The Science is Settled

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Greenland was a forest 1 million years ago, and that was just 20-40 miles moving NW.

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

Small tectonic plate movements can cause huge continental climate shifts. During the past million years, North America thawed while Greenland froze. Did CO2 do that??
Your science is just as absurd as theirs.
Real science is as absurd as religious nutso science? So gays caused the Katrina disaster, and sluts caused the impending Global Warming disaster?

No, that's religious nutso thinking.
I never said real science. I said your science.
There is no such thing as my or your science. Their is only 1 science. It involves hypothesising, testing and constantly reviewing what you know. That's why we know global warming is real. We can measure and compare temperatures and how much carbon is in the air both in realtime and history. You start with an hypothese a.e "gobal warming isn't real " and then you stop. No testing, no peer review, no possibility of changing your mind. That my friend is faith and NOT SCIENCE.
Don't know of anyone who says climate never changes.
But most people agree that those who say man controls the climate and today's climate is optimum have their heads up their ass and fingers in the tax payers wallet.
Man doesn't control but definitly, has an effect on climate. We know the process that causes greenhouse gasses to warm up the earth. We can establish a direct correlation between man increasingly burning more and more fossil fuels and rising of co2 levels and temperatures. Te whole todays climate is optimum is something I've never heard of.

Te whole todays climate is optimum is something I've never heard of.

What's the current "global average temperature"?

What's the optimum "global average temperature"?
Greenland was a forest 1 million years ago, and that was just 20-40 miles moving NW.

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

Small tectonic plate movements can cause huge continental climate shifts. During the past million years, North America thawed while Greenland froze. Did CO2 do that??
Nope earth had and has both periods of receding and increasing ice. I don't need global warming nore geographical location to explain these periods. We are currently in an interglacial period wich means in general it's warm, what it doesn't explain why all of a sudden the temperature would increase 1,5 degrees fahrenheit? this is not explained by Geograpical location since the changes are minute, nore is it explained by natural warming due to lets say volcanic activity (wich would increase co levels to) or increasing of solar activity or changes in the earths orbit. So saying Greenland was warmer a million years ago offers only a snapshot in history. And doesn't invalidate nore explain the current increase in temperature.
Greenland was a forest 1 million years ago, and that was just 20-40 miles moving NW.

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

Small tectonic plate movements can cause huge continental climate shifts. During the past million years, North America thawed while Greenland froze. Did CO2 do that??
Antarctic CO2 Hit 400 PPM For First Time in 4 Million Years
This is an article coming from the same website. Since you are making an argument that global warming isn't real. Your own source seems to disagree with you again.
The European tectonic plate is moving SE, away from the pole. On the other side of the mid Atlantic fault moving NW is Greenland, which was entirely green 1 million years ago. Europe warms while Greenland goes into its current "ice age." That is not "global warming." It is tectonic driven and continent specific., tectonic plate driven because global warming
Real science is as absurd as religious nutso science? So gays caused the Katrina disaster, and sluts caused the impending Global Warming disaster?

No, that's religious nutso thinking.
I never said real science. I said your science.
There is no such thing as my or your science. Their is only 1 science. It involves hypothesising, testing and constantly reviewing what you know. That's why we know global warming is real. We can measure and compare temperatures and how much carbon is in the air both in realtime and history. You start with an hypothese a.e "gobal warming isn't real " and then you stop. No testing, no peer review, no possibility of changing your mind. That my friend is faith and NOT SCIENCE.
Don't know of anyone who says climate never changes.
But most people agree that those who say man controls the climate and today's climate is optimum have their heads up their ass and fingers in the tax payers wallet.
Man doesn't control but definitly, has an effect on climate. We know the process that causes greenhouse gasses to warm up the earth. We can establish a direct correlation between man increasingly burning more and more fossil fuels and rising of co2 levels and temperatures. Te whole todays climate is optimum is something I've never heard of.

Te whole todays climate is optimum is something I've never heard of.

What's the current "global average temperature"?

What's the optimum "global average temperature"?

The argument that the optimum climate is unknown is disingenuous. No one is stating that GW is a problem because it is taking us away from optimum. GW is a problem because it is changing the Earth's climate at a rate with which neither we nor the rest of the Earth's biota can cope.
I never said real science. I said your science.
There is no such thing as my or your science. Their is only 1 science. It involves hypothesising, testing and constantly reviewing what you know. That's why we know global warming is real. We can measure and compare temperatures and how much carbon is in the air both in realtime and history. You start with an hypothese a.e "gobal warming isn't real " and then you stop. No testing, no peer review, no possibility of changing your mind. That my friend is faith and NOT SCIENCE.
Don't know of anyone who says climate never changes.
But most people agree that those who say man controls the climate and today's climate is optimum have their heads up their ass and fingers in the tax payers wallet.
Man doesn't control but definitly, has an effect on climate. We know the process that causes greenhouse gasses to warm up the earth. We can establish a direct correlation between man increasingly burning more and more fossil fuels and rising of co2 levels and temperatures. Te whole todays climate is optimum is something I've never heard of.

Te whole todays climate is optimum is something I've never heard of.

What's the current "global average temperature"?

What's the optimum "global average temperature"?

The argument that the optimum climate is unknown is disingenuous. No one is stating that GW is a problem because it is taking us away from optimum. GW is a problem because it is changing the Earth's climate at a rate with which neither we nor the rest of the Earth's biota can cope.

The argument that the optimum climate is unknown is disingenuous.

If you know what it is, tell me.
I never said real science. I said your science.
There is no such thing as my or your science. Their is only 1 science. It involves hypothesising, testing and constantly reviewing what you know. That's why we know global warming is real. We can measure and compare temperatures and how much carbon is in the air both in realtime and history. You start with an hypothese a.e "gobal warming isn't real " and then you stop. No testing, no peer review, no possibility of changing your mind. That my friend is faith and NOT SCIENCE.
Don't know of anyone who says climate never changes.
But most people agree that those who say man controls the climate and today's climate is optimum have their heads up their ass and fingers in the tax payers wallet.
Man doesn't control but definitly, has an effect on climate. We know the process that causes greenhouse gasses to warm up the earth. We can establish a direct correlation between man increasingly burning more and more fossil fuels and rising of co2 levels and temperatures. Te whole todays climate is optimum is something I've never heard of.

Te whole todays climate is optimum is something I've never heard of.

What's the current "global average temperature"?

What's the optimum "global average temperature"?

The argument that the optimum climate is unknown is disingenuous. No one is stating that GW is a problem because it is taking us away from optimum. GW is a problem because it is changing the Earth's climate at a rate with which neither we nor the rest of the Earth's biota can cope.

GW is a problem because it is changing the Earth's climate at a rate with which neither we nor the rest of the Earth's biota can cope.

What rate is that?
This rate


Transfer the data from the graph below on to the graph above and the annual mean line extends to about the top of the title text "Reconstructed Temperature"

This rate


Transfer the data from the graph below on to the graph above and the annual mean line extends to about the top of the title text "Reconstructed Temperature"


Starting at what point, ending at what point, the temperature rose by how much?
You could ask the four people that just died in Arizona. Besides, didn't I just say it wasn't absolute temperature but RATE? Haven't said that a hundred times before?
This rate


Transfer the data from the graph below on to the graph above and the annual mean line extends to about the top of the title text "Reconstructed Temperature"


That large drop between the 40s and 60s looks pretty scary!

Did anyone survive?
You could ask the four people that just died in Arizona. Besides, didn't I just say it wasn't absolute temperature but RATE? Haven't said that a hundred times before?

You could ask the four people that just died in Arizona.

Oh, 4 people died in Arizona? I guess that's all I need to end the use of all fossil fuels.

Besides, didn't I just say it wasn't absolute temperature but RATE?

Rate? In post #72 I asked, "Starting at what point, ending at what point, the temperature rose by how much?"

It's almost like I was asking the temperature change between 2 points in time. You know, RATE.
Every moonbat on the planet loves is cashing in on the manmade global warming scam.

A senior Iranian cleric from Isfahan, Iran, said “immorality” among young Iranian women, stemming from dressing “improperly,” is resulting in climate change and causing the rivers and dams in Iran to run dry.

During his weekly Friday sermon, Imam Seyyed Youssef Tabatabi-nejad said, “My office has received photos of women next to the dry Zayandeh-rud River pictured as if they are in Europe.” Tabatabi-nejad added, “It is these sorts of acts that cause the river to dry up even further,” according to the Iranian Student News Agency.

He added that “improper veiling” also contributed to this unnatural phenomenon. Just last month, the Iranian regime arrested eight Instagram models for “promoting immoral and un-Islamic culture and promiscuity” by appearing on the social media platform without wearing the mandatory hijab, a head covering that is often required under Islamic Sharia law.

The Islamic cleric’s comments arrive at a time when the regime is increasing its crackdown on youth for espousing Western values through their social media accounts and attire.

Tabatabi-nejad also called for Iran’s morality police to crack down on this “improper veiling” and urged Iran’s parliamentary Hezbollahi forces to “carry out operations to root out vice” in these women. (Iran’s Hezbollahi forces were created at the founding of the Iranian revolution to help the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in his quest to consolidate power. In their current capacity, they act as a sort of morality police force and an extension of the regime.)

Keep reading…
And a bunch of TV evangelists, Pat Robertson prominent among them hinted, and some stated outright, that gays were the primary cause of the of the success of the 9-11 attacks. So what is new about religious fanatics using whatever they can to maintain mind and physical control over their people.
Number of openly homosexual relationships directly correlates to the increasing number of terrorist attacks.
And unlike climate change, you don't even have to fudge the numbers.....
OK, then. Save us all. Cease and desist. LOL
You could ask the four people that just died in Arizona. Besides, didn't I just say it wasn't absolute temperature but RATE? Haven't said that a hundred times before?

You could ask the four people that just died in Arizona.

Oh, 4 people died in Arizona? I guess that's all I need to end the use of all fossil fuels.

Besides, didn't I just say it wasn't absolute temperature but RATE?

Rate? In post #72 I asked, "Starting at what point, ending at what point, the temperature rose by how much?"

It's almost like I was asking the temperature change between 2 points in time. You know, RATE.

Figure 6.Climate changes associated with the Younger Dryas, highlighedhere by the light blue bar, include (from top to bottom): cooling and decreased snow accumulation in Greenland, cooling in the tropical Cariaco Basin, and warming in Antarctica. Also shown is the flux of meltwater from the Laurentide Ice Sheet down the St. Lawrence River. Sources: Alley (2000),Lea et al. (2003), EPICA (2004), Licciardi et al. (1999).

The Late Pleistocene extinction event saw the extinction of many mammals weighing more than 40 kg.

Quaternary extinction event - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pretty solid evidence of a rapid climate change that resulted in major extinctions in North America.

You could ask the four people that just died in Arizona. Besides, didn't I just say it wasn't absolute temperature but RATE? Haven't said that a hundred times before?

You could ask the four people that just died in Arizona.

Oh, 4 people died in Arizona? I guess that's all I need to end the use of all fossil fuels.

Besides, didn't I just say it wasn't absolute temperature but RATE?

Rate? In post #72 I asked, "Starting at what point, ending at what point, the temperature rose by how much?"

It's almost like I was asking the temperature change between 2 points in time. You know, RATE.

Figure 6.Climate changes associated with the Younger Dryas, highlighedhere by the light blue bar, include (from top to bottom): cooling and decreased snow accumulation in Greenland, cooling in the tropical Cariaco Basin, and warming in Antarctica. Also shown is the flux of meltwater from the Laurentide Ice Sheet down the St. Lawrence River. Sources: Alley (2000),Lea et al. (2003), EPICA (2004), Licciardi et al. (1999).

The Late Pleistocene extinction event saw the extinction of many mammals weighing more than 40 kg.

Quaternary extinction event - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pretty solid evidence of a rapid climate change that resulted in major extinctions in North America.

Not an RV in sight either.

So what was this unsurvivable rate of change?
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