The sad journey of one kilowatt hour from the boiler drum to the Prius battery


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Today we still use hydrocarbon combustion for about 70% of our electric needs. In the Future Tokomak will most likely be the one and only source of Global energy needs fulfillment. Nothing else even comes close.

ITER - the way to new energy

However for now and present let us deal with some misconceptions held by hybrid and electric car owners who actually do more polluting per horsepower hour than normal combustion machines.

Electric car:

1) 3413 btu's from combusted fuel in a furnace provide one Kilowatt hour of energy to a steam turbine.
Now most modern boilers are at best 90 percent efficient so that 3413 is chewed down to 3071.

2.) Next phase the steam turbine.....steam turbines are horribly inefficient machines but they are the only technology around today that can spin large enough generators ( except for hydro ) to make any kind of real dent in the current energy needs of our society. on a good day, a new turbine that is run properly and monitored closely is about thirty percent that makes our input of 3071 a new total of 921.3

3.) Now on to the Generator. The best design for commercial use generators produces at the very top end... 65% efficiency so that hits our total of 921.3 again to make it 598.8 and we're not done yet.

4.) Line the sending of electric current out to be distributed there is line and transformer loss...totaling on average five percent. So we go back to our total of 598.8 and hit it again with a .95 to get 568.9 but there's more.

5.) Once the electricity has reached the car charging is hit again with charging losses which typically run at least ten percent if not we go back and hit the 568.9 with a .85 to get a new total of 483.56

6.) There is a further loss when the juice is extracted from the battery to turn the electric motor of about 8% so we nail the 483.56 with a .92 to produce 444.888 and to be fair we'll call that lets compare that to the original amount.

445/3413 and we have a grand total of....


0.1303838265456 or thirteen percent efficiency.


That means that with every turn of the electric car wheel more co2 has been produced at the power plant smokestack than would have been produced by a typical car motor that runs at about 25% efficiency and you have your geen option well spelled out for you. The gas engine pollutes the atmosphere by only 1/2 of the co2 load needed to drive an all electric car the same distance.

Now what about hybrid electrics.... well frankly this is a no brainer.

We already discussed the efficiency of commercial generators.... 65% at best.
The prius generator is no different.

So in plain terms to Charge your prius batteries using the 75 horsepower prius motor you're losing 45% of your potential energy from the gas tank because you're spending it on generator and charging losses right there under the hood.

To put it in more simple terms if you charged your prius with a gas motor so that it had enough charge to drive 65 miles...all that really means is that if you took out the electrical stuff and just used the motor you could go 100 miles on the same amount of gas... Now who is the real polluter???

I mean... DUH!

Today we still use hydrocarbon combustion for about 70% of our electric needs. In the Future Tokomak will most likely be the one and only source of Global energy needs fulfillment. Nothing else even comes close.

ITER - the way to new energy

However for now and present let us deal with some misconceptions held by hybrid and electric car owners who actually do more polluting per horsepower hour than normal combustion machines.

Electric car:

1) 3413 btu's from combusted fuel in a furnace provide one Kilowatt hour of energy to a steam turbine.
Now most modern boilers are at best 90 percent efficient so that 3413 is chewed down to 3071.

2.) Next phase the steam turbine.....steam turbines are horribly inefficient machines but they are the only technology around today that can spin large enough generators ( except for hydro ) to make any kind of real dent in the current energy needs of our society. on a good day, a new turbine that is run properly and monitored closely is about thirty percent that makes our input of 3071 a new total of 921.3

3.) Now on to the Generator. The best design for commercial use generators produces at the very top end... 65% efficiency so that hits our total of 921.3 again to make it 598.8 and we're not done yet.

4.) Line the sending of electric current out to be distributed there is line and transformer loss...totaling on average five percent. So we go back to our total of 598.8 and hit it again with a .95 to get 568.9 but there's more.

5.) Once the electricity has reached the car charging is hit again with charging losses which typically run at least ten percent if not we go back and hit the 568.9 with a .85 to get a new total of 483.56

6.) There is a further loss when the juice is extracted from the battery to turn the electric motor of about 8% so we nail the 483.56 with a .92 to produce 444.888 and to be fair we'll call that lets compare that to the original amount.

445/3413 and we have a grand total of....


0.1303838265456 or thirteen percent efficiency.


That means that with every turn of the electric car wheel more co2 has been produced at the power plant smokestack than would have been produced by a typical car motor that runs at about 25% efficiency and you have your geen option well spelled out for you. The gas engine pollutes the atmosphere by only 1/2 of the co2 load needed to drive an all electric car the same distance.

Now what about hybrid electrics.... well frankly this is a no brainer.

We already discussed the efficiency of commercial generators.... 65% at best.
The prius generator is no different.

So in plain terms to Charge your prius batteries using the 75 horsepower prius motor you're losing 45% of your potential energy from the gas tank because you're spending it on generator and charging losses right there under the hood.

To put it in more simple terms if you charged your prius with a gas motor so that it had enough charge to drive 65 miles...all that really means is that if you took out the electrical stuff and just used the motor you could go 100 miles on the same amount of gas... Now who is the real polluter???

I mean... DUH!


I think there's something wrong with your analogy between charging an electric car and running a Prius. If the Prius gets 70 MPG and a comparable gas car gets 30, the Prius is polluting less. Now if you want to throw in the extra energy it takes to manufacture a Prius, you might have something.
The numbers are way off. For example, a big power plant will have around 37% efficiency total. That's over twice the .9 x .3 x .65 that the OP claims. And that's for a coal-fired steam plant. A natural gas plant that uses gas turbines instead of a steam cycle will do even better.

So, run the numbers again, and the electric comes out on top, especially since it can use regenerative braking.

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