The Second Amendment Was A Failure From The Start, And Should Have Been Repealed 200 Years Ago

Do you actually believe you're entitled to be treated with respect? You're a Democrat. You use dead bodies to advance your political agenda. Is there any kind of person on this planet who is lower than that?
While I am admittedly to the left, I do not subscribe or belong to a party as I don't want anyone making my mind for me ahead of the evidence. Quit indulging moronic generalizations about the supposed commie-left. Military service excepted I've been self-employed my entire adult life.

Your charge about dead bodies and advancing a political agenda is lame. Are you suggesting that we ignore the murdered and just pretend there isn't a problem?
Defend you and yours from what, conjured strawman scenarios?
I prefer to have a weapon and not need it instead of needing one and not having it. It's called being prepared. Is that a straw man scenario to you?
Besides, why would you wish to live amongst people with whom you hold so little in common?
Such a juvenile attempt to paint me as an outsider.
Not everyone agrees with you, either, kid. Get over yourself.
Background checks, limits on certain kinds of combat weapons, the registering and securing of weapons.

Off the top there will be differences of opinion. That said, the facts of what works, and what doesn't, are available for discussion. Reasonable people should be able to sit down and work out rational solutions.
No you were pretty specific
Sorry, two kinds of states generally have lower gun violence. The first kind are empty places like Wyoming and North Dakota. The second kind are generally those states with sensible weapon regulations.
You do realize the Buffalo shooting took place in New York state? Had all you required. FYI stop with the ignorant shit combat weapons? Unless you're saying a pistol is a combat weapon since most civilians have semiautomatic pistols and that's what the military issues. Other than that just because something looks like a military weapon doesn't make it function like one.
I prefer to have a weapon and not need it instead of needing one and not having it. It's called being prepared. Is that a straw man scenario to you?

Such a juvenile attempt to paint me as an outsider.
Not everyone agrees with you, either, kid. Get over yourself.
Anyone who thinks it's funny to make jokes about shooting children and their mothers, is an outlier to the human race. That would be you; it's all here on this thread.

I don't expect everyone will agree with me. But, in the case of the current conversation, I expect far more people to be closer to my views than yours. After all, how many people want to identify with someone, like you, who thinks dead kids are something about which to joke?

What's with referring to me as kid? I'm probably old enough to be your daddy. Of course, I'm not your daddy. You don't look Sicilian. As a matter of fact, you don't even look human. Wait a minute Adolfo, that fits.
Anyone who thinks it's funny to make jokes about shooting children and their mothers, is an outlier to the human race. That would be you; it's all here on this thread.

I don't expect everyone will agree with me. But, in the case of the current conversation, I expect far more people to be closer to my views than yours. After all, how many people want to identify with someone, like you, who thinks dead kids are something about which to joke?

What's with referring to me as kid? I'm probably old enough to be your daddy. Of course, I'm not your daddy. You don't look Sicilian. As a matter of fact, you don't even look human. Wait a minute Adolfo, that fits.
Stop the fucking shit with the children. If you gave one ounces of concern about them you would be supporting means to protect them not leave them unprotected. It's fucking nauseating how you idiots push for things that will not nor has ever worked and then come crying we got to do it for the children. Fuck you
I'm not attacking the founding father's reasonings. You are. I'm not the one tossing part of what is written in the 2ndA.
Check the link at post #298. What the founding father's meant by a well-regulated militia is on full display.
And thus, you prove me correct.
As expected.
No you were pretty specific

You do realize the Buffalo shooting took place in New York state? Had all you required. FYI stop with the ignorant shit combat weapons? Unless you're saying a pistol is a combat weapon since most civilians have semiautomatic pistols and that's what the military issues. Other than that just because something looks like a military weapon doesn't make it function like one.
Of course, NY has it's share of violence but if you compare apples to apples (i.e. a city to a city, and rural areas to rural areas), you will general discover places with common sense weapon regulation fare better when it comes to per capita violence. Don't bother to cite exceptions. I know they exist.

I recall being told (in training) that a UH-1 equipped with a mini gun could fly over a football field and lay one round in every square foot of the field. Let's just say that anything even approaching that kind of military weapon is not appropriate in private hands. While the attraction of a pistol for personal protection is obvious, but I'm told that their effectiveness outside of about thirty feet is greatly exaggerated - particularly in the shaking hand of a novice.
Of course, NY has it's share of violence but if you compare apples to apples (i.e. a city to a city, and rural areas to rural areas), you will general discover places with common sense weapon regulation fare better when it comes to per capita violence.
The fact there is no sense, common or otherwise, to be found in unnecessary and ineffective rstrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding aside......

This is where I ask you to demonstrate the necessary relationship between the regulations you cite and the lower violent crime rates you claim.
In your response, you will fail to do so.
I recall being told (in training) that a UH-1 equipped with a mini gun could fly over a football field and lay one round in every square foot of the field. Let's just say that anything even approaching that kind of military weapon is not appropriate in private hands.
And yet, they are.
While the attraction of a pistol for personal protection is obvious, but I'm told that their effectiveness outside of about thirty feet is greatly exaggerated - particularly in the shaking hand of a novice.
Stop the fucking shit with the children. If you gave one ounces of concern about them you would be supporting means to protect them not leave them unprotected. It's fucking nauseating how you idiots push for things that will not nor has ever worked and then come crying we got to do it for the children. Fuck you
Well, fuck you and the broken down mule you rode to town.

Many of my references to murdered children simply targeted one here who found what happened at My Lai 4 to be a source of humor. I object and if that ruffles your feathers, you can shit and fall back in it.

I'll tell you what is nauseating, your twisted notion that pointing civilization in the direction of an armed encampment is the defining solution. How many guns do small-dicked assholes need to feel safe?

I'll concede that addressing that children, and the public in general, not be unprotected is part of the equation though not to the extremes that you'd probably push. However, unlike you, I'm not going to ignore the other side of the equation. So, if my mentioning the murders bothers you, tough shit.

Btw, just who is going to pay all the new taxes necessary to fund your armed encampment? It sure as hell isn't going to be the teat-sucking red states. Typically, less than a dozen and a half states operate in the red with the federal government. Those states are almost exclusively blue. If the nation were divided into blue and red, the United States of Conservative America wouldn't be able to fund an army.

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