the Saudi Lion will crouch to the American to defeat Saudi Arabia without firing a shot


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
every promise the Saudis give their allies, they say "inshallah", or god willing. this is not just a religious supplication, but also an excuse.

it is impossible to understand the layers of power in Saudi Arabia, but no matter which prince you speak to, unless the order goes directly from King Salman to Prince Mohammad Bin Salman, everything is up for negotiation.
As long as Americans demand those low gas prices, the Saudis will literally have them over a barrel. Saudi Arabia can make every day life very miserable for Americans. Americans are a fat greedy lot for the most part. They can't handle higher gas prices. So expect our leaders to bow to Saudi Arabia once again. It's what the American People want.
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Saudi Arabia is not Wisconsin. they actually do beheadings in Saudi Arabia for gays and other folks
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al Saud was so pleased with Mohammad Bin Ladi's construction work that he became known as "the king's builder".

Mohammad Bin Laden was Osama Bin Laden's father.

Mohammad's company received lucrative contracts to expand the grand mosque in mecca, and was later appointed to the saudi government by the king.

The king's family was close with the Bin Laden family, the Bin Laden sons, including Osama, grew up alongside the Abdul Azizes.
every promise the Saudis give their allies, they say "inshallah", or god willing. this is not just a religious supplication, but also an excuse.

it is impossible to understand the layers of power in Saudi Arabia, but no matter which prince you speak to, unless the order goes directly from King Salman to Prince Mohammad Bin Salman, everything is up for negotiation.
Oh my God. I thought they were saying "here's your salad."
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the Saudis are too incompetent to manage their own wealth, and too indolent to pay up
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Saudi Arabia is not Wisconsin. they actually do beheadings in Saudi Arabia for gays and other folks

Yet the Saudis are considered 'Close Friends' of ours. Why is that?
Harold Ickles, America's oil czar, was dispatched by FDR on a top-secret mission to survey the world's oil reserves. they came to Saudi Arabia, and tried to estimate how much oil was under all that sand, and how the US might use it in the war. the 3 weeks he spent in the Saudi desert made him convinved that Saudi oil would become an important part of US national security in the future.
America is not in the oil business. America is in the business of making money!
once they recognize that the seemingly backward Saudis with their traditional dress and culture, command real power, the Americans will be motivated to sit down and negotiate
"Pompeo returned last night from Saudi Arabia and Turkey. I met with him this morning wherein the Saudi situation was discussed in great detail, including his meeting with the Crown Prince. He is waiting for the results of the investigations being done by the Saudis and Turkey, and just gave a news conference to that effect." - President Trump

We can start by ending arms sales and military cooperation with Saudi Arabia

The so-called “explanation” from the Saudis is not even close to credible. What they did was unacceptable
"A man walks into a consulate. Never walks out. 15 Saudi men show up and he accidentally dies. The president of the United States gives them one month to come up with a reason. Trump supporters- how can you vote for a president who allows this?" - Wacky Chelsea Handler
Republican Rep. Mike Coffman: "I am calling on President Trump to immediately recall the U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom pending further consultation with Congress."

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