The Rooftop Dancing Bartender Finding Out Pelosi Plays Hard Ball


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
So the little GENIUS and TWITTER PHENOM is finding out that she's in the big league now, and that the fight she's picked with old school, power monsters in the dem party probably isn't going to end well. So what does she do? Well... other than TWEET... CRY... poor little baby... maybe a good dance on a rooftop would make her feel better...


‘Sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy’

The civil war between the Democratic Party’s left flank and extreme left flank is heating up.

Days after Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi mocked Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and trio of her freshmen colleagues — Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) — for focusing on Twitter and PR at the expense of legislation, AOC issued another broadside against Pelosi.

"All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world," Pelosi told the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd published Saturday. "But they didn't have any following. They're four people and that's how many votes they got."

Today in an interview with WNYC’s “New Yorker Hour,” AOC accused Pelosi of intentionally saddling her with work to keep her out of the spotlight.

“I was assigned to some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees,” AOC said. “So my hands are full. And sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy.”

The New York lawmaker had been describing why she declined Pelosi’s offer to sit on a standing committee on climate change. AOC said she declined the Speaker’s offer after she had refused AOC’s demands for what the committee should do.

Asked about how the relationship with Pelosi is generally, AOC deadpanned: “I think sometimes people think that we have a relationship.”

UPDATE: Pelosi responded during a Democratic caucus meeting.

“In every family you have your moments — Right, do you not have your moments in your family? Do you all agree all the time on everything? Do you?,” Pelosi said, according to BuzzFeed. “We’re a family and we have our moments and we’re like a kaleidoscope… But we’re all a resource to each other and we must never undermine the strength of anyone in our caucus.”

AOC then responded later in the afternoon, telling BuzzFeed: “I think the issue at hand is that it’s not just about Caucus dynamics, this is about children dying in DHS and ICE custody. And that’s ultimately what this is about, this is not about any kind of political dynamic."

Here’s an excerpt from AOC’s interview on WNYC:

HOST: “What’s your relationship like with Nancy Pelosi. Tell me how that works, what are the dynamics of it?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “You know, I think sometimes people think that we have this — like we have a relationship.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Are you saying you don’t?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Not, not particularly, not one that’s I think distinguished from anyone else. Like if there’s a legislative need, you know. The last time I kind of spoke to her one on one was when she asked me to join the Select Committee on Climate Change.”

HOST: “What did you say.”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I said no.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Why?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Because I had made very specific requests which I thought were rather reasonable for the Select Committee on Climate Change. I asked that it have a mission to try to draft legislation by 2020 so that — so that we essentially have a 2 year mission to put together whether it’s a Green New Deal or whether it’s some sweeping climate change legislation that — that the select committee have a legislative mission. I asked for it to have subpoena power which most committees do. The last — the last select committee had subpoena power but now this one doesn’t. And I asked for the members who sit on the select committee to not take any fossil fuel money. And none of those requests were accommodated, and so I didn’t join the committee.”

HOST: “Are you better on the outside looking in or the inside looking out?” [crosstalk]

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I think — I think I’m better on the outside looking in, on this issue.”

HOST: “Why is that?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Because given that none of those standards were met sitting on that committee I would have to own anything — I would take responsibility for anything that comes out of that committee. And when the actual my opinion, the structure of it, is compromised in very deep ways, you know it’s not — I don’t think it was like I’m going to take my ball and go home, it’s we have a select committee whose mission — I’m — I was uncertain on who’s members take fossil fuel money. You know it’s — it’s beyond just a mere disagreement I think there’s a structural problem with it. And so — and there are plenty of other caucuses as well that work on climate issues. So I think — I think that that ultimately I’m fine with the decision especially given the committee assignments that I was ultimately given, which were very intense and very rigorous. I was assigned to two of some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees so my hands are full, and sometimes I want to they’re trying to keep me busy.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Well, how did Pelosi react when you turn her down and being on that —“

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “She was fine with it. She said OK.”

HOST: “She thinks you were being — one way or another was she annoyed?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I don’t — I don’t think so.”

HOST: “She doesn’t do annoyance.”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Yeah. I don’t think — I mean, maybe she — she does do slight annoyance but it’s not direct or indirect. I don’t know. I think this is the thing where it’s like — forst of all I think leadership, their — their primary goal right now is making sure that everyone who want to swing seat comes back. So I think that that’s where a lot of their time rightfully I think justifiably is invested in — in those relationships.”

AOC: Pelosi Saddling Me with Work to Keep Me out of Spotlight [Updated]
They are starting to eat their own. Glorious, isn't it? :D
The dem party is in deep shit, really. The old school has had their way for a long time, and now comes the new little radicals, and although the old schoolers CREATED this crop of young, radical upstarts, now they don't know how to CONTROL THEM.

It's a wonderful thing to watch, and it's just getting started.

President Trump is going to have a cake walk into his second term.
So the little GENIUS and TWITTER PHENOM is finding out that she's in the big league now, and that the fight she's picked with old school, power monsters in the dem party probably isn't going to end well. So what does she do? Well... other than TWEET... CRY... poor little baby... maybe a good dance on a rooftop would make her feel better...


‘Sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy’

The civil war between the Democratic Party’s left flank and extreme left flank is heating up.

Days after Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi mocked Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and trio of her freshmen colleagues — Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) — for focusing on Twitter and PR at the expense of legislation, AOC issued another broadside against Pelosi.

"All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world," Pelosi told the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd published Saturday. "But they didn't have any following. They're four people and that's how many votes they got."

Today in an interview with WNYC’s “New Yorker Hour,” AOC accused Pelosi of intentionally saddling her with work to keep her out of the spotlight.

“I was assigned to some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees,” AOC said. “So my hands are full. And sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy.”

The New York lawmaker had been describing why she declined Pelosi’s offer to sit on a standing committee on climate change. AOC said she declined the Speaker’s offer after she had refused AOC’s demands for what the committee should do.

Asked about how the relationship with Pelosi is generally, AOC deadpanned: “I think sometimes people think that we have a relationship.”

UPDATE: Pelosi responded during a Democratic caucus meeting.

“In every family you have your moments — Right, do you not have your moments in your family? Do you all agree all the time on everything? Do you?,” Pelosi said, according to BuzzFeed. “We’re a family and we have our moments and we’re like a kaleidoscope… But we’re all a resource to each other and we must never undermine the strength of anyone in our caucus.”

AOC then responded later in the afternoon, telling BuzzFeed: “I think the issue at hand is that it’s not just about Caucus dynamics, this is about children dying in DHS and ICE custody. And that’s ultimately what this is about, this is not about any kind of political dynamic."

Here’s an excerpt from AOC’s interview on WNYC:

HOST: “What’s your relationship like with Nancy Pelosi. Tell me how that works, what are the dynamics of it?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “You know, I think sometimes people think that we have this — like we have a relationship.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Are you saying you don’t?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Not, not particularly, not one that’s I think distinguished from anyone else. Like if there’s a legislative need, you know. The last time I kind of spoke to her one on one was when she asked me to join the Select Committee on Climate Change.”

HOST: “What did you say.”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I said no.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Why?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Because I had made very specific requests which I thought were rather reasonable for the Select Committee on Climate Change. I asked that it have a mission to try to draft legislation by 2020 so that — so that we essentially have a 2 year mission to put together whether it’s a Green New Deal or whether it’s some sweeping climate change legislation that — that the select committee have a legislative mission. I asked for it to have subpoena power which most committees do. The last — the last select committee had subpoena power but now this one doesn’t. And I asked for the members who sit on the select committee to not take any fossil fuel money. And none of those requests were accommodated, and so I didn’t join the committee.”

HOST: “Are you better on the outside looking in or the inside looking out?” [crosstalk]

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I think — I think I’m better on the outside looking in, on this issue.”

HOST: “Why is that?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Because given that none of those standards were met sitting on that committee I would have to own anything — I would take responsibility for anything that comes out of that committee. And when the actual my opinion, the structure of it, is compromised in very deep ways, you know it’s not — I don’t think it was like I’m going to take my ball and go home, it’s we have a select committee whose mission — I’m — I was uncertain on who’s members take fossil fuel money. You know it’s — it’s beyond just a mere disagreement I think there’s a structural problem with it. And so — and there are plenty of other caucuses as well that work on climate issues. So I think — I think that that ultimately I’m fine with the decision especially given the committee assignments that I was ultimately given, which were very intense and very rigorous. I was assigned to two of some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees so my hands are full, and sometimes I want to they’re trying to keep me busy.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Well, how did Pelosi react when you turn her down and being on that —“

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “She was fine with it. She said OK.”

HOST: “She thinks you were being — one way or another was she annoyed?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I don’t — I don’t think so.”

HOST: “She doesn’t do annoyance.”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Yeah. I don’t think — I mean, maybe she — she does do slight annoyance but it’s not direct or indirect. I don’t know. I think this is the thing where it’s like — forst of all I think leadership, their — their primary goal right now is making sure that everyone who want to swing seat comes back. So I think that that’s where a lot of their time rightfully I think justifiably is invested in — in those relationships.”

AOC: Pelosi Saddling Me with Work to Keep Me out of Spotlight [Updated]

Maybe Pelosi told AOC to sit in the corner of a round room, that would keep her busy
So the little GENIUS and TWITTER PHENOM is finding out that she's in the big league now, and that the fight she's picked with old school, power monsters in the dem party probably isn't going to end well. So what does she do? Well... other than TWEET... CRY... poor little baby... maybe a good dance on a rooftop would make her feel better...


‘Sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy’

The civil war between the Democratic Party’s left flank and extreme left flank is heating up.

Days after Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi mocked Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and trio of her freshmen colleagues — Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) — for focusing on Twitter and PR at the expense of legislation, AOC issued another broadside against Pelosi.

"All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world," Pelosi told the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd published Saturday. "But they didn't have any following. They're four people and that's how many votes they got."

Today in an interview with WNYC’s “New Yorker Hour,” AOC accused Pelosi of intentionally saddling her with work to keep her out of the spotlight.

“I was assigned to some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees,” AOC said. “So my hands are full. And sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy.”

The New York lawmaker had been describing why she declined Pelosi’s offer to sit on a standing committee on climate change. AOC said she declined the Speaker’s offer after she had refused AOC’s demands for what the committee should do.

Asked about how the relationship with Pelosi is generally, AOC deadpanned: “I think sometimes people think that we have a relationship.”

UPDATE: Pelosi responded during a Democratic caucus meeting.

“In every family you have your moments — Right, do you not have your moments in your family? Do you all agree all the time on everything? Do you?,” Pelosi said, according to BuzzFeed. “We’re a family and we have our moments and we’re like a kaleidoscope… But we’re all a resource to each other and we must never undermine the strength of anyone in our caucus.”

AOC then responded later in the afternoon, telling BuzzFeed: “I think the issue at hand is that it’s not just about Caucus dynamics, this is about children dying in DHS and ICE custody. And that’s ultimately what this is about, this is not about any kind of political dynamic."

Here’s an excerpt from AOC’s interview on WNYC:

HOST: “What’s your relationship like with Nancy Pelosi. Tell me how that works, what are the dynamics of it?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “You know, I think sometimes people think that we have this — like we have a relationship.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Are you saying you don’t?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Not, not particularly, not one that’s I think distinguished from anyone else. Like if there’s a legislative need, you know. The last time I kind of spoke to her one on one was when she asked me to join the Select Committee on Climate Change.”

HOST: “What did you say.”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I said no.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Why?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Because I had made very specific requests which I thought were rather reasonable for the Select Committee on Climate Change. I asked that it have a mission to try to draft legislation by 2020 so that — so that we essentially have a 2 year mission to put together whether it’s a Green New Deal or whether it’s some sweeping climate change legislation that — that the select committee have a legislative mission. I asked for it to have subpoena power which most committees do. The last — the last select committee had subpoena power but now this one doesn’t. And I asked for the members who sit on the select committee to not take any fossil fuel money. And none of those requests were accommodated, and so I didn’t join the committee.”

HOST: “Are you better on the outside looking in or the inside looking out?” [crosstalk]

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I think — I think I’m better on the outside looking in, on this issue.”

HOST: “Why is that?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Because given that none of those standards were met sitting on that committee I would have to own anything — I would take responsibility for anything that comes out of that committee. And when the actual my opinion, the structure of it, is compromised in very deep ways, you know it’s not — I don’t think it was like I’m going to take my ball and go home, it’s we have a select committee whose mission — I’m — I was uncertain on who’s members take fossil fuel money. You know it’s — it’s beyond just a mere disagreement I think there’s a structural problem with it. And so — and there are plenty of other caucuses as well that work on climate issues. So I think — I think that that ultimately I’m fine with the decision especially given the committee assignments that I was ultimately given, which were very intense and very rigorous. I was assigned to two of some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees so my hands are full, and sometimes I want to they’re trying to keep me busy.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Well, how did Pelosi react when you turn her down and being on that —“

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “She was fine with it. She said OK.”

HOST: “She thinks you were being — one way or another was she annoyed?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I don’t — I don’t think so.”

HOST: “She doesn’t do annoyance.”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Yeah. I don’t think — I mean, maybe she — she does do slight annoyance but it’s not direct or indirect. I don’t know. I think this is the thing where it’s like — forst of all I think leadership, their — their primary goal right now is making sure that everyone who want to swing seat comes back. So I think that that’s where a lot of their time rightfully I think justifiably is invested in — in those relationships.”

AOC: Pelosi Saddling Me with Work to Keep Me out of Spotlight [Updated]

Pelosi is not new, she understands politics even though her politics don't mesh with mine, she is far better than the extreme left newbies who think government is their personal Reality TV show.

If the far left continue to rise, as I suggested they would; it will hurt the Dems chance of ANY candidate, and, it will cost them the House.

Look how far Biden has already felt he was forced to go? You can imagine his donors in the last debate screaming at the tv "don't raise your hand to that question. No! Don't you dare raise that hand Joe!" And then Joe sheepishly raised it to stay relevant with the millennials, costing himself a great deal of votes from the moderate voters and independents. Free healthcare for illegal immigrants and open borders? Which genius thought this would be popular with the average American?
They are starting to eat their own. Glorious, isn't it? :D
The dem party is in deep shit, really. The old school has had their way for a long time, and now comes the new little radicals, and although the old schoolers CREATED this crop of young, radical upstarts, now they don't know how to CONTROL THEM.

It's a wonderful thing to watch, and it's just getting started.

President Trump is going to have a cake walk into his second term.

I'm sure Pelosi has a handle on things. Like you said she's old school. She's been playing this game for a long time. Her and Schumer were probably high-fiving each other in private the moment AOC was elected.:lol:
They are starting to eat their own. Glorious, isn't it? :D
The dem party is in deep shit, really. The old school has had their way for a long time, and now comes the new little radicals, and although the old schoolers CREATED this crop of young, radical upstarts, now they don't know how to CONTROL THEM.

It's a wonderful thing to watch, and it's just getting started.

President Trump is going to have a cake walk into his second term.

I'm sure Pelosi has a handle on things. Like you said she's old school. She's been playing this game for a long time. Her and Schumer were probably high-fiving each other in private the moment AOC was elected.:lol:

I doubt they were high fiving, it was clear from the outset she would be trouble, and she unseated the #3 legacy Democrat in that district. However, she is quickly learning the problems they bring, it will hurt their funding initiatives in general, Trump is far and away the largest money raiser and the gap will get broader, as broad as the policy differences, thanks to the New Green Deal being accepted by the candidates. That alone, spells trouble for them.
They are starting to eat their own. Glorious, isn't it? :D
The dem party is in deep shit, really. The old school has had their way for a long time, and now comes the new little radicals, and although the old schoolers CREATED this crop of young, radical upstarts, now they don't know how to CONTROL THEM.

It's a wonderful thing to watch, and it's just getting started.

President Trump is going to have a cake walk into his second term.

I'm sure Pelosi has a handle on things. Like you said she's old school. She's been playing this game for a long time. Her and Schumer were probably high-fiving each other in private the moment AOC was elected.:lol:

I doubt they were high fiving, it was clear from the outset she would be trouble, and she unseated the #3 legacy Democrat in that district. However, she is quickly learning the problems they bring, it will hurt their funding initiatives in general, Trump is far and away the largest money raiser and the gap will get broader, as broad as the policy differences, thanks to the New Green Deal being accepted by the candidates. That alone, spells trouble for them.

I'm not sure how long this crop of more radical Democrats will actually be around. You may not agree with their politics, but these old school politicians are political geniuses. Also, we've seen how quickly these fads in politics can fade away into obscurity. Remember the Tea Party? I probably just reminded you they existed. :D
So the little GENIUS and TWITTER PHENOM is finding out that she's in the big league now, and that the fight she's picked with old school, power monsters in the dem party probably isn't going to end well. So what does she do? Well... other than TWEET... CRY... poor little baby... maybe a good dance on a rooftop would make her feel better...


‘Sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy’

The civil war between the Democratic Party’s left flank and extreme left flank is heating up.

Days after Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi mocked Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and trio of her freshmen colleagues — Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) — for focusing on Twitter and PR at the expense of legislation, AOC issued another broadside against Pelosi.

"All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world," Pelosi told the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd published Saturday. "But they didn't have any following. They're four people and that's how many votes they got."

AOC constantly overplays her hand

Today in an interview with WNYC’s “New Yorker Hour,” AOC accused Pelosi of intentionally saddling her with work to keep her out of the spotlight.

“I was assigned to some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees,” AOC said. “So my hands are full. And sometimes I wonder if they’re trying to keep me busy.”

The New York lawmaker had been describing why she declined Pelosi’s offer to sit on a standing committee on climate change. AOC said she declined the Speaker’s offer after she had refused AOC’s demands for what the committee should do.

Asked about how the relationship with Pelosi is generally, AOC deadpanned: “I think sometimes people think that we have a relationship.”

UPDATE: Pelosi responded during a Democratic caucus meeting.

“In every family you have your moments — Right, do you not have your moments in your family? Do you all agree all the time on everything? Do you?,” Pelosi said, according to BuzzFeed. “We’re a family and we have our moments and we’re like a kaleidoscope… But we’re all a resource to each other and we must never undermine the strength of anyone in our caucus.”

AOC then responded later in the afternoon, telling BuzzFeed: “I think the issue at hand is that it’s not just about Caucus dynamics, this is about children dying in DHS and ICE custody. And that’s ultimately what this is about, this is not about any kind of political dynamic."

Here’s an excerpt from AOC’s interview on WNYC:

HOST: “What’s your relationship like with Nancy Pelosi. Tell me how that works, what are the dynamics of it?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “You know, I think sometimes people think that we have this — like we have a relationship.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Are you saying you don’t?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Not, not particularly, not one that’s I think distinguished from anyone else. Like if there’s a legislative need, you know. The last time I kind of spoke to her one on one was when she asked me to join the Select Committee on Climate Change.”

HOST: “What did you say.”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I said no.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Why?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Because I had made very specific requests which I thought were rather reasonable for the Select Committee on Climate Change. I asked that it have a mission to try to draft legislation by 2020 so that — so that we essentially have a 2 year mission to put together whether it’s a Green New Deal or whether it’s some sweeping climate change legislation that — that the select committee have a legislative mission. I asked for it to have subpoena power which most committees do. The last — the last select committee had subpoena power but now this one doesn’t. And I asked for the members who sit on the select committee to not take any fossil fuel money. And none of those requests were accommodated, and so I didn’t join the committee.”

HOST: “Are you better on the outside looking in or the inside looking out?” [crosstalk]

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I think — I think I’m better on the outside looking in, on this issue.”

HOST: “Why is that?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Because given that none of those standards were met sitting on that committee I would have to own anything — I would take responsibility for anything that comes out of that committee. And when the actual my opinion, the structure of it, is compromised in very deep ways, you know it’s not — I don’t think it was like I’m going to take my ball and go home, it’s we have a select committee whose mission — I’m — I was uncertain on who’s members take fossil fuel money. You know it’s — it’s beyond just a mere disagreement I think there’s a structural problem with it. And so — and there are plenty of other caucuses as well that work on climate issues. So I think — I think that that ultimately I’m fine with the decision especially given the committee assignments that I was ultimately given, which were very intense and very rigorous. I was assigned to two of some of the busiest committees and four subcommittees so my hands are full, and sometimes I want to they’re trying to keep me busy.” (Laughter)

HOST: “Well, how did Pelosi react when you turn her down and being on that —“

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “She was fine with it. She said OK.”

HOST: “She thinks you were being — one way or another was she annoyed?”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “I don’t — I don’t think so.”

HOST: “She doesn’t do annoyance.”

OCASIO-CORTEZ: “Yeah. I don’t think — I mean, maybe she — she does do slight annoyance but it’s not direct or indirect. I don’t know. I think this is the thing where it’s like — forst of all I think leadership, their — their primary goal right now is making sure that everyone who want to swing seat comes back. So I think that that’s where a lot of their time rightfully I think justifiably is invested in — in those relationships.”

AOC: Pelosi Saddling Me with Work to Keep Me out of Spotlight [Updated]
I'm sure Pelosi has a handle on things. Like you said she's old school. She's been playing this game for a long time. Her and Schumer were probably high-fiving each other in private the moment AOC was elected.:lol:
I wouldn't want to meet Pelosi in a dark alley.

The AOC group may end up getting their way in the party, but not while Nancy is still breathing.
They are starting to eat their own. Glorious, isn't it? :D
The dem party is in deep shit, really. The old school has had their way for a long time, and now comes the new little radicals, and although the old schoolers CREATED this crop of young, radical upstarts, now they don't know how to CONTROL THEM.

It's a wonderful thing to watch, and it's just getting started.

President Trump is going to have a cake walk into his second term.

I'm sure Pelosi has a handle on things. Like you said she's old school. She's been playing this game for a long time. Her and Schumer were probably high-fiving each other in private the moment AOC was elected.:lol:

I doubt they were high fiving, it was clear from the outset she would be trouble, and she unseated the #3 legacy Democrat in that district. However, she is quickly learning the problems they bring, it will hurt their funding initiatives in general, Trump is far and away the largest money raiser and the gap will get broader, as broad as the policy differences, thanks to the New Green Deal being accepted by the candidates. That alone, spells trouble for them.

I'm not sure how long this crop of more radical Democrats will actually be around. You may not agree with their politics, but these old school politicians are political geniuses. Also, we've seen how quickly these fads in politics can fade away into obscurity. Remember the Tea Party? I probably just reminded you they existed. :D
But they are not really good for the nation. More for themselves. Their voters are moving to the left and if Pelosi is in the way she will be jettisoned.The Tea Party was sold out by many who ran and by the power families. As an example, two of them the Barbour family in Mississippi and the Murkowski family in Alaska stole two Tea Party elections. Elitist Candidates were also placed into races as false Tea Party members. And candidates were destroyed by the powers that be. We all keep voting for many of the elite regulars also. Revolution means getting rid of the swamp and the power families. Communism will do just that.

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