The Second Amendment Was A Failure From The Start, And Should Have Been Repealed 200 Years Ago

Nice opinion, spud.

That's the difference between you and I. I don't base my views on how popular they might be with the masses. Your intellectual insecurity prevents you from doing so.

You post like a child, regardless of your actual age.

You'd be dead.

Babble much? Lulz.
You are full of empty opinions. Have you anything on the order of premise, premise, conclusion?

I'd be dead? You must really be old. I have noticed that most of your ideas are stale. I think you did say one half-intelligent thing. Nah, that's not likely.
That imbecile has been bitch-slapped so silly in this thread that he has to resort to the typical virtue signaling appeals to emotion.
More empty opinion accompanied by name-calling. You'd think after five years in seventh grade they'd just push you through.

I've noted that not one of you tough guys had the balls to read and comment on the founding father's explanation of a well-regulated militia. I have a question. Was your castration done with a knife or chemicals?
Asshat look at the year 1775 it doesn't say 1861. I don't tolerate dead children but you sure in hell does. You can't make a rational discussion and support gun control because it's not rational.
Sure it's rational.

Normally, I'd explain but I know you baby killers don't play that way. So, I'm just trying to return what I get.

Asshole, I gave you an insight to how the founding fathers viewed a "well-regulated militia" and that view contrast considerably with yours, and it really, really, really contrast with Orange Flatuence's claim to "a well-regulated militia of one".
Sure it's rational.

Normally, I'd explain but I know you baby killers don't play that way. So, I'm just trying to return what I get.

Asshole, I gave you an insight to how the founding fathers viewed a "well-regulated militia" and that view contrast considerably with yours, and it really, really, really contrast with Orange Flatuence's claim to "a well-regulated militia of one".
Baby killers are those who are proabortionist and gun free zone supporter's.
You are full of empty opinions. Have you anything on the order of premise, premise, conclusion?

I'd be dead? You must really be old. I have noticed that most of your ideas are stale. I think you did say one half-intelligent thing. Nah, that's not likely.
You project like an old Bell & Howell, kid.
Well, you caught me. I fucked that one up worse than your incomplete sentences.
You caught yourself when you dropped out of junior high. I’m just laughing at your intellectual impotency.
Have you noticed that no one, not even your fellow useful idiots, are thanking your dumb posts?
Telling, that.
I've noted that not one of you tough guys had the balls to read and comment on the founding father's explanation of a well-regulated militia.
And you have not meaningfully responded to the posts that demonstrate your position to be unsound.
I have a question. Was your castration done with a knife or chemicals?

Baby killers are those who are proabortionist and gun free zone supporter's.
In 1969 after returning from Nam, I was awarded a class date for Rotary Wing Flight School and sent to Ft Rucker, Alabama. My wife went with me, and surprise, she turned up pregnant. However, I did not realize she was pregnant until the fetus was expelled in a toilet bowl. Obviously, the fetus was very young - but I can't pinpoint the age. Honestly, I can't even be sure what my wife knew that I did not. Appreciating that everything that fetus might have become was already there, I have mused many times over what the child, who didn't make it, might have become. It haunts me.

While I respect a woman's rights, I could never be the one to authorize, or push for an abortion. It's not who I am. You should quit making assumptions about people based on ignorant generalizations.

As for gun free zones, is that what they have in TEXAS? Regardless, free fire zones at the malls are not the solution. There's a reason the US Military closely manages "lock and load"... perhaps you could explain that to me.
All of our rights?
None of our rights?
Okay, I can see that you think you have something here - so I'll revisit.

I appreciate that you view certain rights as natural, and that the Constitution did not grant them, but rather, simply attempts to guarantee them. I get that, but we will likely part ways because I also recognize that your rights (and mine) are "naturally" limited by the rights of others. Do you get that, or do you think you owe no respect to the rights of others?

With every right comes a "natural" responsibility, and the application of such responsibility usually magnifies in a densely populated location. Obviously, the responsibility may lighten if you're in the middle nowhere, perhaps Wyoming or North Dakota which serves good reason to evoke a conservative value and manage such matters closer to home, not on a national or even state level.

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