The ruth about Israeli's targeted strikes.

If they were building tunnels for the purpose of entering Israel and attacking civilians then don't you think Israel has a right to protect it's civilian population by destroying those tunnels?

To the extent of mass murdering Palestinian civilians?
Israel is not mass murdering Palestinians.

I'm sure only 2,000 in a month is disappointing for the Zionists.
How do you mean? The IDF takes out military sites, if these sites are built in civilian areas which causes civilian deaths, it is to blame on Hamas and not Israel. Hamas is responsible for the people in Gaza, not the IDF. The IDF mission is to protect Israeli citizens and they are definitely doing a great job in protecting Israeli citizens from Hamas.
True enough.

Don't want civilian casualties?

Don't embed your war-assets next to civilian housing and schools and mosques and hospitals and such.
BBC News - Gaza conflict Drone footage reveals extent of damage

The video shows the truth.
Not the odd place knocked down because of terrorist activity, but most of a town destroyed in massive collective punishment attacks.

Disgusting - war crimes trial time.

Did you hear the commentary that says the Israelis caught hamas terrorists and destroyed their tunnels. So all valid military targets. It is at 00:25 into the video.

So yes lets have some war crimes trials to see who will get punished, and be prepared for the Palestinians to be really hit hard by the ICJ

Probably a bunch of crap and more exaggeration than anything, , anything to get in an invade and ruin the infrastructure. Every time I saw Wolf Blitzer he was in the same tunnels. And so what if they did build tunnels,
are you saying they had no right to build tunnels. Israel can have weapons and chemical ones as well and they can't have tunnels. Are you serious?

I have no pity for the 66 Israeli soldiers and seven civilians in Israel who died in this battle. None at all.

That is correct as under the IHL and Geneva conventions they are banned if used to target civilians. So under the circumstances I have no pity for the 2,000 Palestinians killed by hamas when they used them as human shields. Just as will have no pity for the many more thousands that will die because hamas is too pig headed.
If they were building tunnels for the purpose of entering Israel and attacking civilians then don't you think Israel has a right to protect it's civilian population by destroying those tunnels?

To the extent of mass murdering Palestinian civilians?

Yes if they are protecting the tunnels and terrorists, making them militia. And it is not mass murder but the horror of war. What hamas had planned was mass murder of children that would have resulted in 1 million Palestinians killed in reprisal, and I would not show an ounce of pity for any one of them.
If they were building tunnels for the purpose of entering Israel and attacking civilians then don't you think Israel has a right to protect it's civilian population by destroying those tunnels?

To the extent of mass murdering Palestinian civilians?
Israel is not mass murdering Palestinians.

I'm sure only 2,000 in a month is disappointing for the Zionists.

They were asked to cease their terrorist activity and targeting of Israeli civilians, so they have themselves to blame for the 2,000 deaths. They were mass murdered by hamas as a propaganda tool that failed
If they were building tunnels for the purpose of entering Israel and attacking civilians then don't you think Israel has a right to protect it's civilian population by destroying those tunnels?

To the extent of mass murdering Palestinian civilians?

It's war. If Hamas is intent on carrying out attacks on Israels civilian population, then who are we to tell Israel they can't do what is necessary to protect them? There is a lot of legitimate criticism of Israel (for example the West Bank land theft) - but not here.
If they were building tunnels for the purpose of entering Israel and attacking civilians then don't you think Israel has a right to protect it's civilian population by destroying those tunnels?

To the extent of mass murdering Palestinian civilians?

It's war. If Hamas is intent on carrying out attacks on Israels civilian population, then who are we to tell Israel they can't do what is necessary to protect them? There is a lot of legitimate criticism of Israel (for example the West Bank land theft) - but not here.

That is NOT war. It's a slaughter of defenseless people help captive! Israel violated darn near every international norm by doing this and now the world sees them as what they truly are: savages hiding behind American weaponry.
Israel's goal was to kill as many civilians as possible which just happens to be a WAR CRIME. Israel was very efficient at killing sleeping children in UN Schools by the way. Who couldn't understand something as simple as that?
If they were building tunnels for the purpose of entering Israel and attacking civilians then don't you think Israel has a right to protect it's civilian population by destroying those tunnels?

To the extent of mass murdering Palestinian civilians?

It's war. If Hamas is intent on carrying out attacks on Israels civilian population, then who are we to tell Israel they can't do what is necessary to protect them? There is a lot of legitimate criticism of Israel (for example the West Bank land theft) - but not here.

That is NOT war. It's a slaughter of defenseless people help captive! Israel violated darn near every international norm by doing this and now the world sees them as what they truly are: savages hiding behind American weaponry.
Israel's goal was to kill as many civilians as possible which just happens to be a WAR CRIME. Israel was very efficient at killing sleeping children in UN Schools by the way. Who couldn't understand something as simple as that?
Another panic-maker, its not a slaughter, its a very ugly situation, but not a "slaughter" - ask the Pallys, Hamas or Israel.
Were you the one cradling all those kids in the UN schools? don't bother to answer, I'm not gonna read it anyways.
That is NOT war. It's a slaughter of defenseless people help captive! Israel violated darn near every international norm by doing this and now the world sees them as what they truly are: savages hiding behind American weaponry.

At any point - Hamas could have surrendered and cut a deal, but escalated rocket fire. They had to have known it would bring Israel down on them. Why did they do that?

Israel's goal was to kill as many civilians as possible which just happens to be a WAR CRIME. Israel was very efficient at killing sleeping children in UN Schools by the way. Who couldn't understand something as simple as that?

How do you know that was their "goal"?
Whether that's true or not, is irrelevant. The prophesies said this would happen, and it has. In fact, all the prophesies that are supposed to have come true by this point, have in fact come true.

It's war. If Hamas is intent on carrying out attacks on Israels civilian population, then who are we to tell Israel they can't do what is necessary to protect them? There is a lot of legitimate criticism of Israel (for example the West Bank land theft) - but not here.

How about I'll throw some homemade Molotov's at you, and you just stand and smile?
Its like you copy-paste everything again and again, IDF are not your precious terrorists you advocate before, now that the stench of their action is revealed you hesitate to compare them to IDF - and I'm here to remind you to forget about it.

At any point - Hamas could have surrendered and cut a deal, but escalated rocket fire. They had to have known it would bring Israel down on them. Why did they do that?

How do you know that was their "goal"?
Because I think it's fair to assume that 500lb bombs dropped repeatedly upon densely populated areas will have a certain lethal effect. Dumb bombs such as tank rounds, artillery from ships and land, and mortars all are notoriously inaccurate...but Israel kept firing and firing, while the bodies of children/civilians piled up. All those bombs didn't just stray off target. Not that many.
Another panic-maker, its not a slaughter, its a very ugly situation, but not a "slaughter" - ask the Pallys, Hamas or Israel.

I'm pretty sure, killing a couple of thousand defenceless people who have no escape, is slaughter.
That is NOT war. It's a slaughter of defenseless people help captive! Israel violated darn near every international norm by doing this and now the world sees them as what they truly are: savages hiding behind American weaponry.
Israel's goal was to kill as many civilians as possible which just happens to be a WAR CRIME. Israel was very efficient at killing sleeping children in UN Schools by the way. Who couldn't understand something as simple as that?

I most strongly disagree.
They aren't hiding behind American weapons, they're using American weapons to murder people, but hiding behind the massive power the American arms industry uses to defend its profits.
If they were building tunnels for the purpose of entering Israel and attacking civilians then don't you think Israel has a right to protect it's civilian population by destroying those tunnels?

To the extent of mass murdering Palestinian civilians?

It's war. If Hamas is intent on carrying out attacks on Israels civilian population, then who are we to tell Israel they can't do what is necessary to protect them? There is a lot of legitimate criticism of Israel (for example the West Bank land theft) - but not here.

Protect is iron dome
Protect is not living on occupied land
Protect is surgical strike
Massacre is killing thousands of civilians
Collective punishment is destroying all the housing.
Another panic-maker, its not a slaughter, its a very ugly situation, but not a "slaughter" - ask the Pallys, Hamas or Israel.

I'm pretty sure, killing a couple of thousand defenceless people who have no escape, is slaughter.
Israel is taking out Hamas' military capabilities to protect Israeli citizens. That Hamas puts their stuff in civilian areas is not the fault of the IDF.
The IDF doesn't target civilians on purpose. They try to take out Hamas leaders and weapons only. The high civilians are just the effect of a nasty war game by Hamas.
Probably a bunch of crap and more exaggeration than anything, , anything to get in an invade and ruin the infrastructure. Every time I saw Wolf Blitzer he was in the same tunnels. And so what if they did build tunnels,
are you saying they had no right to build tunnels. Israel can have weapons and chemical ones as well and they can't have tunnels. Are you serious?

I have no pity for the 66 Israeli soldiers and seven civilians in Israel who died in this battle. None at all.

About time, 'lope that you admitted your true colors . . . . .
That is NOT war. It's a slaughter of defenseless people help captive! Israel violated darn near every international norm by doing this and now the world sees them as what they truly are: savages hiding behind American weaponry.
Israel's goal was to kill as many civilians as possible which just happens to be a WAR CRIME. Israel was very efficient at killing sleeping children in UN Schools by the way. Who couldn't understand something as simple as that?

"Yawn" Are you going to ever wake up or are you just going to continue to feed on what the Matrix shoves down your tubes?
Because I think it's fair to assume that 500lb bombs dropped repeatedly upon densely populated areas will have a certain lethal effect. Dumb bombs such as tank rounds, artillery from ships and land, and mortars all are notoriously inaccurate...<snip>

Hmmm, tell that to folks in the south of Israel who keep getting traumatized by them; and especially the parents of Daniel Tregerman. You know, the child killed by these "notoriously inaccurate" mortars:

Letter by parents of Daniel Tregerman to Ban Ki-Moon.. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But I guess the 'inaccurate' defense is good for you?

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