The scourge of white whining


Critical Race Theory is an excuse by Legal Scholars examining current situations, to replace Historical Scholars in how History is viewed with the intent to address concerns about a present conditions that resulted from race based legislation, and with the intent to use race based legislation, to correct the problem race based legislation created in the first place.

More of the same shit, the demand to make the same mistake over again ... The History didn't change, neither did what they want to do with it.

No, its called fixing the damage. For whites have benefitted from race based policies. Colorblind policies will only serve to maintain inequality.
How dare you group people and say because of our skin color we have it easier than have no idea of what other people have gone through in you think only bad things happen to Black folks? need really do...and America Black and White are laughing at you black racists...
How dare you deny 245 years worth of laws and policies?
I don't deny its revenge you want?...revenge for something that didn't even happen to you personally? want revenge for your ancestors? do you know what your ancestors thought or wanted? don't know shit about them....or the time in which they it better living in war torn Chicago of 2021 or a Georgia share cropper farmer in really don't know...there is no way you could stop your stupid crusade....
And here is more stupidity. Racism has happened to me personally, it continues to happen to us black folks personally. And it happens systemically as well. This is not about what happened to my ancestors, and you and whites like you need to climb out of that delusion. There is no war torn Chicago and my father grew up as a sharecropper. I know how things were by the stories I was told by people who lived through the shit. I was born during Jim Crow and Jim Crow didn't really end until the mid 1980's. So shut the fuck up and quit denying the thruth.
People don’t treat you badly because of your skin color, you behave like an asshole toward whites, thus you are despised.

Critical Race Theory is an excuse by Legal Scholars examining current situations, to replace Historical Scholars in how History is viewed with the intent to address concerns about a present conditions that resulted from race based legislation, and with the intent to use race based legislation, to correct the problem race based legislation created in the first place.

More of the same shit, the demand to make the same mistake over again ... The History didn't change, neither did what they want to do with it.

No, its called fixing the damage. For whites have benefitted from race based policies. Colorblind policies will only serve to maintain inequality.
How dare you group people and say because of our skin color we have it easier than have no idea of what other people have gone through in you think only bad things happen to Black folks? need really do...and America Black and White are laughing at you black racists...
How dare you deny 245 years worth of laws and policies?
I don't deny its revenge you want?...revenge for something that didn't even happen to you personally? want revenge for your ancestors? do you know what your ancestors thought or wanted? don't know shit about them....or the time in which they it better living in war torn Chicago of 2021 or a Georgia share cropper farmer in really don't know...there is no way you could stop your stupid crusade....
And here is more stupidity. Racism has happened to me personally, it continues to happen to us black folks personally. And it happens systemically as well. This is not about what happened to my ancestors, and you and whites like you need to climb out of that delusion. There is no war torn Chicago and my father grew up as a sharecropper. I know how things were by the stories I was told by people who lived through the shit. I was born during Jim Crow and Jim Crow didn't really end until the mid 1980's. So shut the fuck up and quit denying the thruth.
what truth? are there people in the world who do not carry a family LEGACY?
Even Prince Charles is complaining. INTERESTINLY, Prince Charles, in discussion,
even admitted that his father carries a dysfunctional family legacy
Spare me the bullshit lady. I know what you are. You've shown your character with other blacks here. You're an old woman, face the truth before you leave.
you have something against old women? I am intrigued. I was young in the
1960s when the buzz phrases and words were "COLONIALISM" "CAPITALISM"
and "DON'T TRUST ANYONE OVER 30" ----that was Jerry Rubin----he grew up
and had a career in finance. ---remember Abbie Hoffman ? He lost his
youthful glow and glitz----so he OD'ed in a motel. Your cohort is similarly desperate
and not at all original. CRT was already a thing when W E B DUBOIS was fiddling with
a pencil
As if we get stupid with age? He quite often mentions his age, as if it makes him more knowledgeable. When he has no intelligent comeback, which is pretty often, he resorts to personal insults.
There is a wave of white whining that's going on in the U.S.

Amy Cooper's "racial discrimination" lawsuit and the scourge of white whining

Amanda Marcotte

"Large numbers of white people — mostly, but not exclusively Donald Trump voters — convince themselves that it's not racism that is a problem in the U.S., but the bogeyman of white people being victimized by anti-racists.

Take, for instance, the surge of chatter about "critical race theory." If you have no idea what the hell your drunk uncle is talking about when he raves about this on Facebook, well, you're not alone. Critical race theory was, until this year, an obscure concept outside of the narrow confines of legal scholarship, used mainly by law professors to explain the historical reasons for ongoing racial inequalities baked into the legal system.

But "critical race theory" sure does sound scary to defensive white people who are sure the "woke" mob is going to find out about that racist joke they told at a poker game last year and "cancel" them, as Fox News keeps warning will happen. And so right-wing media has spent months making sure the term "critical race theory" is on the lips of every Donald Trump voter still mad that they "let" Philadelphia and Detroit vote in the 2020 election.

The idea that "critical race theory" is a widespread threat to white people was invented, whole cloth, by the right-wing media and then pumped out vigorously. As the Washington Post reported, mentions of "critical race theory" on cable news simply didn't exist prior to this year, but there's been an explosion of uses of that term on Fox News in recent months. A similar study from Media Matters shows that, by early May, the term had been used — inaccurately in most, if not all, cases — on Fox News at least 552 times in the past year.

The right would have you believe that it's the left that made "critical race theory" a thing, and they are merely reacting. But another study of Facebook posts by Media Matters found that pretty much the only people talking about "critical race theory" online are Republicans, with nearly 90% of the posts from political pages and 97% of the interactions coming from conservative figures.

To be certain, there is nothing wrong with real-life critical race theory, which is a valuable tool for academics analyzing legal and cultural issues. But right-wing media doesn't use the term accurately. It's just a stand-in for a generalized fear that "woke" culture is coming to get white people. And also, of course, as justification to silence — or, as one might say, cancel — any discussion or attempt to educate people, especially students, about the existence or history of racism in America.

The result has been an explosion of bills in red states that, under the guise of protecting white people from being discriminated against, are banning "critical race theory." But, as critics told Adam Harris at The Atlantic, the real purpose is to "effectively prevent public schools and universities from holding discussions about racism" — including, quite likely in many cases, teaching kids the truth about slavery and Jim Crow in history class.

In Oklahoma, for instance, a new law bans any school curriculum that could cause a student to "feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex." The bill is packed full of nice-sounding language about non-discrimination and racial equality, but it's obvious that the real purpose is to scare teachers away from discussing any history — such as the 1921 Tulsa race massacre — that could unsettle white kids whose parents raised them to believe racism isn't real. After signing the bill into law, Oklahoma's Republican governor was booted from the centennial commission on the Tulsa massacre. The commission's director said that the ban signed by Gov. Kevin Stills "chills the ability of educators to teach students, of any age, and will only serve to intimidate educators who seek to reveal and process our hidden history."

This hyperventilating white victimhood mentality is also on full display in Missouri, where lawyer Mark McCloskey announced his Senate candidacy earlier this month. McCloskey became infamous last summer when he and his wife, Patricia McCloskey, were taped waving guns at a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who were peacefully marching in the street by their house.

In his Fox News announcement, McCloskey claimed, "God came knocking on my door disguised as an angry mob. In reality, no one knocked on his door. Protesters were, quite literally, just walking by to get to another location and only interacted with the McCloskeys after they pulled guns on them. McCloskey also whined about "critical race theory," and for all we know, he also has delusions that this previously obscure bit of academic jargon knocked on his door. Greg Sargent of the Washington Post characterized McCloskey's announcement as the "anti-leftist hyperbole you hear constantly from Republicans," noting that it is the result of "the complete unshackling of oneself from any empirical constraints in depicting the leftist threat."

And this problem is only growing.

As Jennifer Chudy and Hakeem Jefferson report at the New York Times, "Republicans and white people have actually become less supportive of Black Lives Matter than they were before the death of George Floyd." In the past year, the majority of white people saw all this evidence of racism and police violence, and somehow still found their way to a story where white people are the real victims and the bad guys are the people speaking out against racism.

So sure, Amy Cooper's narcissism and self-pity may seem over the top, but the sad truth is she is just a particularly noxious example of a nationwide problem. Trump managed to get a shocking 74 million votes, more than any Republican candidate in history, after running a campaign that was a full-on right-wing fantasy about "cancel culture" more than about any real issues facing the nation. In 2021, the majority of white Americans would rather believe a fantasy where they're the victims, rather than admit, even just a tiny bit, that racism is still a real problem.

Come on IM2. You guys beg and demand free stuff more then any group in human history. There is not enough resources. That is the truth. Making things right has become a full time enterprise. And there are many other people who have been screwed over besides you. Luckily you Progs would destroy the world for anything so minor as to not be on the radar. And that is vengeance. All people who have a beef have to do is wait. Many of those who mess with others stay low and/or the system pays off others if there is enough attention.
Whites have been given more by the government than anyone. No one but the Native Americans have been done like us. And they get reparations annually even though Native tribes cooperated with the whites to take out enemy tribes. But this thread is about whites whining and every post you guys make validates the OP.
What are whites given today by the government that you aren’t given?
You may fool others here, I know you're a white dumbass just trying to make blacks look like whiny bitches.
No self-respecting black man would act like you do here, daily.
Haha, charade, you are.
Lol! You are crazy. You would not know a self respecting black man if he walked up, shook your hand, and told you his name was self respect. Self respecting black men do exactly what I do here. It's the black losers with no self pride that you like.

Self respecting black men don't constantly whine about whitey.

Self respecting black men take care of their families, they respect their women, and their neighbors.

You and your ilk, don't.

This Mornings Lesson:


So much lying and disinformation is being put out there by the facist right and black accomodationists. Because anything that questions or challenges the white male version of America must be stopped. Fascism is defined as a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. This is the right is trying to suppress any belief except their version.

So lets study the theory beginning at it's root.

Critical Race Theory is based first and foremost in Critical Theory.

Critical theory- a philosophical approach to culture, and especially to literature, that seeks to confront the social, historical, and ideological forces and structures that produce and constrain it. The term is applied particularly to the work of the Frankfurt School.

Critical theory is an approach to social philosophy that focuses on reflective assessment and critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures. With origins in sociology and literary criticism, it argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors. Maintaining that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation, critical theory was established as a school of thought primarily by the Frankfurt School theoreticians Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, and Max Horkheimer. Horkheimer described a theory as critical insofar as it seeks "to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them.,concepts%20of%20critical%20theory%20are%20that%20it%20should%3A

So what we have that right wing whites are bitching about is critical theory applied to the issue of race. Since critical theory requires that you look the forces of society in order to determine what creates the imbalance, the history of American law and policy when assigned to race shows this:

Race is a contruct. This is a fact.

Webster's dictionary has 2 definitions of construct as it pertains to this thread we will use the second definition:

Definition of construct (Entry 2 of 2)

1: something constructed by the mind: such as

a: a theoretical entity
b: a working hypothesis or concept

2: a product of ideology, history, or social circumstances

Linnaeus was the first to break humans into classifications in his book Systema Naturae. In this book Linnaeus decided that man had 4 races. "Europæus albesc[ens]" (whitish European), "Americanus rubesc[ens]" (redish American), "Asiaticus fuscus" (tawny Asian) and "Africanus nigr[iculus]" (blackish African). Basically, race did not exist until it was created or constructed.

So using critical theory to study the social, historical, and ideological forces and structures that produce and constrain racial conditions for people of color, we must look at American laws and policies. To study these, there can be only one conclusion:

That race is a social construct and that whites have used race to implement policies to advance their political, economic, and social interests. Courts at every level have cases to prove this. Starting with the 1790 Naturalization Act, to Shelby Co v. Holder and now various voter suppression measures being put forth by states, the evidence is clear that Critical Race Theory is correct.

So for white racists to start whining about pitting people against each other based on race, or looking at things by color when that has been done from the very beginning of this country shows a serious inability to face reality.

SO? EXCELLENT DISCUSSION------but not for 14 year old kids and not for YOU.
Most of the people who post here have trouble with MENDELIAN GENETICS---
---placing ERICH FROMM and HORKHEIMER way above your heads. You SO
EASILY fall into the trap of PERSONALIZING. Try not to read a general textbook
of medicine or psychiatry.
There is a wave of white whining that's going on in the U.S.

Amy Cooper's "racial discrimination" lawsuit and the scourge of white whining

Amanda Marcotte

"Large numbers of white people — mostly, but not exclusively Donald Trump voters — convince themselves that it's not racism that is a problem in the U.S., but the bogeyman of white people being victimized by anti-racists.

Take, for instance, the surge of chatter about "critical race theory." If you have no idea what the hell your drunk uncle is talking about when he raves about this on Facebook, well, you're not alone. Critical race theory was, until this year, an obscure concept outside of the narrow confines of legal scholarship, used mainly by law professors to explain the historical reasons for ongoing racial inequalities baked into the legal system.

But "critical race theory" sure does sound scary to defensive white people who are sure the "woke" mob is going to find out about that racist joke they told at a poker game last year and "cancel" them, as Fox News keeps warning will happen. And so right-wing media has spent months making sure the term "critical race theory" is on the lips of every Donald Trump voter still mad that they "let" Philadelphia and Detroit vote in the 2020 election.

The idea that "critical race theory" is a widespread threat to white people was invented, whole cloth, by the right-wing media and then pumped out vigorously. As the Washington Post reported, mentions of "critical race theory" on cable news simply didn't exist prior to this year, but there's been an explosion of uses of that term on Fox News in recent months. A similar study from Media Matters shows that, by early May, the term had been used — inaccurately in most, if not all, cases — on Fox News at least 552 times in the past year.

The right would have you believe that it's the left that made "critical race theory" a thing, and they are merely reacting. But another study of Facebook posts by Media Matters found that pretty much the only people talking about "critical race theory" online are Republicans, with nearly 90% of the posts from political pages and 97% of the interactions coming from conservative figures.

To be certain, there is nothing wrong with real-life critical race theory, which is a valuable tool for academics analyzing legal and cultural issues. But right-wing media doesn't use the term accurately. It's just a stand-in for a generalized fear that "woke" culture is coming to get white people. And also, of course, as justification to silence — or, as one might say, cancel — any discussion or attempt to educate people, especially students, about the existence or history of racism in America.

The result has been an explosion of bills in red states that, under the guise of protecting white people from being discriminated against, are banning "critical race theory." But, as critics told Adam Harris at The Atlantic, the real purpose is to "effectively prevent public schools and universities from holding discussions about racism" — including, quite likely in many cases, teaching kids the truth about slavery and Jim Crow in history class.

In Oklahoma, for instance, a new law bans any school curriculum that could cause a student to "feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex." The bill is packed full of nice-sounding language about non-discrimination and racial equality, but it's obvious that the real purpose is to scare teachers away from discussing any history — such as the 1921 Tulsa race massacre — that could unsettle white kids whose parents raised them to believe racism isn't real. After signing the bill into law, Oklahoma's Republican governor was booted from the centennial commission on the Tulsa massacre. The commission's director said that the ban signed by Gov. Kevin Stills "chills the ability of educators to teach students, of any age, and will only serve to intimidate educators who seek to reveal and process our hidden history."

This hyperventilating white victimhood mentality is also on full display in Missouri, where lawyer Mark McCloskey announced his Senate candidacy earlier this month. McCloskey became infamous last summer when he and his wife, Patricia McCloskey, were taped waving guns at a group of Black Lives Matter protesters who were peacefully marching in the street by their house.

In his Fox News announcement, McCloskey claimed, "God came knocking on my door disguised as an angry mob. In reality, no one knocked on his door. Protesters were, quite literally, just walking by to get to another location and only interacted with the McCloskeys after they pulled guns on them. McCloskey also whined about "critical race theory," and for all we know, he also has delusions that this previously obscure bit of academic jargon knocked on his door. Greg Sargent of the Washington Post characterized McCloskey's announcement as the "anti-leftist hyperbole you hear constantly from Republicans," noting that it is the result of "the complete unshackling of oneself from any empirical constraints in depicting the leftist threat."

And this problem is only growing.

As Jennifer Chudy and Hakeem Jefferson report at the New York Times, "Republicans and white people have actually become less supportive of Black Lives Matter than they were before the death of George Floyd." In the past year, the majority of white people saw all this evidence of racism and police violence, and somehow still found their way to a story where white people are the real victims and the bad guys are the people speaking out against racism.

So sure, Amy Cooper's narcissism and self-pity may seem over the top, but the sad truth is she is just a particularly noxious example of a nationwide problem. Trump managed to get a shocking 74 million votes, more than any Republican candidate in history, after running a campaign that was a full-on right-wing fantasy about "cancel culture" more than about any real issues facing the nation. In 2021, the majority of white Americans would rather believe a fantasy where they're the victims, rather than admit, even just a tiny bit, that racism is still a real problem.

i dont know about the wave of white whining sweeping the country but the wave of increased black on black and black on Asian crime is increasing dramatically . be careful and be on the look out for violent blacks when you walk home from your black panther meeting racist ...

All I see is black whining to be honest.

Whining about a black career criminal hopped up on multiple drugs fighting the police and resisting arrest.

Whining about black criminals attacking police with weapons and getting shot.

Whining about how their lives suck not because they are dumb, lazy, unintelligent, never paid attention in school, didn't want to work hard, had criminal backgrounds, illeterate and hateful. But somehow it isn't their fault at all and how it's all white people's fault and the country is racist.

Whining about being poor and it's just racist america while ignoring the millions of broke ass, poor, dumb white people in the same boat.

Whining about how they deserve reperations for something that happened to black people that weren't them, weren't their parents, weren't even their grandparents. They whine about handouts for something that didn't happen to them.

Whining about how everything is cultural appropriation and everyone steals from them. While they refuse to give up everything they have that white people came up with, which is pretty much everything they own.

Whining that the schools need to let in X amount of black students and companies need to hire X amount of black employees because they whine how it all isn't fair so they try to make it unfair by not having to get into school or get a job based on your experince, intelligence, potential and discipline. They just want a free ride.

All black people do is whine and throw tantrums and complain, but most of all they sit on their asses and point their fingers at everyone and blame all their problems on others.

Yeah white people whine, they whine about not getting treated fairly and having to work and earn what they have while blacks whine and get what they want without lifting a finger.

Fuck em. They are the scourge.
You need a psychiatrist.

Your hatred is consuming you, seek help ASAP.

If that poor bastard went to a psychiatrist, they may make the mistake of writing him a prescription.
He could read the label, still fail to understand what it means, and damn near die of a drug overdose.

Then he would blame the drug company, and the fact the pills he took were white.

No, you would do that. In fact you would whine about the pills being white instead of translucent because you would declare it was anti white racism for pills to have a color.
i doubt you take any prescription drugs ..... having to pick the cotton ball out of the bottle is racist !
For the first 5 years after WW2 in Chicago alone, there were 357 acts of terror by whites against blacks who tried living in or near majority white neighborhoods. In 1951 a black man named Harvey Clark and his family tried to move into the Cicero neighborhood of Chicago. A white mob vandalized his home the burned his furniture. Aside from trying to force Clark out of his own home, the police did nothing. In first six months of 1955 there were 213 acts of violence against blacks by whites is Philadelphia. These were acts of terror committed to intimidate blacks so they would not move into white communities. In 1964 when blacks again tried renting an apartment in Cicero, their apartment was again vandalized. After the apartment was vandalized, police entered the apartment, took out the furniture and told the renters they had been evicted. At the same time, in Detroit there were over 200 acts of violence against blacks by whites to terrorize black families so they would not move to the suburbs. From 1950-1965 there were over 100 bombings of black owned residences in Los Angeles.51 In 1987, another black family tried moving into Cicero. Whites responded with gunfire and firebombs.


Bring them forward and we will work towards making things right with them.

But you don't get dick, since you lived through none of it and, accordingly, are deserving of nothing...
For the first 5 years after WW2 in Chicago alone, there were 357 acts of terror by whites against blacks who tried living in or near majority white neighborhoods. In 1951 a black man named Harvey Clark and his family tried to move into the Cicero neighborhood of Chicago. A white mob vandalized his home the burned his furniture. Aside from trying to force Clark out of his own home, the police did nothing. In first six months of 1955 there were 213 acts of violence against blacks by whites is Philadelphia. These were acts of terror committed to intimidate blacks so they would not move into white communities. In 1964 when blacks again tried renting an apartment in Cicero, their apartment was again vandalized. After the apartment was vandalized, police entered the apartment, took out the furniture and told the renters they had been evicted. At the same time, in Detroit there were over 200 acts of violence against blacks by whites to terrorize black families so they would not move to the suburbs. From 1950-1965 there were over 100 bombings of black owned residences in Los Angeles.51 In 1987, another black family tried moving into Cicero. Whites responded with gunfire and firebombs.


Bring them forward and we will work towards making things right with them.

But you don't get dick, since you lived through none of it and, accordingly, are deserving of nothing...
Sorry but you are again wrong.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

We can state our case for reparations on these numbers that started in the year 2000. If we only take lost income from racism starting in 2000, it equals 56,250 per black person in America. And this is money owed NOW, for things done in OUR LIFETIMES.
Why should white people be whining? We're the best race ever. We're not whining about anything. White is right.
White "conservatives" do nothing but whine. No race is the best race ever much less one who made rules to exclude competition in order to achieve.
You know I have to give you hell when you call others out for whining.
No Farnsworth, I beat you like a rented mule. All you do is whine. You guys try gaslighting us by making the claim that we are whining when in fact we have a legitimate grievance and you know it.
If we pay ya'll $56K, will you shut the fuck up and go away?
I think you're going to have to do a bit more research on the damage done before you ask that question.
If we pay ya'll $56K, will you shut the fuck up and go away?
I think you're going to have to do a bit more research on the damage done before you ask that question.

The poorest black person living in America is in the top one percent in the world.

You aren't owed squat.

Go out and make something of yourself instead of whining like a little bitch.
If we pay ya'll $56K, will you shut the fuck up and go away?
I think you're going to have to do a bit more research on the damage done before you ask that question.

The poorest black person living in America is in the top one percent in the world.

You aren't owed squat.

Go out and make something of yourself instead of whining like a little bitch.
We are owe several trillion dollars.

I've made something of myself.

You have what you do because the government gave it to you. You would never have made it facing what we face. Not what you imagine we face, but what we actually face.

So stop repeating dumb ass white racist bullshit.
If we pay ya'll $56K, will you shut the fuck up and go away?
I think you're going to have to do a bit more research on the damage done before you ask that question.

The poorest black person living in America is in the top one percent in the world.

You aren't owed squat.

Go out and make something of yourself instead of whining like a little bitch.
We are owe several trillion dollars.

I've made something of myself.

You have what you do because the government gave it to you. You would never have made it facing what we face. Not what you imagine we face, but what we actually face.

So stop repeating dumb ass white racist bullshit.
What a fucking fool, you're a broke ass Negro
Why should white people be whining? We're the best race ever. We're not whining about anything. White is right.
White "conservatives" do nothing but whine. No race is the best race ever much less one who made rules to exclude competition in order to achieve.
You know I have to give you hell when you call others out for whining.
No Farnsworth, I beat you like a rented mule. All you do is whine. You guys try gaslighting us by making the claim that we are whining when in fact we have a legitimate grievance and you know it.

No, you don't...
If we pay ya'll $56K, will you shut the fuck up and go away?
I think you're going to have to do a bit more research on the damage done before you ask that question.

The poorest black person living in America is in the top one percent in the world.

You aren't owed squat.

Go out and make something of yourself instead of whining like a little bitch.
We are owe several trillion dollars.

I've made something of myself.

You have what you do because the government gave it to you. You would never have made it facing what we face. Not what you imagine we face, but what we actually face.

So stop repeating dumb ass white racist bullshit.

What of those who haven't been deadbeats like yourself?

Should Michael Jordan be paid? Colin Powell? Barack Obama? Steve Harvey? Should Jay-Z get reparations because his life sucks so much because of white people?

You insist you've "made something" of yourself. All you've "made" yourself out to be is a fucking negro fool.

I've worked for every last thing I have; my homes, cars, motorcycles, businesses, boat, everything. The government gave me nothing, so stop flappin' those big ass lips about how I dodn't work for what I have. You'd have died a whiny little bitch working as hard as I have...

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