The ruth about Israeli's targeted strikes.

That is NOT war. It's a slaughter of defenseless people help captive! Israel violated darn near every international norm by doing this and now the world sees them as what they truly are: savages hiding behind American weaponry.
Israel's goal was to kill as many civilians as possible which just happens to be a WAR CRIME. Israel was very efficient at killing sleeping children in UN Schools by the way. Who couldn't understand something as simple as that?

"Yawn" Are you going to ever wake up or are you just going to continue to feed on what the Matrix shoves down your tubes?

Only an irrational Zionist could yawn while war crimes are being systematically committed by Israel. Wake up to the WORLD'S denouncing of Israel. The WORLD is on to Israel's apartheid ways of treating others, & stealing land while claiming moral high ground. Delusional.
That is NOT war. It's a slaughter of defenseless people help captive! Israel violated darn near every international norm by doing this and now the world sees them as what they truly are: savages hiding behind American weaponry.
Israel's goal was to kill as many civilians as possible which just happens to be a WAR CRIME. Israel was very efficient at killing sleeping children in UN Schools by the way. Who couldn't understand something as simple as that?

"Yawn" Are you going to ever wake up or are you just going to continue to feed on what the Matrix shoves down your tubes?

Only an irrational Zionist could yawn while war crimes are being systematically committed by Israel. Wake up to the WORLD'S denouncing of Israel. The WORLD is on to Israel's apartheid ways of treating others, & stealing land while claiming moral high ground. Delusional.

My "Yawn" was directed to your obvious oblivion to the facts. I am not a Zionist, nor a Jew.
Protect is iron dome


Protect is not living on occupied land

Agree. However Hamas is firing rockets into Israel proper, not just Occupied Territories.

Protect is surgical strike

Agree. However even a "surgical strike" has collateral damage and fatalities. Also - how do you irradicate the tunnels?

Massacre is killing thousands of civilians

I think it a better question is - could it have been a lot worse with significantly higher casualties? Yes - it could have. And unlike the last time, they did not use white phosphorous.

Collective punishment is destroying all the housing.


I have a great deal of sympathy for the Palistinians, but this time - I really blame Hamas for this escalation and it question whether they really care what happens to their people?

I do agree with that that the illegal blockade needs to end, as does illegal land grabs - but Hamas has done little overall to negotiate for peace. Frankly - if they would officially acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as a state it would go a long ways towards legitimizing them as a negotiating representative for the Palestinians but they won't make that step nor have they been willing to hold new elections.
If they were building tunnels for the purpose of entering Israel and attacking civilians then don't you think Israel has a right to protect it's civilian population by destroying those tunnels?

To the extent of mass murdering Palestinian civilians?

Those groups that are attacking Israel are legal targets for Israeli retaliation. When they hide among their own civilians, they illegally make those civilians potential victims.
Israel takes great measures to minimize civilians, but Israel is at war for their own survival against terrorists that seek to annihilate Israel and any trace of jews in the region.
That is NOT war. It's a slaughter of defenseless people help captive! Israel violated darn near every international norm by doing this and now the world sees them as what they truly are: savages hiding behind American weaponry.

At any point - Hamas could have surrendered and cut a deal, but escalated rocket fire. They had to have known it would bring Israel down on them. Why did they do that?

Israel's goal was to kill as many civilians as possible which just happens to be a WAR CRIME. Israel was very efficient at killing sleeping children in UN Schools by the way. Who couldn't understand something as simple as that?

How do you know that was their "goal"?

Even if the mortars or rockets land in fields or unpopulated areas, it is still an attack on Israel.
Yes, hamas understood that Israel was obligated to respond and attempt to take out the launchers, terrorist and stockpiles.
Tunnels are an invasion on Israel and Israel has every right to terminate them.
Hamas' action were intentional to instigate war, so gazans would become the victims in the eyes of the global media. Sympathy means donations funneled into hamas coffers. It leaves Israel with a black eye for protecting it's own citizens. The threat of rockets that can hit almost any place in Israel, from gaza. Israel has to take the threats seriously.
Collective punishment is destroying all the housing.


I have a great deal of sympathy for the Palistinians, but this time - I really blame Hamas for this escalation and it question whether they really care what happens to their people?

I do agree with that that the illegal blockade needs to end, as does illegal land grabs - but Hamas has done little overall to negotiate for peace. Frankly - if they would officially acknowledge the right of Israel to exist as a state it would go a long ways towards legitimizing them as a negotiating representative for the Palestinians but they won't make that step nor have they been willing to hold new elections.

>>UN investigative committee concluded in the Palmer Report that the naval blockade is legal<<
Agree. However even a "surgical strike" has collateral damage and fatalities. Also - how do you irradicate the tunnels?/QUOTE]

But not destroy a whole town.
As for the tunnels, it would have been far cheaper to dig a ruddy great big trench just outside the Israel prison wall that surrounds Gaza.
Any tunnel would be detected immediately.
But not destroy a whole town.
As for the tunnels, it would have been far cheaper to dig a ruddy great big trench just outside the Israel prison wall that surrounds Gaza.
Any tunnel would be detected immediately.

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