The Science Fraud

But not so Germany and Japan. And the US-American form of slavery is a very special form of "industrialized" or "capitalized" racism. The background for this racism had been the strength and endurance of the negroes. The "racism" = to see animals in human beings and to trade them like animals - had been psychologically useful for the purpose "harvesting cotton wool". The negroes had been seen as harvesting machines. The religion behind such a dehumanisation is per se an inhuman atheism.
Slavery existed in Africa and the mid east long before it was in the USA. America did not invent it, Africans and Muslims invented it.
Slavery existed in Africa and the mid east long before it was in the USA. America did not invent it,

"You" invented a totally new form of slavery where slaves had no rights at all and had not been able to come free - a slavery which had also no scruple to destroy families. The Arabs (Muslims) hunted negrous in Africa and the Brits (Europeans) transported them to America. The Arabs had another form of slavery which had not been directly racist - and the Brits had no slavery at all in GB.

Africans and Muslims invented it.

I don't know when the first human being was sold "in chains" to be a servant - but I guess this had happened in the stone ages after one of the first wars.
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Slavery existed in Africa and the mid east long before it was in the USA. America did not invent it, Africans and Muslims invented it.

Not really, because the American Indians practiced it also.

Slavery is pretty much a universal institution in almost every society that has existed on the planet until the modern era.

And your very claim that it existed on other continents "before it was in the USA" shows a complete lack of any kind of logic or reason. The USA is only 248 years old.
Darwin and science didn't invent racism. The US had slavery long before his theory.
Racism wasn’t invented when the colonies and later some US States had slavery.

Slavery existed long before the colonies were established.

Racism existed for ages.
Blaming the bombing of Hiroshima on “science” shows a pretty shallow understanding of the word

Of course, and YOUR "understanding of the word (science)" is profound and wise.
Given your profound wisdom, please explain to everyone HOW the atomic bomb could have been dropped on Hiroshima if it had not been theorized by scientists, researched by scientists and then developed and built by scientists.

Then it was delivered by what was then a state-of-the-art bomber which likewise was researched, planned, developed and built by.... scientists we call aeronautical engineers.

Shallow understanding was your faux accusation while demonstrating it personally.
Slavery existed long before the colonies were established.

Racism existed for ages.

And slavery has absolutely nothing to do with racism. For almost all of history and in almost all cultures, the majority who were enslaved were of the same race as the enslavers.
And slavery has absolutely nothing to do with racism. For almost all of history and in almost all cultures, the majority who were enslaved were of the same race as the enslavers.
While I agree, in broad terms, I don’t think slavery here in this land was anything but racist.
While I agree, in broad terms, I don’t think slavery here in this land was anything but racist.

Mushroom and BackAgain are both correct. Sometimes conflicting observations are both right. Many people throughout history accepted slavery just because that is all they ever knew. Slaves were slaves. Royalty was royalty. Who knew better?

On the other hand, Charles Darwin introduced his pseudoscientific patina with his prestigious book which claimed that the negroid race was definitely inferior and would soon be eliminated because of that. Adolph Hitler loved the implications and executed anyone he deemed "inferior" to his super-race.

Today, blacks have been brainwashed by Democrats to have chips on their shoulders and show their racism against whites. This is their method of "payback" for what happened 100 years ago and longer.

I spoke to many immigrants from Africa and they consistently agree about how racist black Americans are who were born here. Said one, "I can't talk to them. They all have chips on their shoulder." That is a very accurate summary.

African immigrants aren't the ones who are looting shopping centers and convenience stores.
On the other hand, Charles Darwin introduced his pseudoscientific patina with his prestigious book which claimed that the negroid race was definitely inferior and would soon be eliminated because of that.

Reliable reference?
Of course, and YOUR "understanding of the word (science)" is profound and wise.
Given your profound wisdom, please explain to everyone HOW the atomic bomb could have been dropped on Hiroshima if it had not been theorized by scientists, researched by scientists and then developed and built by scientists.

Then it was delivered by what was then a state-of-the-art bomber which likewise was researched, planned, developed and built by.... scientists we call aeronautical engineers.

Shallow understanding was your faux accusation while demonstrating it personally.
Of course scientists were involved in creating the atomic bomb.

Blaming it on science is blatantly stupid
Of course scientists were involved in creating the atomic bomb.

Blaming it on science is blatantly stupid
Says musclehead. Had scientists refused on the basis of ethics, the bomb could not ever have been built. That is blatantly obvious to thinking people not overdosed on steroids.
Then you think wrong.
Nonsense. If you were an observer in the South in pre-civil war America and saw a black man, you might wonder if he was a slave or a freeman. But if you saw a white man, it wouldn’t even occur to you that he might be a slave. Rightly so. White oriole weren’t held in slavery. Period.
I was curious as to what Mac1958 said to elicit this response from CrusaderFrank.
Mac1958 is on my lengthy Ignore List for his previous moronic consistency, along with scores of others. But I clicked the link to explore the moronic comment and read this, to which I will reply:

Mac1958: Yeah, this is good stuff to tell our kids, as other countries pass us by in the sciences.

Brilliant. We can teach them to become coal miners, blacksmiths and typewriter repairmen.

Holy crap.

ChemEngineer replies to the consistently moronic:
1. Other nations passed us by long ago in academic performance since public education is controlled by Leftists, like Mac1958.

Today's Leftists emphasize transgender, queer, lesbian and other mental illnesses, shoving them down young children's throats even as they decry homosexual priests who have molested. That fraction of homosexual priests is less than one tenth of the number of public school Leftists who have molested school children however. This according to a high ranking official in the Education Department.

2. Science is fine. I wrote an inspirational science book and study it constantly, even after my formal education ended. THE PROBLEM is atheists who profess science in lieu of wisdom, primarily God's wisdom. They can't grasp that obvious fact.

3. "Holy crap" is what you Leftists call "a violation of church and state," and therefore you should shut up your Bible-thumping.

Leftists have the reprehensible habit of spinning anything you tell them into the most cynical, hateful and useless claims imaginable. This is yet another example, showing why it is futile to discuss anything with them. They do not want to think much less learn.
Tell us again how the periodic table is all wrong.
It is common knowledge for educated people.

Translation then, you have no reference.

Look it up. Don't be so lazy, asking me to do your bidding.

Oh no, no, no, no, no. That is not how it works, that is not how it works at all. In fact, if you are an "Engineer" as you claim, then you would be more than familiar with the APA referencing system.

If you were to turn in a paper without references and simply said "it is common knowledge", I can promise it would have been dropped immediately into the circular filing cabinet and dismissed. You are the one that made the claim, it is up to you to prove it is a real claim. It is not up to me to prove your claim, it is your claim.

Wait, what am I saying? This is not the first time I have asked you for a reference and you got upset because somebody asked you to validate your claim.

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