery. Looking at its walls, you can see how it was expanded at every stage of its being built in during the Davidic dynasty, during the time of Zerubbabel, in the Hasmonean period, and the Herodian period. This sitedescribes and shows it all. And it all happened way before Mohammed.

This is an old claim, but it becomes no less outrageous over time.

I was not going to start a new thread on the forums, but this one seems to be a must.

I know that there are many well meaning people on these threads who want to see an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, like Coyote and many others. And then, there are those who are very ill meaning and do nothing but bash Israel and Jews over everything.

I believe that any and all, need to be reminded that this is Jewish land. It has been Jewish land for over 3000 years, and never contested by any one of its invaders and conquerors until the "dreadful day" when the Jews assumed that they could legally regain sovereignty over it and the Balfour Declaration happened and the Mandate for Palestine was to give the Jews their ancient homeland back.

We all know what has happened since 1920.

But what many do not know and do not seem to be aware of is what the people who have been calling themselves Palestinians since 1964 have been doing to ancient places they should have been claiming as their own, for after all, do they not say that they have been on the land as the Ancient Palestinians for the past 5000, no - 6000, no - 10000 years?

Aren't these ancient places and artifacts in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria part of the Palestinian History? Then why are they destroying any and all of it?

This is what has been going on for decades. Why are the "Palestinians" destroying their alleged history?

Palestinians destroying ancient Herodian and Hashmonean antiquities - literally bulldozing Jewish history ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

We've discussed the The Temple Mount Sifting Project before:
The Temple Mount Sifting Project (formerly known as the Temple Mount Salvage Operation) is an Israeli archaeological project begun in 2005 dedicated to recovering archaeological artifacts from 400 truckloads of topsoil removed from the Temple Mount by the Waqf during the construction of the underground el-Marwani Mosque from 1996 to 1999.[1] The project is under the academic auspices of Bar Ilan University and until 2017 was funded by the Ir David Foundation and Israel Exploration Society.The destruction of so many tons of property from the Temple Mount was the biggest archaeological crime in history.

The project webpage is now warning of other large-scale destruction of Jewish history by Palestinians, ISIS-style.
In full view of people passing on the highway 90, Palestinians are using bulldozers and other heavy equipment to destroy Second Temple-era Jewish settlements in order to build a new village.

This is all happening in Area B, under Palestinian administrative control.

Moreover, it looks like Palestinian antiquities thieves are working in the area at night to steal whatever ancient artifacts they can find to sell on the market.

The article notes that similar destruction has recently begun in the area of the Hasmonean palaces in Jericho.

Give Area C and the former Jewish Quarter and the Temple Mount to the invading Arabs who are now calling themselves the ancient inhabitants of the land, who should be protecting their ancient history and making tourism out of it?

Which one of you would dare do so?

Does the UN have any say on the Arabs destroying other people's ancient places?
Where has UNESCO been all of this time? What is their position about the endless destruction of Jewish History? Have they not complained about ISIS destroying antiquity?

Oh, wait......they have been giving Palestinian Status to Jewish places like the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb, and many other places.

I guess if the UN is in on it, then there is no hope for the Jewish people to ever get their ancient lands back, much less be allowed to freely visit those places, which is true when it comes to the Cave and the Tombs, etc, where Jews can only visit if they have a military escort.


How can peace be achieved with the PA, the alleged partner for Peace, when it is the PA itself which allows such destruction to happen?

How can peace be achieved when destroying Israel is still in the Hamas and PLO, and Fatah charters and is taught on a daily basis to all Arabs who live in Gaza and areas A and B, and C and even in Israel?

What in the world is going to be done about the endless destruction and the want to destroy all which is Jewish on the Land of Israel, which does include all of Judea and Samaria which is the land of the Jewish People.
(I will not eve speculate what may already have been done to Jewish history in Jordan and Gaza )

DO the Arabs have the right to destroy any and all Jewish History they find and never have to answer to the rest of the world, much less to the Jewish People?

They were called Palestinians when they worked in Saudi Arabia in the 1950s.
I was not going to start a new thread on the forums, but this one seems to be a must.

I know that there are many well meaning people on these threads who want to see an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, like Coyote and many others. And then, there are those who are very ill meaning and do nothing but bash Israel and Jews over everything.

I believe that any and all, need to be reminded that this is Jewish land. It has been Jewish land for over 3000 years, and never contested by any one of its invaders and conquerors until the "dreadful day" when the Jews assumed that they could legally regain sovereignty over it and the Balfour Declaration happened and the Mandate for Palestine was to give the Jews their ancient homeland back.

We all know what has happened since 1920.

But what many do not know and do not seem to be aware of is what the people who have been calling themselves Palestinians since 1964 have been doing to ancient places they should have been claiming as their own, for after all, do they not say that they have been on the land as the Ancient Palestinians for the past 5000, no - 6000, no - 10000 years?

Aren't these ancient places and artifacts in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria part of the Palestinian History? Then why are they destroying any and all of it?

This is what has been going on for decades. Why are the "Palestinians" destroying their alleged history?

Palestinians destroying ancient Herodian and Hashmonean antiquities - literally bulldozing Jewish history ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

We've discussed the The Temple Mount Sifting Project before:
The Temple Mount Sifting Project (formerly known as the Temple Mount Salvage Operation) is an Israeli archaeological project begun in 2005 dedicated to recovering archaeological artifacts from 400 truckloads of topsoil removed from the Temple Mount by the Waqf during the construction of the underground el-Marwani Mosque from 1996 to 1999.[1] The project is under the academic auspices of Bar Ilan University and until 2017 was funded by the Ir David Foundation and Israel Exploration Society.The destruction of so many tons of property from the Temple Mount was the biggest archaeological crime in history.

The project webpage is now warning of other large-scale destruction of Jewish history by Palestinians, ISIS-style.
In full view of people passing on the highway 90, Palestinians are using bulldozers and other heavy equipment to destroy Second Temple-era Jewish settlements in order to build a new village.

This is all happening in Area B, under Palestinian administrative control.

Moreover, it looks like Palestinian antiquities thieves are working in the area at night to steal whatever ancient artifacts they can find to sell on the market.

The article notes that similar destruction has recently begun in the area of the Hasmonean palaces in Jericho.

Give Area C and the former Jewish Quarter and the Temple Mount to the invading Arabs who are now calling themselves the ancient inhabitants of the land, who should be protecting their ancient history and making tourism out of it?

Which one of you would dare do so?

Does the UN have any say on the Arabs destroying other people's ancient places?
Where has UNESCO been all of this time? What is their position about the endless destruction of Jewish History? Have they not complained about ISIS destroying antiquity?

Oh, wait......they have been giving Palestinian Status to Jewish places like the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb, and many other places.

I guess if the UN is in on it, then there is no hope for the Jewish people to ever get their ancient lands back, much less be allowed to freely visit those places, which is true when it comes to the Cave and the Tombs, etc, where Jews can only visit if they have a military escort.


How can peace be achieved with the PA, the alleged partner for Peace, when it is the PA itself which allows such destruction to happen?

How can peace be achieved when destroying Israel is still in the Hamas and PLO, and Fatah charters and is taught on a daily basis to all Arabs who live in Gaza and areas A and B, and C and even in Israel?

What in the world is going to be done about the endless destruction and the want to destroy all which is Jewish on the Land of Israel, which does include all of Judea and Samaria which is the land of the Jewish People.
(I will not eve speculate what may already have been done to Jewish history in Jordan and Gaza )

DO the Arabs have the right to destroy any and all Jewish History they find and never have to answer to the rest of the world, much less to the Jewish People?

Have you forgotten about scandal about Yigal Yadim?

For example: what to make of pig bones on Masada among human remains that were presumed to be those of Masada's Jewish defenders? Yadin expressed periodic concern that these were not in fact the remains of Masada's Jewish defenders, yet he settled on an interpretation that they were Jewish remains that had been treated with disrespect. Later analyses have suggested that these remains may have belonged to the Roman besiegers: the sacrifice of pigs was a Roman burial custom.

But the bones were caught up in a firestorm of public interest and political outcries and given a military funeral in 1969. And then why did Masada yield the remains of only twenty-five humans, as opposed to the 960 mentioned by Josephus?
They were called Palestinians when they worked in Saudi Arabia in the 1950s.
Only because of the Mandate for Palestine. Without the Mandate they would have remained Arabs.

ALL who lived in the Mandate for Palestine were called Palestinians BECAUSE of the Mandate and not because ANYONE was actually of any nationality called Palestinian.

Spread the truth.
Have you forgotten about scandal about Yigal Yadim?

For example: what to make of pig bones on Masada among human remains that were presumed to be those of Masada's Jewish defenders? Yadin expressed periodic concern that these were not in fact the remains of Masada's Jewish defenders, yet he settled on an interpretation that they were Jewish remains that had been treated with disrespect. Later analyses have suggested that these remains may have belonged to the Roman besiegers: the sacrifice of pigs was a Roman burial custom.

But the bones were caught up in a firestorm of public interest and political outcries and given a military funeral in 1969. And then why did Masada yield the remains of only twenty-five humans, as opposed to the 960 mentioned by Josephus?
Keep spreading your conspiracy theories.

Oh, no, no, no, no. You are NOT a judeophobe, antisemitic, Jew hater.


You pass lies about Jews and their history for fun, because you are as empty as all the others who want to destroy Israel and see all Jews gone.

Cannot figure out that that is what will happen if Israel is ever destroyed with all the lies against it.

The FINAL solution on the Jews and rewriting of ALL Jewish history where Jews NEVER, EVER existed and Christianity and Islam came to be all by themselves.

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