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The Second American Revolution - We The People

You just confirmed it for everyone to see. Your post said all anyone needs to know about your politics being the very air that you breath. Does what you said in your ref'd post sound non-partisan? Does it sound open minded? Objective? Tolerant?

I'm not really sure what that means, but if it means I cannot criticize the abject failures of these past thirty years then so be it. Calling a spade a spade is ok in my book. PC can be just a way to hide behind a confusing gloss on what really is happening to the working people in this nation and to the middle class. You know like 'fair and balanced' when it is anything but.

I am reminded of the Madoff case, when people criticized and called into question the ridiculous returns they were criticized, called all sorts of names, but in the end the truth and its harsh reality comes out. So I ask again, where were you guys when Bush was destroying the nation. (sorry I know that is exaggeration but.)

ROFLMNAO... Now WHO was it and this WILL REQUIRE A SPECIFIC CITATION... that was criticizing Madoff... BEFORE HIS SCHEME CRUMBLED?

It wasn't YOU! I've known your work in at least TWO forums and not ONCE have I seen you speak up against Madoff... Maydoff was not a Capitalist; MADOFF was a THIEF. Plain and simple...

Political Correctness is a lie... and it's a lie which is applied 100%, without exception BY THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT for the purposes of cultural subversion.

There is no supporting it, it's a deception. And you, as has every other leftist on this board has AVOIDED the relevant argument within the video and the reason is BECAUSE YOUR PURPOSE IS DECEPTION AND THERE IS MEANS TO SPEAK AGAINST HIS ARGUMENT AND MAINTAIN CONTINUITY WITH YOUR OWN ADVERTISED, LIES... about your ideological intentions.

This guy NAILED you idiots and he's exactly RIGHT.

If you have an argument in DIRECT CONTEST OF HIS POINT, post it. Otherwise, your obfuscation only serves to underscore his point and as your tactical advisor, you're better served to just let it go on by... meaning either put up or shut the fuck up.
Personally, as a libertarian, not a member of the libertarian party, but a true liberal, not what passes for a liberal these days, I find nothing with which to disagree in this video.

Personally as SOME KIND of lbieral, neither do I.

Except of course for the fact that he offers no solutions that are real.

But hey, one cannot blame him for that.

None of us can find solutions that are REAL, can we?

By real I mean solutions that actually have any kind of chance of being implemented.

Actually, he did offer a very real solution... it's simply one which you're not willing to except, thus making you part of the very problem to which he spoke.

Every single point he made is a very real solution; and they're solutions which can't FAIL. You simply do not expect that the Government of the US is anything but the center of all power, that you're rights come from that government, are limited to whatever that government says that your rights are and can't phathom that the government was ever anything BUT THAT, thus it can never RETURN to something that it never was.

You like to call yourself a realist... when what ya are is a coward.

When this character meets with King Hussein; there are only three things that can happen. Either Hussein will convince this fellow that the points he advances in the video are wrong; OR... this gentleman will convince Hussein that Hussein is wrong and that his points are valid... or neither will convince the other and the King will apply the full value of Federal power to influence this guy to shut up... Starting with some abuse of power where his income taxes are audited, his personal record publicly discussed, his personal failures made to represent the full scope of his character and in general attack him personally, in an attempt to discredit his message.

And all because, he message is 100% correct, 100% plausible and a VERY real threat to the unconstitutional powers that BE.
Here is Dr. Basso's other video. If you Google Dr. Basso, you will learn he is an inspirational speaker. I would love to be a fly on the wall listening to the verbal exchange between Dr. Basso and our stuttering President.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFKGrmsBDk]YouTube - The Second American Revolution[/ame]
I have tried discussing Obama's policies and his cabinet appointees with my mother's husband. This man has never been one to listen to other opinions. He fits the mold of the typical Democratic supporter where they speak their mind, then shout you down when it is your turn to speak. This man is so stubborn and thinks everything Obama is doing is great. What I found very amusing was he also applies his shouting down to the TV. I witnessed him watch a news story on the financial crisis and Geithner's plan. As soon as the story turned to Republican House Minority Leader, John Boehner to give his perspective, he yelled at the TV and walked out of the room. So when you have people like this who refuse to even listen to a short counterpoint view on a news network that is already biased towards the Obama administration, I guess I shouldn't be amazed a community organizer got elected to the highest office of the U.S. People can be so stupid.

Conservative people, because of the ubiquity of liberal news sources, get a constant sampling of liberal opinion. If (like I do) they listen to NPR in the mornings and evenings, read their local newspaper which relies on AP and UPS reports, or if during the day or on sunday mornings they tune into the usual fora on CBS, ABC, or NBC, watch or listen to C-SPAN in the mornings when calls are taken, they are handed the liberal slant at all times as if it was the only view worth considering. We learn to live with that as if it were the atmosphere; in effect it becomes the manufactured conventional wisdom and is believed to be public consensus.

Liberals see all of that foggery as if it actually were the only valid point of view, and instantly reject any other viewpoint as though from the lunatic fringe, and those who don't necessarily agree with their self generated'conventional wisdom' or 'consensus' as "sheep". That just requires less work on their part.

Just as a clarification without going into political viewpoints either way I offer CSPAN's 'Morning Journal': On the morning segment articles are read for public review and input by the audience. These are read from major US (and some European) newspapers by the call-in host. Out of this grouping of newspapers there only two which could be classified as "conservative"; The Washington Times and secondly The Wall Street Journal. The WT has reporting that you simply won't get in the news sections of other major newspapers, catering to those who want those news items which are usually buried on the back sections of other papers because they are critical of the D party, and an editorial page which clearly leans right about as much as the NYT leans left. The WSJ has neutral news reporting and a conservative leaning editoral page with liberal thought pieces being common, but in the minority.

The C-SPAN caller lines are divided into three categories: Democrat, Republican, and Other. All the calls on the Democrat line are Democrats, all the calls on the Other line are Democrats and at least half the calls on the Republican line are dubiously Republicans and almost certainly Democrats. Real Republican caller often complain about how hard it is to get through, and that the Ds use their line to make crank or spurrious calls. This situation produces about 85 percent D callers and 15 percent R callers. Therefore, watching this program would give the impression that that is about the make-up of the country at large, since the C-SPAN show is created by the cable industry as a non-partisan public service to cable viewers. The host will challenge some of the D callers on the R line, but since that slows down the need for expeiency, these challenges are rare. This becomes a self reinforcing phenomena.

But there are several moral hazards in this brew for the Ds and for the country. One is that they deceive themselves as to the acceptance of their opinions and policies by the broader public. Another is that since they are not often tested or challenged they become dogmatically convinced of the correctness of their ideas. Because of that they are more apt to rely on ad hominem attacks when challenged, to rely on emotional arguments, and are inflexible or a better word might be "brittle"; finally this leads us to be a nation without having any useful debate about major issues which affect us all. This includes the 54% who voted for the present administration, and the 46% which voted against it. We become a nation in which our sentiments are reduced to polling data, and that too can be deliberately infected with distortion by the pollsters.
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Personally, as a libertarian, not a member of the libertarian party, but a true liberal, not what passes for a liberal these days, I find nothing with which to disagree in this video.

Personally as SOME KIND of lbieral, neither do I.

Except of course for the fact that he offers no solutions that are real.

But hey, one cannot blame him for that.

None of us can find solutions that are REAL, can we?

By real I mean solutions that actually have any kind of chance of being implemented.

Actually, he did offer a very real solution... it's simply one which you're not willing to except, thus making you part of the very problem to which he spoke.

Every single point he made is a very real solution; and they're solutions which can't FAIL. You simply do not expect that the Government of the US is anything but the center of all power, that you're rights come from that government, are limited to whatever that government says that your rights are and can't phathom that the government was ever anything BUT THAT, thus it can never RETURN to something that it never was.

You like to call yourself a realist... when what ya are is a coward.

When this character meets with King Hussein; there are only three things that can happen. Either Hussein will convince this fellow that the points he advances in the video are wrong; OR... this gentleman will convince Hussein that Hussein is wrong and that his points are valid... or neither will convince the other and the King will apply the full value of Federal power to influence this guy to shut up... Starting with some abuse of power where his income taxes are audited, his personal record publicly discussed, his personal failures made to represent the full scope of his character and in general attack him personally, in an attempt to discredit his message.

And all because, he message is 100% correct, 100% plausible and a VERY real threat to the unconstitutional powers that BE.

His solution was to mail teabags to our Congresspersons.

Perahps you think that'll solve the problem, I don't.

That makes me a coward?

You, sir, are a very silly man.
Personally, I just love this guy's videos. I don't think teabags will help either, since the mail people at congress has already said they are afraid of poison or something and will throw out bulging envelopes without delivering them. Now the revolution folks are saying just send the tag, not the bag.
Interestingly enough, I showed these videos to my brother and his reaction was to not only send teabags, but within an hour he was cleaning his guns.
subliminal message maybe?
You got some major shit wrong in your post. Just factually. Either you're practicing selective memory or you are too young to remember so let me refresh you.

I watched to debates in 1980. If you go back and watch them too, you will be treated to Gov. Reagan taking Pres. Carter to task for creating a national debt that was so large that if it were stacked up would reach all the way to the moon. So Reagan had a head start.

Reagan made use a debtor nation that fact is not even debated. I give him some credit as he realized his mistake and had the largest peacetime tax increase in history. A head start is no excuse for voodoo economics and its consequences.

Alex Jones has been around for a long time, saying the same stuff, and he's not a republican, you ignorant dillhole.

Oh it's you, darn, I was going to reply with what are you talking about? But that is too far advanced beyond your insane worldview. Please remember to take your meds or get rest you need it.

Well if you haven't had it debated up to this point, I'll debate you on it. Do you want to take the position that the US was not in debt prior to Ronald Reagan taking office in 1981? Because that's what you are saying.
You got some major shit wrong in your post. Just factually. Either you're practicing selective memory or you are too young to remember so let me refresh you.

I watched to debates in 1980. If you go back and watch them too, you will be treated to Gov. Reagan taking Pres. Carter to task for creating a national debt that was so large that if it were stacked up would reach all the way to the moon. So Reagan had a head start.

Reagan made use a debtor nation that fact is not even debated. I give him some credit as he realized his mistake and had the largest peacetime tax increase in history. A head start is no excuse for voodoo economics and its consequences.

Alex Jones has been around for a long time, saying the same stuff, and he's not a republican, you ignorant dillhole.

Oh it's you, darn, I was going to reply with what are you talking about? But that is too far advanced beyond your insane worldview. Please remember to take your meds or get rest you need it.

Well if you haven't had it debated up to this point, I'll debate you on it. Do you want to take the position that the US was not in debt prior to Ronald Reagan taking office in 1981? Because that's what you are saying.

LOL... Tech, everyone involved in this discussion, INCLUDING MIDCAN, knows that she is not going to debate anyone on anything. She's more apt for the quarrel... where she can respond with any number of points in irrelevance... cliches and platitudes, wach one designed to avoid the argument through the facade of intellectualy superiority... a facade which in no way veils her stark ignorance.

If Midcan has proven ANYTHING, it is that.
We the losers, pissed off because our dumbarse candidates were roundly rejected by the American people want to waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not fair! Not fair!!!!!!

The beautiful thing about this comment is how it us thoroughly isolated from ANYTHING which any of her opposition in this thread, from the OP, the video to the various contributors has said.

It is a complete fabrication of the intellectual vacuous variety and a PERFECT example of the full measure of her intellectual means...

Count Diur among the total sum of the left on this thread who have RUN SCREAMING from the points at issue... who have taken every opportunity to change the subject; and for good reason... if the subject remains at issue, they're completely SCREWED!
Urban Dictionary: tea bagging

It has a BIG image problem

1. tea bagging 943 up, 108 down
The act of putting your balls in and out of a persons mouth.
Well if ya didnt sleep with your mouth open I wouldnt have tea bagged ya dude
by E Mar 16, 2003 share this
2. tea bagging 510 up, 61 down
the act of lowering one's balls onto someones face, or into their mouth while they are laying down. Kind of resembles dipping a tea bag into a hot cup of water.
Pohlman's dad was wrestling with Devon and accidentally tea bagged her.
by Cooter May 23, 2005 share this
3. tea bagging 196 up, 86 down
When a guy lowers his junk, or balls, onto someones face, or into their mouth, while they are lying on the ground. Resembles dunking a tea bag into a hot cup of water.
Pohlman's dad was wrestling with Devon, and when he had her pinned, he accidentally tea bagged her!!!!!
Urban Dictionary: tea bagging

It has a BIG image problem

1. tea bagging 943 up, 108 down
The act of putting your balls in and out of a persons mouth.
Well if ya didnt sleep with your mouth open I wouldnt have tea bagged ya dude
by E Mar 16, 2003 share this
2. tea bagging 510 up, 61 down
the act of lowering one's balls onto someones face, or into their mouth while they are laying down. Kind of resembles dipping a tea bag into a hot cup of water.
Pohlman's dad was wrestling with Devon and accidentally tea bagged her.
by Cooter May 23, 2005 share this
3. tea bagging 196 up, 86 down
When a guy lowers his junk, or balls, onto someones face, or into their mouth, while they are lying on the ground. Resembles dunking a tea bag into a hot cup of water.
Pohlman's dad was wrestling with Devon, and when he had her pinned, he accidentally tea bagged her!!!!!

I think the libs here were too quick to scoff at this idea. I'll just run up to Capital Hill and tea bag Barbara Boxer. I'm sure it will make an impression on her. :rofl::rofl:
Reagan made use a debtor nation that fact is not even debated. I give him some credit as he realized his mistake and had the largest peacetime tax increase in history. A head start is no excuse for voodoo economics and its consequences.

Oh it's you, darn, I was going to reply with what are you talking about? But that is too far advanced beyond your insane worldview. Please remember to take your meds or get rest you need it.

Well if you haven't had it debated up to this point, I'll debate you on it. Do you want to take the position that the US was not in debt prior to Ronald Reagan taking office in 1981? Because that's what you are saying.

LOL... Tech, everyone involved in this discussion, INCLUDING MIDCAN, knows that she is not going to debate anyone on anything. She's more apt for the quarrel... where she can respond with any number of points in irrelevance... cliches and platitudes, wach one designed to avoid the argument through the facade of intellectualy superiority... a facade which in no way veils her stark ignorance.

If Midcan has proven ANYTHING, it is that.

OOOOOHHHHHH! You're saying Midcan is a PUNK. I got you. Thanks, good to know.
I was here for the Anthrax thing. I will not be sending anything but paper to Congress.

But I am enjoying the visual of tea bagging a few select senators.
Personally as SOME KIND of lbieral, neither do I.

Except of course for the fact that he offers no solutions that are real.

But hey, one cannot blame him for that.

None of us can find solutions that are REAL, can we?

By real I mean solutions that actually have any kind of chance of being implemented.

Actually, he did offer a very real solution... it's simply one which you're not willing to except, thus making you part of the very problem to which he spoke.

Every single point he made is a very real solution; and they're solutions which can't FAIL. You simply do not expect that the Government of the US is anything but the center of all power, that you're rights come from that government, are limited to whatever that government says that your rights are and can't phathom that the government was ever anything BUT THAT, thus it can never RETURN to something that it never was.

You like to call yourself a realist... when what ya are is a coward.

When this character meets with King Hussein; there are only three things that can happen. Either Hussein will convince this fellow that the points he advances in the video are wrong; OR... this gentleman will convince Hussein that Hussein is wrong and that his points are valid... or neither will convince the other and the King will apply the full value of Federal power to influence this guy to shut up... Starting with some abuse of power where his income taxes are audited, his personal record publicly discussed, his personal failures made to represent the full scope of his character and in general attack him personally, in an attempt to discredit his message.

And all because, he message is 100% correct, 100% plausible and a VERY real threat to the unconstitutional powers that BE.

His solution was to mail teabags to our Congresspersons.

Perahps you think that'll solve the problem, I don't.

That makes me a coward?

You, sir, are a very silly man.

His solution is for citizens to form in mass, in the sum of millions and march on Washington DC, to shut it down... to demand that the LEGISLATURE CHANGE VERY SPECIFIC POLICIES which are so out of constitutional bounds as to be LAUGHABLE... and I most assuredly DO think that if such can be organized that it will work.

As there is no way that it cannot work... the issue is not IF it will work, but how one gets it organized. Frankly, the only way it will work is where the impetus for sufficient people to see the need for it. We're approaching that point... I'd say that should things continue along there current course, that the pending hyper inflation and the just as certain calls by King Hussein to convert the US currency to some international Monopoloy Money will be more than enough... now when that happens is anyone's guess, but I can't see it being much than and surely inside the scope of a couple of years.

You think that what you've known all your life is permanent, that it must always be this way, because that's all you know... but permeance is an illusion and you're about to get a lesson in that. And when that lesson comes, the question will become, what side will it be that you come to adhere; that of the Statists, or to that which seeks to return the US to it's contitutional foundation and the notion which returns 'the rights of the people', to the sustainable and original understanding that "The Rights of The People" can ONLY be ASSURED, through THE SECURED RESPECT AND PROTECTIONS FOR THE RIGHTS INDIVIDUAL PERSON.

It's not a complex issue Ed... not even close to complex... it's black and white, no shades of gray... the contrast could NOT BE more DISTINCT. The US is off it's foundation and the ideological left is not the only reason... or even the most significant reason.

We, I, THE CONSERVATIVES, the AMERICANS, the ADULTS... we tolerated you buffoons and we did very little to stop you... we were distracted with being free and pursuing the fulfillment of our individual lives and we failed to realize soon enough that we had left children in charge; by all appearances you seemed like reasonable people... but it turns out that you're not reasonable people; you're not NEARLY reasonable people and I... took much of this for granted and I have decided to check myself; and in so doing to check YOU and the rest of the addle-minded herd... and to do what I need to do to put the US BACK on it's Constitutional Foundation... A constitution that is written, NOT LIVING and NOT subject to the absurd rationalizations which seek to destroy it's meaning.

The party is coming to a close Ed... the band is wrapping up its last set, the booze is played out and as usual there's nothing left but diet 7-Up... and a couple of bags of trail-mix and the ever present unrefridgerated case of Natural Light... the pickin' are gettin MIGHTY THIN.

Pick a side sport... 'cause the leftism has hit the fan and it has hit us all and there ain't NO ONE coming out clean... the good news is that what rises up from the inevitable ashes of the coming conflict will be a culture free of any TRACE of left-think... and where such is not only NOT TOLERATED... the mere THOUGHT of tolerating such will be a capital offense. AND that you wouldn't want to live here under such conditions is a given and a certifiable PLUS!
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Jerry Doyle reported yesterday that today (3/27) Dr. Bob Basso is to meet with Obama (meeting time not specified). Dr. Basso told Jerry he will be the first person he contacts after his meeting. Below is a link to where you can listen to Jerry's radio programs. You can download the player and listen to the streaming audio of Jerry's show. You will notice he has various time slots, with the earliest show starting at 3 PM out of Worchester, MA, WCRN 830 AM radio. I don't know if the later time slots are pre-recorded from earlier.

Jerry Doyle: Radio Station Finder

I took some time to browse the radio stations broadcasting Jerry's show. I found a station in California (Welcome to KAHI Radio, AM 950) where you can stream the talk radio programs instantly. Jerry's program starts 12 Noon Pacific time. I am hoping he has something to report on Dr. Basso's meeting.
Hello ... there's been a LOT of talk about revolution lately. Think you can make it go away by trying to marginalize and hide it?

Only among the wingiest of wingnuts who have been anti-democracy for the past eight years. They really need to grow up....

or is "democracy" only good when their guy wins.

I'm sorry... I don't take people who want to live in a banana republic very seriously.

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