The Scary Woman Who Created 1619 Project Rejects Tenured Position At UNC


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones on Tuesday announced she has decided to reject an offer to serve as the chair of the journalism department at the University of North Carolina and take a similar position at Howard University. "It's a very difficult decision, not one I wanted to make,"
she told Gayle King on "CBS This Morning."

This is why you can't do anything for these darkies..they are ungrateful...she was offered tenure and she rejects it?? WTF? Yea, they offered her tenure previously and then a bunch of people on the right pressured the university to deny her tenure...and then due to the backlash, they reversed that decision....but she should be thankful they are even giving her this position....let's be honest, is she really talented enough and intellectually qualified to even have this position??

And to make matters worse...she turns down a tenured position from UNC -- her own alma mater -- a school that was kind enough to even allow her kind to go there -- she rejects that school to go teach at a racist college that doesn't even allow white students?? This is what the 1619 project was about...this is what CRT is all about...they are trying to abolish white universities, white students, white people in general...and this story is just more proof of that...these racist colleges like Howard and others need to be defunded and shut down until they learn how to teach appropriately.
Luckily she is black, so she can still get hired at nice places like that.
"the white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world."
If a white person said that about another race? "tenure" wouldnt even be a thought.
This psychotic POS and UNC can drop dead
. CRC is on par with what the German
Kids were taught about the Jews
She's still mad she didn't automatically get tenure for her 1619 fiction book.
You are exactly right. She was denied tenure initially, not because she was black, but because her book was not historically accurate. The fact that Carolina bowed to public pressure is a said reflection on academic integrity.
She's still mad she didn't automatically get tenure for her 1619 fiction book.
How is the book fiction?
The first blacks in America were not the slaves that were stolen, and then bought to Jamestown. Blacks had been on the continent for more than a hundred years prior to Jamestown. The first documented black to come to America was a Spanish conquistador who later owned slaves himself. Hundreds, if not thousands, of escaped slaves from Spanish shipwrecks had managed to swim to shore and live among the Native Americans at least two generations before Jamestown.

The real eye-opening fiction is her claim that two of the original slaves were still captive in 1625. That is not possible. All of the original slaves were captured by the Powhatan Indians during the Massacre of 1622. They were freed and assimilated into the tribe.

As in another thread I asked, which is better, to believe that your heritage is one of bondage and dependence, dutifully being escorted ashore in chains and dependent upon your owner. Or the real truth, that your heritage is one of bravery and escape, swimming ashore, and carving out an existence through hard work and forging diplomatic relationships with Native American tribes. Seems like the answer depends on what you want to accomplish. If breeding continued dependence and victimhood is your goal, then the 1619 project is your book. I believe a higher calling would choose truth.

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