The Right Wing Media Ran With That Woodward Threat Story

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
The Right Wing Media Ran With That Woodward Threat Story .. how is that panning out?

What will Monday bring? Is this going to be just another anti-Kerry nomination, anti-Hagel nomination, Ben Ghazzi watched a fake live video story?

Why do the right wingers here still bother with right wing media?

FOX went unhinged over the 2012 election. They refused for quite a while to admit they were wrong when they kept insisting for a day that Obamacare was ruled unConstitutional?

Rush is an admitted drug abuser who spewed his rants they loved while high on drugs he bought illegally

Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, and Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck? say no more.
Would it be better to watch NBC-MSNBC where they edit their videos with an axe?
As for Bob Woodward he went along with the threat angle until he went on the Joe Scarborough show.
Would it be better to watch NBC-MSNBC where they edit their videos with an axe?
As for Bob Woodward he went along with the threat angle until he went on the Joe Scarborough show.

The saddest thing is you repeat the wingnut talking point that Maddow or MSNBC edited a video. They played a video that was edited at an affiliate and they are the ones who reported on themselves. :laugh2:

Its i not an either or situation/choice. I do not watch cable news, but when last I did it was too filled with promos for talk shows and opinion shows like Maddow and Hannity and friends. Those shows are not the NEWS, they do not say they are the news.

But you fail to acknowledge what you have to know is true. Why? The why, is what is so sad
Woodward was the star of the left wing media. Call or E-mail a ranking member of the administration and tell him or her "you will regret it" and leave a call back number. You will have a hundred blue lights flashing in your driveway before you can check your E mail. The government has all the power. When a government official tells someone "you will regret it" it's best to take it seriously. Rather than wait for some phony indictment or a Ruby Ridge siege it makes sense to go public and embarrass the administration. It's interesting that the first impulse of the left wing media was to defend the administration. To paraphrase Dylan, the times (no pun intended) sure are a-changin.
Woodward was the star of the left wing media.

Really? Thanks for the info

Were you born last year? Woodward and Karl Marx Bernstein were the Washington Post reporters who brought down the Nixon administration. It was left wing journalism's finest hour. Imagine if reporters used an unidentified, unverified "informant" placed in a democrat administration and didn't identify him until he was dead and couldn't verify the stories. Couldn't happen. The cover-up used to be worse than the crime but that isn't true for democrat administrations. The cover-up of criminal negligence in the deaths of four Americans in the Libyan embassy seems a hell of a lot more important than a 3rd rate burglary of a democrat headquarters but to paraphrase Dylan, the times they are a-changin.
Woodward was the star of the left wing media.

Really? Thanks for the info

Were you born last year? Woodward and Karl Marx Bernstein were the Washington Post reporters who brought down the Nixon administration. It was left wing journalism's finest hour. Imagine if reporters used an unidentified, unverified "informant" placed in a democrat administration and didn't identify him until he was dead and couldn't verify the stories. Couldn't happen. The cover-up used to be worse than the crime but that isn't true for democrat administrations. The cover-up of criminal negligence in the deaths of four Americans in the Libyan embassy seems a hell of a lot more important than a 3rd rate burglary of a democrat headquarters but to paraphrase Dylan, the times they are a-changin.

Left wing? okie dokie

The bullshit that Watergate was nothing more than a 3rd rate burglary won't stand scrutiny.

The affair began with the arrest of five men for breaking and entering into the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate complex on June 17, 1972.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) connected cash found on the burglars to a slush fund used by the Committee for the Re-Election of the President, a fundraising group for the Nixon campaign.[

In July 1973, as evidence mounted against the president's staff, including testimony provided by former staff members in an investigation conducted by the Senate Watergate Committee, it was revealed that President Nixon had a tape-recording system in his offices and he had recorded many conversations.

Recordings from these tapes implicated the president, revealing he had attempted to cover up the questionable (and illegal) goings-on that had taken place during his administration, both before and after the break-in.

After a protracted series of bitter court battles, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the president had to hand over the tapes to government investigators; he ultimately complied.

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a hell of a lot more than a mere 3rd rate break-in:eusa_shhh:

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