The rightwing and the fallacy of their black and white reasoning


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
The rightwing has a serious issue with critical thinking skills. This deficit is quite apparent when it comes to key political issues. Is it any wonder the Texas school system wants to ban critical thinking? Here are some examples of such issues that have laughable all or nothing arguments from the rightwing:


Fallacy: "liberals are envious of the rich therefore they want everyone to be paid the same derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: Liberals are simply concerned about the massive gap that actually exists between the super wealthy and everyone else. We don't have a problem with the average CEO making 50x the average low level worker. What we have a problem with is the average CEO making 350x the average low level worker. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. This is bad for the economy in general. If the middle class is shrinking and consumer spending continues to dip as a result, the economy can't sustain itself. More great recessions are inevitable according to economists.


Fallacy; "liberals want to take away the second amendment derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: No democrat in office wants to take away the second amendment. No liberal I know wants to either.


Fallacy: "liberals want to punish success! The government steals my monies derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: revenue is what pays for our government's expenses. It is a vital part of the economy. Taxing the wealthy the most isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. Government expenses get very large whether or not the current president is over spending. Obviously we need public schools and a badass military. That shit isn't free. Bush's tax cuts have greatly contributed to our national debt.


Fallacy: "liberals want to raise the wage to $300/h because their jealous of success derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: um no. We simply want a wage people can fucking live off of and kept up with inflation. If 16.5 million people in this country make under 10.10/h, obviously that's a problem.


Fallacy: "liberals want everyone to live off the government derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: welfare has always been there for those who need it. Why don't republicans bitch about all the tea baggers living off Medicare? Food stamps are for the very poor. Most of them have dependents like children in the household. The average household on food stamps has a monthly income of $766 a month. The average food stamps recipient gets $133 a month. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to households with at least one dependent.

Unemployment benefits only go to people who lost their jobs against their will.
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Watch how quickly the corrupt mainstream media shuts off the truth, when a “BLACK WOMAN” steps outside the narrative of the left. God bless this woman for telling it like it is! -

A black grandmother who dialed in to a C-SPAN call-in program told the host that she voted early this year for Republicans because she is sick of “what the Democrat Party have done to my people.” The woman, who was identified only as Joyce, called in to C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” and told host Greta Brawner that she had voted the straight Republican ticket this year before launching into a passionate litany of all that is wrong with the Democrats.

“First, let me start by saying that I am an 82-year old, black, senior citizen grandmother and I voted straight Republican because I have been noticing for years what the Democrat party have done to my people,” she said. Among the evils of the Democrats that she cites are abortion, the welfare state, and their inability or unwillingness to do anything about black unemployment.

“Unemployment is higher in the black community … we are double with unemployment than it is anywhere else. “And I cannot stay, there is no way that I could continue to say that I was a Christian and stay in the Democrat party,” Joyce said. “They advocate for killing of babies, they advocate taking from the doers and giving to the ones that’s sitting doing nothing. and I’m not talking about the people that need help. Because with so many people getting help that doesn’t need help, it prevents the people that really help from getting it.” Joyce also had a message for other blacks who categorize any opposition to President Barack Obama as racist.

“I hear my people calling in all the time saying that every time you say something against the ideology of President Obama, that you’re doing it because he is black. We need to stop that foolishness. This man is destroying this country,” she said. “And it’s what he intended to do. He said he was going to transform America and that’s what he’s doing.” She also had some choice words for Texas Democrat gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis that aren’t likely to help her campaign any — not that Abortion Barbie needs any more help destroying her campaign.

Source… - See more at:

82 Yr Old Black Grandmother Tired Of Obama And The Democrat Party - Common Sense Evaluation

Since liberals will lie, I don't believe anything you say, especially about guns. Liberals will gladly pass laws to limit gun ownership. Nobody believes you.
Watch how quickly the corrupt mainstream media shuts off the truth, when a “BLACK WOMAN” steps outside the narrative of the left. God bless this woman for telling it like it is! -

A black grandmother who dialed in to a C-SPAN call-in program told the host that she voted early this year for Republicans because she is sick of “what the Democrat Party have done to my people.” The woman, who was identified only as Joyce, called in to C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” and told host Greta Brawner that she had voted the straight Republican ticket this year before launching into a passionate litany of all that is wrong with the Democrats.

“First, let me start by saying that I am an 82-year old, black, senior citizen grandmother and I voted straight Republican because I have been noticing for years what the Democrat party have done to my people,” she said. Among the evils of the Democrats that she cites are abortion, the welfare state, and their inability or unwillingness to do anything about black unemployment.

“Unemployment is higher in the black community … we are double with unemployment than it is anywhere else. “And I cannot stay, there is no way that I could continue to say that I was a Christian and stay in the Democrat party,” Joyce said. “They advocate for killing of babies, they advocate taking from the doers and giving to the ones that’s sitting doing nothing. and I’m not talking about the people that need help. Because with so many people getting help that doesn’t need help, it prevents the people that really help from getting it.” Joyce also had a message for other blacks who categorize any opposition to President Barack Obama as racist.

“I hear my people calling in all the time saying that every time you say something against the ideology of President Obama, that you’re doing it because he is black. We need to stop that foolishness. This man is destroying this country,” she said. “And it’s what he intended to do. He said he was going to transform America and that’s what he’s doing.” She also had some choice words for Texas Democrat gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis that aren’t likely to help her campaign any — not that Abortion Barbie needs any more help destroying her campaign.

Source… - See more at:

82 Yr Old Black Grandmother Tired Of Obama And The Democrat Party - Common Sense Evaluation

So because a black woman voted republican that somehow validates being republican?
Since liberals will lie, I don't believe anything you say, especially about guns. Liberals will gladly pass laws to limit gun ownership. Nobody believes you.
Name one democrat in office who wants to ban the second amendment. Name any prominent liberal who wants to ban the second amendment.
Watch how quickly the corrupt mainstream media shuts off the truth, when a “BLACK WOMAN” steps outside the narrative of the left. God bless this woman for telling it like it is! -

A black grandmother who dialed in to a C-SPAN call-in program told the host that she voted early this year for Republicans because she is sick of “what the Democrat Party have done to my people.” The woman, who was identified only as Joyce, called in to C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” and told host Greta Brawner that she had voted the straight Republican ticket this year before launching into a passionate litany of all that is wrong with the Democrats.

“First, let me start by saying that I am an 82-year old, black, senior citizen grandmother and I voted straight Republican because I have been noticing for years what the Democrat party have done to my people,” she said. Among the evils of the Democrats that she cites are abortion, the welfare state, and their inability or unwillingness to do anything about black unemployment.

“Unemployment is higher in the black community … we are double with unemployment than it is anywhere else. “And I cannot stay, there is no way that I could continue to say that I was a Christian and stay in the Democrat party,” Joyce said. “They advocate for killing of babies, they advocate taking from the doers and giving to the ones that’s sitting doing nothing. and I’m not talking about the people that need help. Because with so many people getting help that doesn’t need help, it prevents the people that really help from getting it.” Joyce also had a message for other blacks who categorize any opposition to President Barack Obama as racist.

“I hear my people calling in all the time saying that every time you say something against the ideology of President Obama, that you’re doing it because he is black. We need to stop that foolishness. This man is destroying this country,” she said. “And it’s what he intended to do. He said he was going to transform America and that’s what he’s doing.” She also had some choice words for Texas Democrat gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis that aren’t likely to help her campaign any — not that Abortion Barbie needs any more help destroying her campaign.

Source… - See more at:

82 Yr Old Black Grandmother Tired Of Obama And The Democrat Party - Common Sense Evaluation

So because a black woman voted republican that somehow validates being republican?

By Liberal Logic...YES!!!!!

The rightwing has a serious issue with critical thinking skills. This deficit is quite apparent when it comes to key political issues. Is it any wonder the Texas school system wants to ban critical thinking?

Ban critical thinking LOL looks like someone already missed that train.

Why do you post such stupid shit? Typical over the top generalizations based on shallow talking points that tweak the ear of the mentally infirm.

The rightwing has a serious issue with critical thinking skills. This deficit is quite apparent when it comes to key political issues. Is it any wonder the Texas school system wants to ban critical thinking?

Ban critical thinking LOL looks like someone already missed that train.

Why do you post such stupid shit? Typical over the top generalizations based on shallow talking points that tweak the ear of the mentally infirm.

Here's the dirty little secret...we LOVE watching you go OCD on us!
INCOME INEQUALITY code words for Communism and redistribution

GUN CONTROL Progressives cannot fully implement their Guaranteed Fail Redistribution Scheme until we are unarmed

TAXING is how Liberals put themselves in power. They take from the producers and give to the underclass and illegals. When that fails, they just stuff the ballot box.

RAISING THE MINIMUM WAGE Irrelevant, Liberals don't work. It's a strawman for Redistribution

WELFARE is how Liberals created a Permanent uneducated, underclass that depends on Welfare for their very survival. Once a temporary bootstrap has become an inter-generational way of life

MORONS: Liberals are fucking morons, their ideas sucks and fail but they're too stupid to figure out it ends badly for them
The rightwing has a serious issue with critical thinking skills. This deficit is quite apparent when it comes to key political issues. Is it any wonder the Texas school system wants to ban critical thinking? Here are some examples of such issues that have laughable all or nothing arguments from the rightwing:


Fallacy: "liberals are envious of the rich therefore they want everyone to be paid the same derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: Liberals are simply concerned about the massive gap that actually exists between the super wealthy and everyone else. We don't have a problem with the average CEO making 50x the average low level worker. What we have a problem with is the average CEO making 350x the average low level worker. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. This is bad for the economy in general. If the middle class is shrinking and consumer spending continues to dip as a result, the economy can't sustain itself. More great recessions are inevitable according to economists.
No one thinks liberals want everyone to be payed the same. That's a strawman. CEO salaries are what the board pays him or her to bring their talent to the corporation. Many corporations are huge multi-national diversified entities and they have a lot at stake. And more importantly, it isn't your money.

Nothing would be more dangerous than the government dictating wages for the private sector. Nothing will increase worker pay more than a vibrant economy. Businesses competed for workers not long ago, now they can pay shit wages and say to take it or leave it.

Government operates fundamentally differently than the private sector and is in no way in any condition to see, predict and respond to markets. Government moves at a glacial pace, procedure, layers of bureaucracy, rules, regulation and department interaction, or lack thereof, are par for the course. No business would survive.
It is always funny to see some silly liberal basing an argument on some baseless cartoon stereotype claim about conservatives. Black and white thinking is actually more common amongst modern American liberals.
The rightwing has a serious issue with critical thinking skills. This deficit is quite apparent when it comes to key political issues. Is it any wonder the Texas school system wants to ban critical thinking? Here are some examples of such issues that have laughable all or nothing arguments from the rightwing:


Fallacy: "liberals are envious of the rich therefore they want everyone to be paid the same derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: Liberals are simply concerned about the massive gap that actually exists between the super wealthy and everyone else. We don't have a problem with the average CEO making 50x the average low level worker. What we have a problem with is the average CEO making 350x the average low level worker. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. This is bad for the economy in general. If the middle class is shrinking and consumer spending continues to dip as a result, the economy can't sustain itself. More great recessions are inevitable according to economists.

Yet you won't DO ANYTHING TO FIX THE PROBLEM. You won't deport 20 million illegal infiltrators, nor will you shut down legal immigration until such time as we get back to the income inequality levels we had in the 1950/60s.



Fallacy: "liberals want to punish success! The government steals my monies derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: revenue is what pays for our government's expenses. It is a vital part of the economy. Taxing the wealthy the most isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. Government expenses get very large whether or not the current president is over spending. Obviously we need public schools and a badass military. That shit isn't free. Bush's tax cuts have greatly contributed to our national debt.



Fallacy: "liberals want to raise the wage to $300/h because their jealous of success derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: um no. We simply want a wage people can fucking live off of and kept up with inflation. If 16.5 million people in this country make under 10.10/h, obviously that's a problem.

Deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and that will cause a labor shortage. That labor shortage will increase wages NATURALLY, employ American citizens, and draw discouraged workers back into the labor force.
The rightwing has a serious issue with critical thinking skills. This deficit is quite apparent when it comes to key political issues. Is it any wonder the Texas school system wants to ban critical thinking? Here are some examples of such issues that have laughable all or nothing arguments from the rightwing:


Fallacy: "liberals are envious of the rich therefore they want everyone to be paid the same derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: Liberals are simply concerned about the massive gap that actually exists between the super wealthy and everyone else. We don't have a problem with the average CEO making 50x the average low level worker. What we have a problem with is the average CEO making 350x the average low level worker. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. This is bad for the economy in general. If the middle class is shrinking and consumer spending continues to dip as a result, the economy can't sustain itself. More great recessions are inevitable according to economists.


Fallacy; "liberals want to take away the second amendment derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: No democrat in office wants to take away the second amendment. No liberal I know wants to either.


Fallacy: "liberals want to punish success! The government steals my monies derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: revenue is what pays for our government's expenses. It is a vital part of the economy. Taxing the wealthy the most isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. Government expenses get very large whether or not the current president is over spending. Obviously we need public schools and a badass military. That shit isn't free. Bush's tax cuts have greatly contributed to our national debt.


Fallacy: "liberals want to raise the wage to $300/h because their jealous of success derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: um no. We simply want a wage people can fucking live off of and kept up with inflation. If 16.5 million people in this country make under 10.10/h, obviously that's a problem.


Fallacy: "liberals want everyone to live off the government derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: welfare has always been there for those who need it. Why don't republicans bitch about all the tea baggers living off Medicare? Food stamps are for the very poor. Most of them have dependents like children in the household. The average household on food stamps has a monthly income of $766 a month. The average food stamps recipient gets $133 a month. 83% of all food stamps funding goes to households with at least one dependent.

Unemployment benefits only go to people who lost their jobs against their will.

Even if your post had the slightest bit of legitimacy, how does it relate to "black and white reasoning?" If you are promoting "shades of gray" reasoning, then you are admitting to at least the partial accuracy of the "derp, derp,derp!" statements you have invented. Perhaps you are making a racial statement regarding black and white reasoning? Or maybe you just don't like logical reasoning because it makes your head hurt?
The rightwing has a serious issue with critical thinking skills. This deficit is quite apparent when it comes to key political issues. Is it any wonder the Texas school system wants to ban critical thinking? Here are some examples of such issues that have laughable all or nothing arguments from the rightwing:


Fallacy: "liberals are envious of the rich therefore they want everyone to be paid the same derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: Liberals are simply concerned about the massive gap that actually exists between the super wealthy and everyone else. We don't have a problem with the average CEO making 50x the average low level worker. What we have a problem with is the average CEO making 350x the average low level worker. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. This is bad for the economy in general. If the middle class is shrinking and consumer spending continues to dip as a result, the economy can't sustain itself. More great recessions are inevitable according to economists.
No one thinks liberals want everyone to be payed the same. That's a strawman. CEO salaries are what the board pays him or her to bring their talent to the corporation. Many corporations are huge multi-national diversified entities and they have a lot at stake. And more importantly, it isn't your money.

Nothing would be more dangerous than the government dictating wages for the private sector. Nothing will increase worker pay more than a vibrant economy. Businesses competed for workers not long ago, now they can pay shit wages and say to take it or leave it.

Government operates fundamentally differently than the private sector and is in no way in any condition to see, predict and respond to markets. Government moves at a glacial pace, procedure, layers of bureaucracy, rules, regulation and department interaction, or lack thereof, are par for the course. No business would survive.
I have debated the topic of income inequality on here many times. There are always at least a few RWs who make the assumption I want everyone to be paid the same.

I don't see how you can say that just because the board approves the pay of CEOs that somehow makes it all right.

This belief you have about our government becoming dangerous so easily to me is another fallacy. You are forgetting how laws are created in this country. Wage laws, like any laws, are decided among the three branches of government. This debate over wages has never transcended our model of government. It's like you have this idea in your mind that there is some shadow entity in the government that seeks to control the masses and weaken capitalism. It's like some sort of conspiracy that this entity will rise up and dictate our lives. It's non sense. We elect officials who come up with laws that they are not above. The system has always been rather transparent. To me what corrupts our government is self interested lobbyists who seek to change laws to benefit only them rather than the country as a whole.

This "take it or leave" philosophy has become less and less relevant. Nowadays millions of people have NO CHOICE but to take low wage jobs because these jobs are outnumbering good wage Joan. Decent wage jobs have become less and less common which makes them much more competitive. That is what it is the problem. Also, if wages are higher, economic demand increAses. That helps the economy.

To your final point, government AND business run as well as the people who run it. To say the private sector is inherently more successful than the public sector is fallacy.
Some of you are making the fair point that I am guilty of generalizing the rightwing. I am not suggesting all Rightwingers think this way. I am saying enough Rightwingers feel this way therefore it must be addressed.
The rightwing has a serious issue with critical thinking skills. This deficit is quite apparent when it comes to key political issues. Is it any wonder the Texas school system wants to ban critical thinking? Here are some examples of such issues that have laughable all or nothing arguments from the rightwing:


Fallacy: "liberals are envious of the rich therefore they want everyone to be paid the same derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: Liberals are simply concerned about the massive gap that actually exists between the super wealthy and everyone else. We don't have a problem with the average CEO making 50x the average low level worker. What we have a problem with is the average CEO making 350x the average low level worker. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. This is bad for the economy in general. If the middle class is shrinking and consumer spending continues to dip as a result, the economy can't sustain itself. More great recessions are inevitable according to economists.

Yet you won't DO ANYTHING TO FIX THE PROBLEM. You won't deport 20 million illegal infiltrators, nor will you shut down legal immigration until such time as we get back to the income inequality levels we had in the 1950/60s.



Fallacy: "liberals want to punish success! The government steals my monies derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: revenue is what pays for our government's expenses. It is a vital part of the economy. Taxing the wealthy the most isn't about what's fair, it's about what's realistic. Government expenses get very large whether or not the current president is over spending. Obviously we need public schools and a badass military. That shit isn't free. Bush's tax cuts have greatly contributed to our national debt.



Fallacy: "liberals want to raise the wage to $300/h because their jealous of success derp, derp, derp!"

Reality: um no. We simply want a wage people can fucking live off of and kept up with inflation. If 16.5 million people in this country make under 10.10/h, obviously that's a problem.

Deport 20 million illegal infiltrators and that will cause a labor shortage. That labor shortage will increase wages NATURALLY, employ American citizens, and draw discouraged workers back into the labor force.
A progressive tax system is what has always been realistic for the economy. Realism trumps what's fair from a philosophical standpoint.

Explain to me WHY deporting all those illegals would raise wages. Yes more American citizens will have jobs but that doesn't explain why wages would inevitably rise. Last time you brought this up you gave an anecdotal account of a company saying they raised their wages because more Caucasians took the jobs from deported illegals. Even if that was the reason, why would all companies with illegal workers react this same way? Where is the statistic proof?
A progressive tax system is what has always been realistic for the economy. Realism trumps what's fair from a philosophical standpoint.

Realism is the historical record. Look at that 92% top tax rate back int he 1950s. See it? Now look lower on the graph and find the green line which shows Income Taxes as a Percent of GDP. Watch that green line REACT to the lowering of the top marginal tax rates. Notice anything?


Explain to me WHY deporting all those illegals would raise wages. Yes more American citizens will have jobs but that doesn't explain why wages would inevitably rise. Last time you brought this up you gave an anecdotal account of a company saying they raised their wages because more Caucasians took the jobs from deported illegals. Even if that was the reason, why would all companies with illegal workers react this same way? Where is the statistic proof?

What do you think happens to wages when there are more jobs available than there are workers to fill the jobs. Sit and think about that for a moment.

Here's what happened after some immigration raids on slaughterhouses:

- Fewer Hispanic immigrants are being hired to replace meatpacking workers arrested at
Swift & Co. plants in Grand Island, Neb., and Greeley, Colo., during last week's immigration
raid, union officials said Tuesday.

Local 22 union president Dan Hoppes said Tuesday that 40 to 50 new workers have been hired at the Grand Island plant since the raids.

''The lion's share of those people were Caucasian,'' Hoppes said.. . .

''They're trying to staff up their plants and they've been raising their wages the past few weeks,'' said United Food and Commercial Workers spokeswoman Jill Cashen. ''To me, it's an example that when you make the job more attractive you get a different kind of applicant.'
Here's another story:

The United Food and Commercial Workers filed grievances over the company’s interviews, although after the workers left, the Marshalltown plant raised its starting wage from $9.55 to $11.50 in an attempt to fill the vacancies, said Jim Olesen, the union’s local president.​

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